DEC b Editorials Did The Fall Bru.g About A Change In Passing Headlines Coeds Dnat $l,e6 CYA 3Uchinery Set Up Dr. Zbnmermann Te lezrt VOLUME L Business: 9887; Circulation: 88 THE OLDEST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH CHAPEL HILL, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBEIU,J941 vrrrrT?T? 3 Editorial: 4ZSt: Ncw: 4ZSI; Nfrtrt: 6S6 Students to Act V la Morale Effort " V - - " Dr. Graham To Highlight Honor Week Williams Confers with UNC Officials; Civilian morale sparked by a downpour of aid from three top cnnwpft-nreoared future ulans yesterday as Capitol Hill's Chester Williams met with officials here, and student leaders indicated carta's famed Honor System that Sunday morning will herald the beginning of undergraduate 150.year-old foundation for dent participation in the nation movement. : - - lll oTcamus v , - . . t-i. -p oil wcfprilftv be brought to the foreiront oi camp Williams, nere lor an ovemigni, stay, wuiucCu . frgf wnii Monday as the Stu- Coates Addresses Student Leaders Monday Night By Bob Hoke - - - .1 . w afternoon with the eight-man advisory board Heading tne locai euorc, ana cu ordmator Russell M. Grumman. It was also understood that several student representatives have spoken with John Studebaker's assistant in the Depart ment of education. Chief of civilian morale in schools and colleges, Williams holds the reins Yo nation-wide oreanization, and was expected to bring new ideas for a modern setup to Chapel Hill. Meeting last night was a group of etront railed on bv Student Council President Truman Hobbs,and the re sult of the- conference will probably lead to the appointment of an under graduate coordinator, and directors of curriculum, forums, publicity and de fense. Informants refused to make predic tions on. candidates lor tne cooruu tor's post, but it was understood that the committee, not student govern ment officials, would make the selec tion. tw, th third front state reaction came a continued flow of requests for aid from various University agen cies, and Grumman, still making con tacts with libraries and schools, has indicated that help is forthcoming. UNC Orchestra Debuts Tomorrow Under Swalin - - - -4 -if j r,AT.T,n institutes a iionur xm UCUb v-n- wiv . w; WppV desitmed to educate the student body into the principles and operation of the Honor Code. ; - Tr;ri,i;TTitiiior 'tnp seven days of dis- 1U6U"6"""D - talks. President Frame bUSOluuo 1 - P. Graham will address the student hodv Thursday morning at a special MnvMi-.inn in Memorial haU at 10:30. VW- rw f t.tiA first backers of the Honor V. WMW r.v,cK WppIc idea. Dr. Graham nas oq1tt ctr-psspd the imnortance of wholehearted student cooperation .in the Honor System Coates Speaks Coed Senate Unanimously Votes $1,000 Appropriation; pwa Mnp.hinpTu Established Plan Approved By Committee And Officials All inclusive . machinery for collecting and disbursing Caro lina Youth. Administration funds was released yesterday as aim- i fulfil watr fmallv ironea out, and official sanction to the plan was given by South building ana rnmmittee leaders. The University will act only as a Ucinocs vff?f it was said. Tt was P-srnlained that all cash or io-o rnrila will be deposited with - - TTr,iTT0i.cif-i7 Cashier, to the credit aates bpeaks T.,x' -va rrQrolina Youth Adminis- Professor Albert uoates, insum ui ux v iroiessor aiuci , , x mt, o,-ot-s ftffice has been of Government director will spars i.u irauun;. xuC - ----- week Program of carefully planned instructed to charge pledges to the rPeeches Sdv discussions Monday pledgee's winter quarter University nitrht when he addresses an auui" nignt wnen iie fnrther explained, that the predicted to reacn ue " Tf -rocTl:pr f rom time to Via r.Tiikm Memorial main iuu"sc- uuiyciv clte is exited to answer, the time, as funds are collected tens er charee that 75 per cent of reporting such funds to tne "ZZ7 charge tnat to v n ffipp to the credit of the CYA r Trtiotinns is "cneatiiiK, i . ... Ui , cfQ , , T. lparned that tne same trace the development anu preocui. xuv.. S the Honor System. procedure is followed ,h deatog . ttmVi RtnHent Jntertammenu Student Legislature memoers, - fee dormitory and Interf ratermty coun- rcolTected will be paid out by cils, Honor councils and repre Activities Fund office on tive student organizations and au- - properly made requisi- ers will be special invited guests at he f deypartinent heads, the meeting as Professor Coates ex- . dPone on Univer. plains and defines the Honor -; - work projects must 11 iTXCx gtudents in attendanCe will ieaa ---- Dean rf Adminis- In" a concerted push to elevate the cussions in their respective organiza- be ' PP committee, in onogram sweater to a higher position tions throughout tne weeK, w . NyA work proj. Smifi Runs CYA Movie Tonight Fitting climax to the first concert ed student power-drive for aiding the Carolina Youth Administration fund, "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife," first flight motion picture of two years vintage, will be presented in a benefit performance at both the Carolina and Pick theatres tonight by E. Carrington Smiths local thea tre manager. Paramount Motion Picture Corpo ration is donating the film, Smith is donating the technical resources of See CYA MOVIEE, page U 1 RUSSELL M. GRUMMAN, civilian defense coordinator. Letter men Boost Spirit Jamerson Speaks TT?i On Means tor unity Wk . .