"TO CHEATE ; A CAMPUS PEnsoNALrrr A JOUIUIAL C? TUS ACOTXTE3 os" cAncLcnAiJs VOLUME XLIV ZDITOSIAL PSOKZ 4351 CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THUBS DAY;' SEPTEMBER 26, 1935 4if NUMBER 4 v ; ,11 I i f ! CAROLINA BUS CO. GETS TEB1P0RARY NEW RUN PERM Franchise Awarded for Raleigh . Greensboro Service Over Greyhound Lines SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED EVENT CALENDAR TO BE IN Y LOBBY Events of Quarter will be Listed When Officially Scheduled In order to unify all informa tion regarding campus attrac tions, the official University Calendar of Public Events will be kept in the office of the Y. M. C. A., according to an an nouncement yesterday. . me x pians to install a GRAHAM EXPLAINS ALURINI FUND JOB AIDS FOMMMEN MMSTAmCANT President Discusses Individual Present Office Staff Under Miss Conferences, Physical Edu- Alice Gat tis Recommended cation, New Social Science i to Carry; on Fund Work Freshmen1 met in Memorial Felix A. Grisette will not be Hall yesterday morning to hear succeeded in the position of President Graham speak to them Alumni Loyalty Fund director as a group for the first time, when he assumes his new duties .The opening devotional, which as Executive Manager of the After a prolonged altercation, ' M m T " tne uaronna oacn company nas -, "nTT " was rendered by the Reverend North Carolina Hospital Saving received a temDorarv franchise permanent chart m the lobby of t,:, voon;,; v a I Il T T TUT m- A 1 .' T -it wr a mrera os .me irom "T r"'" Kipling's stirring poem, "If": tions of President Graham are ?,e,gh -G.'eeoro . vja !-!fle ?L?1! President Graham was then approved by the Loyalty Fund fjnapei mil by tne Nelson short , i-r, va wi, or, Council . foK riiooi i,oKrto oo oo introduced to the freshman I youncu. as they are scheduled officially ciaBS- meeting wnu wviiv uuucu iw- in the information office ims group, tne neaa 01 tne um- wara oy iut. unset m nispre- Campus organizations will have versity told of the three changes vious capacity will be continued an opportunity to see the which have been made for the with the details managed by the mpcifiV HatP which TYinv hp benefit of first-year students, present office force under Miss available for the programs Among tnem are a new arrange-1 Alice uatxis, urisette s assist- Donald Stewart, was Rudyard Association, if the recommenda- The temporary permit came as a conclusion to negotiations begun last winter by the Atlan tic Greyhound Lines for a direct route operated by 'them to con nect their lines in Greensboro and Raleigh. The measure was contested by the Carolina line on the grounds that it would be ruinous to their line already serving the people on the pro posed route. As a result the Utilities, Commission refused the Greyhound people the route and ordered the Carolina Coach sponsored by them. ment of Freshmen conferences ant. j it n t i , n r tt i ii Thp "Y" nffipp will fll?n cPrw unaer me supervision oi J-eau moss xiospiiauzauuii a, tw nlnrp ir fil rpint9 fnr Bradshaw and Professor SpruiU, The new Executive Manager hall or building reservations rne m" oauction oi pnysicai eau-pi me nospiun .ssociatiuu wiu STUDENT-FACULTY DAY IS POSTPONED Committee Decided More Time Needed -for Organization WEAVER CHOSEN TO FILL POSITION LEFT BY FAHILEY The student members of the joint Student-Faculty Day steer ing committee, meeting yester day morning in Dean R. B. House's office unanimous 1 y T0 vetoed the proposition that the second annual Student-Faculty Day celebration be held in con junction with Founder's Day, October 11. Reasons for the unanimous New Student Assistant . Now Making Survey of Dormitory Screens for Adjustments REPRESENT ROGERSON Fred Weaver, University jun ior, was appointed yesterday by Assistant Controller L. B. Rog erson to occupy the position of his student assistant, recently feeling were that adequate timePa ?t ?7 the resignation was not available for the prepa- UA r v". uaf , . ceptea a graauate assistantsmp in economics. Although Weaver's regular schedule has not been worked out as yet, his duty, according to Rogerson will be to co-ordinate the interests of the student body with the interests of