'R. U. R." PRESENTATION 8:30 O'CLOCK PLAYMAKERS THEATRE U. N. C. vs. STATE FRESHMEN . 8:00 O'CLOCK ft GREENSBORO mB ft f PTTAPtt -pm-j xr p rrm,v nrrnrrr , i JN UMKKR 31 I . . PHI DELTA THETA QUARANTINED MF1RRIARY OF Speaks in Chicago Whole House Under Seven-Day Quarantine Due to Mimyan's Developing Scarlet Fever. NO CAUSE FOR ALARM Members of. the local chapter of Phi Delta Theta have been confined under a seven-day quarantine placed on them fol lowing the development of scar let fever by one member of the fraternity. The afflicted student, John 3Iunyan, is in the infirmary with 2. slight case of the disease. Unless the malady breaks out among the other members of the group, they will be released from the quarantine next Thurs day. To Receive Test The confined students will be given the Dick test today. This test is given to ascertain the susceptibility of anyone to scar let fever. Any member who shows by the test that' he is im mune will be released from quarantine. "Since the use of scarlet fever .anti-toxin has become common the severity of the disease has been considerably lessened," said Dr. Rerryhill yesterday, "and scarlet fever is not one of the diseases most easily caught from contact." He stressed the fact that there is no need for alarm. It was announced late yester day that University officials will make necessary arrangements for the quarantined students to make up all class work which will be missed during the quar antine period. i A t( FOOTBALL COACH SPACEPORTS Men Will Be in Good Condition For State Game Tomorrow Despite Poisoning. HELP RELATIONS GROUP Frazer and Griffin Speak at First Meeting of Foreign Policy League This Year. The Foreign Policy league, at its first meeting last night, de- Rumors that a half-dozen var sity football players would be f ""t m-woi, Uigut, UC- unaoie to play tomorrow due tnl - - vu-uiatc vviui me xlu- accidental poisoning were spiked man Relations Institute, which zuu vvneii, oacn uan win meet this spring under the Sriavely reported that the af- nicted players were in fairly M. G. A. An attempt will be good condition and would be in made to secure some nationally good shape for the game. known speaker for the session The poisoning occurred when Outlining the policies of the dye in the indelible ink used in group for the coming year, Dr numbering the jerseys ran when K. C. Fraser of the University moistened and was absorbed in- faculty said that besides co-op- w uib uiuou oi many memDers eratmg with the Institute, the C4ill. ine jerseys naa league would unite with leagues been freshly marked and the ink on other Director To Address ' P.rS"Dlabl.y,had not dried sum- Griffin Speaks A. U. Convention h"r ?S m the W T rTT 4. . a i University, then gave a short w. l. Couch, director of the Analvsis 4.1. tt -j. I uii me arucie Arms and Universitv of North r.mijnn I -pQWin x. . 1 Lt. . . CA1"S. dUU ciiuua iccumcai Lxie ivian. in his discussion Press, will speak before a meet- analysis last night of the poison- Griffin told of the tremendous mg of the Association of Ameri- ing episode was as follows: influence that the munitions cor can Universities in Chicago to- "Physiologically the condi j l. w 1 x -vu iU laiivuooiwui nit; uay- IS a result of the nartial rpnln . 