I I 1 v i i i ij ti ti A St V ti t ti ! at ! si- i i si hi fc ei cl W O w t Ct i si Gj of iti wi re th Ja oi, th crj ml 4 : PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1935 MGMEMSrBALL . BIDS ARE READY - - Members of Engineering School! May Obtain Bids from Engi neering Society Heads. Speculator Bids for the annual Engineers' Ball may now be purchased from the presidents of the four en jjineeririg societies, Walter King announced yesterday. According to .King, all stu dents in the engineering school "will be eligible for bids and may, hy purchasing them before Feb ruary 18, get them at a reduced rate. Those handling bids are Wyatt IVlcNary, president of the. civil engineer group ; R. L. Huber, president of the chemical engi - - - " y' v - -- . ' i w ,A f - ' J - I I I " , f 5j l1rilll rT - 1 .ji-umMtj .Mi-vil P. U. COMMITTEE ON KEYS MEETS Publication Awards Situation to 1 Be Investigated by Board. Murals (Continued from page three) tack with 17. The summaries: Phi D. T. (84) St. Anthony (10) the large number of publications gy keys awarded annually in order . ' 0 pointed by the president of j 4.x, i a ,, lagei, Blount ; oi. IUUJ, U1C f"--- U-Rhodes. Fackner, Parker. Keys met yesterday m uranam BAPTISTS TO GIVE WDNC BROAD CAST Religious Workers Cotlncil Pro gram to Be Given Today' Over Durham Station. Irene Hervey and Leo Carrillo in "The Winning Ticket," now Memorial. S. A. E. (47) Although no definite resolu- Andrews, f (17) tions were drawn up for presen- Eagles f (2) tation to tne ioara, several sug-igco.,c (g) gestions were made and marked poe (12) p n if a? i e I ior iuruner mvestigaxion oeiore mrown, g (4) the committee meets again. nh? S A The most radical suggestion Connor (4) . for changing the present sys- Morris, f Read, f , Jeanes, c (8) The third m the series of Walker, g WDNC radio broadcasts spon- Hard, g (2) sored by the Religious Workers . ' . TTT 1 I V 1 . . -mm Subs : Phi Delta Theta wois- Council will De presented this Anthony Hall afternoon at 2' o'clock. Under the direction of the Rev. O. T. Binkley of the Uni versity Baptist church this af ternoon's half -hour program will feature Miss Lena Mae Wil liams, vocal soloist, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. A. S. Win sor. Mixed Quartet Completing the musical side Phi Alpha (6) Hauser, f (2) Hehdel, f (2) Greenberg: c Sobelson, g Lasky, g (2) E Alexander, neering society ; Robert Query, playing at the Carolina theatre. te under -yhich jndividual sigma Nil (34) Th. K. Nu (32) of the broadcast wjll be the selec- kPvs W awarded bv pmH of the Lvtle. f (6) Priestley, f . (5) tions oy tne uapusi cnoir mixea v i - ' i , , - . 1 J? nr? TITM four publications and it is pos- J. Bost, f (7)' Schaper, f (3) quartet composea oi iviiss wn- i.vo?tto i "Riri-in- n H 0 V MnpPhpe. c. fill liams, mrs. iawarus, i-escott f1rn f rnm all four, was that a Lvnch. s (2) Buffey, g (5) sparrow ana uraay miner. nnifrvrm Irntr Via arW fnr- nil PrimrnsA o- (o Stauber. s (8) Mr. 5inKiey win speaK ior a UHllVl XXJ. IWJ MWVVVVi J- V J. r- I 0 w Tiead of the electrical group; and Don Tracy, president of the mechanical engineers. All meet in Phillips hall. , Music by Jack Wardlaw Jack Wardlaw and his Caro lina fines orchestra will furnish the music ior the arrair spon sored each: year by the A. S. C. E., the A. I. E. E;, the A; S. M. E., and the A. I. Ch. E. The Iballroom of the Carolina Inn will GREEN FEATURED IN NEW PLAYBOOK Current Issue to Be Released the campus publications. This Week; Publication Com pletes Its Seventh Year. few moments on "The Return of Editor Frederick H. Koch announced yesterday that the current issue of The Carolina "be especially decorated accord- Playbook will be released this ing to engineering activities .for week with son Paul Green shar- year it was suggested that, the Williams f H8) -4-T J . 