TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1933 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEL AVIATION CLASS LIEETS TODAY FOR FIRST TE3E Prof. Parkinson To Teach Ground Course Here Lyons Says (Continued from first page) in the Italian army as consultant of ficers. It was said that a jrroup of Douglass, Phillips To Plan Survey Working: with the Bureau of Edu cational Research and Service. Drs. For the first time in the history of the -University, government training: in aviation will be available to its stu dents when Professor Parkinson, of State "college, opens the first class at 3 o'clock this afternoon in Bingham halL All ground courses will be taught here but courses in actual flight train ing will be taught at the flying fields monks had been ordered out of their Harl Douglass and Guy B. Phillips monastery near the German-Italian of University Department of Edn cation, will go -to Leaksville to make preliminary plans for a survey of that school system tomorrow. Also working on the project are: Dr. D. J. Highsmitn, State Depart mpnt of Flr?Tin'Hnn Ttr A IT PnwfM ed so by the American press in Sep- Duke of e. and Dt iuuy was me musi iiervuusi j tt r , w. n wwa. Tt wauwu a vs-jLC-.t-. ulceus border to make room for these consul tants. "WAR OF NEBVES" "During our travels we saw little of the 'War of Nerves which was stress- boro. In connection with the survey Dr. Phillips said, "Our work is comparable to that of an efficiency expert in in- tember. 1 of the group. France and England adopted a stoical attitude. 'If we have to go to war, well go they said. 'In Dr. Lyons says the Allies vdid not dustry. We investigate the school and believe at tnat time tnat tnere would try to give advice toward running the be a war, because tney tnougnt tnat school more efficiently and less expen Hir uF xsrrwi 1 n ktwti 1110 1 ottti5iti r 1 in"Ri1.irii Altlmmrri Tm'ttPn rnnsent T . sive.y. & thnnwht ttrnt Thoro mnnli ha Tin nrai' ha. xxom me parenui ui. hai siuucuus en rolling, in the course will be required, those who have not already obtained permission will be allowed to begin the course. In addition to written permission, " f.nprf Tn TP fWn . 17 ' . in nauDnai consmracv u) reuace ine su- wwr v .-v ... qnauiicaiions mciaae payment 01 a . - .---- . fee and perhaps a laboratory fee 0f penor German people to a state where Re-examinatlOnS two or three dollars. In addition, all students must pass a physical exam The survey will be made durine the cause England and France would back next two months, after this ctoup lays ' - GOvvii. I o TnTiTiTaf inn mA fmtunlofc TvTsmc I w VAVM. Aw AAA lilt V AMAUJ "The Germans are expert rational ists, says Dr. Lyons. "They believe that they are the victims of an inter national conspiracy to reduce the su for the work. Pharmacy Association . Announces Committees Committees for the student branch of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical association for the 1939-40 term have been selected. On the membership committee are Bill Sheffield, chairman, David Mc Gowan, Jesse Lee Smith, and Henry Green. rrogram committee members are Jesse Pike, chairman, Bryant Whit- ford, and Dwayne Irvin. The resolution committee consists of Elizabeth Weaver, chairman, D. A. Plemmons, and A. A. Lloyd. Those on the attendance committee are Edwin Royall, chairman, George Windecker, Josephine Eldridge, and Solon Minton. ination at the University infirmary and another physical examination at the office of Dr. Powell Fox in the Masonic building in Raleigh. On The Cuff (Continued from page three) they cannot compete with other na tions on an equal basis. They believe themselves best able to handle the re sources of the countries they have taken. With this attitude they justify their actions. I do not believe, as many do, that there wil be an internal ex plosion in Germany because Goebbels is really an artist of propaganda. Any body could be affected by his state ments and come to believe them. . All undergraduate women who did not take or failed to pass the examination on the Woman's hand book, will be given a re-examination tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock in Gerrard halL Stirny To Play (Continued from page three) dous resistance. TM 1 l s t I - r 1 rrrr tit Chuck Ericktecpi returned from the rtDniW nnr trin wp found