GET BEADY FOR mmlv cat TRIM THE VIOLETS OF NEW YORK U. MURAL CARD CHAPEL HILL, N. C SUNDAY, JANUARY 5, 1936 STOVEPIPE GOSSIP by Bob Page TAR BABIES PREP FOR MST GAME Coaches Shepard and James Drill Yearlings for Opener with Wake Forest Club With the openincr cramp tn ho TVi ora was anything but a feel- played against Wake Forest ing of optimism prevalent in the Tin Can immediately following the White Phantom's initial de fense of their Southern Confer ence title Friday night. The fi nal gun had probably saved a humiliating loss in the season's opener and the Carolina quintet gladly took that one-point vic tory over its South Carolina op ponent. But we can see no logical rea son to be downhearted over the outlook. Clemson, a veteran out fit and victor over Auburn twice this season, could not be called a "crip" opener on any schedule. Perhaps some of the spectators had expected to see a well-oiled, smoothly-functioning machine trample Clemson by a decisive margin. But no team can lose two such crack players as Ait- ken and Glace, replace them with sophomores and expect to dis play perfect teamwork. The Phantoms were ragged Friday night and plainly showed that they were not accustomed to working together. For five minutes of that game the boys were "hot." But in that five minutes they showed us, at least, that with a few more games under their belts, they are go'ing to take off and go places. All they need is a little polish and it won't take that bunch long to learn. Every man on that team has "court class." Earl Ruth is a "natural" as a partner for Captain Jim Mc Cachren at guard. And the way J. Mack ran the team against Clemson was an excellent piece of floor generalship. Mel Nelson will account for plenty of points at his forward position and Ber shak, Mullis, Potts and Rainey will not let the other forward spot fall short in the scoring col umn. "Latch" Webster is coming along at center and Kaveny will help him uphold the pivot posi tion. 0 The opinion has been express ed that Skidmore may not do as well with the squad as "Bo" Shepard has done. But we know that Coach Skidmore knows his basketball and will have only a winning team. We have seen the results he obtained at Central High in Charlotte for too many years to believe otherwise. Carolina faces a hard 23-game schedule devoid of "breathers,' this season. It would be expect ing entirely too much to believe that the team will tuck away 23 - scalps with N. Y. U. to play and the strongest Duke team in years to tangle with twice. And don't overlook N. C. State. They are about due for a winner and handed last year's crack aggre gation one of its two setbacks. But we do believe that we will take the majority of those games and will put up a strong protest if anyone tries to lift our dia dem at the Southern Conference (Continued on last page) WINTER SPORTS MENU Jan 7. Varsity basketball, Wake Forest here. Freshman basketball, Wake Forest here. Jan. 10 Varsity basketball, V. P. L Bkcksbursr. Va. Jan. 11 Varsity basketball, W & L Lexington, Va. Varsity boxing, South Carolina Columbia, S. C. Freshman boxing, Oak Ridge Oak Ridge. Varsity wrestling, N. C. State here. Freshman wrestling, N. C. State here. Jan. 13 Varsity basketball, Virginia here. Jan. 15 Varsity basketball, N. Y. U. Madison Square Garden. Jan. 17 Varsity boxing, V. P. I. here. Freshman boxing, V. P. I. here. Varsity wrestling, V. P. I. Blacksburg, Va. Freshman wrestling, V. P. I. Blacksburg, Va. Jan. 18 Varsity basketball, N. C. State here. Freshman basketball N. C. State here. Jan. 20 Varsity basketball, South Carolina here. Freshman basketball, Oak Ridge here. Jan. 23 Varsity basketball, V. M. I. Lexington, Va. Jan. 24 Varsity basketball, Virginia Charlottesville, Va. Jan. 25 Varsity basketball, Maryland College Park, Md. Varsity boxing, Virginia Charlottesville, Va. Freshman boxing, Virginia Charlottesville, Va. Varsity wrestling, Navy Annapolis, Md. Jan. 28 Varsity basketball, V. P. L here. Feb. 1 Varsity basketball, South CarolinaColumbia, S. C. Freshman basketball, Belmont Abbey here. Varsity boxing, N. C. State Raleigh. Freshman boxing, N: C. State Raleigh. 