-SO yw.y.'.y. , S '' 4' 1 Ll i I- nil in- -y nf"'imMimiMMM MOHOCTamswcai. - , , I the Monogram -ciud dicated. - . Q aVed. in Gerrard hall to de- AfnnJnir mominff. in Chapel period, . r fjonfe rceivine aid . - L;j ,v5 and means for mcreased o ril, c beU editor ,of the DaUy r.YA funds for -work done The University Symphony - spirft within the Charlie Tillett editor of the University departments, are conducted by D, Benjamin 'FS organi2ation. Yackery-Yack; and BiU McKinnon University seF De me -uuua t tt Wt- . .j tii.t mnrA freshman class. I program. J. wmn, - - - Jamerson also sugg" - first yearmen, selected oy . rx, TT-1 VnrmAn McLaTtV, . . .. u 1 'UrtrVlt. about DV 1 , lmCC J 1, tach, U. a. nouxi, " . . n club unity couiu uC . - ' rosn president Mac lane wm and Mrs. L. C. MacKinney will sing two meeting3 of a sociai ure osh Wednesday morning sixteenth century selections arranged support of aU athletac Lane to present the view- by Dr. Swalin, "London Street ;Cnes teams on the campus. J of the new students. Pledge by Gibbons and JU No. Sneaking of the proposed awards re- will distributed to the tresn Yackety Yack Editor Seeks Snapshots Bach's "Brandenburg Cone- 'W pr-day in Memoriall hall for 3," the other chamber music etao, do more to tear down mora e new mfin to make their formal The inii orcjico-" v v wiUbepUyedbya 0I to! the Honor System. regular orcnesK. r -H feature ol sports puts division m pus organizations, resiaen, works on the J""" in. student body." and special groups will meet during - 0ii Vnowh American The Monogram Club can raise i- the weeK ior - v63 fevpufar"Cau- heSlS. eye by promoting good to be led by members of the Honor folk-songs, and the ever pop sell ing e y wfcerinra. especi- ona Student Councils. fl CVpthes" 01 lpP0UWW-x" conduct at yuui & . , , casian Sketxrnes . o activities,M said Jamerson. THp S5-Piece Bywywj , I . Professor E. W. Zimmermann Zimmermann Leaves UNC Leading Economist . Joins Texas Faculty Vr-if W. Zimmermann, Kenan Pro I foccnr nf Economics, will leave Chape . m tt:ii 4. n tho T mivp.rsrtv Ol J.exaj illll tu &u iuj- " riictintriiished Professor of Re- aj "o of five men so honored by """" - fW TTnivPrsitv. Frolessor dimmer- luav w w mann is one of the world's leading . ...t. .;,nfa telcpn during economists, specializing in the field Anyone wiui suoiiou i the f Ul quarter or the last spring of resources. ine ian . , rc,c 7.imTMPrmann was born m nuarter is asked to bring mem uy j. . YacWYack office as soon as pos- Lainz, Germany, and studied in Eu xacKeiy ,-j wL TTT,;Wrsitip.s. receiving his uble, editor tnar - 1, . " tt; TT.Vame to ... li'njj in duiiu umw. nignu Wr., tt-u-j cfor xiVipn hp "was 23 and The best shots subnuuea wm xne viuw T 1Q91 awarded a - prize which is to be an- became an American citizen. In 1921, ujr djam - i will be brought Prn Tld Con : ' . .-. ttm tripmbers who aol not attend the meetinp in the Mm The executive committee vrm - of vits expulsion ngnra y.v- said Uobby ui At a meeting of the executive com Seconds The b-piece - - - . . . composed mostly of students and a f ew facultymembers. It has been directed by Swalin since i&o. Political Course Added a in Historic jurisprudence .n- UpH from WB , .n v.tVacnm. . . . ii Sk- was accKieniawy , . A- m!ttee immediately io"'u6 Carolina's Cecil HiU last mgnt kv - . .