PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAB HEEL BULLETINS Wigue and Masque The follow ing are asked to meet for re hearsals tonicrht in the Grail room of Graham -Memorial: At 7 o'clock: Sarratt, Edwards, Aid, Joyce, Halperin, : Steward, Tyndall, FonveiUe, Hinton. At 8 o'clock: the men's chorus. At 9 o'clock: the women's chorus. Pasm TianM Tnmnrrftw Tllffbt at :3U m panque- room oi ura- - . ham Memorial. Comic Editorship i ne moving o Finger o Dick Hicks To Edit Last Issue Of Old Administration Readers Receive March Magazine Read, Sarratt, Crowell, Downs, By C. W. Gumore II The March issue of the Caro- CHRYSLER OFFICIALS WIN una Magazine appeared on the FIRST ROUND OF STRIKE campus yesterday afternoon. Detroit, March 25 Swirling Nick Read's "The South: A snow brushed 6,000 striking au- Middle Way," an article on co- Bobbitt cave as the exnlana- tomobile workers as they f iled operative farming, followed thej tion of his resignation his heavy Put of eight Chrysler factories cover of tree branches by Mary In a staff meeting last night Julian Bobbitt yielded the edi torship of this administration's last issue of the Buccaneer to his associate editor, Dick Hicks. Favorites Teamed academic schedule this quarter, today and gave the corporation Haynsworth and the farm-scene Politics the first round in the fight of frontispiece by Margaret Munch. Associate Editor Hicks is a the U. A. W. A. to gain sole col- Mountains And Moonshine senior and is a member of the Active bargaining rights. Shelby Foote's ''prescription' I a mam 1 At J - I . ' His issue will appear -ut, aitnougn xne .ri.r and David Baity's "Stenogra- Iate in April. - evacuatea tne lactones mey Dher's Lament to Jehovah" are! Bobbittfs last edition, appear- hfve held for two weeks, they the twQ poems in the edition. ing April 1, will have politics as ma not surrenoer. as "Still" by Ruth Crowell and marcnea out, notice was given Choir To Present PoHw?aiic ratifntn its theme, and "as usual," he marcnea out, notice was given Pepin by Ram0na Teijiero are xweug-uus vdiiwia states, "there will be a few cut- that they would picket the eight th(; issue's two short stories. Mrs. ' MacEinney, Dees, Holmes ting remarks on campus person- lactones unaer siege. . ' i i w i. i m - - - m aliteis." - ine sit-aown striKe was Lawrence Hinkle will follow broken, but a picket line was 0 3- f V V FRIDAY, MARCH 26. iS37 Amateur Radio Station To Be Finished Soon Paul Rockwell Building Tran.- nunc- jl wi. uiu ersiiy j QsJ Letters Are W4WE Instant communication any other school in the United states operating an amateur radio station will be upon completion of the trans mitter for the University, now iin the process of construction. faui Kockwell is building tk- transmitter and the station hag j been assigned the call Uh "fcWlS W4WE. According to comment, the dition of an amateur radio sta- won win neignten tne prestfee J.1 TT i . And Templeton Solists "Still" is a tale of mountains anu iiiuuiiHiuue, winic jrcpxu. Lee Tracy, one of the screen's of the University as about every most capable actors, and Margot other college and university in Grahame, the British actress the country, including Duke and who has become a front-rank State, boast of a radio station, favorite with American au- Favorably impressed with Reed Sarratt, managing edi- diences, are brought together for move is the physics department tne iirsi iime xn vixxii"ixieietuiure unaDie to do much Lawyer," RKO Radio's romantic work in radio and television fields. They will be able to use has a setting in Spain. Staff Elections tor of the Daily Tar Heel, sets "Case of Staff Elec- The choir of the ; Episcopal his N;ffht Before Christmas" erected to take its place. church, under the direction of L.j.. Meanwhile, in Lansing two ' - - ii y 11 i hiii i if i ii in1.1 j. ii i ' mm- t T-l m Ml Aoms' wm Present a with . humorous noem on cam- sacred cantata, "The Seven Last Lus Havden Clement nor Frank Murphy's office. They , , 0 i nas wrirrPTi n snnn smrv niso nn i "v , ... j 4--4- n onoWa . a : i ft.Qrt r ; - iff fnr insfWal "u"a "iU " tnrilier OI me criminal cuuxib. m , . . , ,r f 1 - m ., t tne nistoncai ana contemporary Eduardo Ciannelli ana rriK mo ouwwm vm wcnuo. mav,- more oi i jiaire s nnfvr.rv aisn i i li, oQi 1.1 11 j xt, - 1 : " t 1 . : j i. j? ii-yiuuicui, i,a.rv.iiiK a uivowmiu. Knoaes neaa me suuuuiu nuw u ni. iiAi-Mm - ni. 1 lAAri 1 1 A . ii nrvamr TirouiiiMii f i irin i i xxxcy, m. xmu, -x,. wm appear m tne issue, uutsiae rJ 'rrrT lTI t? t? Tinwr,s TTniv-sitv li- nlnvinc at the Carolina. oth mk 'I'omniotrm . ij i. .liTnnniip pnrnoratioii . wmcn nau , - 1 - e uu an. xvuvwu. coninuutioiis mciuue material . j. iA i.;i just accomplished what General "ra"au uuntnuutca .u Motors had failed to do break on "The Game of Book Collect- the-back of a sit-down strike. mg," and George Stoney ap- 'I'ha TTTrt man wora taivincr wfr pears with A Decrusted Col- peace negotiations. Lewis said lege imarch around in the snow until lalKing Jm UVer sole collective bargaining rights The cantata was composed by voluntarily sent by the editors of Theodore Dubois, teacher and di- the W. C. U. N. C. magazine. rector of the Paris Conserva- Ellen Deppe has returned to toire, when he was maitre de the staff after a year's absence Chapelle at the church of St. from school. Clotilda where Cesar Franck was organist. The theme of the K":clliri;ir, "Rao-Ht cantata is the story of the Cruci- IirfeCIllllcUl, DCdt) fixion, as told in the words spoken by Christ from the cross. PHOTO NOTES Night Photo Contest News the station for demftn?trof;rt vai tiVU purposes and for the actual prac tice of theory. Officers of the organization that have worked to make this University radio station possible are: Ted Caldwell, president; Paul Rockwell, vice-president': and Tom Stanback, secretfery- treasurer. Entries for the Tar Heel Play Festival Continued from first page) craf ters of Boone will present a marionette play. , Dr. Frederick H. Koch, head of the department of dramatic tnon.tin.u0td. from none three fin WDNf T11 was given the union.. Mr. Chrys- mUch encouragement the news Night Photo Contest are coming Peace Organization ler said they could march arouna 0f Oxford's crew victory over m m large numbers. Some nun- Will Staffe Dane ns Vtj in the snow, but no bargammg Cambridsre after the former had dred have alreadv been made. Local ran amy wneara uvw . , . w ,r ' , , MpmWn Toi0 at ngnta. meen unsuccessiui ior id years, many more are expectea Dei ore v.u.i,.Vuiuo xiuw aaut When an agreement could not it showed that Jinxes don't al- March 31 when the contest ends: aDIe or Tomorrow's Event he reached. Lewis ordered his ' - ' i mi ' " - f i iv La la r- t:ii i i rri i vv in it i n it w . i Afxciuuersmp caras ior tne WDNC Tonight Bob Kirschman and arts at the University, speak dassicai number3 two jazz ua jLrraxnauzxn worm oaro-i .i ij.t Tr;T. i 11 Ulll htssl D, V 1 111 XVI 1 OVllllKAll J.Cjr ' Nocturnal W. D. N. C in Durham tonight tion agreed not. to resume opera from 11 to 11:15 o'clock. tions until a settlement had been The program consists of two made. lina," at the 12 o'clock session. Other' speakers at this time will be Lester Raines, University of Alabama, and Arthur E. Wy man, University of Hawaii. Award At 3 o'clock the final contests in Beatv are beinsr featured in sit-down strikers to resort to the Wolfpack will be able to inflreH nn hnw t.pV ott f "p t 101 xTn.4-Vni, wot. TMefiTief. Thfi nhrvsler cornora- nna nn mun PT1onmiL..i : i i rcriad-nu' Carolina feace com- kjxiiuuo j