Editorials Freedom of Speech More Criticism Headlines Henry-Haye to Speak Zoning Case Settlement CPU Schedules Nye -THE OLDEST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH- VOLUME L Easiness: 9S87; Circulation: 98S6 CHAPEL HILL, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1941 Editorial: 4i$; Km: 431; Niht: 630 NUMBER 42 Henry-Haye Will Speak Here rm 7W TST onight GOVERNOR BROUGHTON who "will introduce Ambassador Henry- Haye tonight in Memorial hall at 8:15. Red's Stem Nazi Advance In Crimea Dive Bomber Crashes Near Raleigh Airport By United Press Soviet forces attacking through snow and sleet held the initiative all along the Russian front Monday, stemming the Nazi advance in the Crimea and reportedly thwarting a German attempt to complete the en circlement of Leningrad. The Germans admitted being held up in the Crimea by strong Russian counterattacks but claimed the cap ture of Tikhivin, 125 miles southeast of Leningrad in a wide sweep around the besieged city to effect a junction with the stern. More potentially important than military developments in Russia where winter weather was becoming a domi nant factor, were assertions in Lon don by Prime Minister Winston Churchill that the British Air Force had reached parity with the Luftwaffe and that if the United States went to war with Japan, Britain would follow suit "within an hour." RALEIGH, Nov. 10. (UP) An ' 824 dive bomber one of the newest types of Army planes crashed and See NEWS BRIEFS, page 4 Naval Officer To Interview , Cadet Applicants 1 1 Lieutenant-Commander Nordhouse, senior member of the Naval Aviation CxJet vwtion Board at. Atlanta, Georgia, will be on the campus Thurs day through Saturday to answer any questions and interview any applicants interested in Naval Aviation. Lieutenant Commander Nordhouse will fly up from Atlanta and will aTrive in company with Lieutenant Command er Wood from the Naval Recruiting Station in Raleigh. He will bring with him a moving picture, "Eyes of the Navy," which is devoted to Naval Avia tion. This picture will be shown Thurs day afternoon at 4:30. in 206 Venable hall for all those interested. Judy Canova Sends Recording to Worley Startled students peered anxiously into Fish Worley's emporium in Gra ham Memorial yesterday afternoon when they heard the combination of opera, siren, and Tennessee mountain style singing that serves Judy Canova for her bursts of lyricism. The hill-billy actress had been in vited to attend the Sadie Hawkins Day festivities at the University, but her work on a new picture in Hollywood prevented the trip. In a letter to Fish, she explained the situation and en closed a record made exclusively for Carolina students. The record arrived yesterday morn ing, too late for the Dogpatch celebra tion. Grooved upon the platter are thanks to the student Ijody for the in vitation, and then a decidedly Canova interpretation of "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby", with all the frills, yodels, and indistinguishable note-tangling that she is famous for. Fish welcomes all who wish to hear it. Agreement Signed in Co-op Housing Case Statement Goes Before Aldermen Tomorrow Settlement of the case of zoning law violation brought against twelve Uni versity students, who last month em barked on 'Carolina's first co-operate housing enterprise, reached its final stages last night. Dan Martin, co-manager of the co operative enterprise, yesterday after noon signed an agreement, reached with the Chapel Hill Board of Adjust ment, that the twelve students be al lowed to remain in the house on Mal- lette street until the expiration of their lease June 15, 1942. Asked to Move The agreement further states that the students shall search for another CPU Schedules Nye for Speech Here , house, suitable for their requirements, immediately, and, if possible, move be See CO-OP HOUSING, page U Moll Gives t . . Explanation Of Late Mag By Billy Webb "Controversy as to the type Mag to publish, indecision of the PU board concerning financial appropriation, and nervous breakdowns are the rea sons for the tardiness of the first is sue of the Carolina Mag, Henry Moll, editor, stated yesterday. Over a month overdue and now at the printshop after overrunning its third deadline, the Mag will be print ed and delivered to the student body . See MOLL GIVES, page U Isolationist Senator Expected To Attack New Deal Measures . - By Paul Komisarnk National politics and policies erupt from the Memorial hall rostrum next Tuesday night as North Dakota's Old Guard isolationist, Senator Gerald P. Nye, attacks New Deal measures before a Chapel Hill audience under the auspices