no TPtil I . a v t .DT , , . . I 0 iuijicmcu rrivu mc nwu Ul X Ciixj. VPI-Marshall game last week declar- hatred anion the people themselves Wolf inn-Wrl MfiTf W ing the Techs would be tough. But for other countries. Each country felt team would have to be at. its peak in tfuj.uxiuun.iy, mr. x-ncitson aaa me SOrrv for the other and thoueht it was last laugh. The Gobblers were tough; merely being guided by a deluded lead tougher, in fact, than either Wake er - t suppose the hatred will come Forest or The Citadel in the opening later. - two Tar Heel games. Virginia Tech "I know 'little of militarv stratetrv. scored one touchdown, had another Dut it wa3 generally admitted that Ger- called back when Woolwine was a mile tt.jt.v- wa .nnllv- httpr em.T.TVftd off sides going down for a pass and than England and France, though po had another stopped when James Fran- tentially the Allies equal their foes, cis Lalanne broke through three Gobb- where Germany is weakest is in the ler safety men to nail a ball carrier iine of succession of her officers. She all departments if Carolina is to sur vive the Violet invasion, the first trip South for NYU since 1933, when the Yanks played Georgia. For three years running NYU has been beaten in Man hattan by WoUTs team, each time in a close" battle. Half -Holiday (Continued from first page) have died since last University Day, a male ensemble will render the "In teger Vitae." Singing of "Hark the Sound" and the benediction will close the exercises. Dr. Chase, speaker of the occasion, served as president of the University from 1919 until 1930. He accepted the presidency of the University, of Illinois in 1930 and served until 1933, at which time he resigned to go to New York University. He received his A.B. and A.M. de grees at ,Dartmouth college in 1904 and 1908. He obtained his Ph. D. de gree at Clark university in 1910. Honorary degrees of LL.D. have been conferred upon him by Lenoir college and Wake Forest college in 1920. De grees have also been conferred upon him by the University of North Caro lina, the University of Michigan, La fayette university, the University of Georgia, and Dartmouth college. Rol lins college conferred upon him the de gree of Doctor of Humanities in 1931, and Columbia university awarded him the Litt. D. in 1934. Free Radio Offered As Contest Prize Want to win a G. E. Carryabout radio free? Just complete this sen tence in 20 words or less: "SheafFer F incline pencil is best for classroom work because " The Sheaffer Pen Company will give this radio to the Carolina student who submits the best statement. The rules are that a 10 cent retail store salpc slin showintr the purchase of some Sheaffer product be enclosed with the sentence. All entries should be sent to W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company, Fort Madi son, Iowa. For further details con sult your campus dealer. Cooper Accepts (Continued from first page) discussion will be held, with the "can didates" answering any questions put to th&n from the floor. , Upon the con clusion of the proarram in Memorial hall, a reception will be held in the main lounge of Graham Memorial. All students and faculty will have the op portunity at that time to meet the four men and speak informally with them. HORTON A fifth probable gubernatorial can didate, Lieutenant-Governor W. P. Hortbn appeared on the union's plat form two weeks ago. He supported the president's repeal of the arm's em bargo and made a plea for the main tenance of personal freedom. In commenting on Cooper's consent to appear here next week, Gatton an nounced: "The securing of four of the 'candidates' in the gubernatorial race is the culmination of much effort on the part of the members of the CPU to bring to its non-partisan platform another unique, edifying program on the political scene in North. Carolina. OVER THE "-: ETHER By Rush Hamsick 8:00 Big town with Edward Q Robinson: WBTWRVA. Johnny sents: WPTF WLW. 8:30 Horace Heidt's Pot O' Gold program: WPTF WLW. Information Please: KDKA. Tuesday Night Par ty with Walter O'Keefe: WBT WHAS. 3:03 Melody and Madness with Benchley and Shaw: WPTF KDKA. We, the People: WBT WHAS. 9:30 Fibber McGee and Molly: WPTF WLW. Bob Crosby's bobcats: WBTWDNC. . 