BULLETINS Methodists Reception for Rev erend and Mrs. Brantley tonight, 8 to 10 o'clock, in Methodisfe church. , --v'w All Freshmen Meet this morn ing, 10:30, on steps of Manning hall for Yackety Yack group pic ----- - tures. Experimental Playmakers . Theatre 4:30 this afternoon and 7:30 tonig)it. ; , : Woman's - Association Import- ant meeting, 5 p. m., Graham Me ; morial. Attendance compulsory. OUTSTANDING RADIO BROADCASTS Ad Contest ((Continued from first page) . School, Pasadena Junior College, Mulvey Institute, Syracuse Uni versity, .University of Idaho, Macalester College, Youngstown College, Louisiana State Univer sity and Temple University. Other prominent institutions from coast to coast have also entered the contest. 7 Besides the cash awards , and the points;' the 'winners : receive av;noyef jfyur-cptac certificate of rftp fcaioUn ,- - A. 1:00: George Hall orch., WABC, WBT. 1 :30 : Chas. Boulanger orch., WEAF. 2 :00 : Between the Bookends, WDNC, WBIG. ' 2 :30 : Rhythm Octet, WEAF. 3:00: Nellie Revell inter views Ben Bernie, WPTF; Mark Warnow orch., WBT, WBIG. 4:15: Gale Page, contralto, WJZ, WENR. 4:30: Concert orch., WSB, WJZ. - 5:00': Civic Symphony orch:, of Boston, WEAF. 5:45: Tito Guizar, tenot, WDNC, WBT. 6:00: Joe Plotke orch., WBT 6 :45 : The Charioteers, WSOC 7 :15 : The Smoker, WABC. ; 7:30: Kate Smith's Hour WABC, WHAS. 8:00: Vallee's Variety Hour; WEAF, WLW; Emory Daugh- erty orch., WBT. :15 : Henri ueering, pian ist, WPTF. 8:30: Musical Hour, William Daly orcrABQHAS; Ve oz ana i pianaa . orcn.,,. yv ujn . :,x,8:45,;.;!Joe Sanders orch.i threes CE&gfc??; dia 4)ariiels)? one r RS.JMcQol lum, one ; and W. . Crimson, one. ' . Three other sets of criticisms have already been completed and sent in but the results Jiave not been announced as yet. The purpose of the contests is to develop the critical ability : of the marketing students. -' Choral Program (Continued from page one) Mrs. Camilla , J. Schinhan, so prano, Mrs. E., C. Caldwell, con tral to, Karl Fisher, tenor, and Sherman Smithi, baritone. ' . .The accompanists are Mrs. A. S. Wheeler piano, Jan Philip Schinhan, organ, Benjamin Swa- lin, violin, Mrs. R. D. Weather fors, 'cello, E. A. Slocum, flute, and Herbert Hazelman, oboe. mwm mm r SM.M V WrPCA .. ..tt mum i ' it' c i . zzrT m I I HAKKf A'v ,- CAN BUT V V CHBORD OFVALOeX; VjA W Vk mv flLTS!tCOOLED' imifi m mi (PATENTED) ing yet amasing :, abwAent filter in! ; . Tentioo, with Cello . v phane exterior and coounKmeto creen : interior keeps raices j end flakes m Filter ; and oat of mouth. . Prevent tongue Dlte,raw tnoatb. tret heel, bad odor, frequent expectoration. No breaking in. ImproTea ttaeU8teand aromaofany tobacco. LOVERS' RIVALRY IN "ANNIE OAKLEY" I - ' -- r .'---;:.----:. - ;: . : ArfVK w ''fyr : " ' V- : .yK , i "Ross" (Continued from page three) tal bills and his large family. The exact nature of "Ross' " illness is not known. He is suf fering from internal disorders and has only partial use of his body from the waist down. He is expected to be under treat ment for about two weeks. Those confined to the infir- ary yesterday were A. H. Ander. son, Walker Lyely, W. M. Uj. ers, E. D. Vanderburgh. C v eake, Joe Kornegay, J. L. Tal ton, A. L. Ellis, and F. T. Dunrc Schmeling (Continued from page three) This battle which stands to draw almost a million dollar gate would probably be- . held next June in Madison Square Garden's Long Island Bowl. But it is doubtful whether Schmeling will want to. get 'his supposedly handsome features wrecked, despite the large guarantee be ing offered. Registration Permits for pre-holiday regis tration will continue to be issued at rnnm 8 Smith hnildin unti A private romance and bitter professional rivalry are snarea oy 12 ftrlook on Fridav Barbara Stanwyck