vip 1 1 - o- i yui wn viiv nunc iucuuwiuo nnr or TiresRiiL tne lneas wmcn :u.. i - , . , -mt4.M L, uuitcc, liwxiersnip oi wiiicn en- W4i- i i- " ' - uues anenaance at tne new or- With the Yale boys peal, pictorial quality, unique-Lanization,s dance ness, originality, artistic merit, night, have been printed and and composition. are nnw Questions relating to the con- The dan re will w;n Qf test will be gladly answered by and will be held in the b t the contest editor. Where help- room of Graham MemoriaL 0ne ful, constructive criticism of pic- years dues in the committee .ures is aesirea, tne contestant costs 25 cents per person, should bring along the negatives mux.- or prints to the Daily Tar Heel v cuxeu now at tnis sum irom Tommy Meder at 1 Steele or ITALIAN TROOPS MISSING ; fcNOTiAND BACKS ing the violin, and Beaty as the BLOCKADE accompanist. ' I VnlenHa. Marr.H 9!K The Beaty is a transfer from Fur- gnanish government is convinc- man university and is a junior U that there are 30,000 Italian major, nis noine is soldiers fighting in the revolu Anderson, S. C. tinn. but the crovernment does- The violinist has studied vio-L.4. i .t 4-u play production of county lin at the Yau Music school. 'His " ir! .' hiffh schools will be held between k .v. r tt r. iwuo iuu- T,... ; --. uome ia m aw xxavcu, vim., cenaries of the fascist insur- scene reminds us that probably the greatest consecutive vic tory record ever established by a college team was broken recently when the Harvard swimmers defeated Yale by a two-point margin. Coach Bob Kiphuth's Eli mermen had won some 160 meets without a setback until Captain Char lie Hutter, United State's Olympic merman, led the John office. SJS? h J! 3 " mkr ..?shoi Uents were pounding at the gates Harvards to victory the other T : T1 'II i . ' a a juenoir-xwiyne win compete at 4 vprsitv SVmr,honv. " -t f x V w jara, r!ifv FlnVe iiTifo-Araftv on1 . , .., T, gwiw wwc j::ii,irinr;;r:;:i : major-ne vy . tne unH0f Madridtirere repuIsed and Lxi-wVxio x ymyew , vprsitv svmnhonv. draws car-Ui, rs,i Vwwwk v Tr,xU toons for tne Buccaneer, ana writing by senior college mem- ieads the Gypsy Tea Room or- uers or me association. chestra. Tonight at 7 o'clock New Han- These boys are on as a sta over, Rocky Mount, and Concord tion feature now, but are inter- night. Captain Buck McCarn and r 1 "r TT. a ma . near the nld canitol ' citv. oacn isunn nearn set Oil tne I A Jl. -. AA.M Today the troops were gone ; Iuse ine Ayd ' Dasebau lire they had evacuated, according cracker nere tomorrow atter to ffovernment aerial observers, noon -at 3 o'clock. The Spring- Any student, member of the faculty, or subscriber to the newspaper are eligible to enter the contest. Junior-Seniors may be bought at the dance. Funds raised by this committee will be used to assist in staging an anti-war demonstration April 22. (Continued from first page) will participate in the finals for ested in finding a sponsor for WOndered least beneficial results. 'C 4-1 A M amaV. 4-1 a ?T government aerial ooservers. " m,- , v,ari b:j tt t j "u v"c uicmucxs ui me juiu French observers of state fd college team furnishes the S bSFindi?g Junior-Senior dance committee opening opposition for the sec- m somewhat the limn xri-fVi Tia nlooa TMtAoiDrtfa it? I . 