THE DAILY TAR HEEL APRIL FOOL PAGE TWO l mc jufiuiiiiijia jl fill- iLiuec BOBBY . WES RED BETTIE CLIFF FEED BAY Editor of Editors Editor Managing Editors Editor Associated with Editors Editor in Charge of Business Editor Who Doesn't Circulate Ass Editor NEVTL LACKEY KORAL STERN GAUTIER MARSHALL . LAMKIN POP JO' GREEN FAFI JANET MARY HILL WASHBURN SAM ELAINE MICKIE Another Ass Editor JEditor on Mag Editors Straight Ticket Editor Editorial Editor Unintelligible Editor Morale Editor Another Such Editor Editor Who Isn't Here Sporting Editor Assistant New Editor Oh You Editor! Coed Editor .i.. Shorts Editor Flagler's Editor Another Morale Editor -Feature Editor AENCHBACHER GILES FOO . DARLEY JEAN FARRIS SELIG NAT Blue Sweater Editor What an Editor! Married Editor I ......... Phi Editor .; . . Brew Editor Night Editor ....., . ... Foo's Editor .:. Here's My Deke Pin Editor SUZANNE ..... Here's Your Deke Pin, Editor . Hubba Editor Roosevelt Editor . ; Layout Editor ; Selig's Editor THE WASTE LAND ur 'To do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." For T. Stern Eliot Ceteris paribus I. KEEP OFF THE GRASS Polk Place is the cruellest place Mixing jyey-coyered granite ! .With candy wrappers: Ante-Greeks in paint-smeared shorts See a decaying tree Not the Davie Poplar. And we strolled down Franklin . ., And past the Intimate For a cup of coffee in Danziger's Crisp the naivete not the cynic Said I would not defy God Nor Douglass Hunt. Push a pea nut Across the Y Court Or do a strip-tease on Franklin Street I hope you will save yourself ' . i . . . . - S The ignonimy of both! And saying So it is With voting. IV. H. THE WORDS OF LANIER The General Assembly shall pro vide That the benefits of the Univer sity As far as practicable ... Ach! Mein Got! They are hollow men! The world is too much with them Late and soon. A student is a valuable Article Lanier hath said it. Selah. III. THE UNITED CAROLINA PARTY Requires a two-thirds vote And Roberts can't be wrong What fools you mortals be You can't win an election On principles, but yes, A prejudicial attack On fraternities. A party of individuals Voting their conscience And although we won't say so It's really wise, for truth Will triumph and so will we. All right, youve heard your principles, Now let's get down and get some votes. There'll be a triple-headed mon ster! And talking And waiting And fighting -. And talking. And talking THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE And we, like sheep, shall go astray As red as the Nile The voice of the people Is the voice of God. V. THE UNIVERSITY PARTY Fannin, Davis, Veasey, Are a good boy, for they Don't have principles. Brinkley, Adams, Hendren, Are a bad boy, for they . Changed horses to become sheep. And they, like sheep, shall go astray. Ha! Ha! It ain't so funny Joe. Vote 'er straight, me lad S. G. just ain't no fad. Vote 'er straight, mama For the glory of Pi Pi Gamma! You can put up a ticket It ain't no racket But it takes guts Until it hu'ts To vote 'er straight, me lad. Fill high the bowl with crossed squares The golden bowl is broken ! Gold and iron are good To buy iron and gold But it's friendship, friendship Dear ole golden friendship. VI. WHAT THE FOURTH ES TATE SAID The oldest hath borne plenty, we that are young Shall never see so much, or do so much ' Until the University returns to normalcy. The liberals are radical, the con servatives Reactionary. Reaction is crim inal, radicals Are not reaUy radicals. "Puke-Eye Own Words Swango in Interview Says in "Ah Has' Me A Hell of A Time 19 By Tookie Hodgson i JbJdeibert swango is certainly, a character. Yes, sir, if there ever was a character on this campus, Edelbert Swango is it. Just ask those who move in the highest student political circles and they will tell you Swango is undoubtedly more of a chara cter than any other character of all the characters who now grace the serene domain of the university. In short, Edelbert Swango is a real, true-to-life character. Edelbert, or "Puke-eye", as he is more familiarly known, was born in the town of Howling Dog, N. C, just twenty years ago on the very night when his beloved father was shot and kill ed in a running battle with reve nue agents. This incident pro foundly effected young "Puke eye's" life, and he has never once let the "Demon Rum" flow down the old gullet, for, as he says, "What has alcohol got that co caine ain't." After graduating from the state reform school with honors in whittling and skunk-trapping, "Puke-eye"; possessed of a knawing desire for self rimprove ment, betook himself to our fair college in quest of further edu cation. It is common knowledge that he has now admirably real ized his noble ambition. His grades in Biological Night-Field Studies and wonderful work in the Arboretum have fiUed his male classmates with envy. His intensive research into female physiology has brought him state-wide praise. Recently a coed, who served as "Puke-eye's" assistant, in one of his interest ing experiments, remarked to a friend, "Hubba, hubba! I love that