Frosh Nine Loses 2-1 On Five Errors Netters Play Each Other In State Finals car CHAPEL HILL, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1937. mmlv parte WITH LEAVE TO PRINT... By RAY HOWE Because tie saw fit to cut classes for three days after be ing warned by his adviser, Soph omore Al Doyle asked for schol astic trouble and After playing fine tennis in the state tournament, Doyle threw away his opportunity to compete in the Southern conference tourney this week-end,. . . . Though Princeton, familiar with every hook ana cranny ot its own courts, was the first team . this season, to take more than one match from the Carolina team, the best team met this year by our undefeated bunch was Yale .... Bill Winslow took three love games from Ramsay Potts in as many sets in . the, number one match at Princeton . . . . The Daily Princetonian's . tennis writer was pessimistic enough to concede tne Tar neeis a y-u vic tory. '' .. Strong on the dual meet spir it but weak in conference play, the Carolina golf team has swept through an undefeated dual meet season but has failed to astound tourney galleries. In hibited., or .something, the golfers have failed to worry the leaders of either the Southern intercol legiate,, the State, or the South ern conference tournies. Playing without their stars Ross and Snow, the Davidson team shadowed Duke univer sity's crack golfers all over the Pinehurst course Saturday in the course Saturday in the con ference play-off, finally ending up but one point behind the Blue Devils. A week or so earlier, Kirven, Hicks, Clark and Kluttz defeat ed Ross,. Snow and Davidson 12-6. Laurence Leonard, the Greensboro News' sports writer, picked the winning nag in the Kentucky Derby. He's the only one we've heard of who did . . Smith Barrier, sports editor of the Alumni Review, is pulling a Barry Wood act on us he's writing a book on football . . Coach Bunn Hearn's mound staff is still - a stripling. Not one of his four pitchers had seen action in a varsity game before this year, but they have given Carolina nine wins, five losses and one tie .... The best of the bunch. Dave Parker, has won eight of them and lost one 1 , (Continued on lost page) Netmen Play State Finals tpdaMP.M. Varsity Netters Meet Each Other For Two Titles Having assured themselves of a nice little niche among the un beaten tennis teams of the na tion, the Tar Heel netters will strike out for individual honors this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the semi-finals of the state 'singles and doubles tournament on the varsity courts. As in years past, the Carolin ians have eliminated all outside competition and will have a jol ly inter-squad competition. The finals in both divisions will be run off tomorrow. Foreman Vs. Fuller Johnny Foreman, having eliminated- defending champion Archie Henderson just before the team started north, will meet Ed Fuller in the only scheduled semi-final singles match for, the opportunity to play Ramsay Potts in the finaL The latter defeated Doyle, Far- rell, C. Rood and Wall to step into the final bracket. . In the semi-finals of the dou bles play, t Henderson and Far- rell will play Carolina's number two combination, Foreman and Robinson, the winning pair at tempting to dethrone Potts and Major League Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE New York Chicago Lyons 7 0 3 6 Cascarella vs. Bonetti Philadelphia " " 9 Detroit ! 5 Pearson vs. Washington . "-- St. Louis , -' ' Boston Thomas vs. Bridges Cleveland 5 6 10 1 5 9 9 8 10 17 Marcum vs. Brown NATIONAL LEAGUE Cincinnati Philadelphia 3 4 10 11 Grissom vs. Walters Chicago New. York; 4 3 Shoun vs. Schumacher St. Louis '. - ; Brooklyn J Harrell vs. Mungo Pittsburgh Boston . I Swift vs. Fette 2 8 4 1 11 9 4 8 10 8 Yareity Plays Deacons Today; ; FresliMen Lose To Cadets, 24 Mural Schedule Mangum 5, Lewis 3. T. E P. 5, A. E. Pi 0. Chi Phi 3, Phi Gamma Delta 8. f . Phi Kappa Sigma 12, Chi Psi 3. No games tomorrow. School Nines To Play Here Four Finalists Meet Here Thursday For State Titles two new cnampion nines win oacn iveniieia was uncer- hft rn , , , ! tw flT1(1 tain yesterday which Carolina Mqv vau pirtJClO WUU1U CIHC1CU 1X1 -finale a min vf Pni.n Southern conierence