v PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAB HEEL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1937 0 BULLETINS , Gene Sings Heart Away to "Smartest Girl" Radio club Meeting tonight, 7:30 in room 250 of Phillips hall. Joe Star will talk on vacuum tube detector. Gym team Meeting this after noon at 4 in Bynum gym to elect a captain. Interdormitory council Meet ing tonight at 7:30 in Graham Memorial. 1 Meeting concerns plans for Student-Faculty Dayi Coed basketball "Tonight at 7 :30 in Bynum gym. Spencer hall tea This after noon from 4:30 to 6. Everybody invited. P. U. board Meets 2 p. m. to day in Grail room . of Graham Memorial. Men's nglee club-Meets this af ternoon at 5. Hill Music hall. Debate squad 9 in Graham Me morial. -University branch of North Carolina Pharmaceutical asso ciationMeets tonight, 7:30, Howell hall. v All-Schumann concert Tonight at 8:30 in Hill Music hall. Har old Cone and Sherman Smith, pianist and baritone. Phonograph concert Today at 1:25 in Hill Music hall as fol . lows: Brahms, "Symphony No. 4 in E Minor," first three move ments, B. B. C. orchestra under Bruno Walter. A. S. U. Meets tonight at 8 :30 in Graham Memorial. ; , Poets Interested in writing for Daily Tar Heel, 5 p. m. today Grail room, Graham Memorial Special work. Infirmary Those confined m the infirmary yesterday were G C. Rogers, David Judson, Mears Harris, Randy Cooner, and J. A Taylor. yyyyyyyyyyyyiyyyyyyryyyyyyyyyyy. ' -, A-::-yy---& yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyy-yyyyyyyy t , - ' - p ' -- jmmmmm a The Moving o Finger o By C. W. GUmore Cairo Undermined by River Cairo, 111., Feb. 2 The Ohio river, its drive to inundate this city frustrated by a re-enforced levee, found, a new opening to day when it seeped under the flood wall into the sand founda tion of Cairo. About 50 "sand boils" which sprang up in the heart of the flood-seiged city gave evidence of the new peril. Major R. D. -Bur-dick. U. S. Army engineer, ex- Gene Raymond displays his popular vocal talents as he sings Lingd the eruntions as caused his own "Will You' to Ann Sothern, in this romantic beach scene Dy the terrific pressure forcing irum ouianesi uiri 111 iunii, itaaio comeay mi on ineine river under the levee. screen of the Carolina Theatre. The popular stellar team is sup ported by Helen Broderick, Eric Blore, Erik Rhodes and Harry Jans. . ' Staff Bulletin Business stafif Meets in office 1:40 this afternoon. VERY IM PORTANT. Coed Reception ; There will be a coed reception for all the members of the fac ulty and their wives, Sunday- afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in the main lounge room of Graham Memorial. All 'faculty members are cor dially invited to attend. TAR HEEL NIGHT PHOTO CONTEST - Classifications Indoor or outdoor pictures. People or animals should be included in these photographs. 1. Indoor or outdoor pictures by artificial light. No people should be in the photograph. Prizes Offered in Each Class 1st prize $5.00 2nd prize ..... $2.50 , 3rd prize, each .... ..... $1.00 10 Enlargements 5x7 Any number of pictures made on or after February 1, 1937 may be entered. Entries must be in not later than noon March 31, 1937. The contest is open to any amateur, that is, to any individuals not engaged in the manufacture, sale, finishing, or professional use of photographic materials. Pictures that have won other contests are not eligible. There is np restriction On the type, of film paper or other materials used. All contact prints up to 4x6 are advised. Miniature negatives should be enlarged. Enlargements should be not over 4 x 6. ; No prints will be returned. Keep your ; negatives. If your picture is a prize winnerj the negative will be requested. : No person will be eligible for more than two prizes. x . Entry blanks may be had at the Tar Heel office, Y.M.C.A. and Foister Photo Co. Pictures entered should be left at the "Y" or at Foister's. Decisions of the judges will be final. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Judges to be announced Contest Editor Jerry Kisner In time Cairo will be a float ing island; and then the river will sweep unrestrained over the city streets, finally making the town part of a new-formed channel. , Although sand-bags were pil ed over the "sand boil" geysers Not In The News Continued from page two) Basketball (Continued from pag thret) score at this point, with ten minutes and thirty seconds gone was 24-10. Last nights win was the 7th for the oon ballroom for dates on an outing." Around the plenty- adequate floor he'd arrange his tables; and for the orchestra's benefit he'd cut down the big I consecutive victory lights and turn on a fancy re-1 White Phantoms. They haven't volving prism reflector down ml lost a game since their 37-30 the center of the dance floor. I defeat at the hands of the X. y. With speckled shadows dancing I U. quintet. The squad will take on the walls beyond the potted it easy for two days and then palms. Brother Duke might I travel to Charlottesville to pav . o lufiUfc, JL litJ 101- lowing night they will meet tho CUSTOM MADE Mention Maryland five in a return of the "Pirates of Penzance, which, according to some, click ed smoothest Sunday night, re minds us that Miss Haynsworth, the heroine, hadn't sung at all before the rehearsals started. en gagement. McCarhrpTi- f The production outfit had theUfuiiis f. Sullivan musical score lowered I Wright, f. to fit her contralto for the solo Meroney, c FOR THE SEVENTH TIME Carolina (34) G . 3 1 Name Bershak, f. parts! Len Your Ears ( Continued from page three) j And rolls up a score Ruth, g. Potts, g. Total 1 4 2 3 F 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 10 4 6 an nttie coma oe aone aoout me am is now but the means to undermining of . the town. Ex- END ! tra nnast. miard boats were rush- Penn represents the state Name - Peabody, f. Knorr, f. . Iverson, f. . i Barrow, f. : i6 Davidson (20) 2 34 ed to the scene, ready to evacu-pot the school. We have no Hicks, 111 i . I ate the town's 6,000 defenders tnougnts 01 starting slander. If Hancock, c. who have been fighting the you were to call the mystery Qk - river. man above by his first name Reid, g. Keiswetter, g. Total Debate Council Tramp Ball (Continued on last page) the winning student couple, the winning faculty couple and the best-dressed stag. A student - faculty judging committee will review the con testants during a grand march. "Members of the queen's cuuit wiu ue pient, attm xxc- Continued from first page) b ariand yesterday, Dut wiii not and Paul Whfteman; t 1 "l 1 J JT I iiuuauiv- xiisuiicu v iio xxi i " x i"-"" i ArmstronEr. sr method of attack, the river crept " witn nanay." vve rusn on Boyd, g. farther up the flood wall until madly: it reached 0 feet in denth. Onlv Who 1S the coach of a hectic crew a frail, mud superstructure bars rj? his aU,to these boys in the Ohio from flooding the city. But on the niffht of nihts The Crest Of the flood in the Was he there at the fights Mississippi valley IS -expected m No! He had flown like a fly with the next few davs. Enffineers. the fIu- however, exnressed the belief ine aDove 1S virtually a give that the billion dollar levee sys- away , but in an attempt to be tern could nrotect the threatened impartial to all we will add that banks, under martial law for 50 he is a member of the varsity miles on either side of the river. poxmg coacnmg stait ot one. As! a grana iinaie we give you a Sfrilfra OrM n Wndo rwiwtulc Flint, Mich., Feb. 2 Sit-down who has been fathe to verses much strikers occupying two General brighter Motors plants here were ordered He wrote by the score to evacuate the nremises with- The best since the war i oi i,ftll W o i4 H wixnout iau mere were always tion granted today by Circuit Judge Paul Gadola. G 0 2 1 0' 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 F 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 T 1 4 2 1 3 3 1 0 5 0 0 20 Daily Tar Heel advertisers deserve your support. j: f mm fraiijitSja Fin your cen with this new Ink creation Parker Quint' Quint cleans a pen as it writes a Parker Pen or any other. Dissolves sediment left by pen-dogging inks. too many syllables in the last line! Ring the bell on that one and vou are well on vour wav to The injunction also prohibits qualifying as a possibIe entrant Always rich, brilliant never watery. Get it at any store selling ink, 15c and 25c. ParL vunk Made by The Parker Pen Co.. Jancsrille.Wis. (Continued on last page) on the merits of the question by Hie auuiciiLC. xio uciuic, tuwc .1 -v,UJT Txri ? " 0 will be no voting on the merits ?L0.3i 1! the restricted group of win- addition to solutions vou will he Gadola granted the injunction rGauirGd to sel, a rp,PTltiv ahaT1. upon the request of the General doned planvto five other con. of the debaters, in accordance ;,v m ,, TT . ., . I buildings. -,. The Book Exchange For Ink Supply Dorsey Band Motors ficials corporation Union of- ferences, guarantee a Rose Bowl were unable to show eleven, contribute several track- cause why the injunction should stpra ranahlp nf :n d.aR be eligible for prizes if they He made his first radio a not be granted in the trial held or Iess create another Bits come dressed m their regal cos- pearance with Sam Lanin's or- yesterday. The request referred Grant. a few baseball players tumeJ Patronize our advertisers. chestra and his debut over the ? the strikers as Hnlnmhia tiptwnfV tnnV -nlaoa. o IPlyeS. few years ago with Freddie former em- Following the outbreak of and other minor requisites. We will enclose detailed instructions i on receipt of proper credentials. ' BUYER'S GUIDE Printed every Wednesday and Sunday to show the buyers of Chapel Hill their most progressive business men For Ad Rates Phone 4356 between 2 and 4 P. M. SPECIAL PRICES On Wrist Watches, Jewelry and Gifts This Month. Lester R. Dekle Jeweler and Watchmaker (Over Andrews-Henninger) Auto Service Complete One-Stop . Service Washing Greasing Pure Oil Service Sta. Ben Strowd, Prop. Betsy Ann Shop ' is showing New Spring Styles in Coats, Suits, Dresses, Negligees and Hosiery Dr. J, P. Jones Dentist Phone 5761 Upstairs next to Post Office Rich's orchestra. Evfentuallv riots yesterday, national guards- he organized his own orchestral seizea a union souna trucK rony Acquina, staaium ground and appeared with notable sue- rim lutu tuSLUry me iwo neeper at umo otaie university, cess in the Broadwav musical operaT;ors one 01 tnem a union says it takes 10 men irom four w I TTT ill f . . show "Evervbodv'q Welcome I organizer, witn oayonets tne to seven days to clean up tfce sta- ' " . j i i. i i i. . . . guarasmen aiso aispersea near- aium alter a game. Alter the ly 50 pickets who had gathered .Pitt game his men removed 75 near the strike zone. - tubs of rubbish from the Two of the dozen injured in grounds. Dancer Enters Phipps & Ranson Attorneys at Law Durham and Chapel Hill Make Your Room a Cozy Den Buy your furniture from E. A. Brown 106 E. Rosemary St. Decca Records Weekly supply of the latest song hits by your favorite orchestra Bruce's 5 & 10c Store BUYER'S GUIDE COLUMN - . is an excellent way to reach. your customers Call 4356 between 2 & 4 P. M. LOST A lady's small wrist watch with black cord strap between Eubank's Drug Store and the Village Apts. Return to 18 Village Apts. and receive reward. WANT ADS PAY DIVIDENDS Patronize these business men They are ready to serve you (Continued frm firat page) son 1928-29. London and Paris ed as m serious condition, but debuts occurred the following Detroit union headquarters season. nevertheless announced that "She has influenced the dance lJohn L. Lewis, chairman of the more than any other artist of committee for industrial organi the day. This is not pantomine, zation would arrive tomorrow neither is it acting. It is another "to intensify the strikes." art and its name is Enters,1 says C. D. Isaacson, New York State Creates Seven-Man Count SPECIAL All Wool Barrel Style Sleeveless Sweaters $l Green, White, Canary Tan The YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 126-128 E. Main St. Durham Authentic University Fashions critic. CAROLINA THEATRE FEB. 10TH & vi' 1 sjt I K Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 2 The North Carolina senate without hesitation passed an expansion bill which will give the state a seven-man supreme court in a quiet session this morning. The bill" has already been approved by the house. The new law will go into ef fect July 1 when a supreme court chief justice and six as sociates will head the states judicial arrangement. IKO-tADIO iirnup . .1.11 DincM br 0 1 nub"" The winning streaks in bas ketball vary considerably with the Kansas teachers holding the lead winning 48 straight; L..I. ADVICE TO THE LOVELORN Send your Sweetheart A Valentine That she will remember From time to time. Visit Our Department-and See A Large Collection of Valentines for the Whole Family BRUCE'S 5c TO $1 STORE LET US CARE FOR YOUR CAR Washing, Polishing, Certified Lubrication Firestone Tires Willard Batteries Texaco Products UNIVERSITY SERVICE STATION H. S. Pendergraft, Prop "The Texaco Place" JOHN FORO tb" Prod-1 J Si. U. hung up 43 and Maryville (Mo.) Teachers made 41.

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