PACD CtfO TE3 DAILY TARE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1941 LEE The oSrial newspaper of the Carolina Publications Union of the University cf North Cazolina at Chapel HH1, where ft is printed daily except Mondays, and the Tltaaksgiving; Christmas and Spring Holidays. Entered as second xlass rflfTT at the post o2ke at Chapel EJH, N. C under act of March 3, 1879. Suhflcription price, $&X0 for the college year. Campus Keyboard By The Staff 1940 Umber 1941 Associated Go!Ie6ia!e Press Nstiond Advertr Service, Ia CaUeitPmhliiben Ripn tmtttm 420 Maomon Ave New YOMK. H. Y. ORVILLE CAMPBELL SYLVAN MEYER Editor WILLIAM SCHWARTZ HENRY ZAYTOUN sez. i We have just spent a pleasant inter val and many nickels listening to vari ous and sundry sentimentals in the managing fiowr t: t ttt i ry - r i juuc wiiu a ui uii j.. lie uavc uieii- jrfc z-mjj . - 11.iLt1.iMn1 Acting Circulation Manager j tioned all our troubles and been advised - -" land eonsolfvf in the rnstnm. atw? then Editorial Board: Bucky Harward, Mac Norwood, Henry MoH. Bill Seeman. we been told that life is fairI Associate Editor: Lxjuis uams. nice after alL "Look at it this way,' Columnists: iisie Lyon. . . . . . onr counselor T . T5 ..,.. -Ir.,nn T innmntt Kiha,d A rt IPT KlIIV rPATEtm. iH- DI I A XfcAr4-rt: "-rVr " ' ' ' J "We lose the South CIUUUUI - I I I IK t. Vnra PnmvRq- Tinh Hole. Paul Komisarnk. Ernie Frankel. I - Carolina srame and Rcoanss: Larry Dale, Billy Webb, Ed Lashman, Jimmy Wallace, George wonjer wliat the dickens well do when jjtammier,' sara oneppara, joiton i,uwxu. Photogxafhis: Hugh Morton. Assistant Photographers: Tyler Nourse, Carl Bishopric. S poets Editor: Harry Hollingsworth. Night Sposts Editor: Horace Carter. qmm?t Rnwrrraq! Rm Rnvder. Bill Woestendiek. Mark Garner. Adtistising Staff: Bill Stanback, Jack Dube, Ditzi Buice, Jimmy Norris, Marvin Rosen, Dan Bagley, Bob Bettmann. Ass't. CmcuiATiON Manager: Joe Felmet. Circulation Staff: Jules Varady, Larry Goldrich. CDi?aaw(DirdI "IPmiEElle For This lttxu: News: PAUL KOMISARUK "Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last." Antoninus. A Collegiate USO A Colleeiate USO, one of the first in the country, has been or ganized on the Carolina campus. But before it can function prop erly Carolina students will have to do an about face. We've had ... soldiers here for the past three weeK-enas, dui treated them about like we would a Duke that Duke team starts playing around with our lads but think what's hap pening to . the Russians in the same interval." Whereupon, we crept back into our hole, bummed a cigarette, and chewed our new manicure to the quick. We aren't talking yet, on account of nothing's happened, but they say as how the GDI's (translated Good Deal Sports: MARK GARNER Independent or not, depending upon your lueas concerning proianityj are coming into their own. ACXOSS 1 F&rtlcU i ail sui tier : Horrify 19 Units et vox 14 -Solitary 13 Minor efnecr 1 Girl's Buse 17 Toward top 1 Prtd pit Uoa 50 Raw material 32 Near 23 Weight carried 37 Each and ail 2t Kind of cam to MUw Valet 31 Grass used as fodder S3 Scotch xtrer 33 Roman road 34 The (Spanish) 35 State of disorder 38 Rotating parts 41 (Thou) wero 41 Aerators 44 India's (poetic) 45 First note of seals 47 Kingdom near - Assyria 43 Sea bird 60 Church bench 51 Diving bird S3 Vegetables 66 Brother of Hoses 67 Stinging 69 Note of Guide's scale 60 Western Indian C3 Is situated 63 Concerning 64 Domestic itrntJ 68 Adult Insect Ey LASS 1022X3 AXrWEX TO rtxnocs TVZZXM ITjgjAjgl MAfi t ThorocghZars bor. The Lioa 10 "Vertical railroads 11 Japanese iceasar 13 Those who look fiercely 13 Minor wood fotf 13 Consumed 31 Quoted 3 Ballad . : 35 Before 35 Stainer 3s Turn inside out 31 That man 35 VffihiirmtfrtiB saints 3S Unalloyed substance 37 East Iadlaa - weight 33 Possess 40 Long distance runner 43 Airing derics 43 Serums 44 Neglect to restrain 45 Be worthy of 48 Exclamation of 89-; f 63 Supply parement 71 Is wrong 73 Second cutting of hay -73 Part of plank DOWN 1 Astringent drug 3 Based on current events 5 Upon 4 Be worthy of 6 Early Christian Periods of firs years 7 Hebrew letter ltle In Freemasonry (abbr.) 50 Fondle 61 Measure 53 Ancient Troy 54 Obserre 55 Door fastenings 68 Consider 61 Norse goddess of peace 65 Metric measure 67 Month (abbrj 68 Disgusted exclamation 7S On stroke of The movie-billboards should do some re-reading. We noticed on an expedition through the main drag, that scenes in "A Yank in the RAF" were actually filmed over England, France, Tyrone Power, and Betty Grable. Giving the stars the once over no doubt. cnMWa Tier for the uast three week-ends, but 1JU lUUtt we've treated them about like we WOUld