W$i Batlp "Car jeel Th ftffleial newananer of the Publications Union Board of the University mt NoTth Carolina at Chapel Hill where it is printed daily except Mondays.! mni the Thankirfvinsr. Christmas and Spring Holidays. Entered as second class matter at the post ofSce at Chapel Hill, N. C, under act of March 3,1 1879. Subscription price, $3.00 tor tne college year. . Business and editorial offices: 204-206 Graham Memorial Telephones: editorial, 4351; business, 4356; night, 6906 P. G. Hammer, editor R.C.Page, Jr., managing editor W. L. Hargett, associate editor A. R. Sarratt, Jr., city editor E. L. Kahn, assistant city editor Butler French, business manager Editorial Board -I. D. Suss, chairman, J. M. Daniels, D. G. Wetberbee, D. X, McKee Feature Writers W. P. Hudson, N. C. Read News Editors S. W. Babb, J. M. Smith, Jr., C. W. Gilmore, W. S. Jordan, Jr., R. Sprinkle, J. F. Jonas Office Force E. J. Hamlin, J. A. Brown, L. L Gardner, R. Howe News Release Newton Craig, director, H. T. Terry, Jr. Exchange editors S R. Leager, G. O. Butler, W. S. MeClelland Senior Reporters H. M. Beacham, W .C. Fields, III, H. Goldberg Heelers . v R. P. Brewier, T. C. Britt, R. H. Reece, Ruth Crowell, J. H. Sivertson, Marjorie Usher, N. S. Rothschild, 3. L. Cobbs, J. H. Ward, Veit Gilmore, W. G. Arey, R. T. Perkins, O. N. Whittaker TT TT TT- J xu.. n. airsciueiu - Division managers J. A. Lewis, circulation, H. F. Osterheld, oollections, M. B. Carr advertising, T. E. Joyner, local advertising, W. H. D. Eckert and R. Crooks, office Diplomatic Digest BY The Probers I REGARDING SOCIAL SCIENCE Notes from The London Naval Conference In the Locarno room of the Editor's note: The following letter by Prof. L. C MacKinney, of the history department, who was appointed in the spring of 1934 by President Graham to head the social science committee of the new curriculum ad ministration, is self-explanatory. It is reproduced in full to give the stu dents the faculty answer to a recent editorial appearing in these columns. The December 11 number of the Daily Tar Heel contained an ! editorial entitled "Unsocial Science" in which the new freshman TWO YEARS AGO TODAY Compiled from the files of the Daily Tar Hrrrr Feminine invasion of the low er quadrangle is threatened by recnmmpndAtinn in Tt-;j survey course in social sciences yras criticized The ground of cri- Graham that women studyin; British foreign office last Mon- ticismwas briefly the following: in spite of the feet that the course V 3" dav a nessimistic erout) of dele- L , ,x o nUr ,r, nflw. leaucatl0n taking nursing gates saw their despondency jus- here," and for the purpose of building up a sympathetic so- room Q " Lr fi'fiori tttVi ot xiTnn'a Admiral nl .. . ' . i. i room in ranam dormitory. . . amrNaiano flXrefuT; cipoimconomie rem on?mp, u was uemg xaugn. soie.y Dy A state newspaper predicts that Ztn rito ItJ" disgrutled alumni who want to W zo ine instructional sum vj. wu Houwa, auu w tu gee Carolina on the gridiron man the departments that have co-operated m planning it, I ask you to wiU folIow up thdr dismissal 0 print the following sketch of the history of the formation of the Coach Chuck Collins by trying course. get rid of President Graham. . . In the late spring of 1934, shortly after the faculty had voted Y. M. C. A. announces Univer to set up new curricula for freshmen and sophomores, President sity wjh soon have CWA jobs Graham appointed two committees, one from the social sciences for 200 self-help students, and one. from the natural sciences. Each was to do "spade work" Lewis dorm pranksters scare two in planning a survey course for freshmen. The social science com- mischievous students into lug mittee consisted of two members from each of the following de- sns back to Carrboro a sneed- tucuon suDxenuge. we win De partments: education, economics, history, political science, and limit; sign, eight-foot post and eady says theJapanese delega- sodolo During the summer: of 1934 this committee "spaded" all, after the two had stolen it vigorously in order to find out what the leading institutions of the Method: threatening to tell the nation were doing in this line. The findings and recommendations Student Council. . .Regarding were submitted to