Wednesday, February 21, 1031 TEE DAILY TAR HEEL White Phantom's. To Battle . LAST HOME GAIil TO BE PLAYED BY PHANTOM OUTFIT Ganecocks on Three-Day Trip Will Have Bunch of Stars; Teams About Even. PROBABLE LINE-UPS S. C. POS. N. C. F. Thompkins F. Aitken Laurie F. Weathers Henderson C. Glace B. Thorn pkins G. J. BIcCachren Taylor G. D. McCachren, At 7:15 o'clock tonight, Caro lina will meet the vaunted South Carolina basketeers in the Tin Can. This will be the last cage contest prior to the conference tournament for the Tar Heel five. The Gamecocks, coming here during a three-day invasion of North Carolina colleges, N. C. State, Duke and, tonight, Caro lina, will bring a galaxy of court aces along. Four of the Pal metto state crew played basket ball for Dallas (Texas) high school, which copped national cage title honors. They are Bennie and Freddie Thompkins, Dana Henderson, and "Pinky" Rowland (who has iust recovered from an attack of measles) . Rowland will prob ably not start tonight, Taylor or Goodings getting the call. The South Carolina five averages 6 feet J3 while the best Carolina can muster is 5 feet 11. Teams About Even Speaking of statistics, the two clubs will stack up almost even this evening. The invaders breezed through the 1933 con ference basketball tournament, only to run hard aground against the fighting Tar Heels who fin ally lost 34-32 after two extra periods of play. North Carolina has bucked a tough schedule of 13 conference opponents to date, losing their first game to State 34-30, but the White Phantoms came back in great style to lick the Techs 45-24. The Tar Heels have lost only one other contest, a non conference tilt, to Navy 26-24. The S. C. boys play a slow breaking type of game which is in direct contrast to the hard and fast-breaking offense of the Tar Heels who fairly burn up the court when their drives be gin to click. Self -Help Committee Will Award Jobs to Students Tomorrow ( Continued from page one) to $20, averaging $15, and the jobs will be almost everything but instruction. Old self-help positions will not be used for giving aid under the federal re lief grant. This program of aid is the outgrowth of the Greater Uni versity student aid committee, of which Dean F. F. Bradshaw is chairman and Felix A. Gn- sette, executive secretary. Gamecocks Lick Duke. South Carolina successfully kept its record clean last night by defeating Duke at Durham 28-23. According to a report received by the Daily Tar Heel from the Durham Herald, the game was slow throughout, with each team attempting to hold the ball as long as pos sible. Although the Blue Devils tied the score four times, they were never able to take a lead. Henderson, South Carolina center, was high scorer with 10 noinffi. The fiamecocks Play the final game of the rMorth Carolina series against the White Phantoms in the Tin Can tonight. - ' " -7 Mural Team Notice There will be a meeting of all the representatives of the undefeated basketball teams, entered in intramural compe tition, at 6:30 o'clock this eve ning in the intramural office at Emerson field. KNIGHT SELECTED AS TOURNEY REF OEcial of Carolina Games Picked To Take Lane's Place in Con ference Tournament. Merrill P. "Footsy" Knight, of Durham who has officiated most of the Carolina home bas ketball games during the last few years, has been selected as one of the referees in the Sou thern Conference tournament to take place in Raleigh next week. Dr. Ray R. Sermon, State Col lege chairman of the tourney committee, made the announce ment of Knight's selection. Frank P. Lane, of Cincinnati, was the official who Knight suc ceeded. Lane found it. impos sible to attend the tourney this year. Other officials who will serve in the championship contests are Paul Menton, Baltimore, and "Gummy" Proctor, Richmond. Teams to Be Picked At the opening of the boxing meet Friday in Charlottesville the basketball committee will meet to decide the eight teams who will compete. On the basis of play so far this year Vir ginia and Clemson will be the teams left out. Neither has won a conference game. There has been some talk, however, that Virginia will get the call instead of V. P. I., which has won only one conference game. The Cavaliers have three more tilts and in the con tests so far this year they have displayed some fine stuff against j such highly-rated teams as the White Phantoms, Duke and State. Right now it looks like North Carolina, South Carolina, Mary- and, and Duke will be the seed- ed teams, with State and Wash ington and Lee other clubs cer tain of being selected. Campbell Students Hear Dean Pierson William Whatly Pierson, dean of the graduate school, address ed last week-end an internation al relations club . at Campbell College, Buies Creek, on the subiect of "Relations of the United States and Cuba." The club having 188 members was made up of approximately one-half the total enrollment of the school. .. . Pierson showed how the revo lution in Cuba was caused by political and economic factors and DOinted out that Cuba to day is. in a different situation, caused by a social revolution. He stated that the United1 States' not intervening in the islands showed that there was a new. deal in. diplomacy in this country towards Cuba. FROM THE FROZEN NORTH