Kicker's Toe May Win Game atlp Car Heel Coed Golfing" r Opens Monday CHAPEL HILL, N. C THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1937 MURAL CONTESTS STAGED DESPITE BITTERWEATHER Sigma Nu, Law School, Beta Theta Pi Win Only Games - Intramural Director Herman Schnell had his hood on; Dave Hosier was wrapped in a heavy overcoat and with gloves on; Badger Hobbs had on a heavy topcoat and a raincoat to keep warm. Yet, despite the cold wea ther which was fought back by a few of the well known mention ed above on the fields yesterday, muralists fought their battles and Sigma Nu, Law School, and Fetzer Talks To Track Men About History Of Sport "Coach Bob" Stresses Import ance Of Continuous Work Outs Toward Perfection Coed Athletic Program Is Filled Now With Six Sports 4:45: Field No. 2 Manly vs. Old West; No, 3 Phi Delta Theta vs. S. A. E.; No. 4 Mangum vs. Grimes; No. 5 Z. B. T. vs. Sigma Delta; No. 6 Chi Psi vs. A. E. Pi. Beta Theta Pi turned back both Jack Frost and their opponents while Kappa Sigma repelled Jack Frost but only tied its opponent, Phi Kappa Sigma. Phi Kappa Sigma just played good ball yesterday to hold the undefeated Kappa Sigma outfit to a 1-1 tie in first downs. With only five minutes left, Berdan of Phi Kappa Sigma heaved a pass to Tracey which was completed to tie up the contest in " first downs. The Phi Kaps . had the Continued on last page) Reviewing the history of Ca rolina track teams from the first year of his coaching at the Uni versity, right down to the pre sent, Coach Bob Fetzer sought to impress the trackmen who had gathered in the Fetzer fieldhouse yesterday afternoon, with the idea of constant and persistent training in order to achieve suc cess. Homing ms audiences com plete attention, "Coach Bob" stressed the importance of work ing out continuously, of trying to attain perfection in all details in order to offer all competition nothing but the best. - Lawson Speaks Another speaker who tried to instill some new spirit into the traclfmen was Dr. Lawson He, too, attempted to show the boys how fruitful it would prove li tney worked, out oiten ana really tried to improve. A scneauie oi worxouts was distributed to the track men ana tney are aanere to it as closely as possible The schedule is reproduced below. lou-zuu and 15. j s:uu. p. m Mon., Wed. (3:30 Sunday). 440-880, 4:00 p. m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Pole vault, 4:30 p. m. Mon., Wed., Fri. (Continued on last page) Fuller, Rood Rank First, Second For New Tennis Ladder Early, Croom Lead Freshmen Netters On Yearling List Issued Yesterday Coach Kenf ield yesterday an nounced the individual rankings for the varsity and , freshman tennis teams. The varsity men rate as fol lows: 1. Fuller 2. C. Rood 3. Foreman ' ' 4. Robinson ' 5. Doyle 6. B. Rood - '. ; 7. Strain . '1 . 8. Rider 9. Gragg 10. Henderson ! 11. Rawlings ': '. 12. March .... 13..Pustilnik ' 14. Beadles 15. Van Cise 16. Stockton 17. Murchison ' 18. Meserol 19. Smigel 20. R. Berg The freshmen rankings are: 1. Early 2. Croom 3. Haraden 4. Cutler 5. Neill ,T 6. Berk , (Continued on last page) Golfers Begin Season Monday Night In Bynum Gym Lawson To Coach Rifle Club Here Gets Recognition From Association New Charter Gives. 