a "steering" committee, appointed by the presi- Collin's successor as football dent, and consisting of the heads of the various social science de- coach, Coach Bob Fetzer says, partments (economics, history, political science, and sociology) . "All I know is what I read in This committee decided that our needs called for the type of social the papers." Rumored candi science course that is usually called "History of Civilization ;" and dates for Carolina's coaching is best exemplified by the "Contemporary Civilization" course at jdb: Dana X. Bible, of Nebras Columbia University. ka; Tommy Campbell, former Accordingly they selected four of the members of the original Tar Heel star lineman; "Nemo"" "spade" committee (one from each of the four social science de- Coleman of Asheville boyV partments) and set them up as a sort of "blue-print" committee, school, another ex-Tar Heel to work out plans for the course. After this group had worked for star; Bill Fetzer, former Caro four months, the "steering" committee approved one of the skele- Una football coach; Walter Skid ton outlines, and decided to get the course ready for the following more, Charlotte high school fall. Meanwhile steps were taken to organize at least a nucleus of coach; Chick Meehan of Man a teaching staff. Inasmuch as the course was to replace the for- hattan; Gus Tebell, formerly N. mer freshman history, several instructors in history were avail- C. State :oach. . . ship frvr Vi n ortir fnnrco TTiroo rvf Tiorn wore orllorl" fr T-io "Who s . . AIT I J I aiVIT Jk AAA WW VX. TV WAX HUUU W bUV WiUV Opposition tO.the wastetUl institution nas Deen VOlcea Dy Stu- Japan irom iunner serious, - ?ufl a onw0 cfl ;a v,q LOST Black Eversharp fountain i'r nQd iraaro nl ynm imA .a Htyip varirinjj: f drultv Tnem- and a subseauemt naval race that .. . . .. - . . . . Den. Tuesday morning in Isew r 1. - - group Lnat actually consxructea me present social science course. bers.have made known the.r feelings with regard to the matter, would lay new burdens on tax- workedoutthesyUabusindetail.th eydlevlu pUstsot books It is true that the opponent of any system are the first to broad- payers. ; for collateral reading, they worked out the idea of a separate social cast their objection. In the facerof objections, constructive cri- However, if the nations of Eu- 3 ,eadi room, and in general surveyed U' the poiUe prob- ticism, and new recommendations, however, it is only meet and rope and America grant the riip- jgg that might arise. ngnt tnat ine aamimstrauon &uxxxe uxax - n toc With the help of Prof. E. W. Knight of the department of edu- admission. . ' m.. on Tvwro'Ja TiTaTiQocva'hnvA cation, a recuest was made to the General Education Board for a If there are no logical arguments ior tne continuance 01 tne - , - grant of money with which to set up adequate reading-room facili- system, then immediate ana aennite action must De v .iu p. - ties, including books and magazines. During the summer of 1935 aKniiinn Tho lptharv contriuutmsr to tne existence 01 sucn n- -rr"" Vi tPmfoocnro sniii f4v,a 0rtr;c ow, r rprliHnii nf laro-P china, rrnis-1 x ivo va?Fcaawxxxxi, hU iwg ui uw ie .i history department were selected by the administration of the I . A i.Ai xt University as chairman and executive secretary of the instruction- view of the fact that since the beginning of the fall quarter edito- Davis ledged before the al staff Additional instructors were also selected. Inasmuch as the rial opposition has been voiced and no comment on the opposite ?P .fJJ? ? 1 . nillri-p. course was built on a framework of historical chronology, most i it. ii 1 T J-J nr, irviTVloHlQtO U6"vo xaaawaaw- ,,wa a. . iM,,4-- . 