a - mat J 1 f I PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEL SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1946 ! I i I V" ' "1 Vlx H If l' ! ff li ;c-i.TS2 j -f? ' -1 I ;lff --1 I f ff ff 5; J.'?-"if":-; " .' ' '. ! " J y- Jj-flffMTiia i iiimmVwiWiTi r nnimmimii Mufti iwiminfininr i n-l Candlelight Corner By Arnold Schulman Business of playing the chimes in the Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower at the University involves not only musical ability but a great deal of physical exertion. Here Monte Howell, Jr., University honor graduate of 1946 and an instructor in the University Musio Department, who now plays the chimes, is shown at work. The interested bystanders are Jeanie Ferrier (left), University senior from Clemson, S. C, and Jane Hutson, senior from Winston-Salem. The Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower is the gift of John Motley More head III and the late Rufus L-. Patterson II, two prominent University alumni. Musician Works Out in 100,000 Tower Versatile Monie Howell Says Playing Bell Chimes Is Work Important radio officials from Dur ham and Chapel Hill were present at the Candlelight Room last night to se lect talent for future use in profes sional broadcasting. Those under consideration were Joe O'Ryan, monologist; singers Lenier Davis, Stover Dunnigan and Jean Ferrier. ( Friday Night Frolics, limited last night to table space available, featured the dance music of Scott Gardner's swing sextet before and after the floor show. ' Beginning a new series of mid-week entertainment, "Candlelight, Carolyn" will present two shows next Wednes day night in the Candlelight Room and will be featured on succeeding Wed nesday nights until the end of the summer session. Playing everything from Chopin to Tin Pan Alley boogie Carolyn, "the in comparable," will sing and cater to the requests of the audience. Scott Gardner's trio has been signed for the new series known as the "Mid-week Melody Dance." - A-l-.-V.. -.rvw.-.-.-.--- 'J-JmnrlinMl By Arnold Schulman During the summer it takes more than just musical ability to play the chimes in the Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower at the University of North Carolina. You can take the word of Monte Howell, Jr., of Chapel Hill, master bell ringer that the job aso takes a lot of physical exerction. Howell, who received his A.B. in music with highest " honors here in June and is now piano and organ in structor in the University Music De partment, can be found literally "knocking himself out" on the carillon between 6 and 7 o'clock every even ing. He is usually surrounded by a group SALES and REPAIRS On Watches and Jewelry Watch Crystals Fitted in One Hour. GODWIN Jewelry Company Beneath Sutton's Drug Store 7i Sales and Repairs PHILCO RADIOS Ogburn Furniture Co. 312-314 W. Franklin PHONE 5841 y sf ... or Dress and Sport Also lovely matching handbags. Marilyn Slipper Shop Durham of admiring, though unenvious, specta tors who occassionally request their favorite tunes. The son of Dr. A. C. Howell of the University English Department and Mrs. Howell, Monte is in charge of the nightly chime concerts only until Sep tember when he will leave for Har vard University where he has been awarded a scholarship in English. He wears the Phi Beta Kappa key, wa3 president of the band, and member of the highest honorary society on the campus The Golden Fleece. The bell tower in vrtiich Monte takes his nightly workouts was the $100,000 gift of John Motley Morehead III and the late Rufus L. Patterson, II, two of the University's most prominent alumni. It was formally presented to the University at services here on Thanksgiving Day prior to the Carolina-Virginia football game in 1931. The structure, built on a knoll, stands some 200 feet above the sur rounding country and is visible in all directions for many miles. The land- scaping, lined witn $z,uuu wortn oi box hedges, has been widely acclaimed for its outstanding beauty. The chimes, winch are heard daily on the campus, are an exact replica of the famous West Point chimes and con sist of twelve bells, ranging in weight from 300 to 14,300 pounds. They are fortunately controlled electrically, and there is no apparent need for the white-haired hunback with long yel low fangs commonly associated with bell towers to swing from the bell ropes. The tower has a self-regulated clock with four dials, each nine feet in diameter. The dials automatically light up at dusk and extinguish at day light. The dials face due north, south, east and west. Each quarter hour the Wesminister j The surrealistic paintings displayed last night along the Candlelight Room walls came from Bud Imbrey's gifted brushes. New exhibitions of local art will be shown periodically in the Gra ham Memorial night club. Fall Registration Begins August 19 Official fall pre-registration will begin the week of August 19 for all general college students. Students are asked to sign up for appoint ments at the information desk in South Building