of the CPU. f Most active and violent of the anti-New Deal bloc in the Senate, the North Dakota Republican, has whipped up the fiercest opposition, caused the most heated debates with his support of Lindbergh and the America-First com mittee, and has been responsible for a good deal of the opposition , against Special Armistice Day Program Planned A brief cereraciy will be held to day between the Old Well and Davie Poplar during the 10:30 recess in commemoration of the 22nd anni versary of Armistice Day. See ARMISTICE PROGRAM, page U all New Deal measures directed at aiding the Allied cause. Open Forum Recognized as a forceful speaker, Nye has informed Ridley Whitaker. CPU chairman, that he welcomes the See CPU SCHEDULES, page U 'Oh Happy, Carefree Cqllitch Days' Li'l Abner - ii j fjr par 7t fcj Vi Ts f K--.fv ij lk ft, ffc. III ifi T tS Z 5 ht Mmiir nr vwimmiiiiriroiMMWinmmMiiM niwmiimrhWtwtMwgwifiiitf --iiiiiiiT-iiiii-Miii-riii- fai -n-if '-hn-iii nr mufffiltii im mn t 'Sir Sik i. y , 5 ''' " '- - WtfT? 'I'll' 1 "L 1 mm ' '" ' "T GATHERED ARTISTICALLY around Mr. and Irs. Al Capp (Daddy of Lil Abner and his Dogpatch friends) are the thousands of Carolina students that lifted the roof off the Tin Can last Saturday night in paying homage to a homely young lady who couldn't get her man in the normal manner. Sadie Hawkins did all this to Chapel Hill above you see the hangovers. IRC Speaker To State French Policies Governor Broughton Slated to Introduce Ambassador Tonight His Excellency Gaston Henry-Haye, Petain's Ambassador to the United States, challenges public attack oa French policies tonight at 8:15 in Me morial hall when he speaks formally and in open forum for his first public proclamation since appointment in July, 1940. Exactly what extent Governor J. Melville Broughton, who introduces Henry-Haye, will eulogize the speaker is not immediately known. Josephus Daniels, retired US Ambassador to Mexico, is expected to telegraph beat wishes and regrets for absence. Objectors Indication of student opposition to the Ambassador's views was evident yesterday when assistant Dean of Stu dents Roland Parker requested im Chapel that freshmen refrain from disrespectful voicing of their reactions to the Henry-Haye Armistice Day ad dress. It is known that several facul ty members are indignant, and post ers publicizing the Ambassador have been defaced. Students, faculty and press had no knowledge last night of the contents of Henry-Haye's speech and what will happen in the open discussion after the address. In this forum Carolina will have the privilege of debating Pe-tain-French views with the Marshal's own delegate to the Embassy, and with a French politician who has as intimate friends Otto Abetz, Pierre Laval and Fernand de Brinon Hit ler's Three Frenchmen. - It is expected that no matter the amount of strategy and diplomacy His Excellency has embedded into his speech, student inquisition during the open discussion will reveal the French envoy's stand more clearly. France's emissary will arrive in Chapel Hill late this afternoon with See HENRY-HAYE, page i Photo by Hugh Morton Death Claims Second Hit-Run I Accident Victim Death, resulting in the second of tw hit-and-run accidents occurring withm 48 hours, both at the same Chapel Hill intersection, Sunday afternoon claimed Charles Watson, negro. Watson died in Duke Hospital of severe lacerations and a leg fracture. - An unidentified automobile struck down Watson at Cameron avenue and Pittsboro Street early Saturday night. The negro was left lying in the street until Jack , Huber, junior, discovered him and summoned police. Chapel Hill authorities are making thorough in I vestigation to uncover the driver of the car, now under charges of manslaugh- I ter. First1, hit-run accident happened Thursday night when Leroy. Watson, negro, sideswiped the parked car of Vernon Lackay, sophomore, at the same street corner. Lackay pursued Wat son unsuccessfully, "but police caught and jailed the negro Friday. Phi to Debate War on Japan The Phi Asembly in Phi hall a 7 o'clock tonisrht. will discuss the United States' declaring war on Ja oan if the latter should attack British r American possessions in the far east. Election of two Ways and Means committeemen and the last initiation of he quarter will be held at tonight's meeting. All prospective members of the as sembly were advised to come early. S&F to Hold Dance Auditions Today Sound and Fury dance tryouts will be held in Memorial hall today, tomor row, and Thursday. The auditions will be from 2 to 6 o'clock, and both coeds and men students may attend whether they filed applications or not.