Lacrosse Team Goes Down atlj Car parts Frosh Baseball Game Tomorrow " " - CHAPEL B3LL, N.C., SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1938 " mm . . . Pardon Me, BUT . . . By William L. Beerman Following on the heels of tfce Athletic association, Coach Ray mond Wolf and staff have moved over to the new gymnasium . . . Eight now, they are occupying the class room on the west end of the second floor but only temporarily ... In a month or so, after the students' problems and privileges of the gym and pool are ironed out and things running smoothly, the football offices will be moved into one of the 10 rooms to be partitioned on the second floor, between the east and west classrooms. ... . Yesterday Coach Wolf paced around his new quarters, drew up a chair beside the window, and looked out at the lacrosse game in violent progress be tween Duke and "our boys" . . . With him was a tall, hefty, and sandy haired young man who attends a Washington ID. C.) law school. . . . 'This," said Wolf, Is Melvin Diggs" . . . And the gent so named backed up the introduction with a grip of steel. ... Diggs, to avid football fans with good memories, is the fel low who played end and played it well at .TCU from 1933-35 . . . Naturally, he was a pupil of Wolf, who tutored the grid iron sport there at that time. . . Melvin came down from the. Capital City Thursday for a short reunion with his boss of a few years back . . . He'll more than likely go back this after noon . . . The rainy weather here must get him, as he originates from Weslaco, Texas deep in the Rio Grande valley, he claims. ... Both were absorbed in the lacrosse game from the safe confines of the gym, of course; . . . The strenuous action in stilled in them a desire for physical combat, and a little later they retired to the re creation room of Graham Me (Coniinued on last page) Lacrosse Team Drops First Battle-To .Duke. 2-1 : W, akes Over Swordsmen, 10-7 Tar Heel Court set To Move On Pinehurst Strong Indian Club (Special to the Daily Tar Heel) Williamsburg, Va., April 9. The University of North Carolina fencing team received its first defeat of the season here tonight when the strong William and Mary squad eked out a 10-7 victory over the crippled Tar Heels in a close and hurried meet. The matches were conducted on two strips simultaneously before a large audience in eveninc drpsa rinU w If OMVT three of the William and Mary fenc ers ieieated for the first time this season at the hands of the powerful Carolina fencers. Kibel dropped his first bout of the current season in seven meets when Captain Bloom started the Tar Heel avalanche roll ing with an impressive 5-4 win in the opening foil event. McCallum Then James McCallum, fencing number three foil, surprisingly out pointed Kibel for the Indians' lead off foilsman 5-2 in one of the worst beatings of the foil division. Dick Freudenheim, subbing for Bernie Aleskovsky in epee, pulled through a decisive point over Markler to hand the William and Mary epeeist his ini tial setback. - Murchison Rod Murchison took up the saber in tonight's meet here for Carolina in place of Oliver Williamson in the con cluding saber event and it appeared as tnougn he would put the Tar Heels on the short end of a 9-8 defeat, in stead of 10-7. Leading 3-0, Murchison received a stunning head-cut from Anner which practically put him out of commission. He went on, however, and finished the bout out, losing 5-3. The Tar Heels proved to be very hard to handle for the experienced W&M Indians who have shown un usual strength this year. Outclassed 7-2 in foil, the invading Blue and White made a sensational comeback in saber and epee and at one time threatened to tie up the works. Caro lina scored more total points in the matches tonight than did their victo rious opponents but, dropping many of the close bouts, the Tar Heels were subdued in the final bout tally. Summary: Foil: Bloom C) beat Kibel 5-4; Ware (W&M) beat Bloom 5-4; Ma kler (W&M) beat Bloom 5-3; McCal (Continued on last page) North-South Tournament Gets Under Way In 'Resort Town Tomorrow Tomorrow afternoon at Pinehurst, when the annual North-South tennis championship starts rolling on, thereU be quite a Carolina crowd wielding the racquets around. For every mem ber of the varsity plus three former Tar Heel regulars and then some, will be in quest of the singles crown while three Tar Heel doubles teams , will at tempt to wrench the laurels away from many hopeful