10:00 Time to Shine with Hal Kemp: WBT WBIG. Bob Hope Va riety Program: WPTF WLW. 11 :30 Cab Calloway and the boys: WDNC WBT. Please report irregularities in de livery by calling 6476 from 2-5 p.m. weekdays. First-Year Lawyers Elect Class Officers Officers of the first year law class were elected yesterday morning by members of the class, who selected Henry Harkins of Charlotte as presi dent. Other officers chosen at the same time were Fred Bateman Roper, vice president; Clifford Pace and Ed Hins dale, both of Hendersonville, as sec retary and treasurer, respectively. CLASSIFIED LOST A Carolina class ring in or near Woollen gym. L1.B., 1940 with my name inside ring. I. T. Avery, Jr., 307 Carr. Reward. LOST Glasses, transparent rims, Monday, in Durham or Chapel Hill. Reward if returned to Prince over Durham Dairy company or Tar Heet. office. on the 12 yard line. ALSO "has been traininir her soldiers tfor only six years. Though she has nu- In addition to the Gobbler resistance, merous good officers in command, it Carolina was suffering irom a num ber of matters including in numeriacl order: (1) Lack of George Stirnweiss, -who had a jittery afternoon jumping tip and down on the bench, (2) A would be difficult to replace them if they were killed. The opposite is true in England and France. POWDER KEG "Switzerland feels that she is on the psychological letdown from superlative edge of a keg of gunpowder. She? is efforts airainst The Citadel and Wake very despondent aoout ner tounsi w I - . k. r sx Forest, (3) Midsummer 90 degree trade. Quite often our party 01 heat and (4) The inevitable bad aft- would be tfte only guests m a uu-room ernoon that hits every football team hotel. no matter how good it may be. . "The plight of the Uzecns we lounu tv To. wi -ariii Witwx back most mtiful." Dr. Lyons concluded. AUC A AAWWAU I A ' - I . from that Virginia Tech. There is "One old man told me confidentially, a slisrht matter of NYU this week-end 'Germany has taken our guns; they and the Violets are loaded, but this is have taken our airplanes; but in each Tuesday. Why worry about things so one of our kitchens we keep a long sharp knife. We live Dut to piunge 11 into the back of some German.' " Chess Champion (Continued from first page) far in the future? And who is the guy that goes around saying Duke has a stolid, slow mov ing attack? The report may be true as charged but you can't prove any ..t. Tw Andv Kerr. That is nothing ownt that the score was 37-0, the Chapel Hill's finest strategist, has heat was terrible and if people want consented to take the role of umpire. to blow themselves up, the pleasure of Although his legs are not wnat tney t "DuTcp is theirs. once were, according to jus own au- J 0 ! . . -r-. tt j 1 : . 4.V.. mission, ut. xiayueii uas nscu tuc heights when the occasion demanded it. In 1933 in San Francisco, he was one of 40 who matched wits with the then world's champion, Arthur Alek- Violets Will Be (Continued from page three) chance to gain experience with all those hin. fine monogram backs around but he's Dr. Hayden said yesterday that the potential dynamite. champ lost four matches that night, "The line is tremendous, averaging! so it might be indication of tonight's 210-lbs. Ralph Kirchem and Ralph happenings. Whatever the outcome, Wenzel are the standouts. . Kirchem however, the Kings, Queens, Knights, has been operating at tackle for three and Pawns will -wage a merry war of seasons while Wenzel is close to . being it, with 15 kingdoms at stake. the best end in the south. Tulane will After the hostilities have died down, 1 probably beat Fordham next week, they the victors, ' or 'victor, and the van- have too many reserves and Fordham quished will get together and form will be bothered by the heat." a chess club, every member of which will have the chance to play Feld- Send the Daily Tar Heel home. 1 stein during the year, too. r 'v 1 vVl H A Nw F3 by fh Director f "la MatafiwRV horn Paul Morand" "la Mod WWl Sanmm Oom end Mio Sjovjnka (oJI Rum D Mont I . . :. . it. Dane Svn .Staged by Srg (Jar . Engluli Tata PICK THEATRE TODAY . : - t 7 11 It Takes ... .- ' It ' 1 Kr. .. ...r- W : ' ... i ir -. ' Good Food to Make Good Punts Health and vitality are indispensible to a foot ball player, but also they are just as important to you in your daily rou tine of college life. We offer you the best foods at the most reasonable prices. THE ipVERSITY DINING HALL