3Ien Privi lege Of Free Ammunition And Rifles, Says Secretary Bowling, ping pong, hockey. golf, horseback riding tennis, archery that's the life a coed sports enthusiast must be con tent with throughout the " fall - i . quarter. These six sports with 01 tne sPrt their variety round out one of The University of North Caro lina Rifle club was granted a charter by the National Rifle Association early this week af ter a year of unrecognized acti vity here at the University. The national governing body of rifle-shooting made this announcement from J 1 1 1 I TTT J the finest programs of women's 118 neaaquaners at wasmngton, athletics that this University u- 1 uesoay, wnicn brings tne - I T 1 Special Prices On CORSAGES for , German Club Dances This Week-End $1.50 arid up CHAPEL HILL FLOWER SHOP Successor To Lane Flower Shop Telephone 4851 Opposite Post Office has had in many years. Bowling goes on every Tues day night as does ping pong in Graham Memorial with the tour nament in the former reaching its final stages. Evelyn Barker, defending champion, is right there holding up her title. Ping pong, according to Manager Ruth Duffee, will get under way next week if enough coeds en ter the tourney. W f J 1 umiorms lor tne girls are being provided for hockey par ticipants enough said. Golf Golf will start its 1937 season Monday night at 6:45 in , Bynum Gym when Mrs. Beard, Athletic Advisor, will meet with the coed goners, jjoc .Lawson will give (Continued on last page) Carolina riflemen into an organi zation of about 2800 active rifle Rockne's Back field Star Is Coach Of Fordham Rams TAR HEELS WORK UNTIL DARKNESS ON TOUGH DRILL Wolf May Be Counting On Place-Kickers For Victory Realizing the tough assign ment that they face in the Ford ham Rams, the Carolina Tar Heels worked out until darkness descended on Fetzer field yes terday afternoon continuing preparations for Saturday's im portant intersectional clash. Expecting the tussle to be close, Coach Ray Wolf had Bur nette, Stirnweiss and Maronic and pistol shooting clubs affiliat- place-kicking from all parts of ed with the National Rifle Asso- the, field in an attempt to gain ciation. the vital points which may de- Officers Of The Rifle Club cide the game. Burnette and Lit- The officers of the Tar Heel tie also engaged in a punting Rifle club are William Ruger, session in an effort to show up president; Robert Powell, vice- Fordham's Woitkoski who aver- president; James Pou Bailey, aged 52 yards last week. secretary ; Ernest Honaker, trea- Play DriU surer, and Frank Cox, executive A game cannot be won with- Officer. I nut- a sfnrp nnrl er f!rQr"h Wnlf The organization hasn't. start- sent his charges through a long ed any active shooting yet this offensive drill that included all year but plans are underway the running and passing plays for the formation of two teams, which the Tar Heels mav use One for the large boys and one Saturday. The Tar Heel offense for the small. looked srood in a dummv scrim- i - - w A Big Privilege mage against the freshmen. One of the outstanding privi- Not satisned with the wav the leges of membership in the Na- Tar Heelg reacted against Ford tional Association is the acquir- ham plays as iPut on by the fresh- ing oi ammunition ana rmes at mt tpSv Wnlf qtW mnr no cost at all. As soon as the rif- than hour in working out a de- - Fountain Pens Desk Sets Pictures & Frames. Books Gifts For Every Occasion k o THOMAS BOOK Corcoran & Chapel HiU Sts. STORE Durham, N. C. Spalding Sporting Goods Remington Noiseless and Portable Typewriters o: We offer 20 off list prices for your old tires on a special lot of tires displayed in our showroom, including practically all sizes. We hve too many. Come and get a bargain. . " USED CARS RfDUCED 1937 Ford Fordor Touring Sedan Demonstrator $150 Off List 1935 Ford Fordor Sedan, 1937 Motor $350.00 1934 Chevrolet Four door Sedan ......$295.00 1931 Ford Roadster .$150X)0 1928 Chevrolet Coupe . . 