the Uni- ration of exhibits and programs, and that Student-Faculty Day, now established as a definite annual holiday of purposeful meaning should by rights main tain a separate tradition. Plans for a meeting of the joint committee immediately vpfcitv "Wpawr will rprvrpSPTtt after fraternity rushing season students side and T T rather than-the office of the cation into tle University, and a have the task of adopting his were made, with Chairman Jake Lesent the University's side," Dean of Administration as here tof ore. v 12 o'clock Thursday has Continued on last page) new: course m social science.1 money-managing talents to tne Snyder making such arrange- Individual Treatment I business of organizing financi- (Continued on last page) In order that Freshmen may ally the state-wide program for Company to install a direct route J)0s Are Friends along the same lines. - m -r T.i,.. Traffic To Man; Enemies o .... 1 - - rm-m 'm tr ti lo Murderers Personnel Is Doubled Immediately the Highway Commission ruled that the road from Graham to Chapel Hill was a light traffic road and could not support the heavy busses needed by the company to carry mere are people wno are blessed with unwavering hu- i i n ti man sympatny ana Kinaness ; but, there are also those who be treated more as individuals providing mass hospitalization.. journajsm Department ratner tnan as memDers oi a uroup nospitanzaxion is wiaeiy group; separate conferences are heralded as a social movement to be conducted under the sup- of great significance. It is used ervision of a group of faculty extensively in England, and in advisors. - - V New York City, Washington and Physical education has become Cleveland m this country. It and educated and former Daily resDonsibilitv of insnectinir dor- . ' n I m M n I . J TI I . I an important item m i?Tesnman nas never Deiore oeen attemptea tar Heel- editor, returned to mitorv un-keeD and welfare to a . Rogerson said. Dormitory Screens At present the new students assistant is making a survey of dormitory screens for malad justments or injuries caused by As Coffin Gets Cohort students and to report these te the buildings department. This Another Tar Heel born, bred ;s ;n alignment "with his other activities. One hour per week is on a state-wide scale. (Continued on last page) J (Continued on last page) the expected loads and at the Pok, uPn, the ,w?ld w!th.sadis- Graham Wiu Render MY' Deputation To Go same time prohibiting the use of jmtrea, ana, teartui ot tneir Famous Speech Oct. 11 T6 Guilford Meeting ,000 the road by vehicles over 5 pounds. T'1- -i Vina lAmnanv : ' - TcAtrCi human brothers, wrack their vengence on defenseless , dogs. In the cruel cool of last night, school yesterday, not as a stu- work in co-operation with the dent, but as an instructor. ' dormitory conditions and activ- He is Walter S. . Spearman, ity. readjustments of any kind recently a reporter and literary dormitory managers. editor of the Charlotte News, Weayer wm also act as Eog. agreed. The new schedule was begun on the same day. Shorter Time At the hearing of the Utili ties Commission last spring, a number of faculty members, students, and town folk attended in support of the route that would connect Chapel Hill di rectly with Raleigh and Greens-! boro. It was stated at that time that the time of travel from Chapel Hill to Raleigh would be cut to forty five minutes and that Greensboro could be reached in an hour and a quarter. Accepts invitation to Speak "at I Yandell'Ho Lead Local Group ;egn Ms duties today erson's representative to the Founder's Day Celebration I Attending Cabinet Session in assisting rroiessor uscar uomn in tne neretoiore ontman jrrtJBiuenL rraxiK. vjrranaiu yes-i. ; -jrreaiueiiu .Diuy xanueu uxiscnooi OI journalism. terday accepted the invitation to the University Y. M. C. A. will Charlotte Newsman J l-miAMa n-f TT,TQTilrlin aroof was order and on September 13 they ""T r Z-TiT . T.V 1 n. . no it in Lilt; lasi, uniiu. ui . uuxx- l - "-a A . I . 