atlp Car WBESTLING MURALS TODAY Co-Sport Editors Irs Sarasoha and Lee Turk i. SPORT STAFF: NATE LIPSCOMB, GRAHAM GAMMON, JBI MCMILLAN, FLETCHER FERGUSON, MORTON GOLDBERG, HARVEY KAPLAN, FRANCIS RASPBERRY, EDWARD KARLIN mtzi TALK By LEE TURK TU PWIC STRAW VOTE ASKED STUDENT IDEAS ON ATHLETIC PROBLEM PHANTOMS DRILL FOR TIGER CLASH AFTER HOLIDAYS WE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS GIVING Skidmore Switches Men InEfifort REASONS FOR ALL to Get First Uass Men for upening uame PUGILISTS PREP : FOR FIRST MEET 1111 " Tar Heel Boxers Get Set for Op ening Match vs. South Caro lina Gamecocks There Dekes Cop Championship As Wrestling Intramurals Come To Brilliant Finish TURKEY IN THE STRAW VOTE! Graham Leads Dorms; The varsity boxing squad is Four Tie for Second iworKinff strenuouslv to pet in Coach Walter Skidmore sent condition for the evening match Rufifin, Everett, Manly, and Man his charges through a lone with South Carolina on January Aie Ior econa Among w w . Dorms; Chi Psi Scores 145-LB. FINALS ARE TODAY -r, i, t a.rUam do his dehateahle re PndfU scrimmage drill yesterday in 11 at South Carolina. The mem- to the' American Association of Colleges in regard to improv- Preparation for the White Phan- bers of the squad are taking tl0n!u; .tfq nf athletes throughout the country, there has been tom's, opening game against workouts every afternoon and mg "lc m . , nnw,a cnmo, r.mMA Clemsons Tiger five in the Tin are slowlv rounding into form. Seven new ohamninns donned i enme tUrOre raioeU Ull tmo wiiinius. u""'J Aic& oeiwu mm i " I mtt L rw have taken the negative side. In an effort Can on Frida January 3. The exacting drills taken by their crowns last night after the VT: l'a indent amnion on the matters in doubt, the Daily The new head mentor has to una uic . . , traw ballot containinff six imnort- trid different combinations dur- rounds of ring work,, followed by in the finals of the intramural TAR ilfcELi jcowu ? - - ant Title Holders 118 Harris (Phi Gamma Del ta). 126 Hastie (D. K. E.). 135 Randall (& P. E.) . 155 Callum (Everett) . 165 Smith (Manly)". 175Williams (Ruff in). Heavy Crystal (Z. B. T.). mg each nractice in an attemDtl about 10 minutes? of brisk "nound-1 TxrciotliTiflr tftnmamoTif TTorn'c rtiiPttions to be answerea oy xne stuueutB.-iiiuituiiai coiiiiueut w . . - . ZLirlden nrior to the vote, but now that it is said and to Pk a really fast and smooth ing of the heavy and light bags. (Hg), Hastie (126), Brown, ioruiuucii f . ., , . m , outfit before the vacation gets This is tonned off hv several li tO QO a Dlt OI replying, zne iixjsu qucauuu icau i , I I ' ' w" ' was done, we are going as follows: . Do you favor the policy of allowing athletes or prospective athletes to receive preferential consideration in the matter of tuition, fees, room, board, books, clothes, job, etc? No we absolutely do not favor any such plan. An athlete should be regarded only as a student of the University, and in no other light. He should not be given any preference what soever despite his past or present ability. If the above plan were to be carried put on a wholesale scale, the University would be divided into two groups, students and athletes. And eventually it would be virtually impossible for any outsider to make an athletic squad due to the overflow of bought scholar ship material. We doubt that our opinion on that matter can be questioned within the bounds of reason. I HEREBY SWEAR: Do you favor a policy requiring of each athlete a detailed state ment in writing of the amounts of his financial earnings and in come received during the college year, and their source? under way. ! - H minutes- of rope-skipping, sha- Skidmore is determined to nut dow-boxing, and one or two out a fighting team this year, laps around the track. and in line with the present Big Four of Hastie's attack and never had a chance. The final of the 135 pound class brought together Brown (St. Anthony) and Randall (S. P. (165), Williams (175), and. Cry- E.). The crowd-settled back and stal (Heavy) were declared the watched