COMES THIS FLASH The Daily Tar Heel was for tunate enough to get another wire from the intrepid Carolina students who are braving the wilds of frozen Canada in a dar ing attack on the pole. (The North Pole, you sap.) The wire reads: Chilliwack, Ontario. Whiskey better stop everything rosy stop regards to our deans stop on stop on stop. Signed : The Three Musketeers by D'Artagnan. Gamecocks Tonight At 7:11 Hines Wins in Tennis Tournament at Nice Wilmer Hines, star and cap- tain of the Carolina basketball and tennis teams last year, is making quite a name for him self in amateur tennis abroad. He was a partner in two cham pionships taken in the finals of the tourney at Nice played last Sunday. . ' He partnered with Henry Cul- ley also of the United States, to win over Charles Aeschliman, Switzerland, and Teddy Lotan, Britain, 6-2, 6-2, 6-3, for the men's double title. Later Hines and Miss Muriel Thomas, Eng land, took the mixed-doubles' championship by downing Miss Elizabeth Ryan, United States, and Aeschliman, 6-3, 6-2. Mangum in Shutout In the Graham Memorial bowling league Monday night, Mangum continued its fine play by shutting out S. A. E., 3-0. Aycock also got a shutout win over Sigma Nu, 3-0, while the English department downed Chi Phi, 2-1, and Phi Delta Theta got a 2-1 victory over B. B. B. - Only three matches are on today's schedule: 3:00 o'clock: Delta Tau Delta' meets the French department; at 4:30 o'clock, Grimes takes on Educa tion and at 8:30 o'clock, Beta Theta Pi battles McRae. Carolina Boxers Prepare or Conference Tourney TRACKMEN START INTENSIVE DRILLS FOR BIG CONTESTS Carolina Cinder Outfit Is Work ing in Tin Can for Indoor Meet Next Month. The tracksters have deserted the wide open out-of-doors for the Tin Can as they begin their first intensive practice for the Southern Conference indoor track meet to be held here the Tin Can on March 10. m The nisides of the Tin Can will be completely torn up to make way- for the track work outs and the meet. Already the jumping saw-dust pit has been opened and hurdles put up. To night's basketball game is the last athletic match for the win ter quarter in the Tin Can, with the exception of the indoor meet, so the bleachers will be torn down and moved inward, out of the way of the running lanes. To date the tracksters have been taking their work out-of- doors and will continue this on ly by short warming up laps around the Emerson track when the weather permits. Several days ago the jumpers, and vault ers went inside and yesterday the hurdlers joined them. The conference indoor meet is the highlight of the winter track season in the south, al ways being a gala affair with the leading track men in Dixie. The meet consists of twelve events for the conference var sity competition, in addtition to a freshman meet, high school meet, and a non-conference var sity meet. Duke will be the - defending champions with the Tar Heels eager to regain the crown which they held for two years preced ing the Duke championship. Last year eight of the twelve records were broken in a very fast field. And this year, with many of the same1 field return ing, looks like it will outdo any of the previous indoor meets. Price of Tickets Cut For Boxing Tourney University, Va., Feb. 20. So enthusiastic has been the popu lar support of Virginia's box ing team during this season that James G. Driver, athletic direc tor of the Cavaliers, believes that admission charges can be reduced to the eighth annual boxing tournament of the Sou thern Conference here next Fri day and Saturday without risk ing the financial success of the tourney. Season tickets for all bouts, preliminaries, semi-finals and finals, will be sold for $3.00 plus tax, instead of for $5.00 as in the past. Admission to each of the four tournament meetings, two Friday and two Saturday, will be f 1.00 each. Only once during the last sev en winters did the tournament fail to pay the entire expenses of all competing teams, and then the deficit was very small. With all ten conference members en tered Driver believes that . its nnanciai success is again sured. as- Co-ed Basketball The" co-ed freshman basket ball team will hold its final indi vidual practice this evening from 7:00 to 8:00 o'clock in Bynum gym. With All Dual Meets Over, Tar Heel Pugs Start Working for Tourney This Week-end. With their last dual meet be hind them, the Carolina varsity leatherpushers are going into the final lap of training to round off the rough edges and blend in the finer points of the fistic art for the gruelling Sou thern Conference tournament. This will mark the seventh official annual boxing tourney in the south. In 1927 the S. I. C. voted to hold such events, choosing Charlottesville as the most logical center for these mammoth ring shows. Al though the Tar Heels were un defeated in that year, Virginia garnered enough points to cap ture the championship. , The following year Carolina sent three: men through the finals: Butler, Shuford, and White, to tally 20y2 points to be crowned Dixie champions. Carolina Wins Again In 1929 Carolina retained her title, sending Charlie Brown and Archie Allen through the finals. Florida won in 1930 with V. M. I., Tulane and North Carolina runners-up in that order. In 1931 Virginia