1 - v-.tv.v, . v,. vasi u yj vex uicu respective ine SUhiert of lYmMi'e Imenf sf Via V,, xt.I . t. , ou- " uciiiugiuuiu guvernmenxs. Approximatelv dress will Ko "Tlio TTr,:,, I -o 3 t-ij -i 1 in- . J uiiivciai luxs leu uioou ceiis wnicn $x,ouu,uuu,uuo is spent annually Press as an Aid to Scholarship." carries oxygen to the tissues) for armaments," Griffin said. Couch received nation-wide fame bv a more stable rom vP t . , 1 - r-""" iutrvTwug was presided last Vear as or?ifrt "PiiHnv moli rf v,vvA vx uuumc "muiuugiuum. xins tuxiipuunui uver oy jrresiaent Kaiph Gard in the South." He expects to be results on absorbing- analine rives I ner. w"h one until November 1. into the blood stream. The avail- Fairley as the group's represent- " . I able OXVCren snnnlir tn tlia fioonco afiTra . "U -C i. i- ., -1 0 ffj w "uv,o w uic lusi meeting 01 tne Lendltl MoneV is reduced a bIue color of the local division of the American Resigns Position 1 RELA' GROUP CHAIRMAN RESIGNS POSITION Too Much Work Forces Simmons Patterson, Outstanding Sen ior, to Quit Post. NO SUCCESSOR IS NAMED Simmons Patterson. Dromin- ent member of the senior class, resigned this week the chair manship of the Human Rela tions Institute, it was announced here last night. Patterson was elected to the position last spring and he would have been in charge of the In stitute which will meet. at the University, April 7-12, 1935. He gave as a reason for his o- r, , , . actiun me excessive amount of kimmons Patterson, senior j , a . tt . "ULsiue worjsinatnewasaireauy prominent in University activi-L:- , , y t.es, who yesterday announced scholastic schedule preparato his resignation from the office of i,- . j. tACwxJ' TT! to hls entrance into the medical L f MM: tions Institute. UNIVERSITY CLUB NOT TO SPONSOR CHEERING RALLY 5! faf "S?"?, his T.f a dacy for the Presidency of the Co-ed Dance and Freshman Game United States on a "share the Conflict with Plans. Brealis Kindfiel. j"!1 Agalnst War and Fas" I TIT! AC C linnJnlA nL. n -i I T "t i - xttmi t "mtoo uwuowic, sxiuruiess 01 x-resiaent viaraner said that hp WirLrTnlU- o-iona. nausea was pleased to see sucnT Students t T.nno , T . , . ... rtofcCUUrtUCe dUU ne nPl NewOrlpan Ort 9 mm "V meaicai uie iurure. xne meetings are t a ' I scnooI as wel1 as blood from open to all students. T.rcl-oo some of the more severe cases. Future programs will be de- u.hik (.n tics iiiai j , i . j j . , , Huey Lons usin the foothill L . . . C1f.d uPn b the executive com- iunket to Nashville mMn that DCVCe- U-Un Vef eer mittee' hadd by Agnew Bahn- U U. R.' OPENS '34 PLAYMAEER YEAR Rossum's Universal Robots In augurate Stage Season with Futuristic Comedy. T 1 Ii ... ne couia not successtully carrv the responsibility of arranrin? o for the Institute program due to these reasons. No Successor Yet No successor has yet been chosen for the post. Harry F. Comer, general secretary of the University Y. M. C. A., has been wealth" platform. fnvnroc CUnl W.ll SOn An announcement of the invades Lhapel Hill mure VTOgTams be mad He HiWt ASn0rtly- tt was dcided the -.v-wixcc group that meetings would be '''' '"-' Lilt; vviiv ir m ti... i 25. Piirrtn- pf - i. ,7" illu"uay evening. The Universitv club mt . . ., . - .6v., jruiuue. Jtsut somehow Mr. Hlgnt in ltS Clubrnnm in Clr-r, I TTT5 CnoW U T T I T-n mt ..... I , ,T viy uuugjirnuiips, Dicycie-U-driveteer ar-T fm Memonal and decided not benefactor of Louisiana State rived in the village Wednesday legionnaires Demand ZV . ? y xomgnr' university students, ran out of afternoon and parked twenty- omce so manv stiifipntja -nnn hal Since o mirn r y"l' -uuC11 ldJJ vut oi aiternoon and parked twenty- -immeaiaie rayment omce SO many Students will hp mnnpv whpn hnnrlfcrlcj F a Ut i , I . . - "w w-' via otu- uiree urown ana mue vphi p? , occupied with the co-ed dance, dents called at his hotel suite in the front yard of the Tour st , Mlami' ct '25 (UP)-The and many will be going to for seven dollar loans to