a Duke J The backhanded backbones of Sound lAKl football nlaver after he scored a winning touch- and Fury, as Grotz, White, and Royal down against us. Our coeds have ignored them, some have even f .Pleased to term themselves, are. refused to dance with them. Even the boys who at the moment have one foot in Ft. Bragg have not shown the courtesy to speak. kicks, application blanks, shoulder Thincrs in creneral have been pretty bad. shakes, and lines about "If This Be v , , . AtT.m Love", from the Feb- The Umversity is cooperatmg. soldiers are aamuiu w xuut- ruary production ball games for 50 cents. They are allowed to take showers in -the AND FURY "Bagdad Daddy." crvm free of charge. First aid is given at the infirmary. Graham "Beg dat daddy to bring you to see it,' Ttfpmnrial will provide entertainment in the future. Where does says Royal !n Ms genial manner re" . o served usually for pocket-picking or ine aroima stuaent come 111 1 cigarette bumming. Via PnllporinA TTRO is not. to make Carolina stu- O rr- r - Time on and aU the fems dents devote their weeK-nas to entertammg somiers. us pur- ,ads are bugy . around That pose is to ask the students to show all possible courtesy without cunningiy clever George Grotz wants going to a great deal of trouble. Fraternities and dormitories can to know if you've heard about the Ful let soldiers use all vacant beds Each house or dormitory should ler Rush man who came in last night appoint an USO manager to check each week and find out how and found o stray and miscellaneous , jxjt-j iU freshman hands still m his pockets many soldiers can be accommodated. On Friday afternoon the and him a vegetarian tooI manager should report same to USO Center in Horace Williams o Lounge of Graham Memorial. Students should develop practice of inviting soldiers to "go around" with them, to their dorms, frats, and about town. The dance committee and dance organiza- l a 3 4 5 17 p p lio in 112, 13 29 i - yx, " ' - si Wx H I Ib, o4 fj 6g 70 r 1 1 11 hi 11 1 up! 1 1 MLy Say By Elsie Lyon- plrtr. y Vattel Fester SradkatCk be. In Dubious Battle By Jack Dube It happened on Franklin St., at the "going-to-Durham?" traffic light. The kid was a freshman and he had been There was a terrific razor fight in CarrbOro the other day. It ended i game of chance between two ebony- hued warriors. One took a tremendous swipe at the other who shouted in re lieved glee, "Hah! You missed me ; tirelessly waving his thick digit in the lievea glee' IOU missea me tions should strive to accommodate as many soldiers as possible. direction of Durham for half an hour by!" His aggressor replied calmly, TT-io r?orliTiQ Pvorl rlrtoa nnf VinT70 tr Hotp trip ?nldipr?. hilt, when i i i 1 -r..i n i "7nfsn wait, till -en' shaVo vn' IipskI " jlu. v ox ljuc vrvv. uvv. .w l.. w Mw 1 - -. 1 wnen uus Dig long sieeK jcjuicK puiiea i " j - - - the boys in khaki break at dances or speak they should act friend- up at the light, headed the wrong way. Who Cares Dept. Both Wild Bill See ly toward them. cofd? 0ut of the window man and Hank Mo11 have petitioned leaned Joe Collesre for sound-proof woodwork between Another group Of soldiers will be here this week-end. Think HHMUm himself and inquired their adjoining offices . . . Sara Shep of the position they are in, and do what you can to help. Being of the weary freshman, "Say bud, ard fixing up her dates with later ones courteous will mean a great deal to you and the University. And wnere yu hlde tne women's cam- because of past indiscretions don't forget you're a part of the country these boys will prob ably have to fight for. . some- pus around here?" thing about cake and eat it. We now The freshman pointed down Hillsboro own a very singular animal, Waglio and answered, "'Bout half a block, on (pronounced Walyo) shakes hands the left." Then as though from a with its left hind foot ... the height flash of inspiration, he asked, "What of something, Lois Ann Markwardt university you want?" f telling a hair-raising story to a bald- "Why, Duke, of course," was the headed man . . . Chapel Hill can easily worldly reply from the classy lad. boast of having the most personal The freshman laughed, even snick- telephone operator in the country (she We feel so sorry for the girls at o There Isn't Any Room For Lazy Students Here "Without education I do not see much hope for liberty, equality, fro ternity.n President Coffey, October 2, 1941. "T i-F-. oi-n a4- rn nn no anA txta nntl r4- . miitVi 1 "VY"! fTOf I r r. r. .r : r - r .-r; r,; ered' and w in a suPerior tone "Tum taikS back). 