one of the most pecu- victors m tneir respective aivi- liar bouts of the entire tourney. sions at the close of the tourney. Brown seemed to have used the money oi switcning men irom one -d ? uur, tun&i&ung ui uue xo tne large entry m tne lo - nsvpholopv in electing to team to another, every member "Party Boy" Diehl, Joe - Fisher, poun(j class, the finals in that di- Lfnv pnwn affpr h( rereivpH tho U J-1 J 111 1: I Tiling TT3ttti r.1-J TVT nvia I J l 1 Xil J.Ol 01 uie squau win nave a cnance i mca iucuj uorn, onu iuoaic vision were postponed until i:ou time advantage' and consequent- to snow tneir true wortn. viun, aic vuwmg w uchci un toaay. . , . ? . i Wf Ant t PoWiii off0 fA f - I .. , - - j . - i. " I I jr iuoii UUb l,w. avuuuuu aivyt . n w ne oniy men wno nave excellent recorus oi .iast yeax. D. k. E. ran off with the cam- Ar?oHi: f iit,Vtriirirlmr nlaved on the first team since Fisher and Novich in the pre- v T - I - - 1 L7Lir tltlC ailiaOOillfc: CL tUtai Ui XWW I A -f-4- . - MiMllf a Vawav 001. ' a-P nVonfAa Pofoin season done are slated to enter . i i- n . i.n. --xvAi-ci uuc uiuw, uj. . eveu ui v.r,i i - . T- nomts. toDoimg ine iormer iitie-1 k un t;, Tiri, J ati fl,fl rJnr oo?flsf nW0 T7oWar ... ' .: . wicotiiiiK uic. ucu. xojik aiiu tucjr uiiii AYitvav;iii.cii um J.YXC1 iiw- wiv u6 wguiuou uvo vw, u. wp.v Kiiffin ' (lftrm trv. . from k ''J j., t, Q HhWo Colden Clove .winner. Z - ea ior tne aavantage. an- n . . I i-ii i- i. -l ni son. Uotn oi tnese Doys ;are onicago uomen uiove veterans from last year's con ference winning five) and ' are pug. These two bouts will off er out to lead this year's sqUad on Carolina a chance to step t into to another championship. . the limelight if Fisher, and. No- Coach Skidmore divided the vich can come through over the men into groups of three yester- highly rated rivals.. e omcago uomen uiove winner, itg mat pinnacle. Chi Psi scored dall dalled the right side of the - and M! . HO points, but as most of their 1 points were derived from their tion. When Brown broke the hpld ' targe amount of entries, D. K. E. and elected to take, the boitom, was awarded the title. W-Wyh- iVncam "-thn ArtrA Graham Wins but after Brown "did this jre Graham entered the greatest peatedly, a look of amazement over their faces. But for W)licv which will divide P.lays ? e?m ?e bal1 ? "I0 dormitory teams to top their re- fleating glimpse of Brown when Mawtho hootot thrnnnrn q man rn a ir ur, ims,. aiii wilh a : iillic i t n n i. .... : speenve ciass wun points, oe- he was on top early in the second man defense. Mullis, Potts, and more experience wilU probably pIace in m dormitory riod th ' m Kamey, sopnomore stars, team- ueveiup m.u une ux u league will not be determined Randall. The bell sounded ending Ross To Receive Aid Of Athletes TheaDOVe query is pernaps me iiium rmicuiuus ui wncnx - ,fllimMfl rtf WW Moe Mnrnick. intramural box- i ' T'l J . . ath- w vui6 wi .v,xw& TT..i . roiai oi wrestlers among tne spread lete should be on equal levels. Yet here is a policy which will divide , f J , . . " , fllftT1(y.ff,Rt. flT1d with a 5 little a lliri I.I IIT I lX. rxmia a . I 1 1 II U. AS aui b t mi a v - miw w wva tne SCnOOl into me two groups we ineiitxviicu, aim uwac xaivc wuv of the entire athletic setup. The federal government of the United States usually catches criminals en charges of income tax evasion, which is some what similar to what we are trying to do with our athletes if the above policy were adhered to. A criminal has to answer practically the same question. - : , , Are we going to put them on the same, plane with crimi nals? Is it sporting to say," we distrust you," and then at the close of the season shout their praises, and call them the cleanest and finest bunch of boys ever to play for Carolina? If that is what the University wants, then they can dump their athletic system in the ash can and say, "good riddance." It is just the same as admitting that our athletes are dis honest, and this is a plan whereby we will catch them red handed. Any clear-minded athlete would