a Tfie OHerf College Daily In The South VOLUME L BusImm: 8S7: Circulation: 98SC CHAPEL HILL, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1942 Editorial: ASSt ; Mews: Klfffct: S90 NUMBER 145 ID Cleans ElectionsIn andslide' Vote O i 9 Bennett, Feck, Gambill Snare Top Post cur fit SO 9 E lino ft - Tr-".?r - rT" . BBWWWiWjW!: ' is? : Slated ff Ballot; SAM GAMBILL, successful cam paigner for secretary-treasurer of the student body, teaches rising sophomore Denman Hammond, who lost the student council representa tive from his class to Dotson Pal mer, and Dick Hartley, yesterday chosen vice-president of the sophs. To your right, "Matches" Brown goes into the cigar routine with presidential candidates Hobart Mc Keever and Bert Bennett. The lat ter (UP) tromped home in front at the polls yesterday. Carr Elected To Junior Office Top With the University party dominat ing the rising junior class political scene, electing five candidates to eight of the major offices, the Student par ty swept Mike Carr to the coveted president's position, defeating Han son Hall by a count of 263 to 189 votes. Nosing out a bare 234 to 221 vote victory in the narrowest count of the junior slate, Dotson Palmer, Student party, was elected representative to the student council over Denny Ham mond who had maintained a lead until the final minutes of tabulation. Higdon Victorious , UP's Lyman Higdon was victorious in a second, photofinish race amass ing a total of 237 votes to win the vice-presidency over Earl Pardue with 208 votes. Carrying all five pre cincts by a narrow margin, Higdon retained a lead gained early, in the tabulations to win with a 29 vote ma jority. A heavy majority in the first and second precincts gave Ike Manly (UP) the position of secretary over Bud Evans.' Manly won with a count of See CARR, page U $ cneOTieo jf or Gleicher, McKinnon To Withstand Runo M6yer Gets Magazine Chair Dawn tabulations told the story of the University Party's sweeping retaliation to last spring's de feat and anti-climaxed three months of the quietest political season in recent Carolina history. The UP's premiere candidate, Bert Bennett, copped the party laurels and the presidency of the student body with a staggering 1000 vote lead over Hobart McKeever. The party took a clean sweep of the student body offices and a majority of the class posts as 2,150 students far below last year's 2,499-vote record strolled apathetically to the polls. Student Council tabulators released the final counts at 4:30 this morning following nine hours of the closest checked ballot counting. Former dark horse Ben McKinnon and Stud Gleicher stand up again under campus opinion next week for the only runoff of the spring elections. McKinnon polled 754 votes for the Tar an' Feathers editorship, closely followed on the heels by Gleicher with a total of 680. Charlie Colby, SP candidate and third member of the con tending trio, was dropped out of the runoff with 522 votes. The vice-presidency of the student body went to UP's Steve Peck with an amazing 1,379 to 622 margin over Dick Railey. The secre tary-treasurer as Sam Gambill was elected over Don Nicholson by the count of 1,089 to 867. In the race for editorship of the problematical Carolina Mag, Syl van .Meyer easily defeated SP candidate Harley Moore by a 138- vote edge. Next to Bennett's phenomenal balloting, UP's Billy Webb defeat ed Jim Loeb by the amazing difference of 1,288 to 441 for the mem- bership-at-large seat on the Publica- tions Union boards . Editor shro . i . r Bob Spence Conquers Senior Class Executive Position Student Party nominee Bob Spence took the presidency of the Senior class from Jack Markham by a 293-237 vote, final returns last night revealed. The vice-president's chair went to the UP's Craig Phillips (270), leav ing Jack Jarvis trailing with 247 bal lots while the race for secretary be tween Dell Bush and Jinette Hood was cornered by the UP's Hood with n narrow marenn of 32 votes. Final count was 278-246. Frosty Long (UP) outran Mike Mangum for treasurer of the class with a vote of 290 to" 224. The three highest men in the race for the student Legislature were Lar ry Berluti, (UP) with 392 votes, Lem Gibbons. (SP) with 294 votes, and Pat Johnson, (UP) with 283 votes. : - - -""X -jix. " 1 1 - ; - " v s S,VV - "I ' ! ! - DOTSON PALMER, UP, eased by Denny Hammon, SP, for junior class representative to the honor council by 13 votes. Palmer polled 234 and Hammond 221. v LARGE BLOC of fraternity votes in the last minutes of counting gave "Ernie Frankel the post of junior member of the PU board by 16-vote margin. f - 1 1 s A. ' " j I , K ' If ill' ii ifif i" a n n ii n ifin M AairtS inyiMafi''i'i"i tei BOB SPENCE outlasted Jack Mark hVm for president of the senior class in one of the most interesting races of the day. t Postponed Recital Scheduled Sunday The piano recital by William Gant which was scheduled for last night and postponed because of x the open ing of the Playmakers' production and the speech of Leon Henderson, will be given Sunday evening, May 10, 8:30 PM, at Hill muisc hall. In direct contrast, the Ernie Fran- kel-Paul Komisaruk battle ended in a slim 16-vote lead for Frankel, (UP) for junior representative to the PU board. Ben Snyder defeated Hayden Carruth in a rare SP triumph for the senior representative to the board. A record number of double-endorsements eliminated voting on nine cam pus posts as Bucky Harward, DTH editor, W. J. Smith, speaker of the legislature, Hugh Morton, Yackety Yack editor, Frank Alspaugh, head cheerleader, Dave Barksdale, presi dent of the Athletic association, Sim Nathan, vice-president of the A A, and Steve Karres, senior representative to the student council went into their offices unopposed and bearing the nod from both campus political parties. Bill Cobb was doubly-endorsed for the debate council and Cecil Hill was unopposed as SP candidate for the dual office. 