tourney f. n 4- T i T 1 mi 3 T7I' J I and Saturday. f Ko m cc a PrioV -I.VJk; W1V WAMlkJkJ .ft. AAV AXIS A. . J. A. A UU I Golf Squads Hold Unofficial Match '. " Varsity Gains 14-4 Decision From Freshman Mates The Gaston county team is a fi nalist for the second time, hav ing heen beaten here in 1926. Coach Jim Morgan will prob ably start "Sokie" Dellinger on the mound, mainstay of the team during the entire season. Wilson Wilson comes to the Hill un- In an informal match held vesterrlav between' varsitv and freshman tmlf team tllft defeated, with Coach Brogden varsitv o-ained .a 14 to 4 decision bringing his second successive with every man shooting in the ?asier" P. year, oak ridge seventies and .with Neal Her- ne coacna aenron w tne iass a imai, but it was deteated by Burlington. This year he has piloted a Class A winner. Frank Bissett is credited with Tar Babies Make Five Errors In Dropping Close Game Excellent Pitching Carolina's Wooten Gives Six Hits; LeVan, Oak Ridge, Allows Only Four By Shtt.t.fy Rolfb ' For the second time this sea son the freshman baseball team failed to back up Cecil Wooten's good pitching as they kicked in five errors to hand the Oak Ridge Cadets a 2-1 victory on Emerson field yesterday after- noon, uver tne course oi tne game Wooten allowed six scat tered hits, but errors by his team mates in the second and fourth innings gave Oak Ridge two runs and the ball game. ; The Tar Babies gained an ear ly lead, in the first when they toolc advantage of the only Oak Ridge lapse to score a run on a walk, and an error. ' Austin walked to . open the freshmen half of the first and after he hadgone to second on a passed ball and to third on an infield out, Fowler pushed a hit to short stop which was muffed and allowed Austin to score the only freshman run. From the second inning on, Oak Ridge s Le Van gave out four hits struck out nine men, and walked but two. He was master of every situation and qtiickly halted- the only other Tar Baby rally in the "ninth in ning. He also knocked in the winning run with a fourth in ning single. In that ninth Berini beat a hit out with one down. Gill hit a scorcher to second and in the subsequent attempt for a double play he and Berini were both (Continued on last page) Junior . -A V Teams Will Attempt" To Gain Deciding Series Game May Start Hearn Wake Forest Holds Second Place In Big Five Race; Caro lina Third . The coaches' son, commonly known as Bunn Hearn Jr., stands on his own feet as one of the varsity's up-and-coming pitch ers. Either he or Ike Jeanes will start today's deciding series game against the Deacons from Wake Forest. Duke Favored To Cop Title Conference Track Meet Begins On Friday At Durham Five Errors ring,, freshman number four, equalling par. Strange as it might seem, the number four men on each of the teams had the lowest score. Dick Hicks shot a 72 to have the med al for the varsity and gained half a point in his match with medalist Herring, Herring played consistent golf, taking a (Continued on last page) Howard, 2b Harper, cf Price, ss ....... Johnson, 3b . Evans, c Branch, If having won the pennant for the Royal, rf VMMI VWAM Vw V If . AAV downed Durham 8-5. He also won six of the team's contests. Roanoke Rapids In the Class B division, Roa noke Rapids, holder of two ti- Wise, lb -.. Le Van, p Totals ab 4 ...4 ..: 4 . 3 . 3 3 j. 4 2 1 3 r. 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 h 0 ,1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 o 4 1 0 ;0 9 2 0 9 2 0 31 2 6 27 12 CAROLINA Ansffn SK XI J 4.T . l ties iu uuee tea xiere, jfathes, lb will attempt to regain its lor- Mitchell, ss Fowler, rf well. Coach Hovle will uit weDD rt i.A. t j i j: 'a.-t lierini, 2b luav isyru, leaumg piicner, r.,T I a. T 1 n T- i -n i I s attains i xvucjvwcii s jqou r ejssier. no 0vall cf The Rockwell star has been hurl- Jones, c s ing top-notcn ball all season and wooten, p the two are expected to battle it out what may prove to be a pitcher's contest. nniii in nnii Hiiiii in eii ! iii in ill Eii iiiEii iinii imiif i iiiiiniinni ni iiniiiiniiiini Eiiuiii iiiniiiiin iniiiim firm z mer prestige ny aownmg kock TONIGHT TONIGHT I : 1 THE CAROLINA WIGUE & MASQUE U PRESENTS 1 THE PREMIERE SHOWING B - OF 1 "SAY THE WORD" M 8:15 P.M. ( MEMORIAL HALL jj Tickets 'May Now Be Purchased H . At Ledbetter-Pickard I . or At , BOX OFFICE TONIGHT giHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiifiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim a-Michael b-Vincent ab ... 