PAGE TWO THE DAILY TAR ,1 1 IaIaLJ )t Batlp "Car Heel The official newspaper of the Carolina Publications Union of the University of North Carolina at Chapel HQ1, where it is printed daily except Mondays, and the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Holidays. En tered as second class matter at the post office at Chapel Hm, N. C nnder act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $3.00 for the college year. CARO-GRAPHIGS bv iS 1 i i 3. Mac Smith Charles W. Gilmore. William McLean Jesse Lewis JSditor -Manaeinar Editor g -Business Manager -Circulation Manager Editorial Staff Editorial Writers: Stuart Rabb, Lytt Gardner, Allen Merrill, Voit Gilmore. News Editors: Will G. Arey, Jr., Gordon Burns, Mor ris Rosenberg. Deskmen: R. Herbert Roffer, Tom Stanback, Laffitte Howard, Jesse Reese. Senior Reporter: Bob Perkins. . Freshman Reporters; Charles Barrett, Adrian Spies, David Z. Stick, James McAden, Miss Lucy Jane Hunter, Carroll McGaughey, Winston Broadfoot, Miss Gladys Tripp. Rewrite: Donald Bishop. Exchange Editor: Ben Dixon. Sports Editor: R. R. Howe, Jr. Sports Night Editors: Jerry Stoff, Ray Lowery, Frank Holeman: Sports Reporters: Ed Karlin, Harvey Kaplan, Shelley Rolf e, Fletcher W. Ferguson, Larry M. Ferling, W. L. Beerman. Staff Photographers: Herbert Bachrach, Frank Bowne. Business Staff Advertising Managers: Bobby Davis, Clen Humphrey. Durham Representative: Dick Eastman. liOCAL Advertising Assistants Stuart Ficklin, Bert Halperin, Bill Ogburn, Morton Bohrer, Ned Ham . ilton, Bill Clark, Billy Gillian. Office: Gilly NicholsonAubrey McPhail, George Har ris, Louis Barba, Bob Lerner, Ed Kaufman, Perrin Quarlea, Jim Schleifer, Henry Smernoff . For This Issue ' News: Morris Rosenberg Sports: Ray Lowery 1 .- . v THIS BUSINESS OF CLASS INVITATIONS Willis Harrison, has raised a lot of fuss about "graft" and Senior Class Invitations. It has been pretty general knowledge, for those who took the trouble to find out, that in the past there has been plenty of room for certain indivi duals to make money in handling the "conces sion" of the class invitations. Harrison's letter to the Student Council and the Council's report of that to the campus did not come as a surprise revelation. ST n nettle- 1 "V. JTiS A MVLE CTITt) X JlSSftAAH9Wi s oo you khow YOUR STATE? "WIRF ARf S TIME A5 MANY NU1ES IH H.C A5 "WERf ARE HOR5E5 DIDYOUIfflOWmr T0R ASKED C0NGRK TO REMOVE "WE PROHTOFAli PER50N5 & RRM5 FROM ANY mm mammtu ya5hin6ton jau after we oyjiwr !M THE 1872 STATE IE151ATURE WERE 54 FARMER MEMBERS TO 4 lAffYERS DIDYOUiaWWwAr dlHb 5HERMANTrfRATHEJ ttCAYITrf DEVASTATION IF TrfATFAliEP. FlRF&SWORD, AND.IF5H5TiaRKI5D,H . WOMP 5EWWE6ROUNPYITiJ mzimi Nonwi6AiiY ? THE EDITORS OP CAftO-GaAPHlCS INVIte VOW TO 5ENO IN lNTft$TlNG FACTS ABOUT YOOft COMMUNITY POINT OF VIEW By Ramsay D. Potts Intercollegiate athletics has been the subject cf bitter controversy since it first attached itself as part of a University's program of education. The justification for such a program has theoretical, ly remained the development and education of the student athlete. -U No Personal Accusations Harrison made it plain that he was not accusing Joe Patterson or any of his executive officers who, by long tradition, are, so early in the season, the only ones to know anything about this year's invitations. He, Harrison, said that he wanted to see the system changed, see the matter taken out of the class president's hands and placed with a permanent University agency. Last year's Senior Class President Niles Bond made a strenuous effort, according to those who claimed to know the situation, to see that the in vitations were sold to the class at the very "bot tom," with as little allowance for the editorial work done by the students who prepared the copy for the pamphlets as possible. He explained the problem to the campus through the Tar Heel. This Year's The matter of the 1938 Invitations hasn't come before the present class as yet. According to all tradition there has been appointed an invitations committee; is understood that, in order to effect a saving, a contract for the invitations was signed last spring. The class as a recognized fis cal body did not exist then, nor did it exist until late in the fall when Joe finally succeeded in get ting the class budget authorized by a quorum. . Just what Patterson intended to do with im proving the traditional methods of handling the invitations business would probably hate appear ed before long, had not the Harrison letter brought the question before the campiis at this particular time. 