atlp Car CHAPEL HILL, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1936 pBttl I !' 1 k X SEE... By the PAPERS o r By Ira Sarasohn o NnnVhwflQfrnir, the decision awarded to Matule- wicz Saturday night for the Na- , ,Vml tfnl Wioo 1,V1, v0o,nr J weight title. Neither did Diehl , Medynski, or Shores suffer the . fate' of closing their fights due to 1 improper officiating. I thought that the officials at Virginia werethe best obtainable and call- " ed the fights in the best possible manner. Virginians can be beat- i ri,n.l,iw;i1nluu xiimauay tue viais well as any placed The results of this season's bouts held in Memorial gymnasium have proven this fact. When Duke, Maryland, or Carolina boxers become inspired with the spirit that Virginia's boxers have thev'll he. able ts heat Vir- giniainCharlottesvilie well as any piace,eiset!. Itake my hat in i to ,Lne .Ajavaiier - uoxers ion. their fine spirit; -vtvO' I started out to tell about the f decisions handed our men in the fiVht thi? rit weekend and here I am talking about Virgin- ioe vino we linn -n fiwr and iret back to the fiffhts them- selves ...... I Wlien T arrived Fridav mVht I found Bill Shores the talk of the day. Unfortunately I miss- ast years victory was spot ed seeing Bill fighting as we re- ted with three, set matches and member him fighting in his freshman year. According to respective Tar Heels quite a tus Everett Lee and Henry Happer, sle. Winston was outstanding sports ' editors of COLLEGE m his match with Harvey Har TOPICS, Shore came out like ris extending the Carolina star a whiriwma ana was on tne verge of putting away Fadner when the Wisconsin man opened J Shores teye with what was ap parently a, shoulder butt. ' Although Fadner was -seen to wobble at the time he managed to hang on and last the rest of the found. The official score sheets show that Shores won the first round by a 10-6 point mar gin wjiich in case you didn't know is a comfortable margin to gain on the present 125-lb. Na tional Collegiate champion. After the first round a Doc tornot simply a referee ex amined Shores' eye and declared him not fit to go on. It was not a superficial cut but a serious opening. As it was later learn ed Shores had to have three stitches to heal the cut. At any rate no one can be ashamed of the Tiger's showing. Should he be one of the four collegiate box ers in that weight to go to Chi cago for the final Olympic try- outs don't be surprised if he makes the Olympic team. As I was told, he was the fastest man in the ring and at 125 pounds the tiger of 145 should go far. Each one of Marion Diehl's fights was close and he won and lost all by the narrowest of mar ffins. He was neither decisive ly a winner in the preliminary bouts nor decisively a loser in his semi-final bout. Marion is probably likely to be invited as one of the four to the finals in f!hiae-o. If Marion does not get the bid he will probably reach Chicago by first going to Cleve land Anril 13 for the Golden Glove finals where he is already invited' and a favorite. Medvnski and Novich, by vir tue. of reaching the final round of last week's tournament, are certain of being invited to Chi- (Continued on last page) VARSITY NETTERS TO PLAY AMHERST i HERE TOMORROW Massachusetts Tennis Team to Play State Today; Makes Headquarters Here VISITORS ALL VETERANS me tennis varsity was again "uat w a vionmg icgauuu u yestery afternoon as the jre- , ... . , ou "ie cuuria fnd limbered upor their com- T L t 11 JT8 . r ' ' ' - rTr1 . AUU" 13 scn ior morrow axr- . , " ? 