and Preston Foster in their roles as tne ime star and romantic lead in "Annie Oakley." Melvyn Douglas, Moro- ni 01sen, i Andy Clyde and Pert Kelton are also cast in this RKO Radio film of Buffala Bill's showmanship days revolving about the career of 'the world's foremost rifle shot. Now playing at the Car oling Theatre ... -nr -F-r X All students enrolled in the University this quarter who ex pect to return for work during the winter, quarter are expected to register during the appointed . (9;00: The Caravan with Wal4 ter Q'Keef e, ; Glen Gray orch:; WABC, WHAS; Show Boat star ring Lanny Ross, tenor, WSB, WPTF. ' 9:30: "To Arms for Peace," WABC, WHAS. 10:00: Horace Heidt's Briga diers, WABC, WHAS, WBT; Bing Crosby, baritone, Paul Whiteman orch., Jimmie Dorsey orch., WPTF, WLW.' 10:30: Roy Shields orch., WJZ, KDK ; March of Time, WABC, WHAS. 11 :00 : Irving Aaronson orch., WABC. 11:15: Leonard Keller orch.; WENR, WSM; Kavelin- orch., WGN. 11:45: Jan Garber orch., WGN. ,y- 12:00: George Olsen orch., WABC, KMOX; Leon Belasco orch., WENR. . .12:30: Kay Kyser WLW; Guy . Lombardo WABC, KMOX; Horace orch., WGN. 1:00: Joe Sanders WGN; Jess Hawkins WENR. 1:15: WGN. 1:45:,; WGNv; : EeaYitt PubiisKes : 1" Piiice ' Cbricerns Hispanp-Ameri can Literature IDEAL GIFT I KECOMMEKOED t MILLIONS OFUSERS orch., orch., Heidt orch., orch., Jan Garber orch., ;Horace;i Heidt orchi., Veloz and Yolanda brch;WGN.- 0.i y , :LOlUSy lghtn.; ; , ,,:;. (Continued from page three) reputation of his steel jaw. Although this fight is a "breather" for Louis, it should be a true test of the power he packs in either fist. Max Baer, and Herr Schmeling have both conquered Paolino, but neither was able to win via the knockout route. Compiled by Dr. Sturgis E. Leavitt of the University Span ish department, a pamphlet has just been released by the; Uni versity of North Carolina 'Press entitled "Hispano-American Lit erature in the United States' Dr. Leavitt's work is a bibli ography of translations and crit icism dealing with Hispano American literature published in this country, or contributed to foreign publication, by resi dents of. the United States from 1932 through 1934. S Quofirig from the preface' to the pamphlet : "The items, ar ranged by years, include trans lations, histories of literature, critical articles, book reviews, and-school texts." It continues previous study of the same title published by the Harvard university fress in i)6z. as a member of the Harvard Council qn Hispano-American studies, Dr. Leavitt has previously pub lished bibliographies of the" lit eratures of Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru y&: bibliogra'ph ; of' Argentine literature by , J)r.7 Leavitt vws Jbublished;. in 124: Jfii:o,ughi the Jimmify M s Ndrth Carolina : Wrestling' ' Glee Clubs ',iV II GIFTS THAT - Newest Fiction Pictures and Frames Fountain Pens Desk Sets Stationery Remington Portables Unique Novelties Christmas Cards Open Every Night 'Til Xmas Thomas Boole Store, Inc. Corner Corcoran and Chapel Hill Sts. Durham, N. C. Phone J-2331 (Continued from, page three), ston to contend with. A body scissors and arm, lock, which Smith acquired early in the bout, caused Hairgton's defeat. ; The, title fight in the 175 pound class :f ound "X Williams (Ruff in) and Hood (Lewis) as the parti cipants. Neither man could get an advantage, on the other until Williams put a scissors on Hood. The first outburst from the fans occurred when Hood broke the scissors, but Williams again caught Hood in a scissors and arm lock, which Ije tightened to end the bout in 4:48. 