PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAB HEEL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1935 BULLETINS Senior Class Executive commit tee, meeting at 7 o'clock, Univer sity Gub room. ' -Co-ed Tennis 2 p. m. Co-ed Archery 4:30 p. m. ' Co-ed Bowling 8 p. m., Graham Memorial, free. " Di Senate Meeting, tonight 7:15, New East.. Di-Phi Dance Committee Meet ing, 11:30 a. m., "Y" lobby. Phi Assembly 7:15 tonight in New East. ; .v Editorial Staff Entire editorial staff of Daily Tar Heel meets 2 o'clock this afternoon, Graham Memorial. Editorial board meets with editor after general meet ing. Desk staff meets with man aging" editor. " Training School Meets this aft ternoon, 3 o'clock, Graham Me morial,' with managing editor. "Y" Cabinet Members Those who plan to attend Halloween social leave 20 cents at "Y" as soon as "possible. . . : ,.v ; . j Ushets Who have not received 'toeirpay ior Saturday's football jgame may do . so ' at Emerson, tomorrow, 1 :30 p. m. . Sports Staff There will be a meeting of. the entire sports staff at 2:00 this afternoon. Dr. Johnson Attends Tuskegee Ceremony University Professor Present at Institute's Inaugural Program i -- .'""--' Dr. Guy B. Johnson, of the university's institute lor re search in social science, attended the inauguration of Tuskegee Institute's new president yester day at Tuskegee, Alabama. Just before the inauguration, Dr. Johnson was present at a con- erence on "The Negro in Agri culture."- . ; Dr. Frederick D. Patterson, ong associated with the Negro Institute,' is the new Tuskegee president, succeeding Dr.- R. R. Moton. Dr.'Moton, the school's second president, retired several months ago. Booker T. Wash ington was the first Tuskegee eader and served from the time of the Institute's origin, in 1881, until 1915, when he died. ' Team Praised Unbeaten Elevens Continued from page three) Stanford Indians, by a 6-0 mar gin, leaving California and U. C. L. . A. as the only unbeatens on the West coast. Another "Monjc"- Moscrip proved to be the deciding factor in the game, by booting two field goals in the initial period. After a hesitant start, the University of Alabama put on a belated rally . to knock Georgia off by a 17-7 count, thereby leav ing Carl Snavely's Carolina Tar Heels the only undefeated and untied team in Dixie. . Georgia Scores Minot, gained the lead for the Bulldogs in the opening quarter when he scored on a 43-yard pass from Bond. 'Bama came back and tied the score in the second, as Young Boozer snake-hipped his way over the goal line.. In the fourth both teams fought desperately, but Riley's field goa and Smith's touchdown brought Georgia's downfall. ".. Two other games that proved to be upsets in view of their re sults were the Notre Dame-Navy and Colgate-Holy Cross .battles At Annapolis, the Middies . re ceived a 14-0 setback before 65, 000 fans. The Irish scored a clean-cut victory as .Francis Gaul an Mike iLayden were the touch- doS.malcers. -f y'-'- v. .;'... feex Kidd's 25-yard placement in the third quarter ; , was enough to hand Andy; Kerr's .Colgate team a set-back at Worcester, Mass; Both teams played bang up ball and were unable to pene trate either's defense, so Kidd, playing quarterback, called for a. placement attempt by him self. It went end-over-end between the uprights. ON THE SPOT- ROMANTICALLY! f , tmmmKmm , t mf , BIW, ' . . , - ! - ? . :V- ; - ; i . ' - --'''.- ' - - - ' 1-- rt. if "''amt Mi 'mmniMtt One woman respects his career, the other freedom to love! As the intriguingly handsome opera star of Fox Film's "Here's to Romance, Nino Martini must choose between Genevieve .Tobin and Anita Louise, and he's finding the choice none too easy ! . Carolina Theatre now playing. Library Prize Playmakers . Coxtbaud rm prt William T. Chichester as Slim, Ralph Burgin as Lovegrove, Athanas Weltscheff . and J. Rob erts Poole as Larry and Joe, the policemen, G. D. Gatling and Thomas OTlaherty as Freddie and Bill, students at the Univer sity of South Carolina, and Nor man Rothschild as Bubber. Folk Play "Cockle Doody Doo," a