550IL ay m f f against the Red Terrors of State " " 7L? r0, V . '. uxienaea irip Amherst will fhen move along with its ambitious schedule and complete uieir xxie wur wim matches against Virginia and Jolms Hopkins on the long road .home to Massachusetts. ; -v-. u.. w prises the Amherst team.' Car- tace tomorrow tne Putjnwcai -team waica tney. Seated 8-1 at Amherst last year, A1 Winston, captain and acting cacn, ieaas tne guests ana is lulluveu u uuy UlAlnnlrl TT7iHn iT.nknMAIT TT. I iicio.i, uuiici mauuiicj, ace uoieman, ilenry Howell, vm- cent Keesey and rles Hulick- tne Amnerst players nanaea tne w a " AA " " Strong Team Bielski bowed to Captain Wal ter Levitan by the count of 7-5, 9?7 It appears as if - Bielski ; will run ; into, Eddy DeGray m tomorrow's clash. .. Howell likewise carried Frank Shore to the limit and Archie Henderson had to apply last min ute pressure in downing Cole man. The sole point scored by Am herst was in the doubles, Win ston and Mahoney scoring over the Carolina top team. Ramsay Potts will probably face Winston. It is. this match which will create the interest of the meet. Winston has been known to play even ball with George Stevens of Yale, who so recently conquered both fotts and Eddy Fuller. The next event scheduled for the Carolina varsity . is with Wake Forest. The match will be played on Friday at the lat ter's courts, arolina shut out Wake Forest in both matches last year. SPRING PLANTING The buildings department has been making some improve ments on the lawns during the past week. The lawn around Old .East is being re-seeded as are the paths which have been dug up. Students are request ed to avoid walking over the old paths or forming new ones alongside them. The regular walks are being put in condition with new gravel where it is ne cessary. ,. . The barbecue stands that boast of an age of 20 years for get that one look at their wait er's apron -usually belies that statement. INDIAN TRACKMEN GET OPENING WIN Dartmouth Runners Subdue WU-, liam and Mary Team; To Invade Chapel Hill With all of us hoping that the rumors we had been hearing of the strength of the Dartmouth track team weTfe reae'er Atari. the Dartmouth Indians sovpt-pIv - . d k William And Mary team Saturday dispelling was a fable showing good condition for the first met of the season' the Indians swamped their south- em hosts to pile up 102 points to Wimam. and Marys 24. Dartmouth took first in al- ost every event, losing only in the !00 and, 220 and tying for first in the -nnl a vault "Rnth the l1?0 and .22 were won by Mmgee of William and Mary. Showing excellent condition, Hoffstetter jmd Captain Dono- Van, both of Dartmouth, ran first and second respectively on tne quarter mile in 49.7. This time is onlv three tenths of a second over the' University of North iCarplimT record ;which is uciu uv tu-vapwiu ivcu xyianc J'Genoiwicz of Dartmouth, in door and outdoor I, C.,AVA. shot putxnamp, seemea to oe m line shape as he won both the sho put and the discus throw. The Dartmouth team looms as a very powerim oostacie m tne m TT I I .' . 11. nTI ' A 1 xar neeis pam. iney not omy showed individual power bu they took all three places in the high hurdles, two mile run, dis cus throw and high jump. . They also took first and second plac es in the mile, low hurdles, 440- yd. run, 880-yd. . run, shot put and broad jump. When the Carolina tracksters stack up against the Dartmouth team tomorrow afternoon in the new track stadium, they will have a tough time keeping pace with them., ; ? v : MEDICA CAPTURES SWIMMING TITLES AS RECORDS FALL Washington Star Splashes Way to Victory in National Colleg iate Meet in New Haven (Special to the Daily Tar Heel) New Haven, Conn., March 30. Jack Medica of Washington University stole the thunder of the annual National Collegiate swimming and diving champion ships here this weekend, win ning three titles and setting two records. All three crowns were retained from 1935. The most thrilling event of the meet was his sterling vic tory in the 220-yard freestyle over Yale's great sophomore, John Macionis. Both boys came down the final 20-yard stretch matching stroke for stroke, but a final burst of power carried Medica under the flags a few inches ahead. t Record Breaking Both boys sent Medica's old time of 2:11.5 to the winds, Me dica being timed in the new re cord of 2:9.5, but .5 second from the world record held by John Weismuller. Medica's other wins came in the 1500-meter event, in which he defeated Yale's Cap tain Norris Hoyt, in the new time of 20:23.7, and in the 440-yard event in which he was