aspirants. Archie Henderson and Eddie Fuller will take the singles limelight in the tourney play tomorrow and stand out, at present, as the leading contenders for the big crown as far as Tar Heels go. But Merriam Cunningham, Rhodes scholar from Oxford, has a slight pre-tournament edge over the Carolina netmen. Last year, Cunning ham defeated Fuller and then dropped a close match in four sets to Wayne Sabm, finalist who was stopped by Uhamp Gil Hall. Varsity Men Other varsity men who will enter the singles competition but who rate little chance as far as advancement goes are John Foreman, Carl Rood, Bill Rood, Frank Farrell and Charlie Rider. The doubles bracket, which will probably begin Tuesday, will have its share of hard-fought battles, etc., throughout. Fuller and Cunningham, Potts and Henderson, Hall and Man gin those three on the courts will make it tough for anyone or anything including each other. However, Hall and Mangin, who have had little practice indoors, aren't in such very good condition at present and the two ex-varsity duos have more than a fighting chance to cop a nice award. And, incidentally there are some very nice awards in the trophy case at Pinehurst waiting for the winners. New Gym Basketball practice will be held in the new gym at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Flowers For Ea'ster Pragrant, delicate, col orful flowers are the ideal gift for Easter and you will be certain of their lasting fresh ness if you select them from our daily fresh cut flowers; plants or corsages. o Of Course We Will Deliver By Messenger Or Wire Chapel Hill Flower Shop Opposite Post Office Phone 4851 Night 7511 Bonded Florist Broadfoot Gets Carolina Score, Lewis Duke Ace . By Marty Kalkstein The elements and the Duke lacrosse team conspired to mar Carolina's ini tial Dixie League contest yesterday afternoon, as the Blue Devil "10" fought . and staggered their way through . to a close and muddy 2-1 victory over their Tar Heel rivals. That but three: goals were the sum total scored throughout the four pe riods may be attributed to the soggy, mud-bespattered . condition of the field. Playing under, this handicap, occasioned by, Old ManPluvius and helped along by Mother Nature, the men on; both teams found that they were- as like to pick up a net-full of mud as they were the hard lacrosse ball. Stars Two figures stood out at the close of the battle as truly great players. To the Carolina man, Walt Budden, goes the credit of holding the com paratively inexperienced team to gether at alt times and also the credit of leading the attack around the Blue Devil net, in the last thrill-filled pe riod when he scored the Tar Heels' lone tally. To the Duke man. nlavine- coach, Dick Lewis, we must award the palm of victory. It was Lewis who scored both goals for his team, his last one coming at the end of a spec hacular broken-field run for fifty yards. Lewis' initial marker, the first of the Dixie league season, came midway in the first quarter, as the brilliant Duke "out-homer" cut fast from the side lines directly in front of the goal and taking a sharp bullet-like pass from center Gordon Segal, fired into the net from five yards out. Im mediately following this score, Cole man Finkel took a long pass from Jack MacPhee at mid-field, and raced speedily down the sidelines, cutting toward the goal from twenty yards out, and while getting set for a seem ingly certain score, was hit simulta neously by three Blue Devils, and of course, lost the ball. We Score From that time on, until well into 4-1 f .i i ... tu j-uurtn penoa, tne oattie was a continual series of mid-field scrim (Continued on last page) Fencing Murals Begm This Week For the second successive vear. fencing intramurals will be held on the campus. Starting this week, any one who can prove he has had anv previous experience at all or knows enough about it to fence, will be eli gible to enter the tourney. The murals this year, as last, will be only in foil and on an elimination basis. Jim Balding walked off with the gold medal in the 1937 tourna ment and is expected to be out again this year in quest of another gold medal. Big Draw The greatest draw will come from the freshman classes of the past two years, and also the one of the past two quarters. Every member of these classes will automatically be eligible. Qualifications will be held tomor row and Tuesday afternoon at Me morial hall from 4:45-5:45 and all those interested in participation