4 Varsity basketball, Wake Forest Wake Forest. Freshman basketball, Wake Forest Wake Forest. 6 Varsity basketball, Duke here. Freshman basketball,-Duke here. 7 Varsity boxing, Maryland here. 8 Varsity basketball, Navy here. Varsity wrestling, W & L here (afternoon) . Freshman wrestling, W & L here (afternoon). Feb. 12 Varsity basketball, Davidson here. freshmen scheduled for Tuesday night, Coaches Bo Shepard and George James are sending the candidates for the 1936 yearling basketball team through inten sive drills. The . Tar Babies put in two weeks of practice before the holidays but have returned in poor shape and the coaches are trying to get the men in conr dition to play. As yet no definite lineup is op erating and according to the coaches many will get a chance to play. Bill McCachren is prob ably the outstanding player of the lot but there are also several others who have been showing up well in practices: mainly, Cer nugel, Wallace Winborne, Joe Yates, Tom Vanderford, Ralph Reynolds, Erskine Clements, Cheatham, Hilton, Phil Gross man and Smith. Poor Shape The drills that the yearlings are being sent through now con sist mainly of conditioning exer cises and work on fundamentals. Coach Shepard and Coach James both stated that not more than one or two, men on the squad II Feb. 13 Freshman basketball, Asheville School here. White Phantoms Trounce Cats In Charlotte, 45-27 BOXERS TO MEET SOUTHCAROIM Tar Heel Pugilists In Poor Con dition as Drills for First Match Begin - , The varsity and freshman box- ins: squads worked out together yesterday for the first time since Skidmore's University of North Nelson High-Scorer In Tar Heel Victory Captain Jim McCachren Lezds Team to Well-Earn ed Win Ov er Fighting Davidson Five LARGE CROWD AT GAME Special to the Daily Tas Heel) Charlotte, Jan. 4. Walter Lnristmas nonaays witn any thing resembling their full strength. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Were in shape to play a whole! game. As a result of this lack of condition on the part of the freshmen, several men who have not shown up so well at present may upset the order of things when they get in good shape. An invited group of freshmen will meet with Coach Shepard in the Tin Can this afternoon for a special session to prepare for the coming Wake Forest game. The rest of the squad will have a lay- off .until Monday when the en tire club will resume practice. Feb. 14 Varsity basketball, N. C. State Raleigh. Freshman basketball, N. C. State Raleigh. Feb. 15 Varsity boxing, Duke here. - Freshman boxing, Duke here. -Varsity wrestling, V. M. I. Lexington, Va. Freshman wrestling, V. M. I. Lexington, Va. Feb. 17 Varsity basketball, W & L here. Feb. 21 Varsity, basketball, Duke Durham. Freshman basketball, Duke Durham. - - Feb. 22 Varsity boxing, V. M. I. Lexington, Va. Freshman boxing, V. M. I. Lexington, Va. Varsity wrestling, Duke here. " Freshman wrestling, Duke here. Feb. 24 Varsity basketball, Clemson Clemson College, S. C. Feb. 26 Varsity wrestling, Davidson Davidson. Feb. 28 Varsity basketball, V. M. I. here. Freshman basketball, Oak Ridge here. Carolina White Phantoms rack ed up their first Big Five bas ketball victory tonight, defeating Jules Medynski and Maxie No- Pavidson Colle 45"27 vich turned up only yesterday Central High gym, from where for their first work-out of 1936 Skidmore went to Carolina, was after being snow bound un packed by a crowd of over 400 north. fans, who turned out to see the Out of Shape former Charlotte mentor's first Practice started December 31 Tar Heel nve. with