CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1936 WINNERS RUN UP EASY VICTORIES IN MURAL RACK Aycock, Old West No. 2, and Mangum No. 1. Sweep to Vic tories with High Scores FIVE CONTESTS FOR TODAY PRESENT CHAMPS OF HIGH SCHOOLS LOOKING STRONG Barium Springs and Durham will De fend Mat and Ring Titles Here LOSS OF FISHER WEAIMBOXERS Carolina May Have to Forfeit Welter Scrap to State in First Big Five Clash Play in the intramural bas ketball race was comparatively slack yesterday afternoon as Ay cock, Old West No. 2, and Man gum No. 1 swept through to victories over their respective opponents in the only games played. Mangum No. 1 met its first severe test when they met the Ranson house quintet and sue- ceeaea m winning out alter a ' hectic struggle 25-12. W 1 A 'mm mangum. amending campus ' champs, had scored over 50 points in both of their previous games but were held to 25 mar kers by a fighting Ranson house five. Play was close throughout the entire contest with neither team getting far ahead of the other. A last period rally en abled Mangum to pull away from their opponents as Craver WOOCU III lO LU JtXlU tUC scoring parade. Ranson house played a close guarding game with a fast breaking offensive; however, it was not fast enough for the smooth working Man gum team. Franklin Loses Completely outplaying and outscoring a weaker "Franklin Five," Aycock opened up and string. Aycock allowed the "Franklin Five" but 11 points as they roljed up secure after score to completely bewilder their opponents. Brown led the Aycock offensive as he chalked up 12 points. Every man on the Aycock squad entered the scor ing column as they ran up their total. Drubbing In the final game of the day Old West No. 2 basketeers hand ed -the Ruffin No. 2 squad a severe drubbing as they came off on the long end of a 60-10 count. Leading 22-8 at the half, Old West came back for their offense and defense click ing smoothly as they limited Ruffin to a lone field goal while garnering an additional 38 markers for themselves. Hamil ton with 18 points and Parker with 14 led the Old West quint as they went on their scoring spree. Podesta and Nivens with six and four points respectively accounted for the Ruffin scoring. Five intramural contests, are beginning at 4 o'clock. . beginning at 5 o'clock. Summaries With both defending cham pions showing plenty of strength in dual competition, the North Carolina high school wrestling and boxiner circles are busv in preparation for the sixth annual boxers Saturday night when ritAUnioei fmnofo f,n;ney taice tne ring against tne COACH PICKS MEN TORUNSATURDAY Ranson Names Five Tar Heel Trackmen to Participate In Millrose Event Joe Fisher, regular mono gram welterweight, will be -lost to the North Carolina varsity be held here February 10-11. vastly. improved N. C. State Tv x -. , , . , . team m itaieign. Big Five clash of the current played in both sports. Teams successful tourneys are expected , to send entries this season. Barium Springs and Raleigh, defending champions in wrest Tar HeelJBasketeers Smooth Attack For Gamecock Contest Five Tar Heel runners will compete in the seventh annual Millrose A. A. track and field games in New York City Satur day. Harry Williamson will participate in the 1000-yd. run while the Carolina relay team will enter the two-mile relay. uoacn uaie Kanson announ ced yesterday that Williamson would be accompanied by Gra ham Gammon, Co-Captain "Red Drake, Bob Gardiner, and Roy Rosser, who will make up the Carolina relay entry. The baton carriers will run against sucn iormiaaDle opposition as Columbia, Yale, and Boston College. Gammon May Anchor If it is possible for William- son to run the relay after he competes in the 1000-yd., run, he will supplant Rosser, and run at the anchor post. Should Wil liamson be unable to compete in the relay, Graham Gammon will take the anchor position. The Millrose games will be TODAY'S MURAL CARD 4:00 Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Chi PsL 4:00r-Connecticut Club vs. Battle-Vance-Petti grew. Alpha 5:00 Z. B. T. vs. Chi Sigma. 5:00 Ruffin No. Manly. 5:00 St Anthony Hall vs. A. T. O. vs. Varsity Cagers Sent Through Long Drill Coach Skidmore Still Uncertain About Starting Line-Up for South Carolina Game - man teams meet. With Fisher on the sidelines nursing a severe eye injury sus tained in t.hft Vircinin. mat-rli ling and boxing, respectively, lagt week Coach Crayton Rowe nave aispiayea great power in,.- lfift ,1,,. a wpifprwo-nt winning dual meets so far this Carolina may be forced to for- SeaSOn. . "Hiics diiTioirtn o 1 Vi rin rrVi eonar TIT IT'1 I nrre&uu.g iiupuj al men, now trying out for Barium Springs and Durham u. . weiffht, ni he ivPT1 each have two legs on the wrest- chance at the bertK ling trophy. It is necessary to M v Fnrf pif w w pr it . j.t' xi 3 I J win me uue uiree umes in uxuei should Carolina not. nhlo j. . -i. .,;,. to gam periiiaiieiit puaiuxx u pJace a man in the ri for thig tne cup. uurnam won tne nrst i-. ht- stat , , imdpfpatptl two crowns in 1931 and 1932. b Seamon Hudson, will au- TT " -TV -1.' 1 ' f J 1 11 I barium springs nas taKen ine tomatically continue his perfect last two. Greensboro has one leg i iwi fQ0 .o on the cup through its victory looked forward to the bout be- 111 1933. fwppn TTnrJann si yi A TTigTi o-r wViii Raleigh won the boxing cup was scheduled as one of the the TaJ Heel quartette s initial last, winter. A new trmrfiv will,, -p ;4- race of the. season, although - r jlcoiuic uuuio mc nxgiiL is yiw be offered this winter. Raleigh's gram. victories came in 1931, 1934, and There will be several colorful 1935. Wilson and Charlotte each boutg on the varsity schedule. naa one leg on xne oia cuu. T tllp fPnf1pr.WA1vi1 "R q 7 atm Important announcements con 0f State will meet Joe Murnick, cermng tne tournaments were who has taken Cantain Ernie made recently by E. R. Rankin, Eutsler's place in the latter's secretary of the North Carolina sickness. Bazemore received High School Athletic association, much praise for his fine perfor- Contestants will weigh m at Em- mance against v Clemson erson stadium here at 10 a. m. week. Monday, February 10. There w Afppf PpnlnnH in i i . ii x in wm De a coacnes meeung at Tma-nA SWo mootc "Rill I VWU J. VMVV 1VV VKJ t l1 I T.T i .1 ociock noon feuruary au. RWp ifl liVntwAiTit TVio Competition will open at 2 :30 Ta Heel lost his first varsitv p. m., February 10, with the Pre- nght last weekj gSLining the first nminaries in ootn spons uemg two of the season by T. K. O.'s GRAPPLERS TAKE SHORTWORKOUT Frank Umstead Still Remains on Injured List with Hurt Re ceived in Gobbler Meet MULLIS LEADS IN SCORING Williamson competed in the Bos ton K. of C. games last week. Big Event The Millrose games are one of the most prominent indoor track events held in Madison Square Garden during the win ter season. Last season the games attracted 16,000 people, , , l and as this , year's field includes astf .. . . . - . zi national cnampions, irom a. A. U. and I. C. A. circles, a re cord crowd is expected. DUKE TANKMEN TO MEET VIRGINIA TEAM SATURDAY held. The semi-finals in both in the first round. other lead- University, Va., Jani; 29. .Vir ginia's varsity swimmers, who A 1 ' ' 11 1. " J J I Lournaments ;wm ue cunuueteu j members nf the strong A col-ftonr at 8 p. m., February 10. The fin- tv0if Dack club are Powell. mid- L aJ tlt wm "V" XMa dleweight, and Johnson, heavy- Y. M; C. A. 55 to 28,; have o u. in. luesuay, r euiuaiy ; n i womM The Tin Can had warmed up enough yesterday so that the wrestlers could take a short workout. It is hoped that the weather will be more favorable by this afternoon so that Coach Quinlan can give his candidates a stiff workout in preparation for the W. & L. meet next week. Coach Quinlan requested yes terday that more of the varsity and freshmen report for prac tice this afternoon. Crystal, Lamb, Williamson, and a few of the other freshman wrestlers have not shown up for practice m several days. If the Tar Babies are to down the young uenerais, tney must take more interest and report for daily practice, Coach Quinlan stated. Umstead Out Frank Umstead is still out with an injury that he received in the V. P. I. meet two weeks ago. It is hoped that he will be able to return to practice in time to get in shape to wrestle against the strong W. & L. grap- plers ; . In case Umstead is still but next week, Coach Quinlan will use .the same team that he used against the Navy outfit last week. COACH SAYS TAR BABIES LOOK BAD FirstSString Shakeup Promised Mem bers of First Year Quintet Team tough meet just ahead 'against Two Carolina boxers will risk Duke University in Durham Sat- undefeated records. They are I urday night. " - & manon uieni, oantamweigm, Last year the Cavahers nosed and Jules Medynski, junior mid- onf. aWr, of thpj t?iW Devils in dleweight. . Diehl has a draw on their meeting here but: this his record while the latter has Mangum No. 1 (25) ' Ranson House (12) Craver, f. (13) Freeman, f. (2 Barnwell, c. (2) Hackett, g. (2) Rhodes, g. (4) Brown, g. (2) Novich, f . Wrenn, f. (2) Burnette, f. Dermid, f . (2 Bullard, c. (5) Stewart, g. (2) Hall, g. il) (Continued on last page) Coach "Bo" Shepard is back three clean.cut victories. again to his former state, as far as his feelings toward the Tar v Baby sharpshooters are concerned. When questioned as "Paths