'I : What Can Be Done ' The invitations '.'concession" should rightly be .removed from the realm of the individual or special, "free-lance" committee enterprise where it now finds itself. The business grew up when individual students, taking a personal gamble with the sale, long ago claimed the right to make what they could. The situation was much the same with the class dances, until they were incorporat ed within the class budget and placed under the management of a class committee. Ivey Tells About Amateur Show (Continued from Page One) array of amateurs Sunday night that we have had yet. I am still working on guest stars and an orchestra for the program and you may be certain that the per formance will be worked up dili gently and that the amateurs and special entertainment stars will do their utmost to give you a good hour of entertainment." After making his sad confes sion, Ivey revealed ; that Roy Armstrong, now a Field Mar shal on the memorial's staff of entertainers, would be in charge of ceremonies Sunday night. Bob Burns? Armstrong, director of pre- college guidance, is known for his impersonations, especially of Bob Burns. He insists, however, that he is not imitating Burns. He talked that way long before Burns became famous. Prizes for the amateurs will total ten dollars, with five dol lars to be awarded to the win ner, three dollars to the runner up, and two dollars to the enter tainer judged third best. On The Air By Carroll McGaughey 'Hobby Whether the business should be placed in the hands of a permanent University agency, or whe ther it can be handled much as the dances were and included within the regular class budget, sub ject to the class audit and to the management of a class committee not receiving any compensa tion, are matters of detail. That steps are being taken, by the individual senior, Harrison, on one side and by the class president on the other, to revise the technique of giving the class members their commencement invitations is a splendid sign. The classes may have to pass their budget in the springs, instead of the falls and winters for this as well as the other reasons we have been pointing out. 7:15 Dave Elman's Lobby" (WBT). 8:00 The life story of Rob ert Hare, the first American Research chemist, will be dram atized by "Cavalcade of Amer ica" (WBT). 8:30 "Texaco Town" with Eddie Cantor, Deanna Durbin, and Pinky Tomlin (WHAS) . 9:00 It's Town Hall To night ! ( WSB or WE AF) ; Law rence Tibbett, Andre Kostala- netz' Orchestra (WHAS or WBT). : ; ; 9:30 Ben Bernie and All the Lads inaugurate a-new show to? night which will bring back to the microphone Lew Lehr, the screwy news-reel announcer with the twisted tongue. Jane Pickens will sing with Buddy Clark's orchestra (WHAS or WBT). . ' 10:00 "Your: Hollywood Pa rade," starring Dick Powell and rosemary lane twois or WLW) ; "Gang Busters.", Phil lips Lord will turn over his job as interviewer on the program to Col. H. Norman Schwarz- kopf, former head of the New Jersey State police. Lord wil spend more time on writing and directing the dramatizations (WBT or WHAS). 10:15 Conservatory of Mu sic, directed by B. F. Swalin (WDNC) . 12:30 "Lights Out" (WSB or WE AF) . Thomas Speaks Here Today (Continued from first page) larities between the appeal of Huey Long, Father Coughlin, Mussolini, and Hitler, and the other in which he delved further into his subject, saying, "The NRA is a trend toward fascism." In one of the talks he said, "We are not going to get out under the New Deal." He called the Roosevelt program a plan for temporary recovery. - Forum iutnougn i nomas nas a speaking engagement in New York tomorrow night that will necessitate his leaving Chapel Hill soon after his. speech, Mr. Heard said this morning he felt certain that the speaker would be able to remain for a short while after his talk and conduct an open forum discussion. Thomas will be the guest of Dr. Beale this afternoon and will be entertained at dinner to night. He comes to Chapel Hill this morning direct from Baltimore, where he gave a speech last night. . When questioned yesterday afternoon Heard said Thomas had not notified him of his sub ject. The CPU leader seemed to feel that the subject would not be announced until just before his speech. Faculty To Discuss Athletic Policy .V (Continued from first page) after tomorrow's faculty meet-, ing. Tomorrow's meeting will hear first a report of the action taken at the recent Southern conference session when the teeth of Rule 13, the eligibility clause, was thrown out, affect ing the University's athletic policy. The new recommendations, which may form a new policy, will then be given to the faculty for consideration. According to faculty meeting by-laws .no vote can be taken on the new pro posals until two weeks from tomorrow. Soyez To Give Concert Tomorrow (Continued from first page) to me is that everyone in this country should be so shocked at hearing an apparently intelli gent person speak favorably of Hitler. The young people of Germany are alL National So cialist sympathizers." Soyez, an assistant in the music department, is aoing work toward his doctor's degree in sociology and political sci ence.. He came to the United States for the 'first time last m i 1 1 year as an excnange stuaent from the University of Roches ter. Senate Opposes Ludlow Proposal (Continued from first page) ceremony was postponed until the next meeting of the organ ization because of the illness of three of the applicants. It was voted by the senate to lend two of its portraits of fa mous Carolinians to the Alumni Association