PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEL SUNDAY. MAY 31, 19.3s Saunders Continued from first page) During the commencement exercises of the University the seniors will need tickets for five events and all members of the graduating class should secure their tickets as early as possible. The 1 o'clock informal luncheon at the Carolina Inn on Class Day is the only event for which a ticket is necessary that will cost the student. These will be sold for 50 cents. Oratorio tickets wjjl be given out to graduating men Saturday from 10:30 to 1 o'clock and Sunday from 12 to 1 o'clock. pickets left after that time will t)e distributed to anyone desir 3ng them from 2:30 to 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. : Plavmaker production bids will be given out from 10:30 to l2 o'clock Monday morning to 'seniors and from 12 to 3 o'clock 'to others who are not seniors. Trustees Continued from first page) Mr. Hill introduced J. K. Wilson and John B. London, who contin ued in the manner of their predecessors. At this point the session was enlivened by Mr. Fred Sutton's question: "if we let Carolina keep the engineering school, What do We o-of f IVfcat nr hey going to do for us?" to Correspondence (Continued from page two) "honor system." It is as if passel of cats should meet 'discuss vegetarianism! Let us carry it higher up to our national officers. Not long ago a nit-wit Missouri boy was subjected to pitiless publicity be cause he had submitted an essay not his own in a national contest, But how is that different from the "ghost writing" resorted to by our semi-literate national fig ures? No future historian wil be able to compile the writings of cabinet officers and other notables many of them will be found to be from the pen of one George Michelson, ghost writer. A man in my class was sent home last quarter for copying one word on an examination pa per. How about expulsion for the'campus big-shots who prac tice perfidy on a bigger scale? A FACULTY MEMBER. University Graduates Run For Legislature The approach of the local pri mary June 6 finds a University professor and three former Carolina students offering them selves as candidates for Orange county representative to the state legislature. Lawrence Flinn, who gradu ated from the University with honors in 1932 and has been ART EXHIBIT Mr TT11 J . - . ue a mouou . studying at Duke for his Ph.D. be empowered tr. au qv f . . ..-., v ""J n oHnrm nvnmiomiY "art CZ Mfjyriheir Priation for the. University suf A. .vuiucilL I -w rH 1 1 M 1 1 1 IIrt.ll I .-. - 11 1 11 1 1 . , , . ; ncienr to restore an salaries ana sisimuju ms aesire to do so. U a "laicuny R. F. Stainback, professor of After much debate, in which electrical engineering here, is .r. uiaries y. Tillett asked aiSft a rondiri f o for th nositinn. . xuity De neara, tne other University men who motion tO that effect Was adopt- flrA ninni or Jnhn T John. ed. A difficulty then developed Rw mprnhpr nf ttnlrimi fWp when the faculty delegation com- p t Tinwar fnrmpr nS- posed of Dr. Archibald Hender- fm. Af TT?ti n,, w p I W A. SJL VAAW will II I .L son, ur. w. t Prouty, Dr. H. V. tp n pn,Pm(m i fi ,,ou, uu uean n. uany candidate for the office. coma not De located. President Graham was sent out to search for the wayward professors, but An exhibition of watercolors by Leonard Good, one of the distinguished young, artists of the southwest, will be on display in Hill Music hall from June 1 to 15. This exhibit will replace the "Modern Masters of Etch ing" exhibit, which will remain on view through today. Good's work is being brought here by the University Exten sion Division. An angelic boyhood becomes a satanic old age. Erasmus. Athletic Equipment One hundred and sixty ath letes have failed to respond to our request to turn in their equipment at the storeroom. I wish to urge that each man of you who has equipment re turn it, or recheck it for sum mer use, at the storeroom tomorrow. , (Signed) R. A. FETZER. Buy Your Gift from the Leading Jeweler in Chapel Hill L. R. DEKLE Jeweler & Watchmaker Over Andrews-Henninger Finals (Continued from first page) . Watson. Both the new and old officers will participate in the figure Sat urday evening. The outgoing officers and executive committee are Ben Willis, Lewis Morris, Oscar