i PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HKKi BULLETINS Bull's Head Reading Harry Da vis, 4:15. "Dead End' Junior Class Meeting: Elections for dance leaders and marshals will be held tomorrow night at 9:00 in Memorial hall. Junior Co-eds Important meet ing this afternoon at 1 :30 in the lobby of Spencer halL Co-ed Basketball Tonight' at 1 o'clock. Juniors vs. freshman- 1 mm a sopnomores. inursaay at o - tJock, seniors vs. freshman-soph omores. French Club Meets tonight at 7:15 in Episcopal parish house. A. I. E.- E. Meets tonight at 7 o'clock in 214 Phillips. Tom Slade will give talk. Undergraduate Philosophy Club Meets Thursday night at 8 o'clock in Graham Memorial. Senior Class Meeting at 7:30 tonight in Memorial hall to elect a vice-president. Dr. Y. Z. Chang Speaks at 4 o'clock "this afternoon in 201 Murphey on "China and the Tamburlaine Legend." Di and Phi Meeting at 7 :15 to night in New West and New East respectively. Monogram .Club Quarterly meeting tonight at 9:30 in Car olina Inn. All Co-eds Yackety Yack pic tures will be taken 10 :30 tomor row morning at Spencer hall. TALKING THINGS OVER! Intramurals ..- ': . J "6, c 7 v Continued from page three) lets with the winner of the up per bracket meeting the victor in the lower bracket for the league championship. The dor mitory champion will then stack up against the fraternity victor for the campus championship. Play will begin at 3:30 every afternoon with four being run off every day. The schedule for today and tomorrow follows: Today 3:30 A, E. No. 1 vs. T. E. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, l$v. P. No. 1. 4:15: Everett No. l H Grimes. 5:00 D. K. E. No. 1 vs. 2. i T. No. 1. 5:30 Phi Delta Theta XD. j vs. Chi Phi. Gertrude Michael and George Murphy seem to have a great many things to say to each other, over the long, cool drinks they're holding, in Paramount's thrill-packed drama, "Wom an Trap," which opens today at the Carolina Theatre. AND AND ALVE 2 Stuart Rabb H S 8 H 8 LAUGHTER AND TEARS There was ecstatic glee down in the TVA towns yesterday. Ci tizens were happy because nine old men in Washington passed down a decision . upholding the right of the federal government to: (1) build power dams; (2) sell surplus power made at afore said dams; and (3) construct power lines to transmit afore said power. In Washington a record-breaking audience heard Chief Justice Charles Hughes read for an hour a decision signed by himself and seven of his colleagues. Justice McReynolds alone dissented in no uncertain terms, claiming that the verdict did not include the entire TVA project. . One problem was not mention ed in the decision. This question is: Can the government const! tutionally finance the construe tion of municipal power plants? Until it is answered, New Deal ers may not wholly relax. Nevertheless, there was much gladness of heart among those of the Administration who heard the decision. They are glad to see the home team take the third frame of the series by an 8-1 count. On the New York Stock Ex change there are many heavy hearts today. In early trading yesterday, the rumor got ou that the Court had declared the TVA unconstitutional. The bulls I See By The Papers (Continued from page three) Coach does most of the order ing. . .All of the ' lighter men have to get weighed. . .Frank Umstead is too near the line to be able to eat a big meal. . . Many others are in , the same state of affairs. . .They sit at a certain table and the Coach places orders of eggs and toast for them. . .They complain but know it's the only thing they can eat without putting on ex cess weight. . . Managers as us ual eat ice cream for dessert while dieters complain. . .After meal Coach tells us bus will eave at 3:15. . .He warns Has- ie and Harris not to get lost as they did in Roanoke on previous rip. . .After making an inspec- ion of the town we leave for jexington. Friday, 5 p. m. After a thrill ing ride through the mountains we arrive at Lexington, thank ful to be there. . .U-turns at 1,200 feet are plenty thrilling with ice and water on the ground. . . Most of the boys are tired and so they rest until the call for dinner . at 6:30. . .The mess hall was built last year with government funds and is the answer to all Swain hall diners' prayers. Friday evening We all go our different ways after dinner with orders to return at 10 o'clock. . . Most of us end up in the movies. . . All are tired and so most of us are asleep at 10 o'clock. . .'At around midnight