atlp 'Car Seel HAIL THE KAYDETS Co-Spert Editors Ira Sarasohn and Lee Turk SPORT STAFF: NATE LIPSCOMB, GRAHAM GAMMON, JACK MCMILLAN, FLETCHER FERGUSON, MORTON GOLDBERG, HARVEY KAPLAN, FRANCIS RASPBERRY, EDWARD KARLIN ',7 1 f. J P V .1 . 1 i i HIGHLIGHTS OF TAR HEEL WIN By L$e Turk Raleigh, Nov. 2. The wea-$has therqujte cloudy and the sun bursts through occasionally as the excited mob of spectators streams into the stands out here on Riddick field. The field is slightly muddy but not enough to effect the play of either team. State, outfitted in blood red jerseys is the first team to take the field. They look powerful as they go through their warm ing up exercises. Cowboy Ro binson and Entwhistle put on a showy punting exhibition kick ing an average of 50 yards. The Wolf pack appears to be cocky. Up against the brick wall di rectly behind the goal posts on the North side can be seen an elaborate sign painted in bright red and blue.' It bears the epi taph: "Rose Bowl and State Cemetery for Carolina. On the South side of the field the gates open and in comes a quartet of State students pulling two buxom cows behind them. The cows each bear signs painted in red. One reads "We'll Beat Carolina and This Is No Bull;" the other proclaims "Carolina is a Lot of Bull." Then they drag out a fat. ram bearing the init ials, N. C. S., but the ram seems to feel out of place in State com pany and will not move without a battle. They finally were for ced to carry it. . The .Carolina stands go liter ally mad and cheer boisterously as the Tar Heels, in white jer seys, run onto the field. They go through their paces and look outwardly more powerful and potent than the Wolf pack. The Tar Heels leave the field to get their pre-game pep talk and the Carolina musical corps, in new blue uniforms march in alongside the red-uniformed State band. They march to their seats next to the players bench in impressive military style. Just then the State ram busts loose and throws off the State colors. The Carolina stands cheer the antics of the ram, but he is finally caught and subdued. The starting line-ups are as usual with the exception of Bardes in place of Cowboy Ro binson and Charley Gadd at Joe Schwerdt's quarterback post. The stands have already filled to ca pacity, and a large crowd is massed behind the goal posts. The sun is shining as the cap tains meet in mid-field. The referee taps "Hump" Sny der on the shoulder. Carolina INVITE YOUR FRIENDS and Enjoy Your Sunday Dinner . . at THE Carolina Coffee Shop "Quality Plus Service" Our prices have not Liberal Discount advanced this year on meal tickets THE won the toss and elects to defend the North goal with the strong wind at their back. State will receive. Jackson holds the ball;. Daniel is ready to kick; tne stands are tense with ex pectancy; the whistle; Daniel's toe meets the ball squarely and tne game is on. The Tar Heels stop the State piays com. xney iook strong. i t i rm l j I Jackson attempts to catch State off guard, and passes on the first J T J- -LI- - TTTU 1 ' uown, uub uie vYuuarepre. pared and the pass is knocked aown. state threatens tnrougn- out the first part of the opening quarter and Carolina is worried. Suddenly the Tar Heels start moving and they are on the one yard line wjien the quarter ends. Carolina scores as Montgomery goes off tackle. Daniel converts and that ends the scoring for the aalf. . Robinson enters the game be fore the half closes and foolishly tries to round the Tar Heel end. He is stopped cold. So cold that he has to be removed from the game. jit along little aoggie say the Tar Heels and the Cow boy heads for greener prairies. Between halves the bands of both schools combine to color fully spell out TAR HEELS and N f!. S. The Carolina ram. which contrary to rumor had not heen stolen, is being- towed snnnrf Wo hiV w in on nh sweater, who feeds him candy to set him to come along peace- fully A dexterous youth wearing a wolfhead mask is twirling a stick and leadins: the State band. Sud- denly he drops the stick and is forced to remove his head to find it. He finds it and continues on hi woir nTfo nnntjinniv A real life facsimile of the "man who regained his head." . The Snavelvmen run wild in the last half to score with ease, Passing, running, and defending in the manner of great teams, the Tar Heels amass a total of 35 noints to 6 for State. i-onoofpiiv for flao-rant rono-hinff in the clinches. Carolina plays a hard clean game. A bunch of Chapel Hill high school boys make off with the Cemetery sign. Half of the State stands empty and bravely go in pursuit oi tne tnree cmia ren. Needless to say they rescue their treasure, and flaunt it in front of the Carolina stands. The game ends. State has her sign but Carolina has the victory. A NEW BATCH OF FOOTBALL GAMES FOR PROGNOSTICS Contest Winners will Receive Their Awards on Tuesday; Ten New Games This Week The first successful football contest week is behind, and now a new week of prognosticating gets under way. The