- v. printed class hedulenow being : d -I , .. a mo- 1 place in the grand finals contests since this is their first Wbnted, it vs learned yesy- p,W make an .ppropri3- g oratory event at Win- ticipatii to any tourney took ft : Political Saence 157 nier Dr on from the treasury for contnbution Dilie Forensic tourna- place in the pnmary round of the Trr..ji.:0a -oriil be eiven Monaay, ,,jf A campaign. inrop & AMiAW utl flitt, Sherman Win In Dixie Debate Tourney lcvaiiiv. . . XT Professor Zimmermann taught m New v TT-ni vpTQitv and James munna TT:..!?t-tr TTnon coming to Carolina he was appointed Kenan Professor in 1934. His prominence in the field of eco nomics has connected him with the Federal government as he nas wen consulting economist of the US Bureau See ZIMMERMANN, page Student Aid Static During Third Day Of Campus Drive rnmlina's Coed Senate, meet ing in special session yesterday afternoon, unanimously vowju $1,000 contribution to the oia student aid fund, thereby offi cially stamping approval on pro posals that speaker Jean Hahn voiced when the drive Degan iasv Monday. Additional contributions made dj the Valkyries, women's honorary so ciety, the Monogram club, the Hillel Foundation, and individual donations lifted the drive figure slightly over the $5,000 mark. Student leaders, however, expressed .rm?dprabie concern" over the fail ure- of dormitory and fraternity resi- dents to respond to tne arive. v.uv ficial figures revealed that of the to- tal $5,000, student contnDutions a" accounted for slightly over i,ow, tabulators explamed that 01 tne uiu- versity's enrollment 01 4,uou smucuvs, 1,000 students have signed pledge cards. Thursday night's pledge cards, col lected yesterday afternoon at ue YMCA, revealed $300 m student con tributions, a drop of uu irom preceding day. Concern was expressed over the possibility that the drive might fall short of its $8,300 goal, set bv the "Carolina Youth Administration committee ; upon its. lormauou xva Sunday. , Expected returns today irom w students, dorms and fraternities that have so far failed to report, are ex pected to lift the total nearer the $8,- 300 mark. Dr. TanK sr. uia off UNC faculty contributions yester day, afternoon, it was learned. Regarding campus contributions, it was known yesterday that only three fraternities, two sororities, five dorms and three of the women's dormitories t ,3 Aa 3tt7 "noticeable donations. limi liiaJL It was reported that dormitories u the upper quadrangle had not been heard from at all, since u opening. Senior class president Bill McKm non announced yesterday that officers and executive commmee mc- circulating cards approving the classes action in donating a wwu the drive. McKinnon. explained that See COED SENATK,W ' j. Woodnou - 113 ito the NYA stuaenfc Wednesday and rnoajr " rws .Sfee iVeerf at Carolina ,Por More Social Sororities Reporters Find Coeds Unanimous By Betty Ann MeHaney M 1 DaniV JU1UK! QnesUon:DoyoUunkth.. should be mo 8U1"4 "a Ward OTWr. Junior. Fort Bs A think there Ye4. 1 ceruui"j . . .' . ertrnrities here, be- should De ni . -m0ng i UAtt!o fnr the mem- the coeds woum pr- d bership. Three -ntial cannot take care of all the po sorority material we nave - Ken Bailey, Sophomore, Montreal, ,1 think that there shoube ' rorolina. Increas- more soronu - e ing the numwr ; amount and typ. oi : socul Me forhe entire Btuaenc - tvR .more girls a chance to belong to the nf the Situation uratory eveni. uwi)nvu - . Dixie Forensic tourna- place in the primary round of the ment at KocK mil. D. - - wwtives from approxi- was won by ruce xrowu a and universities are Forest. v . T r -Pn,k Hill contests. Mac Sherman, second of four caro- taKing Una Debate council team memoexs - . - . Wi i Rock Hill, yesterday placed seconds yj. 1 PhOtOS, round of the Extemporan- Y lldl iUOft a 7 r . . , m mn. S Lost in -Intirmary, - -prPSMitine the affirmative side n :j . nrf mo. teTpuV of the tournament e fed- Kemain iV11SSXI,g lies vv oi government snouiu icSw r ii.: -PftT. rorolina. I "... . ir: TTlciA T,V- nuibj " Pharmacy Pictures Due The deadline for Pharmacy pictures for the Yackety Yack is next Wednes day, December 10. AH Pharmacy stu dents are urged to go by Wootten Moulton before then and get therr photographs taken. Marine Recounts ChurehilVs Icelandic Visit with FDR Upton Describes Arctic Occupation of which the sorori dlStmCl.i 6' r . ties are composed, aisu, v.- lies , ufoT tmiTv- I mission there early this year. Upton's letter, passed Dy navax ce- of Iceland by U. S. sr, follows: :, if H tViP dress narade of these -kt h 1941 forces before Winston Churchill Mr . Maryon Saunders the English Prime Minister u Iceland following General Alumni Association -conference with President Booee University of North Carolina nave wj uc ,v Mair's nublication lels of fraterni - - least numerically in Vw Final decisions and awards on ue-r y -nrllslffe them here. . Wea at the tournament will De mue . xvuiux- Joe Harper, teiuor, , The f our Carolina debaters wm Jxams tO De Vxl V Cli Commerce, he worked witn an inbur- ; - " cuff Craig, 39, and Yes, I think that there f -Id b odayTh d , first in Raleigh at least one Tabids High praises circulate I on I 62: 103 Bingham then ininnK- We are scattered rtheme S 1CELAWC , Tt' imBOSSioie aui , - r.rAlino'a . team wnwus at uic D cbuiC.-- t- Mn. i cnance i A f Alex-

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