400 pounds of beef and brawn hit the mat when Crystal ' (Z. B. T.) flopped Atwood (Chi Psi) in 34 seconds alter tne opening gong rang sending the two hea vy-weights on their way in the nal match of the evening. This afternoon the champion of the 145 pound division wil be crowded when Kephart (Sig ma Chi) and Davenport (Man gum) grapple it out to a finish Whatever happened to the old wastrel type of grocer who plugged every kerosene can spout with a po ' (Continued from page one) horn "Garretta- Siciliana" by Gretscher. and "O Peaceful Night" by German. Dr. Sherman Smith sang "The Pilgrim's Song" by Tschaikow- sky, accompanied by Mr. Han sen. The men's club sang "Danny Deever" by Damrosch, with the solo by James Dees: "Grandma Grunts," a North Carolina moun tain song, arranged by Barthol omew; "Song of the Cudgel" by Slonoff, with the solo by Jesse Parker, and "Old Ark's a-Mover- in- " arranged by Bartholomew. Dr. Smith sang 'The Time For Making Songs Has Come" by Rogers, and as an encore de lighted the audience with "Shor- tenin' Bread." The mixed chorus concluded the program with the following numbers : "The Day of Judg ment" by Arkhangelsky, "Sing .We and Chant It" by Morley,' "The Home of Liberty," a Welsh aifr arranged by Richards, and "By Babylon's Wave" by Gounod. The accompanists were Nancy Smith and R. H. Backenstoss Jr. The glee clubs will appear in Wilmington" "tomorrow night in Thalian hall at .8 :30: The con cert is beingx-spoijsDjrd by the men's club of the Trinity Metho dist church. Tomorrow after noon" they v will broadcast - over the Wilmington radio station. After being entertained by Car olina alumni tomorrow night, they will return to Chapel Hill Saturday. . Bin itrusters have r4ade ;the discovery that the cow. supplies milk! .They' may yet find ou that the taxpayer furnishes money. New York Journal. INFIRMARY If you let us prepare your car Winter Oils and Greases Anti-Freeze ?. " Fire-GKief Gas1 iUdBatteries, UNIVERSITY . SERVICE STATION H. S. Pendergraft, Prop. OUTLINES SOCIAL SCIENCE 1 ENGLISH" ' 21 History 44, 47 Botany 11, 41 Physics 21 French 21 Economics 32 Chemistry 1, 4, 61 Geology 11 Zoology 41 And many others, not merely outlines but outlines of your courses. ' ; ; : r .- ' ' ' " ; ; : CAROLINA USED BOOK STORE Upstairs Next to Post Office 1 Phone 7371 2. "Rngr Comfort Ky 3. Only ftoyal glyt Cm m "xcluslv with Royal'' , traHxod Controls . Cwr "Ad that means a lotl 4 jpW Dt froHrcHon Royal's keys fit the "All controls are quick- fingers, prevent finger-. T 1&, .asilyraccessibJe oa 1. '1f Iho only rortobto HHi Touch Control" i - ;f-Tofll:write,better;m tixe New Royal Port able because' Touch Control permits you to tip .. bruises. Then tofc "the 'New " Royal aaapc we Key tension tne cnaracter are wnite; 'miymie ice ; raecnanmu a L instantly to ydur exact - on blaek; wbUk reduces ""itself" is wotected from finger pressure.' eye-strain.' u dust and dirt.1 Caldwell to Speak Dr. Wallace E. Caldwell of the department of history will ad dress the Davie Poplar chapter of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution at their Decem ber meeting Tuesday afternoon in Spencer hall at 3 :30 n. m. His subject will be "The Chero kee Indians in Western North Carolina." If you're a parent, give that student son or daughter of yours a New Royal this Christmas. See the school marks soar! Besides, youll be doing yourself a good turn, for you most certainly will use it, too! Amazing low price includes handsome carrying' case. aifretJtUtams an Co., Mu Elmer Twitchell says he doesn't mind the canned beer but he can't stand free lunch in cellophane. Chi cago Daily News. PHONE 4616 EAST MAN K 0 D A K D I S P L AYMO B I L E Will Be At Our Store ' , ' FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13TH DEMONSTRATING COMPLETE LINE OF KODAKS AND CINE' KODAKS See the Complete Line No Obligation FOESTEK PIHiOTb CO. tato?-?-Port land Oregonuxn.

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