follow House next t I Graham Mpmn. Ji merican aimed its Greensboro for the night game the Tiger f ootball team and the He is a sli brow oS f tTength t0mWt in to r?" ?S?man iadet riment Nashville, fellow with persuasive blue-crrav wRooseltian policies by vot- x,. P yer ienn., this week-end. eyes and he rents bicycles as S m IaVr 01 lmmeaiat bonus W delmed adV1Sabl t0 Tm out of money and all though he had maiorpH Tn hT. Payment and osi Russian caii ine rany on. my gang is too, gaid King- cycle-renting in his college days . !n Instead of liaving- the rallv. it fih ttw t . . . ouege aays, ciaimino- i, n W9S o. rt t 'A: . .. CCi' arrangea to a lew years back. He has been " .""cc . -. wa- get it from a student loan fund in th .him'M o "uu votes ne legion over- andattheUniverSit, into it because of Zr1 ;;rirr S. aSS1?tant' . Snator Long said Business and the sudden in aemanc?? immiate cash pay- u c our aacneermgat Manager E. N. Jackson of the popularity of bicycles ?ent f the bonus and a with" . , university would have funds iZJll drawal of Soviet recognition if xx,c viuu unanimously voted available Friday for all the stu- r . Russia continues to disseminate own request presented by the dents who wish to make the trin L . ,m surPnsea tnat the stu- communistic propaganda in American League against War w t , aents nere are not acquainted America. j tt- I, . .. lne Payoff Lni. u; i .-j- m m x-aMn mat it send a TnTlfr " ,. l. iney seem North Carolina cast her 19 representative to a local conven-L T T Payon to De puzzled and amused at my ballots solidly for the bonus :7iu; . vviru ioanea- ousmess. It's quite a rage up Frank Belgrano, San Francis seven dollars to each of several north, out west, and further co banker. LrT lZT, Several members naid thpir "U n?rea students t0 make the south. While I was in Chicago Haves of Dpw tu V1 ir , , . . ICOtbail lUnkPt. saiH ho ftinunrlit o t , ,. . , , , iiauuu- aeeiorme lacKety lack picture LQlir 7 , wx,xo Duuuui, everyDoay nired ai commander by a unanimous j j.1 . , nearly evprv nprsnn M TOlinm k;mru I . a U11""nuub ana mose wno were not at the , wucb. - vote. meeting are asked to pay that f mny WU m Phfflips is on his way from iee to Koy Wilder, treasurer, as . . ' . . x-uruue university. Jb'rom the n j m.- ;ut. ' ivieanwnue stories werp. mr. timo oW;,T i, ..- x, vu-cu liiecuons awa aa pussiuie. I . I Ulilcu uitxe until we ui tuwiiapeupie wno got evening he departed he seldom SaUie Page of Chapel Hill was loans, of boys who went twJsnw k.t , 6 . . f a was I V. UttO uccii The Carolina Playmakers attempting to secure funds for w wuiiuu l. i it ii . i i rin. viiri i i r i . ri. will v i 1 1 i i r i r a t uni'w -r - k - v uuMtfuu U I r wiu uia ii mil v Ckx l night with a presentation of ous philanthropic orranizatinna Karl Capek's "R. U. R." including: the Carnegie Founda- renormances are scheduled "on, Phelps-Stokes Foundation. again for 8:30 o'clock tonight Weil Lecture Fund, and othpr and tomorrow night. such bodies. Dr. Meno Spain, of the Uni- These organizations' will con- versity German department, and sider the University's proposals TTl 1 "P i . i j.r n ""cu ieyue, a new stuopnr. at sumeume xms Ta . a mnm-m -1 TT! . .. 11 1 . mt; university irom the Bilt- puaget ot $5,000 has been set more Players in Asheville, are f or the Institute. Playing thp Iparla in ifTio Tlo I Whpn fnn Tnci -,4- o m, j. ijr i . . iv, iiiccta, Lilt; makers' production of this fan- University will be host to the . iVJ CX OUp- I O rUUilV) J.H VOflUUS ported by an admirable cast of fields from all over the United 3 XT I Cil ' iixvew. men anu mree women, louttea. 