victorious over Jimmy Gilhula of Southern California in 4:44.6. This beat Macionis's pool record for the quarter. Walters of Iowa and Charlie Hutter of Harvard produced the fireworks in the sprints, the f or (Continued on last page) MASS NET MATCH WITH DUIiE NEARS About 200 Student Tennis Matches Planned with Blue Devils, Start Next Month The long awaited chance to even up some scores with the Duke Blue Devils is drawing near. Arrangements are near- ng completion for the annual mass tennis meet with our per ennial rivals. . Some time in the middle of April is the date that the fan fare will take place. For the past two years Duke has found herself on the short .end of the scores bowing to the Tar Heel masses last year by the score of 114-86 and the year before by a count of 129-71. Crown Tottering The supremacy of Carolina will be put to a severe test this year as the Blue Devils will be out to even up. matters but with tne wnoienearteu support oi tne entire student body that willinfir j0b vesterdav when Jim be a ditticult task to complete. inis annual aiiair was sug- gested by Varsity, Coach Ken- S "i-V" " r T- er.uie running wj. suites aimti - ics. ' 'Wade scheme and since. then if has be come an annual affair with the rivalry reaching a high point. The meet this year will differ in some respects to previous leaped pieviuus meets in that it will be spread ia "lu "J. v. 11 nf . a TO LnvJPractlce along with his fielders. instead of the usual seven days. wtji. M vu "vwiu wfv mQfp"hoC wni week with 20 being contested at each school. Approximately 200 w,.W i Qn win ha nn h o. tUUiWllVtJ AAA Utl II AAA 9J VAA lAAV VMA - xT.i. rx :n t enuar at inai it win ue x recti test of the student bodies. rnrino- The mass meet, as in former years, will be run by the intra- mural department with points cemgawaraea to tne aiiierent organizations mat enter. Hiacn man will receive two points for his respective; team and the snuad winn no- the most match- es will receive an additional 25 D0lnts :;y - Other points for victories will be handed out according to" the team records. ' - CO-EDS OPEN PLAY IN CAGE TOURNEY Chi Omegas Get Win in First Game of Co-ed Tourney The co-ed basketball tourna- meat got underway astmatch fa generaIly played with night was featured by two for feits. : Third floor Spencer forfeited to Chi Omega, but a game was played which the Chi Omegas won 26-17. The third floor team had only five players and therefore forfeited. Town No. 2 was scheduled to play fourth floor Spencer, but neither team showed up. i Tonight the Pi Phis will meet second floor Spencer at 7 :30 and Town No. 1 will play Archer House at 8:30. WANT A BUILDING? Reservations for the use of buildings and lecture halls should be made in advance with Miss Helen Hodges at the Y. M. C. A. office. The "Y" office is also making out a schedule of events for the spring quarter. The booking of any lecture or other schedules of interest to the campus, which have not been turned in at the "Y" office, should be made at once. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Baseball Team Spartans Here Thursday Monogram Club All members of the Mono gram Club meet this morning on the steps of the law build ing steps for the Yackety Yack picture. Old members are urged to wear their mono gram sweaters. New mem bers who have won their mon ograms in the recent winter sports are asked to be present. JAMES TO COACH FROSH BASEBALL Last Years Coach Surged Tatum as Tar Baby Mentor; WTill Open Against Imps Coach Lefty James, who coached the freshmen to a sue- cessful,season last year, took ov- er the freshman baseball coach- Tatum resigned to go to Cornell as an assistant coach under Coach Snavely. -:s I Yesterday's practice saw 65 candidates out for the frosh nine r - - V:r!iniicW ' s tnis number . down to - a small squad "Within the next few days, It is impossible for him to pick his infield until the regular freshman field is complete. He . ... . ireshmen will open their season when they meet the Duke lue AmPs on APri1 y- iney hope to have games with the