man ! " But all is not work with Edel bert Swango, better known as "Puke-eye." Play is an important factor in this campus character's college life. Almost any night you can see him down by Graham Memorial good-naturedly heav ing bricks at his chums or oc casionally tossing a lighted stick of dynamite in the main lounge, much to the amusement of the bystanders loitering around the place. Sometimes, when in a rarticu larly jovial mood, "puke-eye" will sneak up behind an unsus pecting coed, and pour a quart or so of sulphuric acid down her neck. This stunt always gets a good laugh from the crowd, and strengthen "Puke-eye's" status as a character. Edelbert Swango, better served with honor in the office of editor of the college humor magazine, "Filthy Fun". In the social sense, good old "Puke-eye" is definitely of the "barefoot haut mode," which is the highest circle one may aspire to in this genteel madhouse of pedagogery. He is also president of the unique Kappa Beta Phi fraterni ty; he is a prime motivator in the planning of those fascinating soirees called "blanket parties", and last but not least he is the president of the Stripper Danc ing Club, an interesting organi zation which holds three orgies a year in the Washington Duke Hotel's Gypsy Rose Lee Room, Thus, every-one can plainly see how full is our campus charact er's social life. Or to put it in Edelbert Swango's, better known as "Puke-eye", own words. "Ah has me a hell of a time!" Our hero, when queried by this interviewer as to his future ambitions, told me he only "Wished Ah could be like that great South'n orator, E. Beaure- M know as "Puke-eye' cuts quite jgard Claghorn, Senator Clag- a figure politically and . socially, as well as acedemically. He has been elected to seven straight terms in the Student Dissipator's Forum (which meets at Harry's every night), he has been president of the Uni versity Hop-heads on two suc cessive occasions, and he has tjwe ur-m By Jerry Lightfoot Davidoff In 1898 there were 1,786,206 bushmen on the island of Pingo Pango. Of these 628,407 were devout Baptist, following the training given them by Rev. L. Stanforde Potatoeat who had been a missionary on Pingo Pan go for forty years. And 1,003 more were Holy Rollers after having witnessed the Ringling Brothers Circus in 1895. The rest were ardent cannibals, still faithful to tfce lore of their fore fathers, which means, of course, carnivorous. The natives of Pingo Pango have formed an active Inter- faith Council to seek a logical end to their common problems of belief, and to aid in foreign mis sionary work. This progressive group worked steadily for thirty years to end discrimination against vegitarians. The chief industries on this verdant island were the making of hand carved button-holes for straight-jackets, cartons for used W. J. Bryan campaign but tons and drill presses for the Keiser plant at Willow Run. Un til last year the island lived .in tranquil peace, it's murder rate decreasing to less than 96 per thousand and it's birth rate ris ing steadily to almost 4 per thousand per year. Since Pingo Pangoians live long lives the re latively low birth rate, compar ed to , say, Greenland, is of lit tle importance. In 1943 a labor organizer nam ed R. Lee Cattleyarjd arrived and began to arouse the workers in the three plants. This was not difficult to do since all the work ers were low on cigarettes and their wives had been away for six months at a meeting of the combined UDC-DAR chapter on the nearby island of Statusquon ia. With offers of cartons of Mel- ichrino cigarettes Cattleyard de nounced the bosses. However, one Willkie Doorstepp, Jr., of the Active Teamsters Organization IWDWD'DAlBnJE nearly broke up the plot by stat ing bluntly that "whether you're rich or you're poor, it's good to have money." This started the natives thinking, which meant that they were no longer mental ly decadent. One particular schol ar of the period states in this way: "Do suppose that you are walking through the Arboretum with a girl and she says 'Buy me a shot of Private Stock." It means she is thirsty, or I don't know what. Without money you are frustrated. This proves that the Aboretum is a good place to get rid of all frustrations, or I don't know what." However, this scholar was not there, and his research is incidental to his works on the sugar beet indus try in Bosnia which were pub lished by the UNC Press last year. All of this goes to prove, sug gests Richard Strewn, a noted metaphysical economist who dis cards all theories which" seem logical to any one but himself, that T. S. Eliot's theory of wages, combined with the mole cular theory of ethics, would set tle the world's problems. Mr. Strewn also has a visceral theory which has even less to do with the topic. At any rate, socialism, the atomic bomb, labor-management disputes and the closed shoppe argument fit into the picture some way. What happened was that seven Chancillors of great American Universities went m, played mouth organs and bass trom bones for the workers, and by the time CPU