Team To Make Tulane Fight Runners Meet Navy Next ports CHAPEL HILL, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1937 The... Mural jB(yrry Medley Stoff Berini the Lewis team ... If Lewis has a football game, you can rest assured that the majority of the spectators will be watching it. The reasons: first, it always gets a large turnout from its residents and, second, students flock from all corners of the campus to watch that "knee-high flyer', the fore most ball carrier on the mural field today Dante Berini. The Lewis outfit uses more running plays than any other team in either league because of the shifty, speedy, and spectacu lar broken-field running of Berini. Of course, he has sup porting him, one of the strongest lines in the circuit. With Cava naugh, Cuneo, and Faircloth at scrimmage to show him the way, all he has to'do is go -and he does. They say that he hits the ground in order to stop him self. After watching a Berini neriormance, i am rather in- clined to believe that rumor. As one observer remarked last week, "I just love to watch him run." Standings, etc . . . Sapp of Phi Delta Theta leads the field in . scoring with 37 markers ; his nearest competitor is Davis of Beta Theta Pi with only 26 . . . one of the finer records held by only three play ers in mural ball is that of achieving All-dormitory or fra ternity recognition for all of the past three weeks. Linker at tackle for Old West, Oglesby in Ruf fin's backf ield, and Oxley at quarterback for Pi Kappa Alpha compose the trio. Lewis jumped ahead of Ruf fin and Carr tp lead the dorm league this week while Manly and Mangum stepped up out of the deep depths of the cellar . I . Phi Delta Theta passed Kappa Sigma by virtue of the former's extra win last week . . . biggest falls were suffered by A. T. O. and Chi Phi, both dropping nine places . . ; St A. E. started an up ward climb which terminated at ninth five to the good . most dynamic and startling change was accomplished by Zeta Psi which quietly left the lower section of the ladder and nabbed a rank in the first divi sion ... A. E. Pi lost seven list ings to give way to number fif teen rising Pikas. ALL-DORMITORY Ends: Kimrey (Everett), Taylor (Ruffin); guards: Cavanaugh (Lewis), Faircloth (Lewis); tackles: Linker (Old West), Cuneo (Lewis) ; center: Alexander (Old West); quar terback: Wooten (Steele) ; halfbacks: Mathes (Everett), -Berini (Lewis); fullback: D. Oglesby (Ruffin), ALL- FRATERNITY Ends: Sapp (Phi Delta Theta), Hall (Beta Theta Pi) ; guards : Hines (Beta Theta Pi), Finley (Sigma Chi); tackles: Sperry (St. Anthony), Dan iel (S. A. v E.); center: Fletcher (Kappa Sigma) ; quarterback: Abram son (Phi Alpha) and Oxley (Pi Kappa Alpha); halfbacks: Foreman (Chi Pgi), Clark (Phi Delta Theta); fullback: C. Oglesby (Chi Phi). ALL-CAMPUS Ends: Sapp (Phi Delta Theta), Kimrey (Everett) ; guards : Cava naugh (Lewis), Hines (Beta Theta Pi); tackles: Linker (Old West), Sperry (St. Anthony); center: Flet cher (Kappa Sigma); quarterback: Abramson (Phi Alpha) . . and Oxley (Pi Kappa Alpha); halfbacks: Berini (Lewis), Clark (Phi Delta Theta); fullback: D. Oglesby (Ruffin). Comment . ... The Offlesby brothers had a Continued on last page) Full Week Is For Coed I Bowling Tournament Tol Be Held Tonight In Union The coeds will open their fall sports program tonight at 8 o'clock when the women's bowl ing tournament gets under way in Graham Memorial. Twenty four contestants are entered in the tourney of which the first round is scheduled to be com pleted tonight. The draw and times for each match are as follows: 8 :00 Seindstrom vs. Archer, C. Evans vs. T. Yarboro; 8:15 June Bush vs. M. Tucker. Jean Bush vs. Errenstein Bar ker; 8 :30 Lawrence vs. Cruk- shank, Boughton vs. Boice; 8:45 -Barker vs. Holland, Bul lock vs. Ballentine; 9:00 Duffy vs. Reid, Berges vs. Doak; 9:15 -Samoya vs. Mease, Malone vs. Hunter. Anyone who wishes may bowl from 9 :30 to 10 :00, according to Manager Alice Cheshire. Football Scouts Bring Sad Tidings Back Home Coach Lange Says Tulane Looks "Hot"; Barclay Finds Ford ham Has Good Tackle By Robert Rolfe Back to Chapel Hill yesterday came the football scouts bearing much gloom and woe for the Tar Heels in their future en counters. If half of what the Daniel Boones said was true, there will be a lot of groaning and worrying around the grid iron board of strategy, and the headache powder people will be in a fair way to get a return on all those football games they've been broadcasting. Coach Bill Lange came shuf fling back from Buffalo yester day with word, of the Tulane club which plays the Tar Heels Saturday. The Green Wave sank Colgate 7-6 last week-end. When asked about Tulane, Lange at first could only say, "Hot !" Heavy Team Later, he got around to an swering that the Green Wave had a good, versatile ball club. Its. front wall averages close to 200 pounds and its backf ield is not much lighter. "Tulane has a potent passing attack when it uses the air. Everv one