of Glory" ( Continued from page fine) to how he felt about the game use of lights. This is necessita with V. P. I. he stated the boys ted by the fact that the-play is looked "lousy." in 17 scenes and to acauire con w i' " il .11.. - . . - i esteraay, ne sent tne squaa tmuity, one ; scene will run through offensive and defensive straight into another, each tak- drills. A shakeup in the entire ing nart on different spots of year's Virginia tank team is not quite as strong as the one cap tained by Charlie Prince, who is now coaching the University boys in their water sports. President's Ball Freddie Johnson and his orches tra will play for the dancing. which will be in charge of Mrs 9c E ; ' (Continued from page one) . A number of tables of bridge in the Carolina Inn is in charge of Mrs. d. "R. Shenard v The first string lineup has been pror the stage.. The. production of bride-e will nrecede danHn'iri i rrt J, .TI -.1. n . -i ! i. l l I x misea. ine lmprovenieui wiuviij tne piay, . wniie not tormai, ioi- the Inn ballroom precedmgthe V. V.I. game wasipwe4,e;pn of the of arrangements at the Inn, and sadly lacking m the tussle it- characters as well as m the pwdi i self. The boys had slumped setting. r oack to tneir iormer naDits oi The play is an endeavor on 5 . " 7 n " ... " " Uey. The sale of tickets , to xiuu m mciinuii iiittucpuicoo iii xne iumity oi war ana wmie it, ni , does not reflect any particular .n , . , country, the action is based von Bynum gym and the Carolina actual war recoras. ine acuon Inn tQnight Ticketg fo gtudents takes place m a various number R0 n o of locales: -including . trenches, nnQ ... :. n dug-outs, barracks, roads, bat- day t B , Exchan the tie neias, caies, courx rouxu,, xiu students, 'Cooperative . store Mayor John Foushee keeping the ball. naa OUR MAJOR EVENT OF THE YEAR You save, because months ago we planned a 9c sale that would generate excitement every where within miles of our store. WATCH OUR WINDOWS BRtrc 5c to $1.00 STORE are also tiie same as those used in the New York - production and a variety of sounds will be given. The costumes, supplied by the Brooks Costume Com pany, are correct in every detail, having been secured from France immediately after the World War ended. is m charge of the committee on ar rangements for the ball. Other members of the committee are J. Maryon Saunders, Mrs. G. E Shepard, J. Haywood Duke, Mrs W. M. Dey, Harry F. Comer, Willie Hogan, Pete Ivey, Tom Howard, R. W. Madry and Jack From the - way President Roosevelt and Governor Tal madge uphold the merits of for mer Presidents one does not won der at what the poet said about "the good men do" living after them. Coach Walter Skidmore sent his varsity cagemen through lengthy drill yesterday after noon in preparation for the game Saturday night with South. Carolina in Columbia. A considerable part of the practice was spent in attempt ing to smooth out rough spots and in trying to keep the play of the team as a whole more consistent. One of the chief faults of the White Phantoms this year has been unsteadiness. Captain Jim McCachren, who is fast regaining his old form, vaulted into second place in scor ing as a result of Tuesday- night's game with V. P. I. Mc Cachren rang up .14 points to run his total to 73, " five points behind Pete Mullis, who leads with 78. Andy Bershak has 71, Paul Kaveny 70, Mel Nelson 69, Earl Ruth 41, Ramsay Potts 31, Latcher Webster 21 and Foy Grubb2. Lead State Race The Tar Heels are leading the State basketball race without a loss, but have dropped two con ference games and one intersect tional contest. W. & L. and Vir ginia hold conference victories and New York University holds the other. Carolina's lead in state com petition will be seriously threat ened next Thursday night when the Phantoms face the mighty. Duke five in the Tin Can. Pre vious to the Duke game Wake Forest is met there Tuesday night. The week is finished up when Navy invades Chapel Hill to battle the Tar Heels Satur day night. Tar Heels One Up Just what lineup Coach Skid more is planning to use against the Gamecocks is uncertain. No great difficulty is anticipated with South Carolina, over whom the Tar Heels already hold an easy victory. (Continued on last page) VALENTINES for Sweetheart Friend Relative aifreb WtHtams a Co., line. O- louse & OS extras QVADLEY SUITS. TOPCOATS AND TUX EDOS OF EXTRAORDINARY CHARAC TER AND EXCEPTIONAL VALUE ORIGI NATED EXPRESSLY FOR COLLEGE MEN. JANUARY REDUCTIONS ON FURNISHINGS HATS SHOES NOW IN EFFECT Students' Cooperative Cleaners Chapel Hill, N. C. Today, January 30th Robert Gray, Rep. Patronize Our Advertisers Pool.

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