offices in the Caro lina Inn. The bills for discussion when the senate meets again next Tuesday night are: Resolved, That the Dialectic senate go on record as approving the aboli tion of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes at the University of North. Carolina; and Resolved, That the Dialec tic senate approves the placing of benches in the Arboretum. ; But athletic directors find themselves trying to accomplish ends that are incompatible. They want good publicity for their schools, they want to make money to finance their programs, they want to satisfy their alumni and students by maintaining or increasing their school's athletic prestige, and they want to put on a good show for the public. These interests, when carried be yond a certain point, conflict with the primary objective of athletics the welfare of the athlete. That primary objective in theory ends up by be coming a minor objective in fact. The conflict at the University of North Caro lina has been primarily due to lack of co-operation between the administration and athletic au thorities. Dr. Graham has made desultory ef forts to control the situation from South building by laying down certain rules of conduct that can't and won't be obeyed. It will never be possible to co-ordinate the edu cational and athletic programs as long as the ath letic association plays the part of the lone wolf, receiving no appropriation from the legislature and directing its own destiny with a free hand. The University of Chicago has adopted a pro gram designed to rededicate intercollegiate ath letics to those who take part in it. Their "program is based on the fundamental principle "that intercollegiate athletics are con ducted primarily for the benefit of the students. In the coaching and training of teams and in the conduct of contests, the welfare of the athletes outweighs all other considerations." All administrative policies are directed toward that end, which is only made possible by complete co-operation between the athletic department and the University heads. iAw.-JiJi.WJ'.'j" i nwi ANG By AUen Merrill LES There zebra. are . three species of Assembly Favors Campus Studios (Continued from Page One) .' money on a new YMCA or cush ions for the Memorial hall seats." Elmer Nance said that the establishment of a radio sta tion would open a new field for student interest. He said, "It would be very instructive for the students at large." A dance committee, headed by Stuart Ficklin, with assistants James David, Claire Whitmore, and John Rankin, was named. John Rankin was appointed head of a finance committee to collect all past dues. Miss Vir ginia Kibler and Jack Fairley are the other members of the group. POP QUIZ By Bob Perkinm Know Your Geography? 1. In what European country and why, is there a strange group of villages called Little America, with such . names - as Pennsylvania, Maryland, Sara toga? At one crossroads a sign post points to Jamaica and Hampshire, while a nearby building bears the sign "Volun teer Fire Brigade of Florida." 2. What King has gone into the grocery business, with a stand set up in the back door of his palace? 3. In what country are the homes open for : inspection hv the police who gravely examine every corner and cupboard, and present the lady of the house with a certificate of cleanli ness incidentally, they also take this opportunity to note any little thing books, letters, etc., that a paternal government might wish to know about the private lives of its children. (From information compiled by "Reader's Digest.") Answer to yesterday's quiz 1938. The Fraternities are begging the administra tion for reduced electrical power rates. Under the new set of rates the administration is considering, the average-sized fraternity would save around $67 per year. ' So each fraternity man would save nhnnt. two dollars if the rates were reduced. Excluding the president, adnifm'sfratmn Tim bers are against the reduction. - Experts can make mistakes in n cpffw nf Utility rates, but the fraternities are not merehr consumers ' using the product of the University power plant. They are students at the Univer sity which exists, theoretically anyway, for their ... - wMvijiiijf uwxis Liie piani. When Assistant Contmiw p aaA tne question to the stndpnf a they replied: That it is not a muHnn of wither or not the University is discriminating against the merchants (the fraternities are charged higher rates than the townspeople and the same merchants). Rather it is a question of 7rW VJ n0t the dnnitory men are being dis- Snl Slmst by " reduction for the frater- J f t Ie Student body shares the profit made by the power plant. - , .. . riiSS 1?te.?har8ed.ea6h dormitory resident is in- know to room'rent although he may not know the amount of the charge. nw?J? tudent1Advisory Committee held that one and f2f !Uld" be observed: That dormitory rate. 7 ShUld be rged the same arlr?1" to;whethf or not the fraternities mt S fged more than dormitory residents buifdhT"- n the accolttng books in South

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