25.00 Most Everything For Most Any Car Tires, Accessories Ford, Esso & Goodyear Since 1914 Sleepy Jim Crowley, ex-Fourth Horseman, Coached At Geor gia And Michigan State By Robert Rolfe From the Michigan State's campus to Fordham's Rose Hill came Four Horseman Jim Crow ley in 1933 to lead the Rams out of the football wilderness into the big time grid class.. And in five years, Sleepy Jim has made Fordham a football power to be reckoned with while winning 26 games, losing seven, and tying four, and making the Rams fa mous for their suicide schedules and their jaw breaking names. Crowley was schooled in foot ball by the greatest coach that ever lived, Knute Rockne. Sleepy Jim was one fourth of the most illustrious backf ield that ever donned moleskins and cleats, Notre Dame's 1924 Four Horsemen. He was the running back of that famous group, play ing at left halfback; Coach At Georgia V 4 , When Crowley graduated from the South Bend school in 1925, he went to Georgia as head foot ball coach. His ! success in Athens town was so great, that , . (Continued on last page) Freshmen To Play Wolf lets Tomorrow In Season's Third lers become organized and begin f against Fordham running tneir ya5 program, tney win tn i r ' . I fC nnt.inup.d. nn lust. nnnp. i . -i -i I o ' sena away ior many neeaea sup plies, according to secretary Bailey. Tar Babies Will Be Out To Avenge 41-0 State Victory Over Team Last Year Carolina's freshman football ers meet the State Wolflets at THE INQUIRING RE-SPORTER Out of Room 117 Lewis yes-, Make Sure Your Shoes Are In Good Shape For The Biff Dances Let Us Brighten Up Your Shoes With A Good Shine 7 SHINES for 25c Lacock's Shoe Shop Fetzer field tomorrow afternoon isfued a d f rebod- i thPir tiir nf W abut next Saturday's grid- nn Snfor. i,0 To, PoWo0 wJ storms that nearly bowled an pvpt, rnrd nr,. win and nnP 0Ver yUr "squiring re-Sporter" loss. State has lost two gamesho happened to be nosing about the first to Belmont Abbey, the m tnaL vlcm1 second to the Wake Forest Dea- Jack Cox and Fred Seymour, cleg roommates and prophets inf all The yearlings will be out to jbIe: were forth the fo1" eet revenue for last vear's mass- lowIDS Puicuous. acre, which the Staters took JacK ox: aronna i- i?ora-41-0. However, last year's State ham 6; Notre Dame 0- Miiim? freshman club was a powerful sotal3; Princeton 14- Harvard afferesation led bv Art Roonev. l ale ' uartmoutn i; uoi This year's edition of the Wolf- Me 14" N-,Y-U- ' and Vander- let eleven is much weaker, while Due ld- egia lecn t. the Tar Babies are stronger and Fred Seymour: Carolina 13 are favored to win. Fordham 7; Notre Dame 7- Min- Injuries will probably keep nesta 20 Mnceton 13- Har first string fullback Syd Sadoff ? J; Yale 20- Dartmouth 13; and regular center Dick Wells Colgate 13-N. Y. U. 0; and Van- , rv,,, Qoff w i aerDut id- ueorgia lecn i. the William and Mary battle, will be replaced by Walter Pad lanski; while Julian Brantley will be at center. Kick-on time for the contest is 3 o'clock. NOW PLAYING A polite romantic comedy In which the girl socks thoK man In tho cyst i ! 1 Oak; lSf I ll ri?rr3(i:?j?r;rtTf I I Also SPORTLIGHT CARTOON MIDNIGHT SHOW FRIDAY Doors Open ll:l5 P. M. William Powell Carol Lombard IN "MY MAN GODFREY" There are 80,000 volumes of Russian literature in the Li brary of Congress. jpilll!Ill!!IIII!!IUII!lI!i!lllllllII!M ! PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 3 EVERYTHING FOR THE AMATEUR j V Cameras, Film, Accessories, Finishing i Supplies HO I Developing, Printing, Enlarging I F0ISTER PHOTO CO. V OJ IS FIFTH AVENUE, NEV YORK WILL EXHIBIT HERE TODAY OCTOBER 28 " At CAROLINA COOPERATIVE CLEANERS CLOTHES HATS HABERDASHERY SHOES iiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiunuiiiuiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniininniiiiiiiiiii