PRINT TO m m -FXT Come On, Frosh Vanquish Virginia Wolf Says Watch Passes Fly At N. Y. by SHELLEY ROLFE CHAPEL HILL, N. C FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1933 Muilv Imports (Special to the Daily Tar Heelj NEW YORK, Nov. 10 North Carolina . . . Virginia . . . Mary land . . . Pennsylvania yes, even New Jersey glides past your window and pretty soon you arrive in the metropolis of the world New York . . . There is a football game here Satur day . . . All important to your way of reckoning . . . but it is swallowed up and lost in the huge cauldron that is the Big Town .' . . Those who do notice the Fordham - North Carolina game pick Fordham . . . And you must string along with the mass ... Experting is done on past record and not on heart or hunches ... So you pick Ford ham on their power and what they have shown in the past few years . . . You pick Fordham and hope as usual your expertin' is all awry . . . Fordham is the choice because year after year Jim Crowley reaches up and plucks mill boys from Connec ticut, Massachusetts, New Jer sey, and Pennsylvania to keep his team up at the forefront of the top hat class of national football ... The battle should attract between 25,000-30,000 paying customers . . . Everyone connected with the athletic as sociations of both schools are beating their breasts over "if 's" ... If Fordham had beaten Pitt ahead of Carnegie Tech and Carolina had tripped Duke . . . Well they would have put rub ber walls in the Polo Grounds the crowd would be so big . . . 'At that Fordham can take a bow for softening the powerful Panthers up for the Carnegie killing ... Sleepy Jim Crowley, Ram bossman since -1933, is thrilled no end over his sophomore (fill in your adjective) back, Len Eshmont . . . Well he should be too . . . For Eshmont in 89 rushes with the ball has gained 717 yards for an average of eight yards a rush . . . Consider last year that Joe Woitkowski was the leading Ram ground gainer with only 346 yards . . . And you realize how important Eshmont is to the Fordham scheme, of things . . . He hails from the coal country of Penn sylvania and will. - go into the game with a bad knee . . . It was twisted in a pile-up in the Oregon game three weeks ago by a Webf oot third string center named Jacobson . . ; Last week another coast team f . . St. Mary's, took a turn at twisting the now famous knee . . . Jim Crowley is hoping Carolina doesn't play that kind of foot ball . . . He can cease worrying . . . The Tar Heels don't ... The game may well . develop into a duel between George Stirnweiss and Eshmont-. . . Stirnweiss was enrolled at Ford bam for a week back in March, 1936, before he saw greener fields Chapel Hill-way . I Much to the great joy of countless of Carolina rooters . i - Stirny is everything a great; back should be ... He can run kick, and (Continued on last page) Pick Theatre LAST TIMES TODAY DEANNA DURBIN MELVYN DOUGLAS in "THAT CERTAIN AGE" Also Comedy Novelty ; MIDNIGHT SHOW FRIDAY RITZ BROTHERS m 'KENTUCKY MOONSHINE FRESHMEN WILL PLAY CAVALIER YEARLK AT 3 Carolina Frosh Pos. Virginia Frosh Elliot le Disque Learning It Off en Benton lg Prince Randolph Center Mirman Faircloth' rg Sauerbeck White rt Marsten Stallings re Rathbun Richardson qb Lama Jones lh Goodwin Baker rh Roughen Dunkle fb Neustedter Place: Kenan stadium. Time: 3 o'clock. Officials : - Referee Hawn; umpire Wingfield; - headlinesman Hack ney; timekeeper SchnelL By BUCK GUNTER Boasting a powerful line, a shifty backfield and an enviable record, the unbeaten, once-scdred-on Little Cava liers of the University of Virginia ride into Kenan , stadium today to celebrate Armistice Day with Caro lina's twice-defeated . yearlings. Kick off is ,set for 3 o'clock. The Tar Babies were sent through the- final paces yesterday - and pro nounced . ready to go . against the visitors. They will be the underdogs today for two reasons: their two losses in three games and their lighter, team. VIRGINIA UNBEATEN While Virginia has a spotless slate, the locals have one which is none too impressive. They were annihilated by Wake Forest 38-0, trimmed by VPI 7-0 in their first two games, then came into their own by besting a mild State college brigade, 7-0. Rat ed perhaps little better than third in the Big Five frosh standings, they go to war today in an attempt to show they have the goods. For the con test is more than a mid-term exam for the Ericksonmen. Carolina freshmen's forward stal warts will be outweighed approxi mately three pounds per man, and the local ball carriers will be lighter by about four pounds per man. TAR BABY SHIFTS There are several changes in the Tar Babies' regular lineup. Pinky Elliott will start at left end in place of Jack Martukanitz, Spence Ran dolph will replace Carl Suntheimer at center, and Jack Jones will run at Bob Steinoff's left halfback post. Other positions remain the same, with Fred Stallings at right end, Jim Learning and Dick White at tackles, Horace Benton and W. H. Faircloth in the guard slots, Stewart Richardson at quarterback, Charley Baker at right halfback, and Harry Dunkle at fullback. The Tar Babies will be dressed in their orange jerseys while the Vir ginians will wear their blue jerseys. INQUIRING RE-SPORTER The Tar Heel eleven -will journey to New York with a good backing of students who are willing to bet that they will return the victors, the In quiring Re-Sporter found out yester day afternon-as he cross examined students concerning the outcomes of this week-end's major football battles. Bill Lee was one of the lads : who picked Carolina over Fordham and here are his scores: Carolina 14, Ford ham 13 ; Duke 14, Syracuse 7 ; Notre Dame 14, Minnesota 7; Dartmouth 21, Cornell 0; and Alabama 14, Geor gia Tech 6. Joe Herron also foresees victory for the Wolf men and here are his predic tions:' Carolina 7, Fordham 6; Duke 7,- Syracuse 6; ; Notre Danfe 14, Min nesota 0 ; Cornell 7, Dartmouth 0 ; and Tech 7, Alabama- 0. J. R. Wilkes saw them this way: Fordham 14, Carolina 0; Syracuse 6, Duke 0; Notre Dame 7, Minnesota 0; Dartmouth 14, Cornell 0; and Ala bama 14, Georgia Tech 0. No Murals Today ! . There will be no intramural con tests of any sort this afternoon, and the intramural fields will be .available for. practice for any teams. This open day is due to the Carolina-Virginia freshman game. Sports Staff Picks Winners ROLFE BEERMAN LOBRED MORRIS WOODHOUSE CAROLINA X X X . FORDHAM X X DUKE X ' X " X X X SYRACUSE I ' ' COLUMBIA X X X X X NAVY CORNELL- X " " DARTMOUTH X X X X GEORGIA TECH " " ALABAMA X X X X X LSU X X XXX AUBURN PITT X X X X X- NEBRASKA : , , NOTRE DAME X X MINNESOTA X X VANUEKBILT X - TENNESSE X X X X X UCLA XXX WISCONSIN .X X . PRINCETON X YALE X X X X N. C. STATE X DETROIT X" X X X MICHIGAN X X NORTHWEST. X X . X HARRIERS READY FOR DUKEJMEET Carolina's varsity and freshman cross country teams took their last heavy conditioning work yesterday in preparation for their meets with Duke at Durham Saturday afternoon. The varsity will run the Devils without the services of Jim Hall, Mickey Wagner, Fred Hardy and Joe Russell, who are on the ailing list. Hall's right thigh has bothered him during the last few days and he has been advised to rest it. Wagner's side is troubling him, the . tightness being a hangover from a stitch which stopped him in a time trial a month ago. Hardy after starting the Navy meet last week-end, was forced to drop out because of his weak ankle. Joe Russell will be idle because of a sore ness in the calf of his leg. A FEW ARE WELL The rest of the varsity squad and all of the frosh squad are in good con dition. Drewry Troutman took the only time .trial yesterday, jogging four miles in 20:50. Six of the starters probably will be Captain Bill Hendrix, Tom Crockett, Frank Wakeley, Dave Morrison, Drewry Troutman and Clifton James with two others yet to be named. The freshman squad ran a slow three miles, accompanied by several varsity men who kept all of the frosh in one group. All of the yearlings appeared in good shape. The frosh already hold an 18-39 win over the Devils, but for the varsity Saturday's (Continued on last page) ardori Me, But O O BILL (SCOOP) BEERMAN WASHINGTON, D. C En' Route to was just open house tonight when the way to New York. Frankie-Roosevelt that the President was off somewhere for the preservation of democracy. So, latest football news from the nation's head. coach. . ? However, th:s whitewashed city is not entirely-dead to the sporting ; urge, especially football. Desiring a large supper, we -stopped off at the nearest hot dog stand only to find the head-waiter in .venomous argu ; ment with a subordinate over football. So supper was neglected as King :, Pigskin reigned supreme. "Ah," said the waiter in beautiful 1 Greek, ''You are from ; North .Caro lina?'? A positive reply set him off,. Yes,, he, had heard of UNCand, inci dentally, he had heard of Fordham. 1 "Top bad,", he clucked. "And such nice boys come from the South. But you has not got the , chance of a Republican in j Heaven in that game . tomorrow.vBetter you should see a good movie , somewheres." "Baloney,'! we all said, nonchalant like. ;",pn with .mustard, .too." That was that. And later, bumping down Pennsylvania Avenue (trying .to find a way out of the damn place), we decided .that , maybe the Greek, citizen had more -sense than .we gave him leave the mustard paddle , in the hot. dog. he constructed. Twice before this writer, let his ideals get the, best of him an4 .predicted Carolina to win and twice Carolina lost. , Nevertheless,' the : law. of averages will, out So? it's Carolina once morer. principally because : the team is long overdue and is capable of playing real f ootbalL A slight spark. can set the. flames. of inspiration off easily in the lads of Ray Wolf, and if there was ever a time a conflagra- ... tion was needed ... - An extra point or a field goal might; possibly mean the game. Well, we got Steve Maronic, ain't we?. Also, ex-Fordhamite George Stirnweiss is scheduled to hit his peak-of, the year come Saturday. .We repeat again, Caro lina; but a tie would-be nice, too. r Let's get out of this town. Nn Yawk calls, and a Southerner will r soon discover, the North. BIG GAMES SLATED FOR STATE, DUKE (Special to the Daily Tar Heel). RALEIGH, Nov. 10 One of the most remarkable defensive .records held by any college team is that of the University of Detroit, which comes to Raleigh tomorrow afternoon to meet N. C. State's Wolf pack in an intersectional football classic. Coached by Gus Dorais, the Titans since 1925 up to date have played 129 games of which 86 were won, 37 lost and six tied. At the beginning of the 1927 sea son, Arthur. B. (Bud) Boeringer, a former all-America center from Notre Dame, was engaged by Dorais as line coach and from that time, on the de fensive record has been phenomenal, only four teams having scored three times. Notre Dame won a 20 to 0 victory in 1927, this being, inciden tally, the last game that the Titans were to lose in over two years. No body else could get more than two markers for the next four seasons. In 1931 Fordham caught the Titans in an injured condition and ran up. a score of 39 to 9, the largest count ever made against a Dorais-coached De troit eleven. Three more years elapsed before anybody was able to score 14 points against the Red and White. Duquesne did it by a count of 20 to 6 in 1934 and Oklahoma A. and M. ran up a 19 to 6 score the following Saturday. Since then only Purdue, 19 to 6 win ner this , year, has been able to get (Continued on last page) New York, Nov.,10.---The White, House .Daily Tab Heei, bounced by. on its :. was, not uwthe,: doorman mentioned in -North Carolina, .attending a meeting regrettably, we. cannot .bring . you the credit forT-even; if he did accidentally hL Tar Heels Leave Today For Battle With Fordham Power Four Mural Teams Win Grid Battles ; To Speed Up Race YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Pi Kappa Alpha 14, Lambda Chi Alpha 2. I Sigma Chi 26,.ZBT 0 ) Everett 31, Aycock 0. Law School 7, Mangum 0. j Sigma Chi gained its first ..victory of the season yesterday afternoon when it rolled over ZBT, 26-0. The winning team was held to v seven points in the first half,', but. it went on the war path in the ; final period to score 19 points. Sigma Chi, led by Lentz, has played good ball through-, out the season but has .been a victim of bad breaks. . " ' Paced by Conley, who .scored two touchdowns, Pi Kappa Alpha defeated Lambda Chi Alpha, 14-0.. The :Pika's scored both of the touchdowns in, the first period, and thereafter played defensive ball. The. winners were de cidedly outgained on the ground but were more effective in . the pinches. Everett returned to winning form, after , suffering .three consecutive losses, by trampling , Aycock 31-0 in an unofficial game. The winners ob tained only two first downs, but were in complete control of the battle throughout. K i m r e y, all-campus Continued on lat page) The Latest In Arrow Shirts Are Always on Display At BERMAN'S DEPT. STORE Buy Arrow Shirts In Durham From PRITCHARD-BRIGHT & CO. Washington Duke Hotel BIdg. Durham, N. C. In a Class The Arrow New Trump .takes all campus honors for smartness and durability. The long-wearing collar, as tough as it is, is always gentle to your neck, and keeps smooth and fresh all day long. New Tnmjp like its Arrow brothers, is Sanforized-Shrunk . . ,uand Mitoga, tailored '. to fit. It's one of Arrow's outstanding .values at $2. ARROW SHIMS For the Complete ARROW Line FOLLOW, THE MILLER-BISHOP COMPANY 108 Corcoran St. Durham, N. C. By SHELLEY ROLFE (Special to the Daily Tar Heel) NEW YORK, Nov. 10. New York ers who were all in a dither just about , two - weeks concerning an in vasion from Mars were up in arms again today awaiting another aerial invasion, this time, by, the University of North Carolina football team. The Tar Heels face, the Fordham Rams in the Polo Grounds Saturday, and all Gotham is waiting to see the Carolina aerial .attack. cut. loose. Coach Ray Wolf of the Tar Heels has promised to show-. 'em everything he ..has. "You can. say .we're going to do plenty of passing. We're going to show - Fordham everything we have. We have nothing . to , hold back for after this game," the coach said. . A portion of the. Big Town football followers ssaw ;the Carolina attack click against NYU just a month ago in a game ; the Southerners won 7-0. The Tar Heels didn't throw many passes, but. those they did flip through the air connected with deadly effect iveness. One toss -a 20-yard one from Lil George Stirnweiss to George Rad man resulted in . the game winning score. STIRNY WILL PITCH t .Stirnweiss. will . be ; back to . do the pitching this time, assisted by his sop homore understudy Sweet Jim La lanne. , Both Stirnweiss and . Lalanne haye completed-more than 40 percent of their passes this season. Stirnweiss, (Continued on last page) by Itself ! i i ? 1 TO

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