results are at present being tabulated, and the winners will be announced in the Daily Tar Heel Tuesday. With the mid-season tradi tional battles now a thing of the past, this week's contests will not be as difficult to pick. The rjarolina - V. M. I. same heads the iist. Carolina, of course, is fovnrprf in this: w. th Vire-in. ians are better than they look on paper. And heres humdinger Ge0rgia versus Tulane. Both TOftll t, vAoWar and this J J J shouId turn out to be the best in the gouth thig coming week, en(j Due to Mississippi State's up set victory over Army, their rraYYl wifVl T. S TT 'WTlll taVo fin . , . , 0 TT . major proportions. L. S. U. will be the favorite, but underdogs have a habit of upsetting the dope bucket. Close Games . Next comes the Manhattan- LaSalle and the Michigan St.- Marquette clashes These should be close with neither team en joying a pre-game advantage. The service teams meet two strong opponents when Navy comes up against Pennsylvania and Army takes on the Pitts burgh club. The service teams might find themselves on the losing end of both tilts." Villanova is a slight choice to beat Penn State in the big utue. xu uie uuu west' lowa &tate stacKS up against Kansas State in the an- nual inter-state clash, with the ansans iavorea. And last but far from least is the biggest game in the boutn- west, namely tnat Between isay- lor and Texas. This is another one of these annual affairs which finds neither team a favorite nor an underdog. Baylor, however, might take the honors. rarticioants in this weeK s contest are to follow the same rules which held fast last week. The winners will be announced I i m J weekly on uesaay morning anu the prizes can be gotten at the Daily Tar Heel office that same day- In case you have forgotten, the prizes are as follows: irst prize two passes to the uaro- lina Theatre: Second and third prizes: one pass eacn. Fill in the blanks with the probable scores. . . Spnrl nn flie hark of DOStal Lard to Football Contest Editor Box 102. or droD ballot in box on sport desk in Graham Memo office otthe Daily Tar HeeI Members! of the sport staff may not enter. Entrants may send in only one ballot. All ballots must be in by 7 o' clock Thursday night. Friday morning letters will be accepted Carolina . . . .V. M. I. . .Tulane . . Miss. St. . .LaSalle . . .Marquette Georgia . . . L. S. U. . . Manhattan . Michigan St. Pennsylvania . .Navy . . . . Pittsburgh . . . .Army Iowa State ... .Kansas St. Villanova . . -Penn. St. . Baylor ..... .Texas . . . Name . . . . Address .... . Harriers Defeat Wolf pack Squad Graham Gammon Breaks Course Record as His Mates Score One-Sided Win Over State With Graham Gammon setting a new course record of 18 :27, the Carolina harriers trounced the btate Wolf pack, 19 to 45. Davis of State also broke the old course record oi iy:zu Dy turning in the time of 18:50, which was 23 otwviiuo ucmiiu uaiuuiuu a UlUC. I ijou uonte, secona man to place xur Carolina ueu me oia course recora, ana was loiiowea across the hnish line by 3 Carolina men, Daniels, Kind, and Gardiner. I Gammon assumed the lead at the beginning of the race and held it over the entire course, He was always far enough in front so as to discourage any attempts to catch him. Davis and Conte assumed the respec- tive positions of second and third at the outset of the race and maintained these places un- quarter Montgomery went over Avery, who come in with al til the finish. for the first tally. Daniel made most a complete second team. Davis Second Davis of State, by finishing second, spoiled the Tar Heel harriers chances of annexing an- other perfect score. Although Davis tried to match the pace of his rival, Gammon, he was not equal to the task and had to resign himself to placing second. The hard and hilly 3.6 miles course which State offers to visiting harriers, proved to be no obstacle to Carolina runners J With Gammon leading the entire way, the rest of the squad was well bunched. Carolina entered 10 men in the race although only eight were running officially. State only placed one man in the first 10, and only two other TYIPTnVlPrc n"f V10 Wnlfnopl foam finished before the entire UNO squad had crossed the line. The final standings were as follows: Gammon (C) ; Davis (S) ; Conte (C); Daniels (C) ; Kind (C) ; Gardiner (C) : Fallon (S) : An derson (C) and Garland (C) (unofficial) tied for eighth place; Mark (C) ; Goldman (C) ; yv.vwv.A vu iWJ. WfiUlU Stinnette (S) ; Gove (C, unoffi cial) ; Halloway (S) and Keating (S). FROSH HARRIERS UPSET WOLFLETS Hendrix and Wakely Finish In r... t... TSa T?J DTni XC 1UJ. With the excellent showing of thft Tni. ttpp! vnrsitv nTii nnri dalers to inspire them, the fresh- man team trounced the N. C. SftA frpsnman rrnss-Mnntrv team by the score of 18-49. Led by Bill Hendrix and Frank Wakely, who tied for first place to set a new mark over the two mile course, the freshmen eas- ily outran their adversaries. Bill Hendrix and Frank Wake- ly, took the lead at the