4- T T U Tl, I XT- 1 : 1ITJ. " 4-T . I j . i 1 i I ' x ' me uaucc w xieiu x-cuiucixj ing tn ..limeugxn, 111 tne uaw ume ana merix; requirements ior mryan f (16) 22 from 9 :30 to 1 a. m. Playbook's pages. receiving an award be raised and A w ' jpr AlJ.Wpst,ffl9 " This Tlan. it was thouffht. wUl JU1 - vtJA . v"' t AlimiTi"sifft a cnnsiderahlA amount vxt.x v-; L-Tf- luua uxvivu j-unuwa of unnecessary duplication and W W V f, l T. v-v.ww I T T rtV T Ji- I -V . .. t , , . , PnMi.onna .TTninn v erner, g xvuunutxcc, s university rresDyterian cnurcn. In-order to further decrease lerrg '.W omitn, g V U According to a recent announce ment, the purpose oi the coun- tne numoer oi Keys given eacn Law g (go) Mayflower Cl. (4) Liptoh. f Luncheon Plans Pool Asks Students to Arrange for student- acuity Day. Arrangements for the lunch eon hour on student-faculty day must be made as soon as possj. ble, announced Jack Pool yes. terday. The idea is for students and fraternities and other groups to invite certain of the faculty to be their guests for the midday meal. These invitations will be tendered through Pool's com mittee. All members of the faculty will be eating with students on that day at luncheon. In order to complete the list of invita tions, Pool urges students and groups to make the arrange ments immediately. INFIRMARY The following students were confined in the infirmary yester day: H. M. Acker, Frank Um stead, Margaret Spencer, Mar garet Siceloff, E. M. Edens, L. M. Cromartie, C. H. Woodburn, David Warren, R. L. Bolton, Carl Anderson, IVL C. Ward. Tau Beta Pi, honorary engi veering iraternity, will hoia a dinner in the Inn for members preceding the dance. Alexander c. H21 Green, one of America's out- that a semi-rigid quota be set up Urarkham o- standing young playwrights and for each publication. PpJ,.v . (9n a former member of Koch's . i (30) Berger, f (2) Hunt, c (2) Swain Cashier Resigns SENATE OPPOSES U. S. CHILD LABOR Di Favors N. C. Ratification of Child Labor Amendment. Lewis Hooker, f (8) Howard Will Extend Activities Collins, f (6) ,of Fraternity Service. Leight, c (4) Lawlor, g (10) T. S. Carolina riaymakers, appears three times in the new issue of the Playbook. "Shroud My Body Down' Concerning his "dream play" which so stirred the camnus when the Playmakers produced resigned as cashier of Swain it last fall. Green savs. " 'Shroud Hal1 in order to devote mor time After, spirited debate partici- My Body Down' is not a play of to extending the activities of the pated m by almost every mem- entertainment in the theatre maternity supervisory service, her, the Di Senate voted 12 to 5 sense of the word, but rather an with which he has been associat last night in favor of the ratifi- experiment in mood and atmos- ed lor some time... Mis oiiice is nation bv thf North Carolina 1pot Lv located in the building of the islature. of the child labor amend ment.' - The affirmative was led by "Senator Verner, who was sup ported ; by Senators Kendrick, Bell and Lee. Led by Senator Fletcher, Sen ators Gibbes, Eagles, Yeatman, and Blackwell spoke against the hill. Action during the business session included the passage of a motion to contribute $2 from the treasury for use in arrang ing1 for student-faculty day, the admittance to membership of John Dacy and Abol Hassan Fatouhi, the changing of the time of meeting to 7 :15 p. m., and the indefinite tabling of the hapel Hill license tag bill. bhedd, c McDevitt. cr Tommy" Howard, has Derricksmf g (2) Deaton, ,g Subs: Lewis Parker, Wig gins, Young. cil's broadcasts is to acquaint the people of the state with the religious side of Carolina life. Tnral r.hnrr.h and Y. M. C A. Rankin, g jg compose the group ' g known as the Religious Workers r-1 ! -f- Jl !. J.!Xi 1 Manlv (7) council, isesiaes initiating tnis Adelman f (5) Sres ra(iio broadcasts, they Broadv f (2) DrouSht tne iamous unmese aoc- tor, r. a. ivoo, to uaronna last month. Z04 GRISETTE'S SECRETARY TO MOVE TO GOLDSBORO High Wrestling Mrs. Starlin S. Whitaker has resigned her position as secre tary to Felix A. Grisette, direc- (Continued from page three) tor of the alumni loyalty fund, out, but his opponent's superior to move to Goldsboro, where Mr. strength and mat knowledge Whitaker has accented a nosi- "But even so. I'm clad to have Student Co-operative Store. i it i t . n TTnwnr'a -rfifaio-miiATi was p "f- maae an attempt, nowever smaii, - . , . - - at inWratino- life and muvc on Active on February 1, at which ld ln the closm moments of tion on the staff of the Golds- o j tiTT, he was checked out bv the rne scrap. boro News-Argus. Mrs. Whita rT. I L I M 1 I I . A t i. V . L1U111L.L11JU VI I mi will do it in a big way, and the University auditor. G. R. Parks The summary of the bouts is ker's resignation will be effect- N. C. BOY SCOUTS WILL MEET HERE April 26 Begins Celebration of Scouting Anniversary. Over six hundred North Car olina Boy Scouts are scheduled to assemble here with their lo cal, regional and national lead ers April 26 to conduct the local four-day celebration of scout ing's 25th anniversary in America. According to Dr. Harold D. .Meyer of the Institute of Re search in Social