1001 ourselves into tninjung mat it can. oo saiu x-resiueiii ouxxcjr around, I'll take you there." in his opening Convocation address to the students yesterday as O he proceeded to outline the changes in University policy which Somebody brought a badly scared the Round Robin trying so hard to will be necessary because of our defense program. baby chipmunk into an eleven o'clock look smooth in their w ..... a. xt ST IZZr. "ayJ meetin' outfits with the temperature vve nave loanea some toi our staii memuers to ine iniiuimi accmcu t. 4" w wnat jng swipeis at the 90 degree mark. itesearcn councu, we nave estaDiisnea special engineering, science ::"".; w j ii,T - Tr, lltUe devi1 seemed quite averse to m , .: . t... .!.. x. handling and his sharp baby teeth de i. iaie, aean oi tne uonege oi science, ljiieraiure anu me Arts, fiej attempts to control him. iu xjuiiuuii nii year, rt.ii uiese luaiis anu Liips nave uccu mauc xie was leic sniveling in a corner necessary by the defense program our role in defense. Pf tne room until a modern St. Francis J walked fearlessly over to it, scooped it With these increasing sacrifices to defense, we might tear that up, and tickled its chin. - Thereupon the University will be severely handicapped by loss of faculty the chippy curled comfortably up and members. About this President Coffey said: "By a process of ssfuiiy slept through the class in PATPfnl inrlonntr wp arP flrrivino- at a Tinlirv at. MinnPsnta t.hft ea- "OT canin ittVi i iV i c 4-Vi n 4-- ttt nVi nlrl mnvi4- -- - ci 4-r --P 4-Vi - Tfrtnrvn. mental agencies for the loan of our staff members, but only inso- Of nW IVleXlCO far as their release does not seriously jeopardize the instructional f Plans 4 Hot TittlC anu researcn program oi tne university, oecause mis euucaiionai program too, as I see it, is a vital part of the defense effort." In Retrospect: Charlie Nelson's classic remark at the end of last year's vot ing, for cheer-leader, "There is never anything sure about an election," he said simply. ... : Rushing is good for a lot of laughs the freshman who came over to our house and, trying to appear intelli gent, remarked that all the pictures seemed to have the touch of the same master. "Yes," replied one of the boys, "Van Gogh did them all." "Oh," quer ied the f rosh, "Is he in the house, too!". . . There were two hermits (psy chology majors) living in the library. A fox passed by their cubby-hole. Two years later one said, "Wolf." Three years later the other said, "Fox." I- ive years later the first one said, "If yon don't stop this bickering, I'll leave." O In Conclusion: We report that the affair between Hormone V. Whip- peroo, and Limewater Goo has enrag ed both, roommate Percy Bah and the "Delts." It seems as if Limewater has been throwing Percy's nickels away until the whole dime was gone. Ten more weeks till Christmas va cation. , Chalk down another coincidence to Phillips RusselL His creative writing class, out under the trees yesterday, was reading and discussing a paper on Samuel Selden. Surprised were they to look up and see their hero of the moment strolling by ... . O Even the sororities are doing their bit for national defense .... Lined up before the Chi Omega house Saturday night were eight (8) army trucks . . . We regret to say, however, that the Chi Omegas were not being properly hos pitable for the soldiers were walking the streets of Chapel Hill in the com pany of more soldiers. O The cute little coed looks like a psy chopathic case, while the glamour boy has appearance of an ex-convict .... We're talking about identification card pictures, which have been relieving the monotony of life here at Carolina. Loud guffaws in the Book Ex any morning indicate that another student has seen himself as the surrealist pho tographer saw him. After examining a number of these artistic portraits, one comes to the conclusion that Caro lina closely resembles the Bronx zoo in New York. The young lady who hands out these works of art, has her troubles. She squints two or three times, examines the hopeful student carefully, and fi nally discoveres a slight resemblance. Existing only for purposes of identi fication, it is not necessary that these pictures resemble their owners in any detail. This year's models differ from' last year's. Apparently last year the ob ject was to have as much face and as little background as possible, while this year, one has to look twice to see a face. We would like to suggest the inclu sion of additional props. A group of vertical bars, which the student would grip with both fists, push his face out between, and grin toothily, would make the pictures more realistic. Stripped and spotted drapes would also carry out more effectively the idea of a prison or zoo. O Study in perplexity the ter rified group of undergraduates in Pro fessor Taylor's Milton class huddled together for mutual protection from the fearful graduate students. Looks of absolute, unadulterated amazement come over their faces as the graduates carry on their philo sophic conversations, or ask an obscure question of Professor Taylor. Carolina Dames Meet Tomorrow Night The Carolina Dames will hold their first meeting of the year Wednesday evening, October 8, at 8 o'clock at the Carolina Inn. The organization is for wives of students registered in department of the University of North Carolina and for wives of ranHidtpa for degrees at the Universitv. The meeting will be a social one for get ting acquainted and all those eligible are. urged to attend. , Patronize Tar Heel Advertisers Are we, as students, doing our part merely by getting an educa tion? The answer is no. We must study with an objective in view to do our part in. this defense effort and in the future recon- ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. There I still will be a "hot time in the old town" the night of Oct. 17 as uual; but it won't be as expensive to the University of New Mexico as usual. This vear. for the first time. t.h J 1 XI 1 1 L XTLT 1 1 I " ' siruciion program mat must eventually come, we nave no piace University asserted that a planned for lazy students here. Our time is too short and our facilities too fireworks display will replace the tra valuable. Iditional school "homecoming bonfire" which, in the past, has been fueled 1- 1 m T 1 1 JL ?ll 1 ?1 1 1 II.. - isut, ii we ao our part, eaucation win De responsiDie ana reaay chiefly with pieces of property- for peace and progress in the near future. The Minnesota Daily, fences, porch chairs and the like I that the University had to make good to irate owners. "We hope to keep the spirit up to "The number of high school teachers who come to us each sum- destruction of nrivate ronprtv. Sfl:, mer, eager to take graduate work in journalism because they find Tom Popejoy, comptroller. "It will themselves poorly prepared for responsibilities which have been only cost $100 to buy the fireworks, thrust upon them by their school administrators, leads me to be- "d that amount is far less than the lieve that we have here a very weak link in our teacher-training normal outlay for repayment for arti program." Kenneth E. Olsen, dean of Medill school of journalism, JJ Northwestern, sees a need for sounder training of high school Last year two boys suffered broken journalism teachers. ankles in wood-gathering forays. o In Passing Playmakers Give Green's Play Here Thursday An additional attraction to the regu lar features offered with the season ticket, will be presented by the Carolina Playmakers Thursday night at 8:30 when the Repertory Touring Company will produce "The House of Connelly" in Memorial hall. This production will be a one-night stop on the tour of the Playmakers Tour Company, and will be offered to holders of season tickets at no extra price, John W. Parker, business man ager of the Playmakers, announced yesterday. "The House of Connelly, as presented by the Repertory Com pany, is a professional performance by former Playmaker actors who are tak ing the production on a three months tour of New England and the Middle West. Sylvia Knowles of Chestnut Hill, Pa., sister of Hope Knowles, is quite tennis player, too, despite the fact ten-inch braids are sometimes in the way of her racquet. USO DRIVE (Continued from first page) but Fish Worley, director, promised a full schedule. (6) Churches of Chapel Hill will or ganize to welcome men in uniform to the homes of the members and into the social rooms of the buildings C. A. Murphy, USO regional repre sentative, will assist the local com mittee in all matters between the Uni versity and the camps. The Dance committee has indicated that soldiers wil be admitted free of charge to all dances, while the student entertain ment committee promises arrange ments to open up programs for mem bers of the armed forces. Other plans were in the planning process late yesterday, but leaders inl the movement promised complete working unity" in time for the com ing week-end. PICK THEATRE NOW PLAYING University of Micnigan will cele- brate the 100tbrannivpi.c O ftT rt V s " ' -- JF VJL U1C opening ofits college of literature, scienceand the arts ik BROWSE, BORROW OR BUY JBULUIffiADTOK SHOP CHARLIE CHAN TRAPS A BEAUTIFUL ' KILLER'S KILLER lM GAY RIO! i. -J' KLl'l!INVJLl!Ji;u.;.:--W Jf with SIDNEY TO LER and MARY BETH HUGHES COBINA WEIGHT, JR. TED NORTH VICTOR JORY also Comedy-Novelty THURSDAY ALBERT EIFISTEIIJ says: G9"" "The finest, most human I - - - V 6Uli ' tM ) lnTli. -MA NUifc Tit! by ckskke