beginning of the race and were never se- riously threatened. They ran easily all the way and turned in the fine time of 10 minutes and 45 seconds. The entire Caro lina squad, encouraged by having their men out in front, literally ran the State Wolflets into the ground. The Carolina Tar Babies, with eight men entered in the race, managed to garner eight of the first nine places. The first man to finish for the Wolflets was Pierce who annexed third place. Over the entire course all the Carolina harriers were bunched with the exception of Hendrix and Wakely who were well out in front. After Pierce of State finished, not another State (Continued on last page) Snavelymen Sink Pack Under Pass Avalanche To Triumph Easily335-6 STATISTICS First downs Yards gained at the line Yards lost at the line Passes attempted Passes completed Passes intercepted Yards gained on passes Anrarro riicfanoa F nnnfo Yards penalized AaM mAc j Fumbles recovered Continued from first page) f With a yard to go and fourth down, Bershak took the ball on an end around which was good for 16 yards. Montgomery then went through tackle for three yards placing the ball on the three-yard line as the quarter ended. On the first play of the second the score 7-0 by a successful place-kick. i Daniel kicked oil to Bardes who fumbled on the 25-yard line, Bershak recovered and Carolina was in position for another score. The threat was short Ilved as Robinson intercepted Jackson's pass on the third down' -aiter an exenange oi punts, acson intercepted Entwhistle's Pass on e 4U-yara line ana re- turned !t to the 14-yard line, 111110111113 xnen passea to ivioore 1 a S1X yara gam- -tiutcnins made it hrst down. Jackson s tally. Mclver made the score pass to Moore was downed and 28-0 with a successful conver on the next play the ball went sion. into the end zone. The remain- The fifth and final score bv der of the half saw both teams tt!inf, in .'lfel1fd . ".4 " puoacaaiuu ui v-aiuniia. The third quarter began with Daniel kicking off to Ryneska. State's backs were unable to i ji. . i. ii ii Dnng xne Daii aown tne neia ana Entwhistle kicked to Jackson 1 , 1 i 1 1 1, I- 11 I 7no- rurnT e T m ine s-jxu niic tu tuc iv-m took the ball deep in Carolina's territory oniy to lose it on a ium- ble which was recovered by Bershak. On a series of runs by r managed to carry the ball to- L,J 4-1, 1 r JAT 1 wax us tuc gucu. wilt; ux lxic piiiyii T 1 -r i saw JacKson pass to jacicson ior a iour-yara gam. This ieat was accomplished when J ack- son's attempted pass was hit by a State man and bounced back into Jackson's hand. ine drive culminated when Jackson passed to Buck who ran 15 yards f or the Daniel's conversion was good, maKing tne score 14-0. Daniel's kick-off was fumbled b? Ryneska and recovered by bershak on the 18-yard line. Jackson then passed to Buck, bringing the ball down to the six. Hutchin's went for three yards but the Tar Heels were penalized 15 yards for holding. With the ball on the 21-yard line, Hutchins then gave the ball to Jackson who started wide around end. As the State man Intramural Football Monday 4:30: Fetzer Field No. 1. Sig ma Nu vs. Kappa Sigma. 4:30: Fetzer Field No. 2. Ruf fin vs. Manly. 4:30: Fetzer Field No. 3. St. Anthony Hall vs. Theta Chi. 4:30: Fetzer Field No. 4. A. T. O. vs. Phi Alpha. Carolina State 7 8 75 .71 22 50 15 17 , 5 6 ; 4 1 93 100 36 45.5 25 52 25 2 i 5 1 swept in on Jackson he passed the ball to Bershak who caught it in the end zone for Carolina's third score. Daniel once again made the extra point good, The quarter ended with the ball in State's possession after Berlinski made a nice run, and a pass by Entwhistle to Berlin- ski was crood for 44 vards. after Carolina's third tally, in- tercepted Entwhistle's pass. An exchange of punts took place and ended when Little brought Gadd's punt down to the 29-yard line. Carolina could not capi- talize and Montgomery kicked over the goal. With the ball on the 20-yard line, McCachren in- tercepted a pass and brought the nan to the lo-yara line, btate was then penalized 15 yards for unnecessary roughness placing the ball on the 1-yard line. Hut- enm's crash through center was good for the Tar Heel's fourth the Tar Heels came when Mc- a?f " intePted a pass on r,rt f , r , e ; on. ine suDSiiiute oacK ran oi yards to cross the goal line standing up. Mclver once more made the conversion. i With the sen Sf-0 in f avnr nf the Carolina eleven. State marched down the field and were not stopped by the second onlv score made bv the State team in the cosing seConds of play Berry Davi3 L,c C0 tt, nitn4A conversion was no od and the Sn Gnded- Sc0r: Car" oiina SS. Stat fi NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED The latest and best in top coats and suits. Drop in and see our New Vagabond top coats and the Smart Double Breasted Kent Roll suits. Pritchard-Bright . and Company "Tomorrow's Styles Today" Washington-Duke Hotel Bldg. . DURHAM, N. C.

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