of the nasses were potential touchdowns Saturday,' was the way Lange summed up the Green Wave aerial attack. Pass To Victory It was passes that brought victorv to Tulane Saturday. Bill Brunner, a big 200-pound back, did most of the tossing. In the Green Wave touchdown push he threw three that took the ball over. The first toss was for 47 yards, the next for 12, and the final for three and a touchdown. "The rest of the backf ield is not outstanding. They have no Berlinskis or Laffertys but they do have some capable ball car riers. Andrews can hit the line hard, and is a good man on de fense. ..' "Tulane drove hard all after noon. They were within the ten yard line three times before they scored. Their best lineman was Kersham ' at tackle. . All in all, the team is 25 per cent better than it was last year," concluded Lange. Duke Over Colgate When reminded that Colgate had a date with Duke next week, Lange said he doubted whether Scheduled Athletic Group Evelyn Barker Lists Complete Program For Women Coed athletic activities for this week were announced yes terday by Evelyn Barker, presi dent of the Woman's Athletic association.. This afternoon at 4 o'clock all coeds who are out for hockey must report at the freshman field for new suits. Tonight Coed bowling and ping-pong will be held tonight at 8 o'clock in Graham Memorial. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock archery contests will be held. Those who have written per mits for horseback riding will meet in front of Spencer hall to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. All women holding Univer sity -monograms will meet Thursday night at 7:30 in the woman's council room in Gra ham Memorial. tne Ked Kaiders would score against the Blue Devils. George Barclay, the perennial Fordham scout he has scouted the Rams the last three weeks came back from New York yes terday with word of the Ram- Pittsburgh 0-0 tie. The . Rams are due to be in Chapel Hill Oc tober 30. Franco Ed Franco was the main topic i of Barclay s conversation. He said Fordham's All-American tackle was a beehive on wheels on both offense and defense. The rest of the Fordham line was also very hot. Alex Wojcie howicz, Ram center and another Ail-American, also came in for . 3 J . praise, wojie recovered vwu fumbles Saturday to help pull the Fordhams out of some tic klish spots. "Fordham kicking by Woit- kowski was good. Their running attack was bottled up, but they have some fair runners," was the way Barclay summed up the Rose Hill backf ield. He wouldn't say how ' he ' Continued on last page) Freshmen Gridders Work On Mistakes In Saturday Game Three Players Out With Injuries From Battle With William And Mary Indians Walter Skidmores lnjury- ridderi Taf Baby eleven got back to work yesterday, trying to cor rect the errors they made against William and Mary Sat urday. The freshmen took the battle 8-6, but they muff ed three scoring chances after advancing to within" the ten-yard line. The hosDital received three new cases Saturday, when Backs Lajaiine, Sadoff, and Doyle were hurt in the Indian struggle. Sadoff is likely to be out the rest of the season with a sepa rated bone in his arm. Lalanne, who was left behind in the William and Mary infir mary, turned up yesterday none the worse for wear. He did not leave with the team Saturday night, because William and Mary officials feared he had a concussion of the - brain. But after being kept under observa tion for .a night he was "allowed to return to Chapel Hill. . Mural Schedule Yesterday's results are: : Lewis 33, Mangum 12; Sigma Chi 2, Lambda Chi Alpha 0;. Steele 12, Grimes 0; Kappa Alpha 5, A. T. O. 3 (first downs). Today's schedule is: 4:45: Field No. 2 Ruf fin vs. B-V-P; No. 3 Sigma Delta vs. Theta Chi; No. 4 Beta Theta Pi vs. Chi Phi; No. 5 D. K. E. vs. S. A. E.; No. 6-Ianly vs. Old East. Tennis Players Move Up Rapidly Freshmen Fill Quarter-Final Brackets; Fast Matches In the upperclass ladder tour nament, two brilliant tennis matches were played off yester day afternoon on the clay courts. strain aeieatea jf ustuniK in a two-set battle in which the lat ter made his only bid for the semi-final honors during the opening minutes of play. Strain triumphed easily, however, 6-2, 6-0. Gragg Advances With an exhibition of perhaps the best tennis shown on the courts this season, Gragg tri umphed over March 6-4, 6-2. and advanced to the semi-final round. In the freshman competition, Neill beat Taylor 6-4, 6-4 and advanced to fill the only remain ing bracket on the quarter-f ina! level. Manager Jack Cox stated that all r remaining quarter-fina! matches must be played off to day. Edney, Morton ' Lead Guessers Graham Memorial, often in the. campus snotlierht. has an other award awaiting it. 