1. T 3 1 i 1 ,. ... siae oi tne question nas ueexi xixuc, wmduuis ii ou ,iimiiv.vv 4?rtTVi QVvn. vq looi in I ua tliC 1 ovv lo'ut'" wcxe xxxcxx wno nau ueen tramea cnieny m port an American proposal for a 20 percent reduction in all na vies. The Japanese have made no secret of their intention to se cure naval equality, whether it comes through the use of trea ties or not. Admiral Nagano charged the delegates with at tempting to dodge the naval ra tio question by the use of a "re duction subterfuge." We will be r tion, to talk reduction after the 5-5-3 ratio is abandoned. And thus the success or fail ure of the conference depends upon the willingness of Cauca sian powers to formally permit Japanese naval equality. If this year's conference goes on the rocks because of the white man's reluctant obstinacy in admitting that men of another race have j equal international rights, it may mark the last naval pow-wow of any importance. Furthermore,, the European nations would have nothing, to Despite the urgency of taking action on the comprehensive gain by offending Japan. If they examination questionthere has been no expression of attitude on refuse the equality plea, it will the part of the administration. merely mean the withdrawal of Local advertising staff x N. W. Bond, C. WY Blackwell, W. D. McLean, Staff photographer D. Becker P. G. Keel THIS ISSUE: NEWS, SPRINKLE; NIGHT, GILMORE OFFICIAL ANSWER? West or Y. M. C. A. Valued as gift. Reward if returned to Sam Willard,. A. T. O. house, or phone 7406. .. abolition. The lethargy contributing to the existence logical practices must end. Wp Ha not rpauest a hurried and ill-considered action. But in! stand by the administration are imperative. ;Why hasn't there been an official answer? " NYE-KV ALE BILL ilU1" v,a " 1,:1.... J . i.V . '1 - rrr. . r,aWoi ra,a Tf roTYinmc o Iua tu wtuuwiujr xn txxe ouxer social sciences, ine present stait a conclusion, however, that the ?" men, six of them have received most of tnor tram United States would not be slow ln?.fs f htory; one is a member of the department of to follow' if such a race began. Phtlal of e department of economics. As yet the The system of American education-has tended more and more And if we attempt to keep iAelT'Ji'T"" 10 f e a memDer CI within recent years toward complete freedom in choice of the naval ratio at 5-5-3, it is not dif- " ufl"f unaoie to spare anyone. SITsttdy. In only one.respect has this progressive move- ficult to guess who the leader is All msteuctors have been selected on he basis of their preparation menffLd an imposing and insurmountable barrier: military going to be. Jmtory,,poUt,ca1 sewjjee, m-,ootogy. but more SnT - It's an extremely delicate po- Particularly because of their success in dealing with students. . i: t n rii 0 nnV,Uol,n land rT.Qf Iroi- rama fWrP nlflvimr thOSM! , wuiccictj yuuia, rne system oi compulsory xv. j. x. caiauuoncu xi cxv e1""1 OJ colleges during the World War period, has long outlived its im- boys in the Locarno room. It's a mediate value: now that it has assumed a , tyrannical position game with no cards showing and fnrrincr stndPTits to contribute their enererv to continue a vicious the sky the limit. They are play- nnf;nQ . , in? with shiDS for chins. But we Sam Selden requests that all uiavuMi 1 " . II L. C. MacKinney. ENGLISH 61 ooi n-p sorrow Ppfot TCvle to will do well to keep both eyes on applicants for English 61, a i 4. 4.v,'m'n:- rtc;r the deck for when the game is course in rehearsal and perfor- abolish the compulsory nature of the R. O. T. C. is a necessary ine ucck, ior wxxcxx uxe kxxic 1SS. 'and timely action. The efforts of the military to cloak their sel fish motives behind the ostensible willingness of undergraduate bodies to co-operate with' the training unit would not bear very thorough investigation. Playmakers over, we will have to pay the bill, mance, see him before the end of the week. Only 12 students can take the course this quar ter, since intensive and individ- A It A? A - I nl l. rTU a. I m t ."wtT.t'WMtgn. wrwrwn. ill I. uuijki- f 1 1 f k will ih I if I I vy I eiu Social affairs, co-ed sponsors, and unlimited facilities of pro- traei-comedv of Chabel Hill, by Ltndents will he selerteH bv the paganda contribute to the glow which surrounds the R. O. T. C. Joseph Lee Brown, directed by Playmaker staff, and only those constantly growing eiiorts oi tne icauers uj xxxcictt&e tu the author. who have taken English 61 or prestige of their organization is ample prooi mat voluntary m- Frank Durham will manage who have done outstanding work terest on tne part ot students is tailing on, mat me training the stage, assisted by George in acting will be admitted. snouia oe requirea in tne iace oi gruwxixg uppuxl,xuxx xs utvwiduic starks, Lawrence Wismer, Her and