V TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 1946 THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE THREE Carolina Mine G-Feepglojor ORB Today Battles ECTC Curtm.em To Meet Carolina Today Today's Intramural Contests Postponed v All intramural activities were cancelled yesterday and will be called off again today due to the Carolina-ORD base ball game. Today's scheduled games in softball and the tennis match es will be played on Friday af ternoon at the same time. Monday's softball games and tennis matches have been postponed until next Monday afternoon. Intramural Director Marvin Allen stated yesterday that the water polo will begin prob ably next Monday. Swimmers that earned letters between ...1945-46 are not eligible to compete in the event. Owen Rejoins Dodgers San Antonio, Texas, April 8 (UP) Catcher Mickey Ow en announces that he is going back to the Brooklyn Dodgers. Owen is the second big-league star to jump the Mexican lea i gue within the last three days. Send home. the Daily Tar Heel Jack Hester, Ted Haigler ncenea lilt Captain Tar Heel Trackmen 1 Played This Afternoon Carolina Meets Georgia Tech Here Saturday; Strong Field in Mile Co-Captains. Jack Hester and Ted Haigler will lead the Tar Heel track team into a tough schedule here Saturday, when the Blue and White cindermen meet Georgia Tech, last year's Southeastern Conference champions. Carolina is expected to be ra ther strong in the long and mid dle distances and the pole vault. The dashes and hurdles will be fairly well-padded with material. The question mark on the team will be the field events, where not too much is known about the ma terial as yet. Mile Event - The mile event will probably be one of the strong features of the team, with former Dart mouth miler Mark Burnham leading a strong field. Close be hind Burnham will be Walter Francis and Art Lamb. Other candidates for the event include L. R. Briley, W. B. Good, W. C. Helmly, H. Pallulat, ., Charles Tietjen. John Strait, Mac Hobkirk, and J. R. Bristow are outstanding candidates in the two mile. They Bicycles and Accessories Expert Repair on All Bicycles PATTERSON TIRE CO. Phone F-2841 nil iii n q i ' i ! DiLorenzo Slated to Start; Team Goes North Tomorrow Locals Seek Third Win of Season Against Visiting Soldier Outfit By Bob Goldwater Gunning for their third victory of the 1946 campaign, the Tar Heel baseballers will entertain the Greensboro ORD nine on Em erson Field today at 4 p.m. in their last clash before departing on tEeir three-game tour into Virginia and Maryland. Southpaw Vinnie DiLorenzo is slated to receive Coach Bunn Hearn's starting nod against the Army team. Making his third appearance and first mound start of the season, DiLorenzo will be out to keep his record of nine- scoreless innings intact. Hamp Coleman and Monk Whiteheart. Nicholson Starts In Second Place By Herb Bodman After much vacillation a sex tet of tennis players from East ern Carolina Teachers' College lead a field including Walter Francis, F. B. Hatch, F. Hardy, wn arrive in chapel Hill this af A i I Jim joroen, Art Lamo, ... ternoon to nlav the Tar Heels. rni -d s-v s-v t 1 - J J I me jluu ya. aasn is expecteu The matches are-scheduled to to be fairly strong with Laddie commence -at 2:30 this after- Terrell displaying fairly good time in practice. Following Ter rell are Ted Haigler and Gerry Beffnaud in the two and three noon. Coach John Kenfield received a letter from ECTC yesterday momincr statin of thnt.thpv wnnlrl , Z r -X be unable to field a team, but la- mciuae w. r. , vv, uer iT1 tllft w w,rPf1 w mm i . mm I m-mm m.m rW -mmm) J A A mt V W ismi, o. u onneu x. xu. they would arrive as pianned. Hun A S Titinskv. Tavlor m . . . : " ' " me team is not rnnsnrierprf a Thorne, and 1. K. Wall. vQi rm win v T.r Haigler Shows Form. fil , m HnTvlo , , . , -, . i uwuw uwuM. Ted Haigler has been display ing outstanding form in the 220 yd. dash, with Laddie Terrell and Charles Donnell right behind him. The remainder of the field practice in preparation for what is expected to be a hard battle with the William and Mary In dians, here next Friday. Coach Kenfield stated that he would includes Gerry Begnaud, W. P. probably dip lower down on the Benton T. H Grudup, T. M. Jor- possiby ag far as Laboratory in a Birch Thicket This thicket of birch trees is one of the Bell System's scientific work shops. Here our scientists have strung telephone wires through the crowded branches to learn just how much tree rubbing and abuse the protective coverings and insulation on new types of .wire will stand. Important? With more than fifteen million insulated "drop wires" con nectinghome and business telephones to nearby poles, we've got to be sure that the wire we use is the very best that can be produced. This is but one small example of hundreds of experiments and research projects carried on constantly by Bell Laboratories to make Bell Telephone Service more dependable, more useful, to more people. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM dan, and T. R. Wall. This season will mark the 22nd year of Coach Dale Ranson as track coach at Carolina. In ad dition ' to track, Coach Ranson has produced 14 Southern Con ference cross country champion ship teams. Phantoms Are Guests Of Kiwanis Tonight The White Phantoms, Caro lina's Eastern Intercollegiate championship basketball team, will be the guests of the Chapel Hill Kiwanis club at a banquet in the ballroom of the Carolina Inn at 6:45 tonight, President Sam Oakley of the Kiwanis an nounced yesterday. The banquet is for all of the team members who made the trip to Madison Square Gar den to participate in the NCAA championships. Monogram Club Meets Those boys who won letters in winter sports are instructed to meet tonight at 7:00 o'clock to place their orders for athletic sweaters. if To Remind You ... Order Easter Flowers NOW Flowers by Wire Everywhere University Florist "for the best in flowers" Pick Theatre Bldg Phone 6816 9326 tenth position, to garner his dou bles team if the singles matches result favorably. For Carolina, Gus Maas will be the first court player, seeking his second win of the season.. Maas is the only member of the start ing combination that has not changed his position since the tennis ladder was inaugurated two weeks ago. Stan Gruner, previously number two man on the team, was relegated to third place Sunday when he was de feated by Jim Nicholson. This drops Mel Jordan to fourth place, in which spot he will play tomor row. Dick Swigert will play as number five, and sixth will be Ed Dameron. Others that may see action are Daniels and Skakle. Swigert is the only new member of the combination, having jumped into fifth place Friday afternoon by virtue of a hard- fought win over Ed Dameron. BASEBALL RESULTS Hickory, N. C, April 8. (UP) Cleveland (A) 000 000 2 1 New York (N) 120 047 11 0 (Game called rain.) Bill Voiselle and Clyde Kluttz; Red Embree and Vim Hegan. Home run : Sid Gordon (NY) 2nd 1 on. both of whom scored triumphs last week, are expected to follow the portsider to the hill. Tulsa, Okla., April 8. (UP) St. Louis (A) 000 001 0001 8 0 Chicago (N) 000 000 0000 5 0 Nelson Potter, Stan Ferens (8) and Frank Mancuso; Henry Ryan Has Measles Aside from the outfield and the shortstop post, the rest of the starting lineup will be the same as tnat wnicn opened against VPI Friday. Rollo Frazier wil be behind the plate, John Greg ory at first, George Thompson at second, and Bob " bullet-arm" Warren at third. Sparkplug Fred Ryan is ill with the measles and is being replaced at the shortstop slot by Bo Hackney. In the outer gardens, today's trio will consist of Cleet Cleet- wood in left, Charlie Cole in cen ter, and Harry Beason in right. Coach Hearn has yet to start the same combination twice, with six outfielders sharing the opening assignments in the five previ ous contests. Also due to see some action are infielders Johnny Colones, John ny Pecora, and Johnny Hearn, picketmen Emmett Cheek, Tom Clayton, and Ott Evans, and backstop Jim Hayworth. Possible starters for the Hawks are Moran and McCon- very as battery mates, Piascik, Gibbs. Modica. and Freeze around the infield, and Mills, Klein, and Pollack, on the outer patrol. The soldiers split their last two outings, downing the Greensboro Patriots, 5-4, Sun day, and losing to Elon College, 4-3, earlier in the week. Northern Trip The Tar Heels open their northern trip Thursday against Virginia, oppose Maryland Fri day, and proceed to Annapolis Saturday to encounter the Mid dies. Only the Maryland contest will be a Southern Conference clash. Wyse, John Schmitz (7) and Clyde McCullough. r Pick Theatre TODAY mm.. I Jed Briaa IIcCEZA "WwJI DONLEVY-Scy TUFTS Oklahoma City, Okla., April g.(UP) Chicago (A) 010 003 000 4 9 1 Pittsburgh (N) 001 000 0001 5 1 Leo Perme and Ed Fernandez ; Tate, Ken Heintzelman (6) and Henry Camelli. Home run: Murrell Jones (Chi.) 6th, none on Subscribe to the Daily Tar Heel I I WILL BUY Your Outgrown Clothing and Shoes. GROSSMAN In Carrboro Upstairs Write me a postcard and I will calL State Nine to Play Deacons in Opener On Big Four Slate Honor of prying off the lid of the Big Four, successor to the war-born Ration League, is in the hands of North Carolina State and N the Wake Forest Deacons. These two entries open up the Big Four season tomor row afternoon on the Wake For est diamond. The Deacons, returning to the baseball wars, replace the Nortfy Carolina Pre-Flight entry which was a member of the Ration loop for three seasons, coming through with the. pennant in 1944, under the coaching of Glenn Killinger. Wolf Pack Strong The Wolf pack, coached this year by Vic Jsorren, lormer eague pitching star, has never oeen aoie to maKe mucn oi a splurge in the loop campaigns, being handicapped by green ma terial almost every season. How ever, Coach Sorrell has some ex perienced performers on the 1946 squad and the 'Pack hopes to make its presence felt in this year's race. Since the Deacons have not indulged in the diamond sport for several seasons, not too much is known of their strength, but Coach Murray Greason has not been conceding anything and tomorrow's inaugural will give the fans a better basis for rat ing the Deacons than they have had heretofore. CLASSIFIED ' Advertisements most be paid for In adrnc and turned in at the Daily Tab Ekel business office, Graham Memorial, by 8 o'clock the day preceding publication. Dial 8641. Fifty cents each inch and fraction. The Daily Tab Hzbx will be responsible oaly for the first Incorrect tnaarfinn and then only to the extent of B make-good insertion to be run only in ease of an error which lessens ine vaiue oi vtm a-vertisement. ANNOUNCEMENT Those who wish to attend Hillel's annual Seder, next Monday evening, April 15, at the Caro lina Inn, Main Ballroom, must secure tickets at the Hillel of fice by Thursday at 5 p.m. FOR SALE One American btandard trom bone with case. In good condi tion. Inquire of DTH editor, GM, or box 1080. LOST Red bill fold. Saturday between Western Union and Danziger's. REWARD. Call Virginia Wil- : 'son, 4081. Silver charm bracelet. Last seen 2 weeks ago. REWARD $5. Return to Angela W. Ha mer, Westwood Drive. Dial 6871. Grey Persian Mole kitten. White spot under neck. About 6 months old. Finder please call Madge Crawford 8246. Dance To The Music of ROY COLE AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dial 6076