a few straggling in each Nelson, all-southern conf er- day. With the first meet of the ence Phantom forward, paced season in Columbia, S. C. Satur- the scoring, making five field day night against the University baskets and as many fouls for of South Carolina, the varsity a total of 15 points. Captain members have only a week in Jim McCachren came second which to round into condition, with nine, one more than David Most of the ringsters plainly son's Captain Peabody made to show their lack of condition and lead his team's offensive. The Tar Heels led throughout running up a 21-11 advantage by half t i m e. Davidson pulled up to within seven points of the Phantoms 10 min utes before the timer's horn blew, used similar at- thdr own tacks, two men back and at- MURALS TO OPEN WITH BASKETBALL Feb. 28-29 Varsity boxing, Southern Conference tournament, Charlottesville, Va. Varsity wrestling, Southern Conference tournament, Lexington, Va. March 5-6-7 Varsity basketball, Southern Conference tourna ment, Raleigh. , Varsity indoor track, Southern Conference Winter Car- Mural Card to Start Next Week In Tin Can Basketball will start .the fall quarter intramural program a week from tomorrow. Bowling, nine -nonff. and free throws will nival here follow on the schedule. UTesnman maoor tracK, open meet nere. K n-ry miw rl r-rm l"f rvT"ir last VO 9r' Prerj School Invitational Track Meet here. lllalltl Hill UUlllilbi..Tl V T W Mil basketball champs, will play the role of defending titleholders. Last year Mangum defeated D. K. E. in the playoffs, 32-29, to capture the title. Basketball will be the only Comebacks, Broken Records, and Return of Public Enthusiasm will have to work hard to reach fighting peak by Saturday. In the daily drills so far, how ever, several of the squad have made impressive showings. Cap tain Ernie Eutsler opened up - day, leading spectators to believe j,-" vj wiai ne is neauea xur a Danner 1 1 - - , , year. Joe Fisher and "Tiger" Shores also look as thoucrh thev l"The clubs will be able to hold with any of the boys. tempted to work set plays. Only Stronach and Rankin are im- two scoring plays were made proving steadily, and under the from tip-offs. North Carolina s guidance of Sam Giddens, will teamwork both offensively and nrobably lead the freshman team defensively, was much faster into battle. than Davidson's. However, play of the Phantoms was snottv as DUKE THREATENS predicted by. Coach Skidmore be- BIG FIVE TEAMS fore the game. Davidson missed 13 foul shots while Carolina missed only four. Referees Bartley and Ham- Duke, victorious in four regu- mond called 31 fouls, 13 against larly scheduled contests and Davidson and 18 against the Tar three practice games, now looms Heels. menacingly on the Big Five bas- McCachren starred as a floor ketball horizon, man and Andy Bershak, who The Blue Devil cagers romped was used as MullisV substitute, off to onesided scores against enlivened things with his hard he Durham "Y," High Point and flashy play. College, and Chatham Blanke- Powerful Blue Devils Look Good In Victories Sports Fans Treated To Thrills As Upsets Feature Past Year sport of the winter quarter that will be run in league fashion. Bowling, ping pong, and free throws, the other winter sports, (Continued on last page) Mark 1935 as Great Year in Sporting Annals; Braddock, Perry, -Little, Berwanger in Spotlight - By BILL ANDERSON Sports fans in 1935 witnessed a general overthrow of title-hold ers, a series of spectacular come backs, a'score of record-breaking Williamson Places narry; vyiuidiu, performanCeS, and an encourag middle distance star, finished f , - . ... me return ox puuiic cuuiuaittom third in the 880-yard race m the made 1935 the greatest first Sugar Bowl invitation track sporting year since 1929. and field meet m New Orleans p . ., , . nnA during the Christinas