oth- er Ireshman teams withm the llstflte no well ns crnmes with sev - I i e I 1 f i i j ii erai PrP scnoois oeiore tne sea- son is over. GOLFERS TO MEET jy ARTMOUTH TEAM HERE TOMORROW Pijanowski, No. 3, Is Lost for Indian Meeting; to Play ; csi- ATan TVToh - . r - - : - v Coach ..Chuck Erickson . an- pounced yesterday that Walter riJanowsK1 wouia oe unaoie to Play against Dartmouth when the two teams meet tomorrow. Pijanowski is in the medical scnbo1 and caimot et time play in this match but would very likely have played in the third position. The Dartmouth team arrived last nitrTif hrincrincr civ mpn TVi a a four man team but will fur nish six men for this one. The men in order of their position will be Captain Dick Harris, Horace Hamilton, Dupont Kir ven, Malcolm Grover. Dick Hicks, and Ben Wyche. The session yesterday was de voted entirely to practice with no one playing a round for the score. Each member of the squad worked hard on the shots which are most difficult for him, and the practice was most suc cessful. It is not known at this time the exact strength of the Dart- mouth team, but some stiff oppo sition is expected from them. Japanesie Prints Exhibited A variety of Japanese color prints, both originals and re productions, have been put on display in Hill Music hall. They have been lent by the Shima Art Company of New York and may be purchased upon application. Why shouldn't England have most of the oil, since she has the most troubled waters? To Plav Michigan State Nine To Invade Emerson Tar Heels to Try for Season's Second Win; Game Here Rained Out Last Year LONG TRAINING SESSION After starting off the season on the right foot Friday after noon by trimming Springfield College in their season's opener Coach Bunn Hearn's crew of ball players will go after their second victory Thursday after noon when they engage the strong Michigan State nine on. Emerson field. The Spartans take their base ball seriously at Michigan State, making it a five-month sport. Starting indoor nractice about the middle of January. Coach Johnny Kobs' team is pointing for its annual spring training trio into the southern states bv the first of March and usually start it about the end-of the month; V- Spring Trip The spring vacation journey ik.,91K. lofr in ra.onJ eludes seven gamesrlt has been on the schedule for tthe.. lajst - M years- 1 h a white diamond aggregation met Clem- son tnere yesterday Sn their fi f southern tilt and takes on Jp InV; Newberry today. I . rn m i i- c ii- r uu m ouu u 01ma ortn Carolina tate ana "7 week- Their game with the Tar ue.ii year was rauicu . OUt. Few Veterans Although his squad was rid dled by graduation last year, Coach Kobs is optimistic over developing a winning team. Only, one member of last year's pitch ing staff, George (Dodo) Hill, and a lone member of last year's mfield, Jing . (Buzz) BarUmg, Keu""eu uux- uus piuggea ine gaps wun reserves and ; members of -the .freshman squaa last season. warren iLieity) waiters, a sophomore portsider, may be the answer to the Spartans hurling problem. He pitched a no-hitter last year as a freshman and did not drop a game. Coach Hearn seems to have picked an effective scoring com bination for his first nine, who lost their chance to show their wares again Saturday when the second game with Springfield was called off because of wet grounds. The same Tar Heel team will probably start again Thursday, against Michigan Stata Johnnie Humphries hurled a nice, steady game Friday and may get the call again, although Hearn may decide to try Letterman Latch Webster in the box. ROOMS FOR SUMMER Townspeople should list all available rooms, apartments, and cottages for the summer and fall sessions at once with Miss Helen Hodges at the Y. M. C. A. In order to insure the best service Miss Hodges says that it is imperative for this informa tion to be turned in as soon as possible. Infirmary Confined to the infirmary yes terday were: John Bost, Irving Weishud, Lewis Midgett, W. W. Williams, Chloe Parrott, Ran dolph Reece, G. C. ifitchie, and B. K. Millamay.