ft! 3 Editorials Hatch Act Rehatched Not Enough To Know In Passing Headlines Sir j Cadets To Train UNC War Plan Soamarjr Campaign Bin Cct THE OLDEST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH- VOLUME L Boahnw: t88T; Circulation: 9S84 CHAPEL HILL, N. C TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1942 Editorial: 54: Neva: 4251; Klbt: 34 ftUMBER 92 Wht mm "fit! JT S JL9 (D)(0) Naval Air Cadets . May Be BaFiadked . At UNC; Heavy TraMing Would Start May UNC War Measures Keep With Nation Month Old Carolina Program Brings Unprecedented University Changes By Hayden Carruth In one month the University of North Carolina has changed more significantly than in two preceding decades. No longer does the air of casual liberality greet the student when he enters the library. Thescene once placid with scuffed saddle shoes and loose sweaters, is now speeded to the tempo of marching feet. Classrooms where leisurely discussions of art and history were the rule, have become study rooms of military tactics, and the science of war replaces the science of peace. A summary of the University's" adjustments since the beginning of the winter quarter includes changes sweeping in their scope and thorough in their coverage. Outstanding in the campus war effort is the student organized Civilian Defense unit. Headed by Louis Harris, and managed by Pat Winston, Hundley Gover, Dick Wharton, Buck Osborne, Jennie Wells Newsome, Dick Railey, Dotson Palmer, and Hayden Carruth, the See WAR PROGRAM, page 4 Expenditures For Campaign Funds Cut Election Committee Crimps Old Measure In New Proposal -8 Senate Okays War Bill Of 26 Billion for Navy Reds Admit First Defeat of Winter Offense; US Forces Inflict 'Extensive Damage on Japs . By United Press CAIRO Germany's armed forces pounded west across Libya to within 60 miles of Derha tonight, while British and Indian troops fought a rear guard action and the Royal Air Force fighters bomb ed transport columns in the Agaceila and Agedavia areas behind the German lines. WASHINGTON Representative Martin Dies, tonight called on Attorney General Francis Biddle to require Communists to register with the government in a move to "ex- elude them from places where they can get and disseminate valuable informa tion." WASHINGTON The . $26,495,664, 474 naval supply bill, largest single war appropriation in history and keynote of President Roosevelt's "arm for victory" program was approved unanimously by the Senate today after a scant two hours debate. The measure was sent back to the House for concurrence in Senate amendments which added $6, 500,000 to the lower chamber's original total. MOSCOW The Red army today ac knowledged its first set-back since the start of the winter offensive, the loss of iGeodosiya in Crimea, but in the neighboring area the Russians were re ported driving swiftly inward toward the Dnieper river. ' HONOLULU Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, commander in chief of the Pa- cif ic fleet, disclosed today that combat vessels of all types participated in the attack on Japanese naval and air bases in Marshall and Gilbert islands and . said it was "certain that extensive dam age was done." Only slight damage was . suffered by the attacking force which . See NEWS BRIEFS, page 4 Drama Try-outs Scheduled Today Tryouts for roles in the first bill of new plays written in Prof. Koch's play writing course this quarter will be held in the Playmakers Theatre this af ternoon at 4:30 and tonight at 7:30. Selected from the plays written by students for poduction are ."The Wan dering Dragon," a folk play of old China, by Lili T'ang, "The Red Oak," a play of Iowa farm life, by Barry Far nol, and "The Vengeance of K'noh," a Legend of the Huron Indians, by Mac Curdy Burnet. Prof. Koch has announced that there . 1- are a large numDer oi. vanea roies available, and everyone interested in acting is invited to try for roles. The plays will be produced Friday, February 13, in the Playmakers Theatre. The elections committee of the Stu dent legislature, meeting in special ses sion yesterday alternoon, proposed sweeping reductions in legal campaign funds, as embodied in the Political Ex penditures Bill to be presented to the legislature tomorrow night. Legal expenditures, included in the m m - m proposal, are: president, vice-presi dent, secretary-treasurer of the stu dent body; editor of the Daily Tar Heel, speaker of the legislature may legally spend $12.50 prior to and including the day of elections. Sophomore, junior, and senior class presidential candi dates; Tar an' Feathers editorship can didates; Yackety-Yack editorship can didates; Carolina Magazine editorship candidates; sophomore, junior, and senior class student council represent ative candidates are allowed campaign expenses of $7.50. Publications Union Board represen tatives; head cheerleader; class vice- presidents and presidents; Athletic as sociation presidents and vice-presidents, sophomore, junior, and senior representatives to legislature, may, as candidates, spend only $7.50 on cam paigning expenses. No political party may expend any See ELECTION BILL, page 4 Garrett Talk Held Tonight Opens Winter Series Of Philosophy Club OSCD INFORMATION BULLETIN A meeting of all students connected with or interested in the dormitory for ums and "bull sessions" in national de fense, war aims, and post-war prob lems, will be held tonight at 10 o'clock on the second floor of the YMCA build ing. "Attendance imperative," said Pat Winston, morale head. Army Extends Opportunity For Training Origins of nationalism "as a phe nomenon of comparatively recent date" will be discussed by Dr. M. B. Garrett tonight at 8 o'clock in Gerrard hall when the