1 . I J TIAbU LUC Uiak3A Ul CJIUVUM city nign scnoois. Tne run-oil be- their regular Friday night pro- troops had gone, also. They won- straight year. We hope the r . . m u urin a11 members of the two tween individual playwriting grams. dered whether there was any Tar. Heels can repeat that 10-5 J 5 classes to attend the joint class members will take place at 9 :15. . j.. win of 193f5. Thev qxto Jomt meeting of the Tepresenta- a; m.cA m TT-.i connection. m me uisauuearaiice Drama Following the . regular pro gram Saturday night, winners in all contests will be announced by Dr. Koch. Awards will be pre sented by President Graham. (Continued from page three) of these teams later in the sea son. Lt.i it 6. . tives frnm Jie Tti Oaj on rv TilJ u: C1UD. CenerailV smoa Inner hut I "" ouuiwi-ocmwrB. creased complaints from Spanish need more strength in the pitch- L?l 6 socialists that Mussolini was mS Stall. to the Iberian sending troops Today Carolina will meet the peninsula in violation of the in- strong Furman team by which it ternational neutrality pact, and Correspondence (Continued from naae tum was defeated last year 11 to 7. the fact that H Duce brought to the White Camelia, a body that urman played LiuKe on tne a nre-mature close his annual combines the ideas nf tha it Hope Valley course Wednesday vacation in Libya. Klux Klan and those of . the but was beaten 12V to 5. So French observers of state White Shirts, latelv Duke boasts one of the best joined British officials in declar- the now criminally-indicted Pel- teams in tne country. ing an independent mvestiga- ley of Asheville. i Coach Enckson expects to use tion of the alleged violation of This order issues a magazine HI the same team of Kirven, Hicks, the neutrality pact today. A which any student can secure s Gifford. and Kluttz today but warship blockade of th Snanish nddressino- the Orlo nu.j.- LESTER R DEKLE may substitute Clark or Wilson mainland was threatened if the town, W. Virginia. Recently it H 111 Ul lli ajiwvuo. oirejtu mitiguuuu J11 tllC ydL U I ISSUCU X C5pCUlell IlUIIlDGr Called I will need her strongest if she is of European nations does not "The Jew Deal." This niiTnr. H club sent a delegation "Mttt L IT York last week-end to stimulate some action in procuring bands for each of the occasions. From the offers just received it' would seem that the trip has had at in order to take definite action, said Hobbs. Love of flattery in most men proceeds from the mean opinion they have of themselves; In -ffo-men from the contrary. Jona than Swift. FOR EASTER . ... No gift could be more appropriate or more appre ciated than an Elgin or Hamil ton Watch. See our display at our larger and more modern quarters .' . . . IIIIIII Hill Jeweler and Watchmaker (Over Andrews-Hemunger) to win. Send Her FLOWERS For EASTER! If you wish to make a favor able impression Send Flowers from HIBBERD'S. See our Display Easter Flowers. of Beautiful HIBBERD'S FLOWERS ARE HOME GROWN HffiBERD FLORIST 109 W. Main St. Phone L-925 Durham cease. called attention to the mimu. uuimi vi i : Jews in the Roosevelt adminis- temptmg to isolate the Spanish tration and described the na- revolution from European poli- tional program as a great "Jew- si tics, apparently is doing little, ish plot" to destroy Gentile civil- Hi i'7at.ioTi in North AmeriVo T t Tennis velt. thev allecre. is a dismii I ww--, "tj MIOC JJL I the family name, which is in I HI and Henderson-Farrell pairings, reality "Rozenveldt," a Jewish will play the -Yale combinations family name. of Stephen s-Hinchliff, Dal- Give a loud-mouthed, poison- rymple-Spalding and Metz-Lock- blooded demagogue like Holt an wood following the singles inch, and he'll take a mile. He matches. talks about dictatorship. He him- In the two meetings here last self is the . Fascist ideal for year between the teams and in America. It was Fascism m the the northern meeting, the Tar bud that you students applauded Heels were thrice victorious yesterday. NEW MOTOR VEHICLE $110 DELIVERED AND TAX PAID J MANY USE) CARS 1 27 to 37 MODELS Several Makes Prices j $15 TO $675 1 3trt7dl fv&lior Co. I Ford Products Since 1914 1 ... . s Bernice Smith Robert Strowd Salesmen Noble Neirlle Tom Chandler 11-1. 10-2 and 7-2. K. C. POLLACK. -WMm.ww.wiMKlwllBlMMii.l'wll--llt'-UM