PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEL CALENDAR Frosh Basketball Stakes All In School Drama Murals Wrestling Chemistry freshmen. 206 Venable Commerce freshmen. Memorial hall Itfagazine meeting. Graham Memorial ... Co-ed tea.. Spencer hall ........ Playmaker try-outs. Playmaker theatre......4 :30 & 7:30 (Continued from page three) worked with precision and out- 10 3Q played its opponents through- I out most of the game. In the opening half the Tar Babies seemed jinxed on the basket' as shot after shot rolled heart- I breakingly off the rim. Pete Mullis, particularly,- found trouble with the hoop as ..;......4:30-6:00 he outstepped Scott and broke clear under the basket only to .10:30 .3:00 r.H.r... ., V, . LiiaiumL, : J I .. : -:-:-:-::-:-:-:v.-:-. x ?6rt-x"x--t':-:-:v:-xi:-y. $ S .:.... , Kv::-K v t. : v-.-.W.-VVX V S . a . r 1 c-:-:-:-:-:-:-: x- p.-.-.-.-.-.v.-- :-x x ox i.X... . nn...)i-i-iir--Tiiin?., .. : 5 X Economics seminar. 202 Bingham jmiss on four occasions during the first half. . - Ramsay Potts also played a 7 :3Q fine game, holding his man away from the basket and being bril liant on the offense as he trav- A. I. E. E. Phillips hall :..7 :30 elled all over the court. Edwards Opens Scoring Radio talk. 210 Phillips hall .7:30 H. Phillips Russell. Gerrard hall .8:00 Co-ed basketball practice. Bynum gym 8 :00 Varsity Basketball The game opened with Ed wards tallying twice on that re markable shot. After Grubb scored from the side, Edwards repeated again to send Duke into a 6-2 lead. Meroney managed to bottle7 Edwards for the remainder of the half, and the frosh rallied from an 11-6 deficit to roll in 7 points while holding their op ponents scoreless. During this rally Ruth and Grubb contri in.tiu,.d 1ram at three) (Continued from page three) vidual honors for the. day with Riley, 118; Sherard, 125; Witt, 95 ints. while Poe of S. A. E. 135; Currence and Burgess, 175: " r ' I i T7i t i: n was runner-up with 24, and Hen- ana v aney, uumiuieu. currence nie of Kappa Sigma was next aei eat ea ooin nis biate and with 19 Mosier of Phi Delta Navy opponents by the fall ThPta Smart of Mangum No. 2, route. Farley gained a time ad- and Scott of S. A. E. followed vantage over the Navy heavy. with 14 each. " weight grappler. The summaries: i Against ' this great array of .s.::::$i.-ji.:-Jr&i. Mangum (27) talent, Coach Quinlan has a quin- Smart, f (14) tet of sophomores, two varsity Whitley, f (1) humor reserves, and one senior. Gunyon, c (2) However, with the Tar Heels in Caldwell, g their best physical shape of the Cofiield. s Hendnckson, g (4) year, mere snouia be many ex- Subs: Smithsonians Fletcher citing bouts baturday. (2). Pickler : Man sum No. 2 X f 7 ' Smith (2), Studard (4)'. Smith. (29)" Knight, f Nicholes, f (8) Parker, c (11) LeBarron, g (8) Phi D. T. (28) XTtciV air -P ( A HW Tl- J ! TT1 A 1 1 .l.Jll 4 iUmrim J-XCi OiiCJf , J. may rvouson ana xictie muicn reuiiitce tiiu snm iv uuunig TnrVpr f ffi i- .ij i. li 4 i,:u ui Mosier, C V.-1-'-' is seen as me eiueny principal oi a smau iuwh uign ocuwi uu 1,. . ITnln' nn( V. a.r-f v. ni7t ' lAil4 11D A Vt ti. 1limC5 O nloMt Hrll 010 I OgerS, g V yuh xxaic uui ui uasnicaa, uttuuot Ait iuuo a. ""v- ttt-ii r Murray play the romantic leads in the picture, which is playing today at the Carolina theatre. Chi Psi (21) Holman, f (2) Kavanagh, f (4) Foreman, c (6) Wilday, g Manley, g (9) Subs : Phi Delta ThetaWol- seagle, Wilson, Ellison, Blount; Chi Psi Waters, Dowling. THE Young Men's Shop 126-128 E. Main St. DURHAM, N. C. Tracksters Frosh Boxers (Continued from page three) lina's lone defeat to date came at the hands of this same Ca det bunch, 29-19. Carolina's main weakness e. score to 13-11 seems to be in the lack of ca- tnL hall. material. The I in.seco1naiI nfa a Start 2i I lt;lJCLi'l'LV,i'J' 1JL WJLC ilXiJtj VV uu- .speeay, goou-guarumg nve (Continued from page three) buted two pointers, and Mullis lotte on February 22 will atford tne nrst cnance ior tracK ioi- Dable reserve "White Phantoms will nnd Mprnnpv spnrftrl nn fmils. ' 1 1 i i ii 1 nnr- i a. lowers to see now me