unbearable in the face of our fundamental, American con- Abelman, and Sidney cepts of liberty. n , Schwartz. The public is cordi- The growing tide of pacifistic thought which has risen since ally invited. the. war finds a stumbling block in the R. 0. T. C, against which CREATIVE WRITERS Capehart Program Handel's "Messiah" will be heard on the Capehart .phono graph tonight in the choral room of Hill Music hall at 7 o'clock. GIFTS for EVERYONE A visit to our store will convince you CHRISTMAS CARDS BUY NOW! Ledbetter-Pickard it has no power to function. That united and complete anti-war sentiment is the only way of approaching the ideal of peace, is a logical and practical conclusion. . That peace is an end to be desired cannot .be denied. How, Food Case Professor Phililps Russell will be in his office, Murphey 210, from 2:30 to 3:30 today, tomor row and Friday to confer with students who wish to register Continued from first page) The court then ruled that the for English 53, creative writing. :then, can we break down the unintelligent opposition that does prosecution based on the low rat- The department calls special not allow the individual to eho.Ose what he may deem ethically mg was unconstitutional, as the attention to the fact that no stu land logically right? How can we stop the forces that have the action usurped legislative pow- dent may register m this course power to demand that individuals give up this basic right of free ers by the local health board, without Professor Russell's rhftire? ' V The state's appeal to this deci- written permission, which is to We must remove that power at the source. Government gives? the R..0. T. C. the ability to compel students to undergo military; training. It is only, through legislative governmental channels: that this' can be rescinded sioh will be heard today. OUR ERROR In reporting the election of of- be taken to Dean Hobbs. English 62 Applicants All English 62 applicants must The Nye-Kvale bill is an attempt to accomplish this end. With ficers in the Di Senate Tuesday sfe Sa Pel5e w HB ooaera. Tf Cl T T wnnU nawm or. r.;ol 'roftira en TiQfSU,;V4. 1,-. T .tt vfs JJvvr SlDCe UXC uaao xxx duvautcu atL- TTinvea to eflFect international neace will he aWa tn function with) thh f lenvino- mit Tioinff 1S hmited to Z freedom; students will -be able to make a choice in keeping withj name of Senator Bill Cochrane their intelligent and morai conclusions; and one of the few re4 who was elected critic for the maining drawbacks to liberty in education wiil be non-existent. J winter quarter. LOST Rimless pair of glasses in Hack case sometime Saturday aft ernoon. Return to Blanche Bullock, 314 Spencer, and receive reward. i m ii m a emttasmw wvaor t mm 4- i .,,,s, : mm She'll thrill voa In the. I red romance of Buffalo Bill's sharpshoettngitarl , A 1 I A A, TqkuUi PRESTON FOSTER MELVYN DOUGLAS , MORONI OLSEN PERT KELT ON ANDY CLYDE . CARTOON NOVELTY NOW PLAYING , - We've Jj the latest models in gay holiday wrappings Be sure that yours is a gift that's fully appreciated. Give a Kodak and solve the problem expertly, inexpensively. At our store you'll find them attractively . packaged for Christmas morning. Prices start at $5. Drop in now and make a leisurely selection. Foister Photo Co Southern Railway offers Special Train Service From the Campus ' " December 20th for U. N. C. STUDENTS WITH THROUGH CARS TO THE SOUTH - EAST - WEST From Durham THREE SPECIAL TRAINS December 20th FOUR DAILY TRAINS Through cars and connections from all the above trains to all sections of The State and Nation Low Round Trip Holiday Fares Good" In Pullmans and Still Lower: Fares Good In Coaches Only. Coach fares to the east is something" new in transportation . : . . I COMPARE RATES, CONSIDER COMFORT, SAFETY, AND FRE QUENCY OF' SERVICE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER AND PUR CHASE YOUR TICKET OVER TflS Southern Railway and travel with the 1000 and more using- this line HARRY MONTGOMERY . Special Representative Tickets will be on sale in College M. C. A. building December 18, 19, 20. Wake Pullman Reservations in advance on Special card application-furnished. J. S. BLOODWORTH,., DPA. Raleigh, N. C

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