Science, who aviii nave charge oi arranging part of the jamboree program, the University will allow the scouts to make camp on the woods surrounding Kenan sta dium, and to use the stadium it self for the celebration. Beginning Thursday night "vvitji setting up camp, the affair -will continue through Monday morning with a continuous pro gram including the opening parade and addresses by Presi dent Frank Graham of the Uni -versity, Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus and National Chief Scout Executive James E. West. result will be astonishing-." nas taKen over part oi tne duties After this author's "fore-: formerly performed by Howard. ju. ti. icogerson, assistant con- reprinted the opening scene from troner oi tne university, ano "Shroud My Body Down," and J- - Harmon, manager ot bwain fi rirTi rriQw o-ndvA wifh Qn Hall, have expressed their regret minutes. vAl VVA iMi . VIA JL lU VKA VW1 AAVt I the -SvmDhonic Drama." years of loyal and efficient serv Contributors to the current is- lce quarterly as follows : 108 Bosworth (Barium won referee's decision (High Point.) 115 Parks (High Point) won on a fall over Beeston (Greensboro, in 5:19 Springs) over Evins sue of the include Friendship Council The members of the Fresh man Friendship Council will Julius J. Lankes, William Butler Yeats, N. W. Walker and John W.Parker. With the new issue, according meet in the social rooms of the to Darice Jackson, circulation Presbyterian Church for their manager lor the pumication, quarterly social gathering. At Volume VII will have been com- fllfa rne-tino- whinh win pleted making the total life of the place of the usual Monday the quarterly seven years. nivht meet,Wiev win he.'ihe .The Carolina Playbook, boast- ffuest of Rev. Donald Stewart. , t ! 5 I . mg suDScrioers in many various lands, was one of three drama publications to be exhibited at the Century of Progress. Exposi tion in Chicago two years ago. ir rv . morns luurnami won time decision over Michael (Greens boro) of 2:18 minutes. 13o-Cloiflter ( Thomas ville) won time decision over B. Morris (Dur ham) of 5:32 minutes. 145 Spencer (Barium Springs) won time decision over Shaw (Grens- boro) of 4:12 minutes. 155 Lea (High Point) won ref eree's decision over Flowers (Barium Springs.) ' 165 Grundman (Greensboro) won time decision over Lucas (Durham) of 4:00 minutes. l ib rerdue ( lnomasviiie ) won by a fall over Bernhardt (Salisbury) of 1:11 minutes. ive February 15. She will be succeeded by Miss Alice Gattis, who graduated from the University in 1922 and is now employed as a secretary and stenographer in the Univer sity business office. Patronize Our Advertisers COLLEGE PROM N'c"ois nd his a rhythm f DONT miss the fun next Thursday night! Synco pation. Melody.. Campus thrills. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA NIGHT GUEST OF HONOR LAWSON ROBERTSON (famous Olympic track coach) THURSDAY FEB, 14th WMAL 7:45 P.M., E.S.T. Tune in every week at the same time. N. B. C. Blue Network. AVOID - - - That "Just-Trimmed" Appearance Get Your Hair Cut Now for , the Mid-Winters THE CAROLINA BARBER SHOP Phi Hears W. Va.-N. C. Debaters at Session The Phi Assembly gave up its claim to its assembly hall last evening and listened to the speeches,, of the West Virginia and North Carolina debating teams. . - In a short session after the debate, the .assembly favored Representative Smithwick's mo tion to make some contribution for student-faculty day. Mr. Smithwick also announced that E. C. Smith was prepared to give "the assembly a free show on the first Monday night in March. , Speaker Griffm announced I that election of officers and ini tiation of new men 'would take place at the next regular meet ing of the assembly. Ellis Shoaf, of Lexington, and I AND THAT GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE.! v inc. rtvrix.rw inc. rcuKLtJ, A HftLU NOT PERI5H rTO XVFROM THE EARTH. IBRAVO rrrTVn rTn1ri rn M4 I 1 1 FOUR SCORE AND 5EVEN VEAR5 AGO I'VITHE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS. K - Z a.uwiiimewi h wcw wiuhj s. MR. VAMPIPPLE DELIVERED E3 MaiiSStff-X t ? r A IN 7UUK MUSI KLtnDI Nt7 ' Jr ' " :xr,J V. " . Copyright, 1935. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem. N. C mMSHB 05 0331033 THE SMOKING TOBACCO THATi 15 ENJOYED BY EVERYBODY BECAUSE Or ITS MILDNE55 PRINCE ALBERT M- M . M-M.M c5 JOIN JTHE PRINCE ALBERT PARADE 4,, SEND THE DAILY " "HEEL HOME TAR John Boles, of Monroe, were in-1 THE NATIONAL JOV SMOKE troduced for membership.