play of Carolina fisher folk was written by Patsy McMulIan and directed by Sarah SeawelL The . scene is in the kitchen of Mag Balance's cottage on Ocracoke Island. The characters are: Mag Balance, a spinster, played by Patsy Mc MulIan, Liza Ella Balance, her niece, by Jean Walker, Airs. Sa rah5 Jane Daly, by Mildred Mc MulIan, and David (Doody) .Daly by Ben Royals v Ella Mae Daniel will direct Gerd Bernhart's play "Hjem- (Continued from page three) "The entire line gave , Miss Beust into advantages. The idea of giving awards for the best student library is not lengsel (Home Longing) which - . . ... I ii ! . r 11 an experiment, tne liDrary is in xne living room oi a siuau science teacher pointed out. I Norwegian hpm in , Komagvaer. (Continued from firet page) en- authoritative judgment on books Nftrth l!aiA ino mil tkinnkl omimni.naiafiiMw 4-1 lian.-stik 1 -i -I : " . - ... ll?F'y"'W? V -lu, riZrV - . ..Tllished;a contest of this kind fivelreri Nielsen, Janie Bntttas-lda ago-and it has proved.yery Olsen, Kenned-BarUettas Pasf .vnrrl I inncpa will visit, a niiTn Vioir. nf friA I T .. .. I. i .f. line,, today, and; such was the best libraries and interview the magnificence of the Tar Heel students owning them. line, it is. doubtful if ; any. team Asked whether it was reauired in the South could have . pene- that the . contestants read trated that steel-lined defense, each book, , Miss Beust ren sity, the University of Oklaho-jliam Fletcher as Karl Pederson ma, Pennsylvania, Wellesley,! Mexican Comedy mmm M 1I A 1 I A MAMA A I M w Ydaodr, auu navcuuiu aic isuuic "Tne Ked velvet-(ioat is n-f Vi q tnllarrAd on1 uniiTAraif ioa 1 1 r f 11 f 1 "RprhaV tvi thp Kff tIqvci. nn .. . , " ""u .wv Mexican ioik comeay wniien oy uersnaK was tne test player on piied that this was not neces- wwP tliA nlnn hai hppn adftntpd t t. xt- v 1 j- 4. j u the field todav ArA tbp tp nf i, -a v wnere tne Plan nas Deen aa0Ptea.. Josephme Niggli and directed by me neia xoaay. Ana tne rest oi sary, but that evidence must be tt,p pnllPtrp rnorf that tbp t ' v r -d rm. . tho ParnUna wvo 1,; . , , ine colleges report mat tne Joseph Lee Brown. The cast is: I r " r"r P?ucea t tne oooks were awards have created new interest tni, flS TCatphan. superwy. . onyaer,. jacKSon, used profitably. "Some books we amono- students in the discrimi- tt 7 to V tut'-' t V Montaomprv fln TTntrlna wptp T -JL. ..-x amon stuttents m tneaiscrimi- Hester Barlow as Mariana, Rob- fn:T of books worth eHDuFouras Lorenzo, Barbara T , y reaa entirely ;omy parts oi tnem ownin Discussions of. the com- ti;h. i'.w.f tmw0i m tnat one maa spurt, snowea be nf Tarticiilar vahiP nr in- j.-.- i. A- . wi. tl,i ni,HnM nf nn,,,. f1 ,f at group meetmgs on Lola Sarah SeaweU as Carmen, the campus and in the bookshops Lawrence Wismer as Ramon, sptto aa st stimnlna tn fre.RVi aTi-iTrriii t : i" t n 3 f?aturdav the Tar TTeeU meet ahw..i " . 7" ! ..r . wnuur feecu p uwu irepe, ueru . , , . ; HunouKii lexiDOOKS are X- nwisa nf the rmTinnincr rn . r 1 j. t.t i j to K,-rrrrQa M r,f v .. .1 v ' isernnart as wona jsena, ana uie w.v 66va Wi jr, D ciuaea irom tne dooks consiaered tural value of personal libraries, far, when they encounter, the eligible for judgment, works of The donor of the award here - - . . lTT 1 4 f grownng woupacK oi in. a,. technical nature which fnllow , - 1 UVOIX IIA w X w muiA uuuvu; luvuu) up the student's interest, are ajid Miss Beust said that she did as worthy of consideration as a not know whether the prize will broader selection, the committee De offered next year or not. chairman explained. "Neither the total number CLASS LECTURE CALENDAR 8:30 . - "Tom Paine: Political Liberal Dr. G. L. Paine, Murphey 202. (English 151). TalMn' Turkey ( Continued from page tkree) clash with. Anderson's charges will be the highest barrier for Carolina to hurdle on hen way to national honors. State's powerful team seems to. have quite a few rooters who back up their predictions with cold cash. Foremost of these is Dick Reynolds, who has stopped riding his Camel to string along with Heartley "Hunk" Anderson and. his Jerseyites. Dick has wagered the small sum of $10, 000 on the Red Terrors, hoping that they will wallop the Tar out of Carolina's Heels. So let this be. a lesson to you rabid Carolina rooters, and make sure that there, are; no . R0II3 Royce's hanging around when you start winning the game before it be gins.. r -t r , me maKings 01 an outstanamg terest. to the student," Miss star." " . State. The Technicians wallop ed Manhattan, one of the East's leaders, last week, and will be ready, for; the important South ern Conference and Big Five battle with the Tar Heels. books, nor their money values shall be a determining factor," continued Miss Beust. "Rather the emphasis is placed on the discriminating judgment shown in the selection. ' 'Here is a fine point of the villagers Beatruce Kirkham, Ralph Burgin, Eugene Langs toh, Raymond Staples, Y. D. Gatling and Carl Anderson. The scene is laid in the patio of Es teban's house on the Street of For the time being the skies Achea m he town of ! Three are bright for campus book lov- u iarys ers, however. Sophomore Cabinet Cake Race (Continued from page three) and 5th prizes, Intramural Sil ver Medal; 6th, 7th, 8th," 9th and 10th prizes, Intramural Bronze Medal: 11th to 25th in plan." enthused Miss Beust. "All elusive, theatre passes. sorts of bargains can fee discov- t Totf1bo student to "refuse lowest scores, caives win iue wm icou luc biuucuii is juugiucu giyen; and to the team with the One can buy a poor translation highest amount of Intramural of the Odessay at high cost or a Med School (Continued from first puge) (Continued from first page) -: I year schools are turning out too tanglement of the United States many physicians for society to in war no loans, credits, muni-1 assimilate. tions or secondary war mater- Quite the reverse is true in ials to belligerents." North Tarnlina and T)r Hraham 1. . j. i 1 .-.-. . . ine proclamation aiso ex-ria in Toronto to nrove it Fur- lthermore. 'the council's state- support the government of the ment as reason fo th y t 1 ri j J I united states m any war it may recommendation , 5that there IS Ihtio'H-qVo M This itpm incited I .x. -i i . t points, a cake will be awarded, very good translation in a cheap ..- In order for a fraternity, dor- edition. The- Georgia society iZZI c lmcal ana oratory worK in mitory, or other team being re- which selects the 50utstandmg iiicsciiwu m me xaw, uuee men ownD ui wwjcoi wu vuWOCO , .9r.,to .f p .f xl. m . - representing that team must a cheap book in preference to a ! se.?1 ". Varoima- ana ' . . .. m ' fx iiiii iiiii m I r- i . i i ill w ur i s - l c h r -m rm a j. j? - , uvitcnin ior waxe roresL Partial explanation for the will be ref uted by Graham in the drawn from the fact, that : the finish among the first fifty, for more .expensive one. am1toeiigipie.5 v , jAne aiorary, science .aeacneii . nrfyflT,i7atior,S-,,are Any: one Iki.doubtask Z,: h Th .xns eagiointyncerning ww:.P Student -League for Industrial Democracy, ..The Committee von Militarism in; Education, The Cake; Race, can obtain tjie neces- intimate experience with library sary Jiiformation, by reporting work "It is not the; student who to Marvin Allen or Coach. Ran- spends the most money on his . . T,paniA pair. War 1 -m i . I ... . . i ' -i J I o son on Emerson neia at a p. m. norary, out ne. wno spenas nisi , aryA nr. money most wisely m tne iigut of his interests and aims, who will win award. It is not likely that the a Intramural . (Continued from page three) lies for Z. 6. T. in the first pe riod on a 10-yard run, and later in the last half on a 55-yard touchdown jaunt after receiving a 10-yard forward pass. .Battle- vance-Jfettigrew was forced to forfeit to Grimes be cause of lack of sufficient play ers. This leaves New Dorms with an unspotted record in in tramural competition-five losses out of five gamesno touch downs,' no extra points, no field goals, and no safeties. Off the record, however, scrappy New Dorms septet gave the Grimes eleven a brisk scrap before bowing to them by a 13-7 score; " ' ' . -: " (Continued from page three) edge he had yesterday he, un doubtedly, will be crowned champ of the tournament. For. some unknown reason Podesta had lost the knack of placing the ball.' He may come back today a new man and blast Farrell over the court for he is capable of much better tennis than that which he displayed yesterday. Farrell in Shape Farrell "had a comparatively easy time with Podesta in the first set, blasting away with all his power to completely over whelm Podesta. Podesta came back in .the next two sets to show his true worth by tnmming Farrell 6-3 and 6-4. ! Long Fourth Set The fourth set was a long nightmare lasting well over an hour and going 24 games before Farrell emerged the victor. Po desta seemed very tired . while Farrell appeared to have found the vital spark necessary for his game. For eight games they til Farrell, taking the offensive, held to lead 5-4. broke each other's services un- Podesta serving had one set point against him but rallied to square the set 5 all. From the non the lead was exchanged until they came up to the 22nd game. Farrrell put on a burst of speed that left Podesta be wildered, to tie the match. lc SALE ON SWEAT SHIRTS : : --. . Buy one for 98c . . f-r v f;- r :. . Get another for lc . v: HERMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE -- A J. C. Lyons Injured Dr. J. C. Lyons of the French department, suffered severe cuts when he was blinded by an ap proaching car, causing Dr. Lyons to lose control of his own car. Dr. Lyons was released from the hospital a few hours after the accident and is. reported to be recuperating nicely. METHODIST PASTOR The joint-cabinet Hallowe'en social was definitely set for next Thursday night at 6:15 o'clock. Dwight Brown conducted the de- ward will go to some one who i votionals at last night's session. will not need tne awara as mucn as some student who, thougn a great reader, has not the money to equip his own library?" Miss Beust wasj ajsked. "Yes," she replied in her quiet convincing BIOLOGY CLASS MAKES TRIP TO WHITE LAKE The Rev. W. A. Jenkins, pas tor of the Methodist church is to . be transferred- from Chapel Hill to Elkin. North Carolina. Mr. Jenkins, who came to Chapel Hill from North Wilkesboro, has been here for a year and will be greatly missed by his congrega tion and many friends. Junior, Senior Pictures All juniors and seniors who have not yet had their pictures made for the Yackety Yack'are urged to do so before Thursday A class in advanced biology, conducted by Dr. Coker of that last Sunday field trip to . i ji' t rionartmpnr. nn way. "it mav not cro to. tne dov i ' wVm VftS Tin mrniPv to sncTid on made ; an all-day 1 , ., -r , 1 -1T.J. i Ve t LoUpva ton nftpn in wmte i,aKe, near naizaDetntown, UUU") fcfwy.w -w w , J? X..J- tWa fiol nf noAtior, Wp are IN. U., ior tne purpose ox siuay nf the student who has- hoth aquatic specimens and nf Tvr mnriAv t.n sw: -while the lake itself, we encourage those more fortu- White Lake is, a geological nate financially to spend their freak. It has neither outlet nor mnr.pV in the most nrofitahle wav inlet, and the grouping of animal and awaken them to what theyle 1x1 !t is uni(ue- can do with it. It's like neglect ing to develop the potentialities Infirmary of the bright school boy to spend Those confined to the infirm a disproportionate amount of ary yesterday were: T. B. Att time in helping the dumb pupil." more, Fred Cates, J. W. Francis, All apparent impracticalities of A. J. Jones, J. G. Pickard, Clara the plan appeared to have been Roberson, O. H. Page, and R. H. thought out and converted by Shulmah. A Complete Printing Service Modern up-to-date print ing machinery and a large selection of type faces in the hands of our skilled craftsmen enable us to render the best of service in your printing needs. The confidence of our pa trons has demanded the recent expansion of our plant. We have doubled our floor space and added new equipment with which we are able to pro duce a complete printing service for you. The Orange Printshop Box 272 Chapel Hill Phone 3781