consider the enforce ment of such a policy as a direct insult. LET THE ALUMNI ALONE : Do you favor the practice of administering alumni gifts to atii-LTa- at nresent no coach has to a hospital for treatment. The letes through the co-operative media of athletic associations of hpen definitelv selected for them Monogram Club is behind a ree rank Umstead, varsity lit alumni agencies? f . ifl'. o movement to heln raise funds to Pounder, called Harris (Phi Gam Whnf ho Qlnmni Anaa mifti fhaii- ntnnr id nrmo nur hnoinpoa .. ... ... j 1t- Uid "Pnw" Rnvoo in wVii'r. I ma -Delta) and JarWlCK (Ul wv ... i,xn. nij xiUiiv. wx i-nvofTipp session: anu me iixoi, . . , , v,nn.: .- e-.-irv Therefore the answer to that one can only be "yes." We have no ;ame is but three days after the anyone may put a contribution; center oi tne mat ior u, u.x v . right to tell a men what to do with his money. If he desires to with the have been placed in the Book finals in thesis pound di- ; aiw " . " - ' mi.'whon .fiom Morooi vision, ine men circled eacn otn- "P uul- " wa ed together in one threesome, southpaws in the Southern Con while Nelson. Kavenv. and Ber- ference. v - 7 7 " shak, teamed together to form a stiff defense. Frank, Bloom, and Wright looked good, while Grubb, Ruth and Webster held the spotlight. Shepard Helps Former Coach Bo Shepard University Monogram Club Fos I again helped train ... the team, tets Movement- to Raise ... i i j-i- i first picking nopeiuis irom tne Funds for Sick Helper Ifrosh gym classes to tryout ior the freshman team, and then "Ross," faithful servant to showing the varsity men some athletic teams of the University new offensive tactics. for a number pf years, is: seri until the finals of the 145 ' pound the second period and it was dis division are run oft today. Four covered, after the - judges had teams, Ruffin, Everett, Manly, compared "their watches, that and Mangum are tied for second Randall ; was the victor with a place, but Mangum can forge time advantage of 3:20. ahead of the others by copping Experience Wins the 145' pound crown. ; Callum (Everett) and Mickey Intramural director, Herman (S. A. E.) then met in the finals Schnell, announced at the close of the 155 pound division. This of the tourney that 106 boys and bout found en experienced man, 26 organizations were represent Callum, opposing an inexperienc ed in the contests. This is the ed but gritty wrestler Mickey, largest turnout in intramural with experience winning out. mat history. Only a small crowd of mat fol- ffnah ouslv ill and has been removed uf iuur r-. . , lowers were on hand when refe From the opening gong Callum took the offensive and did hot re linquish it until he had downed his man. Mickey held1 up for three minutes with Callum on top of him but weakened and give it to a student to heln him stav in school, that is entirely Thev . Exchange, Graham Memorial t a t. ii i i i i i i ' - !." j i I . . .1 a i j.: 1 w mill, as xar as tnat. goes, let us iook into our own pocKets oe- wiu hold their first regular meet- several eating inaces in er for "the first few seconds and U"ly the beginning. Smith i (Man- fore we peer into others. Do you favor alumni subsidization in the form of direct aid by the alumni to members of athletic teams or prospective athletes? This question is practically the same as the preceding one, and the answer again is "yes." The word direct is seemingly put there to give the idea more force, but let it be known that, direct or indirect, the alumni will continue their helpful subsidizing despite any demands to stop. Once again we want to say and we can't impress you enough with the idea that an alumni's money is his own to love, cherish, hoard, spend, or uo wun as ne darn pleases. ino- tnniffht. when an invited town. O " r - I oxonn of first year men will - All meet with their new coach. Following the exercises on fundamental plays, the squad members squads have been helped by xvusa mniiy iiiuco anu , it 10 ! had a long scrimmage. Nelson and Bershak worked at forward the student body have also call