retrieved her sou tnern nonors ana nas monopo lized the title for the past three seasons. Last year the Cavaliers with four titlists virtually ruled the tournament, defeating the Tar Heels who placed second, with two champions. Title holders for 1933 were: 115, Archie Hahn, Virginia; 125, Norment Quarles, Carolina; 135, Bob Goldstein, Virginia; 145, Fish burne, Virginia; 155, Dunaway State; 165, Willard, South Caro lina; 175, Reiss, Virginia; un limited, - Piatt Landis, Carolina, witn decisive victories over Harvard, Yale, Navy and Sou thern Conference foes, the Cav aliers seem destined for another banner year in fistcuff circles However, Coach Crayton Rowe staunchly believes that four of his men are capable of winning titles. Quarles, 135; Williams 125; Giddens, 155; and Ray, 175 KAPPA ALPHA IS STILL UNBEATEN Fraternity Team Holds Perfect Record Intact by Defeating A-T.O. in Last-Half Rally. In the two intramural bas ketball encounters staged yes terday afternoon in the Tin Can, Kappa Alpha maintained its streak of victories by downing Phi Gamma Delta, 42-18, while A. T. O. downed Phi Delta Chi, 26-22. Despite the score, the Kappa Alpha-Phi Gamma Delta game was a tight encounter. Unde feated in six games, it looked for a long while that the event ual victors might go down to defeat as the score at half time gave them a one point lead, 19 18. Kappa Alpha came to life, however, in the second half to stop the opposition from scoring even one point. While the losers could not tally, the Kappa Al pha contingent scored with ease, countering 23 additional points. bxmner ran on witn tne scor ing honors by tallying 26 points. A. T. O. Wins A. r. u. naa tne best ot a fierce battle with Phi Delta Chi, as it took an early lead and fought to maintain it through out the game. The losers en deavored to narrow the leader's margin of victory, but they were unable to capitalize on the shots off the backboard. A. T. O. rolled up a four-point margin in the first few minutes of play and kept it until the close of the game. Today's games at 4 :45 o'clock: Law School vs. Old West; S. A. E. vs. Chi Psi; D. K. E. vs. Z. B. T. Ruffin Downs Mangum Ruffin, intramural basketball team, successfully defended its unbeaten record last night , by trouncing Mangum 46-10. Man- gum lost its first game of the season a few days ago to Swain Hall, by one point, and was con sidered a threat to the fast stepping Ruffin outfit. Ruffin's passing attack was beautiful, taking all their shots within the foul line. The count at half time was 24-2. are. clever enough to survive finals in any tournament. Quarles Is Hot Dixie coaches, among them being Johnny La Rowe of Vir ginia, have practically conceded the lightweightcrown to Norm Quarles who last year defeated Gordon Rainey by a KO inline second round of the finals. This same mentor also admits that Jimmy Williams will be the most threatening ' opponent to face Rainey, who edged out. a questionable decision over Jim my early in the season. The stamina, speed, and power dis played by Williams in his sen sational scrap with Joe Scelza of Duke, was a sign that the rugged Tar Heel is headed for a title. Coach Rowe will leave Chapel Hill Thursday morning with, the following boxers : Eutsler Wil liams, Quarles, Lumpkin, Gi&- dens, Ellisberg, Ray, -and Car-1 ruth. Tourney schedule: Friday, ,3 :30 o'clock, elimination bouts ; 7:30 o'clock, second round, Sat urday, 3:30 o'clock, semi-finals; 8:30 o'clock, finals. L'HE VIN NE .. World Famous Pianist MEMORIAL HALL TONIGHT Anyone who hastily cancelled his ticket and has since learned how truly great Lhevinne is, may secure another ticket at the Music Building. FROSH MB YEAR""' WITH CLOSE 'WIN Yearling Cagers Take 23-19 Vic tory over Wake Forest Fresh; Rainey Leads Tar Babies. Carolina's frosh basketball team ended its season yesterday with a 23-19 win over the Wake Forest frosh. The Carolina team took the lead at the opening part of the game and held it through out Rainey was the star, counting nine points, although forced to leave the contest in the last half as a result of fouls. The line-up follows : Carolina Frosh G Ft TP 3 3 9 10 2 10 2 2 2 6 1 2 4 0 0 0 8 7 23 G Ft. TP 3 1 .7 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 6 0 0 0 .8 3 19 . N. C. 19; Crater, f Whitaker, Totals W. F. Frosh Morris, f Body, c .. Chappell, Bullard, j Leary, g Score at half: W. F. 11. Non-scoring guard : U. N. C, Easter. McLendon Addresses Lawyers At Smoker Major L. P. McLendon, mem ber of the Greensboro bar, told last night to University law7 stu dents at a law smoker in Gra ham Memorial his experiences practicing Iaw.x , McLendon told funny and in teresting instances which he had gone through during his practice at the bar, bringing out instructive facts in an indirect manner as he went along. .Music for the occasion was furnished by four violinists from Bill Allsbrook's orchestra and a pianist. LOST Square white silk scarf with black design worked on it. Lost in Tin Can at Duke-Carolina box ing meet Saturday. Finder please notify E. L. Kahn, 1 Battle. Re ward. would Yoirnisii THE KISSES M THIS SavGt$0 SUITOR?; Richard Barthelmess in ''MASSACRE" with ANN DVORAK Also Comedy ' Novelty f7 0" if ' ,.

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