Philosophy department re opens its "Restoring Order" series of public meetings. Dr. Garrett's talk entitled "National ism: its Historic Background" will at tempt to give a fuller explanation of Extended opportunities for advance ment training in the United States Ar my for qualified enlisted men was an nounced yesterday by S. W. J. Welch, University vocational Guidance Direc tor, following first public release from the War department. The Army's Officer Candidate Schools are open to all qualified en listed men from 18 to 45 years of age under the revised setup, and the min lmum period of service required for admission to the schools has been re duced to three months from the time of either conscription or voluntary enlist ment in the army. Part of the planned expansion of the present system for. providing trained officer leaders for the rapidly expand ing Army, the plan authorized special- y qualified graduates to take advanced training to fit them for early promo tion. The bourse at all Officer Candidate Schools is for a period of three months, thereby providing opportunity under the new plan for soldier warrant of ficers to receive commissions as second lieutenants after six month's service. Soldiers are eligible for selection to the training schools throughout their enlistments, Welch indicated, but the three month's period of service is a minimum established to meet the re quirements of the present emergency. Navy Plans to Train 30,000 Airmen Annually in Program Entire Facilities May Be Opened to Trainees; Carolina Ranks First in South's 'Pref erred List' By Ernie Frankel and Paul Komisaruk The Navy department's announcement yesterday, disclosing plans to employ the facilities of four large universities, each to be come an "Annapolis of the air" training more than 30,000 pilots a year in the "greatest aviation program in naval history," threw a direct light on Chapel Hill's war-geared physical education plant as officials here hinted that Carolina is in a favored position on the "prefer red list" of Southern institutions. Four colleges, one in the east, one in the west, one in the midwest, and one in the south, will be leased for the du ration, with training to begin "on May 1 or sooner.'1 Workshop Lists Art Activities The Carolina. Workshop council, or t lit . ganizea recently to promote campus interest in creative art activities, has nationalism as distinguished from, and announced a full and feature schedule yet related to patriotism. f dramatic, musical, , radio, art and Tonight's lecture is the first dealinsr dancing 1 events for February and with this quarter's topic, "Freedom and March: Organized Power" which will be dis- One of the highlights will be the cussed during this week arid the next premiere of a new American play, "Be- by faculty members of the Political hold the Brethren!", by Joseph Feld Science, History, and Sociology depart- man, a Carolina alumnus, to be present ments, ed by the Carolina Playmakers March Dr. Erwin Hexner sDeaks tomorrow 4-7. evening on "The Totalitarian State" and "Democracy Facing New, Prob lems" will be discussed by Dr. E.; J: Woodhouse on Thursday evening. . This quarter's series will be concluded next See GARRETT, page 4 1 Neighborly Ignorance Coeds Vote Today For New System Graduate coeds will vote today in a 1 -1 il -- 1ft.9n n-nfif A special eievwuii iiuiu o'clock in Tfpnan ball on the type of student government they would like to have, Dot Cutting, coed elections chair man, announced last night. The ballots today will contain ques tions askine each coed to check her preference either of the present system of combining graduate and undergrad uate student government, or of having graduate students set up their own gov ernment, or whether she prefers no self-government at all among gradu ate students. Results of this pollSwill guide the Coed Senate and Honor Council in re framing the student government sys tem of the coeds. Student Dreams Shattered; Brazilians Speak Portuguese By Dorothy Jackson It is a Brazilian's greatest woe that North Americans don't realize the na tional language bf Brazil is Portuguese. Two weeks ago Dr. Hernane Tavares de Sa, 30, Brazilian journalist and good-will envoy now visiting in Chapel Hill, dropped in on a department store's grand opening of its South American exhibition in New York. "Everything was beautiful," said Dr. Tavares. "It was so big and well-done that any Brazilian would have felt at home unless he saw 'Fiesta Plaza' print ed in big letters." This firm had spent thousands of dollars, reproduced a famous theatre of Rio de1 Janeiro, and then given their handiwork a Spanish title. "More than, half the people in South America don't speak a word of Span ish and don't want to," the Doctor pa tiently explained. As the result of the department See BRAZIL, page 4 ' S Other Playmaker presentations wil include Gilbert and Sullivan's famous Pirates of Penzance" Thursday and Friday, two experimental play bills on February 13 and March io, and a play- reading February 22. Classes in life drawing, free and open to the campus, will be held by Profs J ohn AUcott and Kenneth Ness, March 7-10. Lectures will be given on art ap preciation March 7 and 8 and on in tenor decoration, March 7-9. Miss Harriet Adams will give a. series of gallery talks each Sunday, and another series will be given by student artists xn tne modern dance Held, a series of discussions will be led by instructors m various art fields related to the dance. The topics and leaders will be Prof. Samuel Selden on "Dancer and Actor," February 4; Professor Allcott on ".Life Sketching." February 19. and Prof. Phillips Russell on "Writer and Dancei1," February 26. Fraternity Council