Tyree, Archie Scales, Mark Lynch, Van Webb, Jimmy Craighill, Dave Mosier, Joe Shull, Pete Williams, and Char lie Edwards. The incoming officers and committeemen are Jim Finlay, Oscar Tyree, Randy Roland, Brad Toby, Morris Fitts, Louis Shaffner, Bill Lamm, Bill Scott, Billy McClelland, Boylan Carr, and Sam Neaves. . c 1 A Pan Will Help You Pass Your Exams l returned without his quarry. Since the lunch hour was at hand, the meeting was declared in recess while the trustees par took of free lunch provided by the Woman's College. Afternoon The afternoon session began with the prompt appearance of the faculty committee who und ertook to point out technical and practical weaknesses of a plan to move the engineering school. Dean Francis Bradshaw, sought to delineate between the two types of engineering educa tion. "Engineering rests on al lied courses and not on a few ele mentary courses," Dr. H. V. Wilson, the elderly biology pro fessor calmly stated, "It looks like a piece of madness to me. The University faculty mem bers argued in vain, for immedi ately upon their conclusion and withdrawal, there was launched an attack of backwoods oratory that very effectively cast a spell over the tiring trustees. Josephus Daniels, U. S. am bassador to Mexico, unleashed a roaring speech, which, al though confined to generalities, had visible effect upon his listen ers. "We see in Frank Graham," he thundered, "a leader worthy of North Carolina. All the oth er gentlemen spoke of the Uni versity as the Chapel Hill branch only. . . They want Carolina to be a University and State to be a junior college. . . Are we, chil dren to fix our mandate one day and rescind it the next?" Judge John J. Parker, Sr. sounded a solemn note as he rose to defend the plan. "If we pass this motion to reconsider," n,e warned, "consolidation is wrecked. If consolidation fails, president (iranam's lite is a failure and he knows it." DIPLOMA FEE Each student expecting to receive a degree at this year's commencement is requested to pay his diploma fee to the University cashier at once. It is necessary that all in debtedness to the University be settled before one is eligi ble for graduation. (Signed) T. H. Evans, Cashier. Electric & Water Division u. c. S. PLANTS BOAT TO NEW YORK-$10 Agent will make reserva tions all day Monday in Y. M. C. A. lobby. Reservations may also be placed with IRA SARASOHN at 205 Lewis. Special connecting bus leav ing Chapel Hill Thursday at 1 o'clock direct to boat at Nor folk. Price $2.95 including trunk. Meals and berth in cluded in boat fare. Engraved Cards For Commencement Any Style, 100 Cards And Plate, Delivered $250 Orange Printshop Phone 3781 Thanks Students For Your Patronage We Wish For You a Very Pleasant Vacation. Herman Department Store Only those live who do good. -Tolstoy. - SPECIALS on FORMAL WEAR MESS JACKETS 3.95 DINNER JACKETS 6.50 to $9.75 The YOUNG MEN'S SHOP '126-128 E. Main St. Durham We Wish to Take This Opportunity to Thank Our Cus tomers for Their Patronage and to Wish Them a Very Pleasant Vacation. BRUGES ITos1re Carolina: Inn Cafeteria and Dining Room Will Be Open During the Summer. Haywood Duke, Mgr. HERBERT MARSHALL GERTRUDE MICHAEL m "Fprgottem Faces TODAY 99 027 iyini TltC) .. To The Students We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage during the past year and to wish for you a great big summer. University Service Station H. S. PENDERGRAFT, Proprietor Sappy LamidlM: ' . . 'A. . However You Travel Home One Inexpensive Way to Go Is on One of Our USED: kCft JoioIn$thY army . . Joat Joins 4 ffif Jo., and I evtry body's foin- jL jlf Inginth! laughs and songs - jF&Z jLP of thrs fam II ou$ Broadway musi- ( JZ' ,. '1 (I col hit now I broughttothosereonl lJ?y VS f- inic Dions iwmhL I I T; I WINIFRED SHAW I CgS?'. f f!Sy I CRAIG REYNOLDS I fSJ &-J JOSEPH KING I 'A ? ..nOBERT BARR&T 4 0-SS OTHER FEATURES Musical Novelty Paramount News MONDAY Tuesday GRACE MOORE FRANCHOT TONE in "THE KING STEPS OUT" Wednesday DIXIE DUNBAR JOHNNY DOWNS in "THE FIRST BABY Thursday Several in Running-Condition $25 Others at all Prices "FORD PRODUCTS SINCE 1914" Y f o j -Friday- JAMF.S nTTvrxT SALLIE EILERS MTiiMivi 1UMLIN Sat nJ. ED?JAIlD G ROBINSON' I f It A XT r v . in ' ' aak McHURH "DONT GET PERSONAL" ..Bm , PTO in BULLETS OR BALLOTS;