4tiliVi WW VAl WA. A mS W IAm WW vulsions of strichnine poisoning. dellver now-famous address, take a delegation to the state Mr. Spearman was graduated dorrnitory conditions and acti- student advisory committee and the student body as a whole. "If any student has any complaint to make, whether it be about His shaggy body was rigid and yet not too late. Passer sby looked on and those EOSSASKSCMDS TO STAY AT HOME uan democracy survive m me i. m. ana i. w. u. a. caoinet from the University witn a only a slight twitch of agony Modern World," at the Foun- executive committee meeting at bachelor of arts degree in 1928 now and then showed that it was der's Day program in Memorial Guilford College next Saturday and then pursued a post-gradu- Hall, Friday, October 11. and Sunday. - ; . . ate scholarship at Lyons Univ- Dr. Graham first presented One of the major purposes of ersity in France. He has been on I I 1 I ml IT. C 1.? A t AJ la I mm 4m Ml-' 1 Mm blessed by sympathy shud- tnis speecn at tne institute oi me. meeting is to pian me tne news statt 01 tne jnarioite dered ; those hardened by hatred Human Relations in session at years' cooperation program be- paper for the past six years. i ji - -i . 3 T 1 I A7illi rn-no f,-il I qotq WilliaTnetftwn I T.WPPTI-. t.hft. .A1 IPO'P.S. . Ann 11TI1VPT-I . I Innmr hio ?o flint iroo t horo giarea, ana moveu uu. jrejriiapcs i &f mx,,.., 0 x ' I committee vacancy left bv Wea- hW thmio-ht nothino- could be Mass., August 28 of the past sities of , the state. This year Spearman was elected editor of . .. , . . - : . . I . , ... . , i . . ..- . . done, at least they hoped so. I summer. Full texts were re- particular empnasis is to oe the then tri-weekiy TAR ieel, piaccu uii cue peace pi uuiem auujana. it was ne wno maae il a international, relations. dailv. He is a member of the In additionto Yandall, the Chi Psi fraternity, was presi- dclegation will include Bob Ma- dent of Phi Beta Kappa and gill, sophomore cabinet president WOn the Golden Fleece award. Phillips Russell, .,4 debater, and Mr. Spearman has also! done Harry F. Comer, "Y" secretary, notable work in: the Charlotte Little Theater and the Carolina nrA fKp doer noisoners. printed m metropolitan news- But around the dying dog papers the nation over. stood the Samaritan kind-hearts - The full program for Found mhvpd too near.ler's Day will be announced II AIVy mMm V . w w ' I 1 saw: the animal cringe arid then shortly, according to an an thrash madly about in another nouncement yesterday by Dean snnRfn nf nain and terror. ' I R. B House. At last Dr. S. A. Nathan was vity, readjustments of any kind and any claims and cannot get satisfaction from the ordinary channels, he should see Mr. Wea ver, who will straighten it out," Mr. Rogerson said. ' When the student advisory ver upon accepting his new posi tion is filled, a survey of all units of operation of the University will be made by the members of that body in order to familiarize themselves with their, responsi- bilities - . .- - ?r-z ',r t , . called and' in his car, offered for service to one not even of the Carrington Smith Gives Plaque human race; took the shattered for Winner of New Seven- . Point .Athletic System President Jane Ross requested that' all women students refrain from visiting fraternity houses at a meeting of the Woman's Association yesterday. Visiting fraternities will be denied all wreck of a dog home to see if me geinua-ui mcmtuic uwuw .. i to prolong human life might I if this once be given to another cause. ; . " CAMPUS KEYBOARD DOR We Eat Dirt must put in our humble word of agreement with na tionally-known Edwin R. Em bree, appraiser of American Uni versities. V "A great university in the is The editors of THE DAILY TAR co-eds until the fraternities have Heel meeklv bow their heads in South," claims Mr. Embree, been petitioned; as to whether humble apology to the faithful the insistent need in American thev wish ' the co-eds to have readers of this enterprising scnoiarsmp toaay, this privilege. She also urged news sheet for the unpardon- That statement , covers a lot the girls to read the handbook able " number of careless errors of ground and was Mr. Embree's tip riifpa that havp nnnparincr in vesterdav morn- conclusion after an exhaustive "been made by ; the. Woman's ling's issue.:. : .study of American education. Student Council. ' I