somebody knocks at the door. Many are awakened but are too lazv to sret up and open the door. ... Finally after severa minutes of annoying knocking somebody opens the door and lets the person in. . .It is not Peterson, as expected, but the Coach. . .Everybody lost no time in falling asleep immediately. The remaining excerpts from our notebook will be published with the next appearance of this column. Boxing UNIVERSITY CLUB New members of the Uni versity Club will be elected to night when the present mem bership of the club meets at 7 o'clock in Graham Memorial. Members who have not made their recommendations for new members are urged to have them ready by tonight as final elections will be con ducted then. STUDENT COUNCIL The student council last night suspended two more men for im plication in the recently-exposed cheating ring. Two other men accused of cheating but not connected with the ring were acquitted. Two cases, also unconnected with the ring, were deferred. Co-ed Candidate At a meeting yesterday, jun lor co-eds elected Anita DeMon- seigle to run as their candidate for assistant dance leader. Lou ise Davis, the only other candi date, withdrew. Duke Game (Continued on page three) Carolina nor State will contest Duke's annexation of such a-ti tle. Saturday's meet with V. M will be the last dual meet that the Carolina boxers will engage in this season. On the following weekend the fighting Tar Heels will try their luck at the Con- (Continued from page three) dropped at least one contest, but State's Red Terrors . show the way with five victories against four for Carolina and Duke. The Phantoms' contest with Washington and Lee last night was postponed indefinitely by request of the local health au thonties, who have decided to ban large meetings. The Tar Heel cagers dropped their first tiff with the Generals, another of the Southern Conference leaders. Schedule for Week The week's athletic menu : Today basketball, Duke at Wake Forest; State at Clemson; Davidson at University of Vir ginia. Tomorrow basketball, Dav idson at V. P. I. Wrestling, Duke at State. Friday basketball, Carolina at Duke; Wake Forest at Wof- ford. Boxing, Citadel at N. C. State. ' Swimming, Clemson at Duke. Saturday basketball. Wake T Forest at Davidson. Boxing, Car onna at v. ivi. i.; west Virginia at Duke. Wrestling, Duke at Carolina ; Davidson at State. jrf f , - - - - X I f ' - ' ' v " .- :.;:. X I : 1 ffy " " : , - a ' ' ' , ' , . ; t ir , J y - I . r -" ' II i i - ?V, s J . - v J t - vy.y.v.-Wv -:-v.v-:?:v:-:-:-:':-- i :-:.:.-.:-r.:v'V.v:- y-i- i I I v - ! I 1 fc.::vHvKy.:;;-wi .:? . jb ..r.:.x.Wr:4x-x-5w--5i i '-''' , ' -jMS&t Vf- , V,' ? '"' ,r " A i -Mn-: ' ' .'.1 V-M vl ! 'sJwm''m W':0sa &v '4iwJ I 1 ference matches to be held in began to roar. When the truth! Charlottesville. became known, utility shares hit the skids, the market tum bled, and traders ran for cover. It was very sad. The moral to this story is: You can't please all of the people any of the times. DR. W. B. SORRELL Optometrist Monogram Club (Continued from page three) old members who have earned more than one letter in these two activities. All members are asked to wear their sweaters to the meet ing. Free Monogram club sta tionery will be distributed to all members present and refresh ments will be served at the end of the meeting. Oj o o Thursday Copyritht 1936. TCh American Tobacco Compuj Each puff less acid-Luckies are A LIGK w OKE OF RICH, RIPE-BODIED TOBACCO For twenty-five years the research staff of The American Tobacco Company has worked steadily to produce a measurably finer cigarette namely, a cigarette having a minimum of volatile com ponents, with an improved richness of taste "A LIGHT SMOKE." We believe that Lucky Strike Cigarettes embody a number of genuinely basic improvements, and that all these im provements combine to produce a superior cigarette a modern cigarette, a cigarette made of rich, ripe-bodied to baccosA Light Smoke. Recent chemkof toH howthatofberpop olar brands hove on excess of acidity over lucky Strike f from 53 to 100. Lucldes are less acid - I of Addity of Oth., Populor Brand, Ov., lucky Strik. Ci I B R A M P I BRA N D us yuy gartttos I ' - r 3 , . , 3 5 8 yci -4- 1 . . . a . .. . S i tucKv sirike -j : ; ; i L a n iiiM!wmm : j I R A N p C y RESULTS VERIFIED BY INDEPENDENT CHEMICAl LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH GROUPS OF RICH, RIPE -BODIED TOBACCO "IT'S TOASTED"

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