j.oo Caro lina team lines up. Possibly 10 or 15 men will see action in these Queen City games. The men who will participate o i, aui, htu dual scoring spree. Within one , . , ... captain oiiuua liwvcu, iuwvui TT , rtT1 . . aate; ana with consiaeraoie lm- tvT , T ri t?t iT minute he converted on a loul ' Nelson, Jason Glace, Jim Mc- provement several men who Cachren, and Paul Kaveny. But "S "S! now seem out of the race will if any of these boys should tire XZ? i, make the trip. or be forced out. Coach Bo Shepard will have no one who "has shown any real stuff to send in the fray with the exception of Buck Harris. Duke, on the other hand, can Tiardlv boast auite as good a lead. The second big event and the nr1 Rnth hrwvht the climax of Dixie indoor track is Tar Heels back into the fight ala SIC indoor carnival in xi .. j x the Tin Can on March 9. The arm Trrpn rnp ipmii '.iirTirriHrKjHii i.o i seesaw from one five, to the Tar Heels will enter as defend other. With but 7 minutes to winners in 1934 first, string as the Tar Heels but ri"" V. ; oe A noint. This year Duke looms as imps into a leau ai -u tu - - Coach W"iiuk u, xm- MnrvlnTlf1 strong teams. Mackie Continues Discussion Ernest L. Mackie will continue Carolina his discussion of "An Applica- has ten men of almost equal " the big rivai, although Virginia ability ready lor action, uoacn and Maryland will present ddie Cameron has even y-- " some trouble deciding on his substitute forward Griffith est five men. made the count 29-25 with but . So far this season Jim Mc- three; and a half minutes re- Cachren, all-Southern Confer- nA T,nn n . Then came the 0xAVu M , undefeated string Ruth tossed Functions" at a mathematics de- his great guarding ana iioor 7 , -, j . . . Same. The rest of the boys have a on Meroney dropped partment seminar this afternoon ti-u 4- ' m a foul. Ruth scored from di- at 3 o clock. . xi .14 ri,- rectly under. Boone scored on The discussion will show how iiu, vuiK-DLciiujr o U difficult try, and then Ruth to evaluate infinite integrals by ' , , v settled matters with a beautiful means of residues. roiacK, aiso a guaiu, u ably the outstanding man on tne Economics Seminar Blue Devil five. Besides doing 11C WIdlu wvvlA" "A1C some fine defensive work, Po- noP-. ' j J H. M. Douty will discuss "La- lack has also been the leading This defeat ended Dukes bor and Industry in North Caro- the Duke attacking egs na .aim lma 1880-1900" at the econom- btate, uuKe ana uaronna into a ics senrinar tonight at 7:30 triple knot in the fight for, Baby 0ciock in 202 Bingham hall. A. I. E, E. to Convene r1Ve nonors- ine Aar BaD.1 Interested persons are cordial- nave a ousy weeK-ena, opiums iy invited to attend and partici- E. W. Winkler of the electri- tomorrow with the strong Date ;n .he discussions Antrmeenno- denartment will Asheville Hierh team ana then (Continued from page three) Chi Phi (47) Bitting, f (2)' Voliver, f (25) Boone, c (6) Z. B. T. (19) Stein, f Stadiem, f (4) Straus, c year men. The small crop of pugilists Montsmger, g (8) Kind, g (6) who have stuck with the sauad Sink, g Kalmanoff , g (8) since the practice sessions be gun have progressed rapidly, and should be really fast-step pers when the Duke meet comes around, i Shores, O'Herron, Bass, Benton, and Shmurak '" m11uuu v I T- and Oliver and Leake, the recent . . ' s additions to the squad, are vast ly improved, though inexperi enced. Subs : Chi Phi Creole (4) ; Z. B. T. Sins, Zauber (1). SPECIAL BUS Carolina-Duke Game Wednesday Leave Memorial Hall 7 P. M. Price 50c Round Trip See Driver at Memorial Hall INFIRMARY INMATES Swain.Hall (30) Everett (19) Allen, f (1) Ressler, f (2) Thomas, f (11) Alderman, f (2) Burton, c (2) Kanner, c (10) Willis, g Wright, g (10) Mallard, g Subs: Swain Hall Cook (2), Little (4), Stray horn; Everett Hobbs, Bartleman (1), McRae (4), Barber. ' She lit the fuse' -That fired the bomf That blew the lid off 'Avondalel The grand old star, ofLadyfoTdDay" in inc story oj a. jightmg school teacherl The following students were confined in the infirmary yester day: Stanley Levitt, R. W. Stewart, Mrs. Harry