In the general confusion of And it is particularly interesting Town Representative I starting publication . this first to us at Chapel Hill, where, in The town representative to week and also breaking in sev- my opinion, that "great univer the student council will be eral new reporters at the same sity" must eventually be located. elected at the October meeting time, these errors emerged tri- Universities, you know are of the assocation luniphant yesterday morning. judged by their reaches into ; The new seven unit athletic! We hope no one trooped up higher learning, not their under- system was explained to the to Memorial hall last night to graduate college life. And such group by Kay Quigley, president hear the Boston Sinfonietta. It graspings and researches cost Woman's Athletic Association. I is scheduled to appear on the money and take time and .brains. According to the new rules, each campus Wednesday, October . 2,1 An undergraduate school, on the -iiTiif: wilt rprivp.' " fif I irctparl of last niffht. Atid inp.i-lother hand, can support itself for enterting a team in anv of dentally, the chairman of the on a small endowment and stud the following sports i - teriiiis, student , entertainment commit- ent fees." It's too' bad from our hockey, basket ball, baseball, tee is Dr. J. P. Harland and not point of view. that King Money (Continued on last page) . (Continued on last page) has to grade our scholarly pro- MTTORIES GET PIGTUREMOIJLDING Upper Quadrangle, Old East, Old. West and Steele in for Seige of Improvement , . , , , I condition m tlie scnool of lour-r ..... . . our graauate scnool nere . - - - i pamt tnat many students noticed is an excellent one, we have not ' I emanating from the late la mented Swain hall last week was for remodeling in action. will I Instead. long strips of picture w - A " a gress, but oy necessity so it must be.... At any rate, despite the fact that Playmakers. He has written several prize-winning plays iwnicn nave been, proaucea m Playmaker contests here. His appointment by President Frank P. Graham, . yesterday, is the result of an overcrowded Community Club the resources for research and scholarly study, and therefore we are not a great university. The Community Club Undergraduate excellence we have its first fall meeting at moulding, 20,000 lineal feet of have, and are noted for it, but 3:30 tomorrow afternbn in the it in all, were being primed for contributions to advance learn- Episcopal parish house. The I mstallation in Old East. Old mg we have not made, except club is making an effort to en-1 West, Steele and the dormitor- where individual brilliance has roll every woman in Chapel Hill lies of the upper quadrangle. In forced its way above green- this year, and newcomers are I trend with this vears stepped- backs. especially invited. I up and improved student hous- Over m Durham there is a jn the club are seven depart-ng program, Buildings Depart- heavily endowed university that ments which hold monthly meet- ment officials are having all is -fast making educational ng3m The departments are : dormitory rooms not already tracks. But it, top, lacks an litpraturp. - American home. ar equipped lined with this picture adequate something and we civiC3 an(i citizenship, music, moulding. could supply it: scnoiany tra- health, and education.- At the! Old West Finished m m . m 1 1 I ' - - ' Qltion. bo, as an interesting hrPTtpral meeting hp! d on the! flarnPTifprs rinvp finioTin -nrifK speculation, we venture to sug- hast Friday of every month a Old West dormitory, are liow gest that when America's most business session- is followed by working on Old East, and intend msistant educational need is iui- uea to begin operations in the up- filled, it will be m central Nortn officers of the club are: pres- per . quadrangle todav. The Carolina and will find Duke and identf Mrs George Logan ; firstlmoulding is being placed on a Carolina in comomauon. nu-i vice-president, JVlrs. K. W. I level with the tops of the win- possible? Maybe. . But plenty Bost; second vice-president, Mrs.dows so as to make it at the interesting. P. G. H. (Continued on last page) I (Continued on latt pag$) a' in 'A-1 iti-