suddenly Harris sprang at Bar- ty) and Hairston (Sigma" Nu) - . wick, got a body scissors on him; fought it out m the 165 pound oi A atmetic . ., ;i,je.i ji-w . o-:a1- ? aim it was an over m z:zo. ""uii vyxlxx omun . emerging Hastie on Top tne, victor after 5 : 23: Experience The bell nad hardly stopped aain triumphed ' with Smith ap plying too many holds for Hair- Virro fViof oil will maVo enmp nii nW rorr,h n-f 1 ""ig wxien xaasue JV. rj.) WUtiALyUUViit V- tXXX XVAX WVA kJ V-fc I . . - caugnt nis opponent, Moore . (u. (Continued on last page) for the "A" team, Webster was ed on "Ross" to rub or heat at center, while McCachren and away their ailments and any- Ruth were at guard, retrea thing they may leel like giving moved up to the second team at will be appreciated the oneniner of the scrimmage The University Athletic Asso uo you favor soliciting of athletes or nrospective athletes by arid teamed at guard with Grubb. ciation is continuing "Ross " members of a collegiate athletic staff ? ' Meroney at center, and Potts pay while he is sick but it is not iNow, here is probably the first really debateable question asked, and Rainey at forwards com na there are doubtlessly varying ideas on the matter. Personally, pleted the five. we ao not favor soliciting of this sort. Anybody connected with a K. E.) and pinned him to the mat in the fast time of :37. It was the end of the finals in the 126 pound class. Moore was rush ed off his feet by the suddenness; All varsity and' freshmen boxers are requested to at tend a meeting tonight in Em erson field at 8 o'clock. enough to take care of the hospi- (Continued on last page) university should not attempt to get implicated in such matters. We should allow outside interest's,' such as alumni, to do that work. Once an athletic staff starts getting mixed up in the soliciting profc em, there will always be quite a number of rival schools ready to Point accusing fingers, and demand an investigation. So let the School keep their thumbs nut. nf that ni. KEEP OUR NOSES OUT OF THE MUD: Do. you favor post-season games in football? , Yes, yes, a thousand times yes I We stated pur views on hat matter in a previous column; and still believe that post season games should not be banned Since that question was first brought up, adverse student opinion has torn it asunder, a"d it is at present only a skeleton of its former self. And a skeleton it shall remain, for we Seriously doubt that the South ern Conference will pass a rule' to ban such games. It seems rather foolish for such questions to eminate from this University. No one has ever successfully accused the University of Nrth Carolina of malicious attempts to professionalize athletics, so why are we acting for reform when reform' is not needed; ' LOUIS TO FIGHT UZCUDUN FRIDAY Black Bomber to Take on -Steele-Jaw ed Veteran in Garden SCHMELING MUST MEET JOE FIRST 1 Boxing Commission Rules that German Must Fight Joe Louis i .t m viy iiy AW if The "Black Bomber." Joe Louis, will pit his. two-fisted po werhouse attack against the en durance and the steel jaw oi tne vpfprnn Panlinn TTzeudun in a Max Schmeling, who obvious ly came to these shores from Germany with the idea of meet ing the heavyweight champion i Jim Braddock, was told by : the scheduled 15 round slugfest at Boxing Commission:: that he New York's Madison Square would have to take on Joe Louis Garden tomorrow night. - first before a match with the .In his 12 years of fighting, Uz- champ could be ' arranged. cudun has fought 65 bouts, and nerr Maxie does not rensn a has vet to hit the canvas. - Ex- bout with Joe; but if he decides pert opinion has it that the game to come to terms, the Twentieth old-timer will go to the canvas century sporting v,iuo win pro- inside of six rounds, despite the mote the scrap. (Continued on last page) (Continued on last page) GLOVES Warm, perfect-fitting gloves of pigskin, cape skin or mocha in regular sizes . tan, black or gray ALSO Scarfs Ties Shirts Socks Shoes Garters , Everything, to Please the Man A 1 mm Fjews-it lilT o . iieiiMiiiger