Moore, Junita Green, Alta Mae " Sims, Bruce Smith,. T. P, Matthews, J. D. Maxwell, E. M. Edens, Carl Kappa Sig. (49) S. P. E. (21) Rennie, f (19) Pitts, f (4) Townsend, f (6) Carnyer, f (6) May, c (12) Means, cj Fulton, g (2)' Parker, g (4) Jones, g Danison, g Subs: Kappa Sigma Black- Anderson, R. D. Richardson, E. welder, Simpson, Yokeley, Lee s Rim-nsATi R "R wIiMp. W5 unestnut Frances McCraw, Bill Calloway, Jones (2- E. T. Berry, Fred Scherer, Tom g A K (48) phi gigma K (5) xxinca, anu iuuia vuntt:. A-nmwQ -P (A r.lofoTi -f Poe, f (24) Scott, c (14) Co-ed Basketball Practice light in force. present a comparison of various taking on Darlington Prep Fri sources of power at an A. I. E. day evening. E. meeting this evening at 7 :30 o'clock in Phillips hall. TECHNICIAN GIVES John Hershey, vice-president TALK ON ENGINES or the local Drancn, win tans on ""Sodium Vapor Highway Illumi- Cities Service Representatives ! SEND THE DAILY TAR HEEL HOME Freshman and senior co-ed Connor, g (4)' basketball practice will be held Brown, g (2) in the gym tonight at 8 o'clock. All freshmen and senior girls who intend to come, out for bas ketball are requested to confe tonight. Mahoney, f (1) Shaw, c George, g (4) Fuller, g Statistician Here ' : f English Majors to Meet Dr. Frank A. Ross of the De partment of Statistics, Columbia University, arrived here yester day, according to an announce ment by Dr. T. J. Woof ter. Dr. Ross is here to study and ! mady Carlisle! FRED MacMURRAY Also ' Comedy Novelty NOW PLAYING All students majoring in Eng lish who plan to take the com- aid the fine work being carried prehensive examination either on by the Institute for Research this quarter or next are invited in Social Science at the Univer- to meet with Professor W. F. sity. Because of previous plans x in an i iu.ou u uutfl. tumui- n can omy remain nere a row in 201 Murphey. . week. Midnight Show Friday Doors Open 11:30 P.M. "GAY DIVORCEE with GINGER FRED ROGERS ASTAIRE nation." His talk will be illus trated with lantern slides. Here Monday. MAGAZINE MEETING A discussion on the combus tion efficiency of internal com bustion engines, particularly with reference to automobile en gines, was conducted in Phillips Nelson Lansdale has called a meeting of all freshmen writing for, or intending to write for, last Monday afternoon. xne aroima magazine. -o Colonel Witherspoon, publi Vclock today . m 209 Graham dty director for the southern .Memorial. interested may district of the Cities Service -attend the meeting, but attend- Company and Mr. Foster, lab ance is expected of : Mack Smith, oratory 6f the cities Hill Hudson, Nick Read, Robert Service Research Corporation .Nahikian, Morris Hecht; Lytt conduoted ihe pr0gram. Gardner, Herbert Goldberg, They dmonstrated apparatus Jack Atwood, Frank B. Rogers, which checked the fficiency Jr., Robert Mullen, Burr Leach, through analysis of the exhaugt me lurK, ana xviorron reiaman. not Qnly -n its economical phas3 but also in its relation to health and driving efficiency. The co-eds at Spencer hall Ademonstration of the use of will entertain at their regular a power prover in ' connection weekly tea this afternoon from with an automobile in actual op 4:30 until 6 o'clock. All women eration was also shown an audi- 'students are invited to come ence of students and faculty .and bring their friends. members. Q333ED -y(i-A PUERTA E5TA CERRADA. LA J J LPUERTA ES CERRADA. ELLA AMADAj" QUE ESTU01AR PARA APRENDER.VA IA LLOVLk . E5TA HELANDO. HA SCAMPADO. NO ME GUSTA &J.(r . E5TE PUEBLOJ Kha7 T EM) EN DO YO OiNERO, i P7 VIAJARtA PORTODO EL fh MUNDO.YENDI Ml CABALLOV (?1'&XN ' THE FINE5T PIPE 5MOKE YOU CAN MENTION IN ANY LANGUAGE ITS THE S -5 XVM1LDEST AND MFLI OVJE5T EVER MADE Co-ed Tea a JlUl THE P. A. PLATFORM THAT MADE PRINCE ALBERT AMERICA'S MOST, POPULAR SMOKING TOBACCO ! fcWngfat. 1936. J. BsyBQld, TobMO Comply- Wi,.",T SPECAl PROCESS TAKES OUT THE "BTE p I COOL AVQ LONG BURNNG U )j J J OUNCES V EISERV TV "" f V jf? Jo WARRANTED TO BE M 'LP S a MELLOW AVQ PLEXSNG N FLAVOR S rr

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