got around to dis cussing the problem it was set tled. The meeting adjourned to Danziger's where James "Maple leaf Rag" Valence gave a lec ture to a disinterested audience on sheep manure fertilizer and its relationship to world govern ment. Next week the CPU will dis gust the ''White Slave Trade in horn, that is !" When asked who, in his opinion, were ' the other outstanding men in the country today, "Puke-eye" replied, "Dick Tracy, Senator Bilbo, and Dave Clarke' Swango gives his favorite literature as the Nudist Monthly, and his favorite sport is (DE is also many other people's fa vorite sport ! Thus we have Edelbert Swan go, more familiarly known as "Puke-eye". Certainly he is a good example of a "character". Surely there could be no more typical character than he, and no doubt there are not many people more beloved by their See "PUK&-EYE" page U. Ucw Beer This' Mongolian issionary Mumbles A. B. Smith, popular, vivaci- ous, campus personality, v born in a manger in southern Mongolia in the year 1929. Many of the natives of that area had a tendency to worship young Abie for many years because a star was seen to shine brightly over the spot where he lay in his swaddling clothes. His father was One Low Smith. Records are not quite clear on who his mother was. The oft heard ru mor that he is the illegitimate son of Mrs. H. M. Stacy has not however, a bit of truth to it. Mrs. Stacy was living with a rubber planter in Chile when our hero first saw the light of day. When Smith reached the age of thirteen he realized his true calling he was intended to go forth in the world and preach the doctrine of temperence ! ! Ac cordingly he left his little home in Mongolia and came to Chapel Hill to do missionary work among the alcoholics. You may find young, hand some, colorful, gracious, trust worthy, loyal, helpful, brave, clean and reverent, A. B. Smith any night, atop his soapbox, with brass band surrounding him, preaching to. the wayward throng in front of Jeffs Soda Parlor. One pig: "Have you heard from your husband lately?" Other pig: "Yes, I got a lit ter from him yesterday." A Holy Roller: A person who does his celebrating and church going at the same time. Report to the Campus Recent Revelations of the Cosmic Manifestations By George Stern jeon The most recent regurgitation of the campus drama disorgan ization emerged in the repulsive form of an opus symbolically tagged Yes, the Begonias; Re cent Revelations of the Cosmic Manifestations. Hormone Wsmi th, Lucifer's collaborator on this abortion, has the singular merit of being the worst playwrite that has ever been the misfor tune of this humble reviewer to review. Mr. W smith (recently changed from Psmith according to JMorganton's records) has managed to collect a thousand or two of the ugliest syllables in the language's reportoire and weave them into the most revolt ing, mangled, incoherent, and lewd sentences that have ever caused a blush on virginal cheek bones. From the first line "Sweating carpals" to the last, "Perspiring Begonias" a dull neon appear ance spread over the panting audience, until in the third act climax, when Rubba Hockit fell naked into Lucius's arms, a fire started in the audience until it died for want of air. Darkest Africa", especially in re gard to its effect on the problem of military conscription in Bo livia. Greenback Crumbly, the CPU Chairman, will present a three sided factual report, and Senator Beriberi Pellagra, of South Carolina, chairman of the Senate's Committee investiga ting the IPU (International Pimps Union) will be the Union's guest. The director, Losther Jelled f en has, it is rumored disappear ed peculiarly so has Rubba and the Hop Scotch Bar Fund and after this disaster it is not dif ficult to see why. It is not enough that the sound effects of the bat tle scene arrived during the funeral, that the prompter came out to slug the actors on missed cues or that the actors chose to see who would play their scenes first and then decided to play them simultaneously, but when a construction company started to erect a tomb for Knave Shark while Rubba was having her sex tuplets we cannot but remark that the timing and taste of re production could have been im proved. The acting, as a pleasant con trast, was only lousy. Occasional ly it became intelligent to the Lithuanian student on my left, but as he melted at the first comprehensible line I do not know whether the entire per formance was performed in this most original tongue. But Rub ba Hockit, though but one word (Anglo-Saxon in origin I be lieve) issued from her gorgeous lips gave one of the most feel ing and significant performances in tne modern theatre she ran the gamut from A to A. Lucius Pensnorter simply stunk. The rest of the performers were not quite up to this standard. Though this was one of the most distinguished performances the Carolina campus has seen for years only six Jadies, five nuns and someone named Kickerd from the modern outhouse op posite the well, fainted.

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