1 Snell Top Man in Town Race for Legislature Town boys and girls stepped for ward yesterday with a heavy vote to place six representatives on the stu dent legislature out of a possible nine with John Snell polling 332 votes to lead the group. Closely following Snell was Billy Britt with 323 ballots and Frank Ca- they, third member to hit the 300 class, with a total of 306 votes. Completing the legislature was Alliene Brawley with 286, Sim Nathan with 281, and Charles Briley with 268. GWSH Third Showing Hits Public Tonight With two more performances scheduled, "George Washington Slept Here," hilarious comedy now playing at the Playmaker theatre, opens its third run tonight at 8:30. Past audiences have been recep tive and have laughed with vigor at the plights of the bewildered charac ters. Rating favorable reviews from state and campus newspapers, "George Washington Slept Here" is the result of deft direction by Earl Wynn and polished characterizations by the actors. Coeds Lead Services The regular services at Hill hall to night at 7:30 will be conducted by Uni versity coeds. Osborne Tops Council Vote The races for the honor council po sitions of the various classes were close and well contested with Bucky Osborne of the senior class leading the individual balloting. Honor coun cil candidates are not affiliated with either nartv and all candidates are named bv the student council. Seven men were elected from each group. Senior Honor Council Bucky Osborne, with his total of 362 votes, led the race for the senior class council over a field of 14 candi dates. Moyer Hendrix polled 319 votes for the second-highest total, and Dan Marks got 312 votes filling the third position. Lem Gibbons with 297, Dan Martin with 290, Rich Van Wag oner with 254 and Floyd Cahooni with 245 votes round out the seven-man council. Junior Honor Council In the junior race Jim Pritchett com piled a total of 266 votes to-lead the balloting. Wade Weatherford mark ed up the second highest total with 241 votes, Billy Britt polled 230, Stir ling Gilliam 216, Ralph Hodges and Francis King tied for fifth place with 199 votes; and Paul Dulin and John Robinson tied for the seventh place with 197 votes each. The council will make the decision in the Dulin-Robinson race and decide on the man to fill the seventh position. Sophomore Honor Council 1 Mac Lane walked off with the votes in the race for the sophomore honor council, Lane 'polled 297 votes. John Simms got 233 votes, Douglas Hunt See OSBORNE, page U MARY FOSTEH WARREN (cen ter) was elected secretary of the WAA but on her election day she took time off to gab sociably with Anne Lewis (left) and companion. UP Victory Sweeps Sophomores The University party swept the Sophomore class as the returns trin- kled in from the counting rooms last night, and candidate, Charles Davis defeated his student party opponent Mac Earle by a 103 vote margin. Da vis polled a total of 275; Earle a bal ance of 168. Student party nominee Don Henson conquered the race for Student coun cil with 232 votes, defeating Lane Stokes, the UP man who received a total ballot of 192: This proved one of the closest contests of the election. The University party captured both the vice-presidency and the secretary ship, Dick Hartley and Vic Seixas taking the positions respectively. Hart- ey received 282 votes over his op ponent Buddy Crone's 158. Seixas got a 255 total over Buck Buchanan's 166. The treasurer post went to Student party candidate Reid Thompson with 278 vote total. He beat Ed Oles, University party nominee who polled 155 votes. Two UP men Ralph Strayhorn, E. O. Brogden and one SP man, Larry Johnson, defeated Charles Weil, Grim- sley Hobbs, and Oscar Lubow for Sophomore representatives to the Stu dent legislature. Voting ran: Stray- horn, 318; Brogden, 231; Johnson, 252; Weil, 106; Hobbs, 181; Lubow, 39. Amendments Fail To Draw Votes Amendments to the Legislature con stitution presented on the ballot yes terday did not draw sufficient votes to pass. Whether they die for Jack of quorum is not yet known because he Daily Tar Heel did not want to wake up Ferebee Taylor at 4:30 in the morning to find out. Independent Campaign McKinnon, Gleicher to Stage Runoff for T&F Editorship Polling 754 votes, . Ben ' McKinnon, ley Moore. the only candidate to wage an inde- , For the first time in several years pendent campaign, was high man in the editorships of the Daily Tar Heel a three-way race for editorship of and Yackety-Yack were unopposed. the Tar an' Feathers, defeating Stud Bucky Harward, DTH, and Hugh Mor- Gleicher (680) and Staff Nominee ton, Y-Y, were automatically named. Charlie Colby (522). , - The new Publications Board is com- A revote will be staged next week posed of Ben Snyder, senior member at a time set by the student council and president-elect who received 954 between McKinnon and Gleicher. votes to Hayden Carruth's 851; Ernie Sylvan Meyer, managing editor of Frankel, junior member, who got 877 the Daily Tar Heel, went into the votes to Paul Komisaruk's 861; and editorship of the Carolina Magazine Billy Webb, member-at-large, who by polling 1029 votes to 841 for Har- swamped Jim Loeb, 1288 to 441.