17-Piece OrrhPstm The music department of thp nTTTTT? PAT T urr a xto university, co-operatine- with --J' are lenamg a I vnj nrk A T, 17-piece student orchestra un- v,v- xri Immediate Payment 15? in f ?arl A' SJ" Bids to GoonSale This Morning; . ; f number Unlimited. iuuucLiun eacn mgnt. ine or- - chestra, under the name of the Johnny Long and his Duke Carolina CnncpT r-mM?-n IColIeenaTiR will -nloxr -e " vtkuwVlO) o it 1U1 iXlC plays from the theatre's sub- first co-ed ball of the year to- merged pit. night in the Tin Can from 9:00 The spectacular costuming I until 1:00 o'clock. Th J-o. a UMUVv Frank Willingham, presidpnt I f eni 01 J0wnsPeP who got evening he departed he seldom SaUie Pase of Chanel Hill v thanked all members for the i v Wh0,went three saw his bicycles, so quickly did elected president of the co-ed iine work done on the Homecom- f S and got enoun tn men and women students freshman delegation "yesterday ; 10 DUV a new SUIT, nr chnn oni-To ya-n- 4-1, .-i t,. . . ' J jng program. "" out. ASKea wny ne aiternoon at a special meeting of ipOSing as CO-eds tn hnrrnw n.MraJ P 1: t . L, . 6 mnTlp fT.nTT, Vla tt- " uuaiuuiidioriusDusiness, tne class. She was unopposed money from the Kmgfish. he said he had heard-(possibly for the office. rZ,Z SlVV0Sea .tiiat from Agnew Bahnson?) of the Ruth Greene of Washington. Infirmary The students were "15 07 "ZXZTct loff, Manny Kirschner, Mrs. H. "But I don't think I lost more soofas 'jack Froft S it v t ,V , Riddle, Glenn Bert, "Cart Peif- than a hundred dollars l?ke and ears !f his cuXm YVlTOnI Lff LfPrt. N. Jr John Munyan Jean McKay, that," he said ,I'd rather Hdelpootand SSwS eorge'Hanlon. Wfi? .5 f1 Wot i - . ii HixiirHr nvpr .idjti ivq iroi -1 vwtuuiuig and scenery effects of the nro-hill be formal. duction mark it as one of the for the affair may be se- most unusual things that the cured from 9 :30 until 11 :00 Playmakers have ever done for o'clock this morning and from a Carolina sinrlicmnn Co QT 2 ?00 nritfl K fin rt'7rL-flii'o rects the play; Wilbur Dorsett rooni in Graham Memorial. Bids and Henry Pearson are in will also be on sale on the first charge of the furturistic set- flor of Spencer hall tonieht tings. from 7:00 until 9:00 o'clock. The theme of the play is the A limited number of bids will revolt of the machine age, a be on sale at the door for 1.00 prophecy made when the" play each for purchase by men stu first appeared in 1923. Rossum's dents, it was announced yester Universal Robots, for whom the da7 by Betty Durham, Women's play is named, rebel against association president, their inventors and tne result is Co-eds buy their bids and in- hair-raisine mplnrlrama Tim I Vl'tp thpii- Prnro TT-. ,t- storv of lation and his fight to perpetuate purchased, although in former human life is a convincing- social years the co-eds have been rp- CT r 4-T I J 1 Ta j - OUR ERROR in yesterday's issue of the Daily Tar Heel, it was men tioned that "Dr. J. B. Crutch- field" would address Tau Beta Pi last night and that Dr. Archibald Henderson was president of the ocal chapter and would preside. Crutchfield has not received a doctor's degree and Dr. Hender son is m no way connected with stricted to two bids each. One dance each quarter is given by the co-eds. The date for the winter function has not been announced. Union to Sponsor Poet Graham Memorial will spon sor the appearance of James Ste phens, Irish poet and novelist. in the Union Sunday afternoon, November 11. Stephens will also cn'vp a foil' sJn'-i-n u. - - j vu. vcij. xjug tne evening the local chapter of Tau Beta Pi. j Monday, November 12.