holidays. foxing saw its first $1,000, He trailed "Chuck" Hornbos- 000 gate when Joe Louis, Detroit tel of Harvard and Ross Bush of Negrobegan to pack .them in Southern California to the tape, recalling to mind the Xcyon It was a fast half-mile run, ys of the "Manassa Mauler Hornbostel clipping a second off JaA Dmpsey M fx Baer, atthe southern record of 1:- Beginning 01 xswo, loumeu iic and shoulders above tne canai dates for the heavy-weight crown, but an hitherto unknown, one James J. Braddock, proved himself capable enough" to jab 1 his way to the championship and a fat purse for his fast-starving family. Perry Falls And in tennis, another "great" fell.; Fred Perry,' acknowledged by the experts to be the finest amateur tennis player since the the old 55.6. STUDENTS WE WELCOME YOU BACK TO CAROLINA AND WISH YOU A MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR UNIVERSITY RESTAURANT days of the immortaL"Big Bill" Tilden, fell before the onslaught of Wilmer Allison at the national tourney at Forest Hills. Then the two Helens met again in a great grudge match whiqh had all the essential color of the cinema. After an enforced absence of two years, Mrs. Helen Wills Moody staged a spectacu larly brilliant rally to beat Helen Jacobs at Wimbledon, Eng. Detroit won its first world's championship in baseball by lick ing Chicago's vaunted . Cubs. Mickey Cochrane skippered the champs to their second American League gonfalon. Here again the gate srrossed a revenue of more than six figures. Racing Picks Up Horse racing, enjoying its se cond year of unhampered bet ting in the metropolitan sec tors, gained, too. California and New England, regarded as im possible to curry, favor, showed (Continued on last page) Box Score eers in their early season prac- lce games, and then went north o take the strong Catholic U. Davidson quint 39-36 and Baltimore U. Knorr, f . live 49-29. Yearwood. f G 3 ...... 0 Friday night, Yale, the sole Barrow; f 2 conquerors of the mighty N. Y. U. Violets of 1935 was vanquish ed with comparative ease as the Duke sharpshooters went on a scoring spree 52-17 in the Meth odists' gym. . Coach Eddie Cameron has a host of veterans from his 1935 contingent, losing only Sammy Bell, diminutive forward. Cap-: tain Charlie Kunkle, Billy Huis kamp, and Ken Podger form an unholy, three" which has spell ed trouble in capital letters for all opponents so far. Huiskamp heads the high scorers with 50-odd points ; Pod ger has 38 ; Kunkle trails with 36. Clarence "Ace" Parker, of . gridiron fame, is out for the Blue Devil cage squad and is do ing well as a reserve guard. Gym for AH Freshmen All freshmen must attend their first classes in physical ed ucation whether they are out for a sport or not. Classes begin to morrow. Those freshmen who are out for a winter sport will be marked accordingly after they have reported to instructors. Kieswetter, c 0 Hancock, c .. 2 Peabody, g ..... 2 Cathey, g ............... 0 Reid, g .....:.::..:...... 0 Totals ..... 9 Carolina G kelson, f ..: 5 Mullis, f . .. . 1 Bershak, f - 3 Webster, c 1 Kaveny, c 0 McCachren, g .. 4 Grubb, g . 0 Ruth, g ....... ........... 2 Potts, g .: ... .... 0 Wright, c 0 Totals ...... 16 Score at half : Carolina Davidson 11. Personal fouls: Knorr (4) , Barrow (4) r Year- wood (3), Kieswetter (3), Han cock (3), Cathey (3), Reid (3), Nelson (4), Mullis (2), Ber shak (2) . Referees : Bailey (Harvard), Hammond (111.). FT 0 0 1 3 0 3 1 1 9 FT 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 2 0 13 T 6 0 5 3 4 7 1 1 271 T 15 2 6 3 0 9 0 8 2 0 45 20, LOST A wallet with $18.00 in cash, a $20.00 check and athletic pass hook. Contained name- and picture. Finder please return to Robert Gu arino, 103 Mangum. Reward; FOR RENT In private home. Quiet warm room with private bath. Tele phone 7582.

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