'For on one of his wanderings last week, your re-sporter took that place as .the scene of his operations, and two of those questioned took top honors. F. R. Edney, interrupted from peaceful reading in the lounge, turned in the top set of scores. If he wants to enter Graham Memorial again, h can come and get two passes to the Caro lina theater at the Tar Heel office. ' And Sam Morton, who was operating the counter in the basement when questioned, can trot "upstairs and get one pass for coming in second. Edney didn't have any par ticular masterpiece in his scores, j but was close to all of them. He missed the startling Pitt-Ford-ham tie by only six points, lost only three points on the Carolina-Wake Forest battle, and missed the TulanerColgate clash by only! one point. Morton came in second' by virtue of his scores on the Tar Heel contest and the Tulane-Col-gate setto. " One 'fellow who is seen some times, around Graham Memorial didn't do so hot, though. Pete Ivey, jovial director, was so far off we stopped counting after 75 points. "' ' Your re-sporter will wander about the campus this week get ting previews on the following games : Carolina vs. Tulane ; Duke vs. " Colgate ; Cornell vs. Yale; Fordham vs. Texas Chris tian; Notre Dame vs. Navy ; Ohio State vs. Northwestern. Send home. the Daily Tar Heel Varsity Team Begins Work On Green Wave Offensive Harriers Point For Clash With Middies In Navy Stronghold Hanson's Men To Run At Anna polis Saturday; Against v Maryland On Monday Taking it a bit easy, after their overwhelming victory over Washington and Lee, the var sity harriers spent yesterday afternoon in jogging around the track, although several of them took the three miles on the road at an easy pace. Pointing for the Navy meet Saturday, Coach Dale Ranson announced that he had made a tentative selection of the men scheduled to compete against the Midshipmen over their four- mile course. Barrincr accidents. the men competing against Navy will be Captain Andy Jones, Bill Hendrix, Jim Hall, Fred Hardy, Frank Wakely, Drewery Trout man, Jim Crockett, Joe Russell and Bill" Gordon. Maryland According to the way Coach Ranson has made .his plans, these men will compete in the Navy meet, and four or five of them will compete in the Mary land meet the following Mon day with the addition of either three or four men from the var sity reserves. In selecting the men to accom pany the first nine men on the trip, CoachvDale has planned to to have the varsity reserves run against the freshman squad over the five mile course this Thurs day afternoon. In addition to facilitating the choice of men to make the trip, it will give the coach another opportunity to view the first year men in ac tion. ' Morning Assembly The Glee club, under the direc tion of John E. Toms, will sing in the freshman . assembly this morning at 10:30. The group of sixty-five voices will render the following, selec tions : "Scandalize My Name," a Negro spiritual; "The Jolly Roger," by Robertson; an "Tally-ho," by Leoni-Deis. Baseball All men who have been out for fall baseball prac tice, are requested to turn in their uniforms at Emer son field some time before tomorrow afternoon. Send the home, f Daily Tar Heel Announcing A New Feature Elbow Pads For Sweaters - - - University Shoe Shop Right above Post Office That Big Week-End Is Coming Up Send Your Clothes To Us Early -For A Thorough Cleaning . - - - n:onic-nn;nLEAMi;;S r L j UNIVERSITY CLEANERS Incorporated Chapel Hill PHONES Carrboro 4921 8001 Largest And Most Complete Dry Cleaning Plant In Orange County Wolf Concentrates On Rough Spots Ditt Remains Idle Carolina's Tar Heels wasted little time returning to action yesterday afternoon after their decisive win over Wake Forest by a 28-0 margin Saturday. The squad with the exception of Art Ditt, first-string fullback who. was out Saturday with a leg injury,, turned to the forth coming test with Tulane none the worse from its last encoun ter. Indications are that Ditt will be ready for action Satur day in the Homecoming tilt. Offensive Drill The Tar Heels spent a long session on perfecting their of fense with special attention be ing paid to the rough spots which came to the fore against Wake Forest. Kraynick was at the fullback post in the absence of Ditt with Little, Burnette, and Watson completing e backfield. There were a few changes in the line with Avery taking over the center spot on the initial eleven. Coach Ray Wolf kept his grid men drilling on their offense for the entire afternoon and will start working against Tulane- plays later in the week. Caro lina will be in for a tough after noon Saturday when they at tempt to hurdle practically the same Green Wave eleven from Tulane that halted the Tar Heel victory string last year by a 21-7 count. The ace Tulane backs, Andrews, and Mattis, are back this year and can be counted upon to give the Tar Heels a. run for their money. Dr. R. Clark - . Dentist PHONE 6251 Over the Bank Use LINOH . For Athlete's Foot. "Beats The Old Scratch" For sale at all good drug stores SALES SERVICE TUFTS CHEVROLET CO. TeL 4771 W. Franklin St. The Rose Agency, Inc- - Durham, N. C.

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