4 . 4 - 4 1 2- 4 4 3. 3 3 1 1 r 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 h 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 0. 0 0 0 0 o 1 12 4 0 1 1 5 .2 1, 0 0 0 Totals .30 1 5 27 13 On April 10, Mrs. David Beach decided to walk to Chica go. She arrived there May 27, 1912. Distance - 1004 miles; Time 42 days. 12 hours: Av- a batted for Webb in 9th: b batted for Royal in 9th. Oak Ridge 010 100 Carolina: 100 000 0002 000 1 Summary: Errors: Austin, Mattes, Webb. Gill. Jones, Price, Evans, Le erage-24 -miles per day. It is Van.' Runs batted in: Le Van, Royal still the ladies record for such' a Fowler. Two base hit: Gill. Three I base hit: Royal. Struck out: . By Le van y, tsy wooten i. jase on joaus The American record for win- 0ff Vai 2 Wooten 4. Double nmg races m one season is 338, ' wMs. stalen base s m ld84 mounts by Waiter Mil- pj-ice: Earned runs: . Oak Rlidge ler in 1906. Passed ball; Evans. Umpire: Wright. Friday afternoon at Duke sta dium, 15 schools , will partici pate in the trials of the annual Southern conference outdoor track championships. The fi nals will be held in the stadium Saturday afternoon. The Blue Devils are favorites to successfully defend the title which they won from the Tar Heels last year, and a real struggle is in store for the spec tators as they watch the battle. Cream All of the' events are packed with men who excel in their particular event. Thrills ga lore are expected , as four cap tains come together in the sprints, with many more enter ed, to make these races one of the outstanding features of the meet. When Captain Pasco of V. M. I., co-captams Woodard and Shehan of Duke and Captain Jim Fmlay of Carolina leave their marks in the century and 220, with Little of South Caro lina and Herring pushing them, there is no telling which of the men will come through. All of the men entered are capable of turning in speedy times and anyone of them can cop the race. Mile The mile run will bring to gether once again that' trio of stellar trackmen : Graham Gam mon of Carolina, Bill Morse of Duke and Bill Davis of N. C. State. In addition to these men there will be Bill Hendrix of Carolina, Koop of Duke, . Green of Clemson and Long of V. P. I and Hall of Carolina. , New marks are expected, to be set in several of the field events. Miller of Maryland cleared the bar at 6 ft. 3 3-8 inches last -week-end, and Stric ler of VMI threw the shot 48 ft ft. 3-16 inches; both bettering conference marks. Carolina's varsity baseball team .will attempt to pull itself up a little further in the big five race this afternoon when it plays the Wake Forest Deacleta in the rubber match of their three game series on Emerson field at 4 o'clock. The Deaclets won the first battle of the series at Wake For-' est, but the Tar Heels came back to cop the second decision, 3-1, at Raef ord. Statistics The Carolina team has won its last three big five starts af ter dropping the first three con tests. The Carolina team stands third in the standings. Wake Forest is second with six wins and three losses. Duke leads the race with eight wins in nine starts. Bunn Hearn, Jr., or Ike Jean es will take the mound first for the Hearnmen today. Hearn has not pitched since the Virgin- la game, two weeks ago. Jeanes, in his second start of the season, (Continued on last page) v ' YOUR SUMMER SUITS Were Tailored To The Last Stitch For STYLE SCIENCE ALONE can retain that style through the use of proper equipment. We have just installed the last word in modern suit finishing equip ment for washable suits. ' PRICE Students 45c; Others 50c Phone 4541 University Lanndrp DEPT. c G FOR HER Gifts Of Distinction TEi I Compacts i Bracelets T s CARDS Dresser Sets Weekend Bags Quality Merchandise Sheaf fer Pen & Pencil Sets GRADUATION GIFTS LedllbeMer-P CARDS Balfour Jewelry F0R HIM 9 New and Larger Stock Parker Pen & Pencil Sets Belts Cigarette Cases and Lighters Bill Folder P T S 4. !