must apply and qualify, if necessary, at either of those two times. The seeding will be made Tuesday- night and the complete draw and time of bouts will be published in Wednes day's Tar Heel. The actual competi tion will start Wednesday afternoon. Two Men Two Records s iA V i - I 1 : ) -jprv Princeton buried Carolina under a land-slide of points last Wednesday, but through it all the Tar Heel's two one-man track teams, Bill Corpening and Harry March, came out with fly ing . colors. Corpening tallied eight points, and come out with a Univer sity record in the 120-yard high hor dles, going over them in :14.7. March bettered Corpening by one point, tal lying nine. His record came in the high jump, where Harry hit 6 feet 1 3-8 inches. ft- - . S ,-,v r- March, Corpening Set UNC Track Records Frosh Play The freshman baseball team will meet Scotts high school to morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock on Emerson field. The yearlings are twice-beaten this season, having lost to Wardlaw 9-3 and to Greensboro high 3-2. Harry Gets His Mark In High Jump, Bill Shatters Time In High Hurdles Lost in the parade of Princeton points Wednesday were record break ing performances by two of Carolina's leading track stalwarts. The Brad leys, the Davises, the Pattersons, and the Wises got most of the head-lines, and so Bill Corpening's University high hurdle record and Harry March's high-jump mark were buried down in the summaries. Both March and Corpening amount ed to one-man track teams against the Tigers. Harry accounted for nine points, Corpening eight. March fin ished second to Grandin Wise in the high jump when he set his record. Both March and Wise did 6 feet 1 inches, but Wise took first on thfl least number of jumps. The Facts Corpening hit :14.7 in thp. hio-h hurdles when he set his mark. In ad dition to taking down first money in the highs, Bill took a second to Anson Perina in the broad jump. March took one first, in the 220 low hurdles, the second in' the high jump, and a third in the broad jump. Yesterday, the entire track team took the day off to watch Duke and Princeton run off a meet. The next foe on the Carolina schedule is Vir ginia. The Cavaliers will be mpt at nariouesvme Saturday. Princeton Takes Duke, 72-54 (Special to the Daily Tar Heel) Duke Stadium. Durham. Anril 9 Princeton's Orange and Black track team tonight packed up for home with a clean sweep on the North Carolina track front. This afternoon, the Ti gers flashed full strength to down Duke's Southern Conference outdoor and indoor title-holding team 72-54. Wednesday, Princeton downed Caro lina 76-50. Because of the condition of the Duke track, all distances above the quarter-mile were cut down. The two milers ran a mile and a half? i milers, three-quarters; and the half- mners, bbU yards. Princeton swept (Continued on last page) Big Mural Week Promised With the heaviest intramural sched ule for the spring quarter coming up this week, the one want of every per son concerned is for Old Sol to shine. Intramurals for this week will be featured by the conclusion of the campus bowling tourney on Tuesday and the heavy schedule of playground ball and tennis teams. The latter two events are scheduled for every day of the week with the exception of Tues day and Saturday. During the past week rain and varsity sports hindered the progress of playground ball and: tennis but the bowling tourney con tinued to progress and reached its final stages. Finals Tomorrow The fraternity bowling tourney has--(Continued on last page) Mural Schedules PLAYGROUND BALL 4:00 Diamond No. 2, Everett vs. Ay cock. Diamond No. 3, Kappa Alpha vs. Theta Chi. Coeed Diamond No. 1, Phi Delta Theta vs. Chi Phi. Coed Diamond No. 2, Grimes vs. Law School. . 5:00 Diamond No. 2, Lewis vs. 01d-! West. Diamond No. 3, Alpha Chii Sigma vs. Sigma Nu. . Coed Diamond No. 1, Steele vs. Old East. Coed Diamond No. 2, SPE vs. Zeta Psi. TENNIS 4:00 Phi Alpha vs. Phi Kappa Sigma. 5:00 Sigma Chi No. 1 vs. TEP. BOWLING Fraternity Finals 2:30 Sigma Nu No. 1 vs! AE Pi No. 1. Carolina Headquarters The YOUNG MEN'S SHOP 12 6-128 E. Main DURHAM See the New Designs in CROSSES AND LOCKETS Complete Line of Elgin and Hamilton Watches, Diamond Matched Sets, Jewelry and Gifts. Ladies' Elgin Watches. L R. DEKLE Jeweler and Watchmaker Over Andrews-Henninger NO RENTAL PEE W. E L E M DEO D A K S FOISTER PHOTO OMPANY I' NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED FROM STUDENTS