Will Meet Tonight The Interf raternity Council will meet tonight at ,7 o'clock in the Grail room I of Graham Memorial. Dr.'Hernane Tavares de Sa Workshop Meets Today Carolina Workshop council assembles this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Grail room at Graham Memorial for its plan ning session, designed to, arrange for the Workshop's spring festival. Long Prepared For months the University has been prepared to handle as many as 1,800 cadets every three months in what Sec retary of the Navy Frank Knox term ed "the most strenuous toughening pro. cess in the history of American mili tary training." Anxious to cooperate with this pro gram which will bring Carolina "closer to the front," leaders here prepared to put into operation extensive plans that would put dormitories, probably the six in the lower quadrangle; eating facili ties; the complete physical education plant, "one of the finest in the coun try;" the library, and other necessary University classrooms and buildings completely at the disposal of the government. Well aware of the upheaval in living conditions the transfer would cause, it is known that Administrative officials have mapped out plans for a rapid room registration in an effort to cause as little dislocation as possible to the 1,800 students who might be forced to move. Arrangements would also be made to .secure rooms in town, and fraternities with no price changes, while some would double up in other dorm rooms. Lenoir Dining hall, would be set-up so that cadets and students, dining at different hours, could be adequately served. Breakfast to the trainees would be served before 7 o'clock in the morn ing, lunch before 12 o'clock noon, and dinner before 6 o'clock in the evening. Such a program would immediately make Chapel Hill one of the vital links i in the war machine. Knox declared that the program would be a "challenge to patriotic young American men, who are proud of their ability to take it." The men will learn "to march up to 40 miles from sunup to sundown, and will be set at such heavy labor as ditch digging, wood-chopping, land clearing, and will be extensively schooled in such realistic self-defense arts as advanced juijitsu, boxing, and rough and tumble fight Two-Year Men Plan Budget Session Soon Executive, Finance Groups to Convene ' For Meet Today New plans for passing the sophomore class budget and the election of a new class legislator will be the items up for discussion at tomorrow night's joint meeting of the class executive and fi nance committees, sophomore President Dotson Palmer announced yesterday. The meeting will be held at 7:30 in 111 Murphy and Palmer warned that any member of the two committees who fails to show up will be dropped from his position. Anyone desiring to be nominated for the legislature post is asked to get in touch with Palmer by 6 o'clock tomor row evening. The constitution group will meet to night in Graham Memorial lounge at 7:30, Palmer stated. The dance committee will meet to night at 10:30 in Graham Memorial, according to Joe Ferguson, committee chairman. ' Ferguson urged the following com mittee members to attend: John Byers, J. G. Cardon. Art Lavine. Monk White- hart, Lyman Higgins, Tom Smith, Bob by Stockton, Wiley Long, Dewey Dor sett, Hugh Cox, Sonny Boney, Jimmy Johnson, Bud Evans, and Bob McClary. Comic Opera Sets Designed by Gault For Production mg. Debating Slate W&M Meet Carolina debaters and representa tives of the Woman's Division of Wil liam and Mary college will clash here Tuesday night in an intercollegiate forensic contest, Debate council offic ials have announced. Full plans for the debate will be formed tonight at a Debate squad and council session at 9 o'clock in the Grail room of Graham Memorial. Subject of the contest will be "Social lzed Medicine," "Honor bystem, or "Federal Control of Munitions Manu facture." William and Mary students will de cide the final debating topic and will notify the Debate council upon its de cision. ; . . Definite schedules for tryouts for the contest also will be formulated tonight. Riker Will Explain Enlistments Tomorrow Lt. Commander M. M. Riker will ex plain the enlistment in class H-V(P), United States Naval Reserve, to all pre-medical students at a meeting to morrow morning at 10:30 in Gerrard hall. Sets for "The Pirates of Penzance," the comic opera by Gilbert, and Sulli van, to be produced jointly on Thurs day and Friday at Memorial hall by the Carolina Playmakers and the ; Music department have been designed by Lynn Gault. .... :- Gault has constructed the sets with the assistance of Robert Schenkkan, Rockefeller Assistant in the sceneshop, and Walter Preston. The first set depicts the rocky sea shore on the coast of Cornwell, where the pirates have their hideout in two. large caves. Tickets for the two nights of per formances are now available at the; Playmakers business office and at Led-better-Pickard's. All seats are reserved and tickets may be obtained by presen tation of either the Carolina Playmak ers or the Student Entertainment Series season books, or both. If the holder of both season books does not want two tickets, he may obtain one ticket and a refund of 25 cents upon presentation of the books at the Playmakers business office in Swain hall now, or at the box- office on the nights of the perform ances. General admission is $1.13, tax included. 7th Human Relations Institute Meets at UNC First news of the Seventh Insti tute of Human Relations came yes terday" with the announcement by YMCA secretary Harry Comer that plans had been completed to bring "America's Town Sleeting of the Air" to Chapel HHL No other definite news of the speakers was available late yesterday.