beginning Wednes day, August 14. , This early registration will re lease students from returning as early as well as standing in line in the fall. TROUBLED BY MOTHS? ROACHES? TERMITES? CALL 6901 TODAY Service Fully Guaranteed Eight Years' Experience Veteran Exterminating Company r i aai 169 E. Franklin St. Dial byUl Chapel HflL N. C UNIVERSITY FLORIST 'Tor the Best in Flowers" PICK THEATRE BLDG. Chapel Hill, N. C. Telephone 6816 Student Legislature Will Meet Thursday Jim Taylor, speaker pro-tem of the Student Legislature, announced today that a very important ses sion of the group will be held Thursday, August 15 at 7:30 p. m. in Gerrard hall. "It is important that all legisla tors be present at this meeting," the speaker added. chimes are pealed on four of the bells. The hours are struck on the largest of the bells Governor Morehead. Each bell is inscribed with the name of some member of the Morehead or Patterson family. MRS. BAYARD WOOTTEN Pictures of Mobile Now on Exhibition In Person Gallery By Kitty Boone Photographs of Mobile, the Ala bama city which blends the romance, history, and mingled traditions of the Old South with the eager energy of today, are on exhibition in Person Hall Art Gallery and will remain un til August 20. They are part of a collection of pho tographs taken by Mrs. Bayard Woot- ten, well known Chapel Hill photo graphic artist, on a trip to Alabama last spring. In the main gallery of Person Hall is an exhibit, "Photographing Sci ence," a series of photos prepared by the editors of Life magazine. Gallery hours . are from 10 to 12 and from 5 to 6 o'clock on' weekdays and from 2 to 5 on Sundays. Mobile Before Rebuilding ' . As in other Southern cities, many houses in Mobile are being torn down and old residential streets turned into commercial thoroughfares. The Mo bile Art Association asked Mrs. Wootten to photograph the old build ings there and she went to Mobile this year when the azaleas were at their peak to record gardens and land scapes, old public buildings, and old homes. Camera Club to Meet In Graham Memorial An official meeting of the Chapel Hill Camera Club has been called for next Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in the basement of Graham Memorial. a Following the business session, Mr. Lane Atkinson will instruct the meet ing on the various uses of lighting in photography, in accordance with the program outlined earlier in the sum mer. UVAWillSponsor Weekly Student Talent Contest Prize for Each Contest Will Be All-Expense Trip to Roanoke Island Lost Colony Show Starting this week the University Veterans' Association will sponsor a weekly talent show with an all-expense trip to the Lost Colony production on Roanoke Island as a prize to the winner. The show will take place every Thursday night at the veterans' club house located on the Raleigh road and will be featured in connection with the Thursday night open house for the various girl dormitories and sorori ties on the campus. All entrants should apply to Bob Dockham, 407 Grimes, UVA social chairman. Entries for each week must be in by Tuesday of that week. No Specific Qualifications Dockham has stated that there are no specihc qualifications to be met other than that all entries be in on time. He emphasized that both vet erans and non-veterans will be eli gible for the contest. In announcing the talent show Dock ham pointed out that it would be an addition to the weekly dances and open houses now being held on Thursday nights from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m.. Scott Gardner's seven-piece combo will con tinue to play for the dances while the talent show will be conducted during intermission. Overflow Crowd Attending An overflow crowd was reported at tending last Thursday's open house for Mclver dormitory. The floor show, m. c.'d by Bob Dockham, and featur ing Jeanne Ferrier and Stover Dun nagan was described as "one of the most successful shows yet presented by the veterans organization." Marine Corps League Will Meet Tuesday The Marine Corps League will meet in Graham Memorial Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, according to acting Com mandant Vic Padgett. "All past and present Marines are invited to attend this meeting", said the Commandant. LIBRARY WATERMELONS Ice-cold watermelons for sale EVERY DAY. 50c Each E. D. Crain Carrboro Across from Poe's Garage (Continued from page 1) graduated from Earlham College in the middle west. After graduation he came to Albany, N. Y., where he found a job and a wife. His first full time job as librarian was at Jackson, Michigan. Follow ing this he was appointed as librarian of the Indianapolis Public Library, where he attracted nation-wide inter est through his complete reorganiza tion of library development. He be- T gan there to compile his findings about early American routes and Quaker migrations. Dr. Rush still has bigger plans for Carolina and has planned a building program for the expansion of the li brary which will begin as soon as ap propriations can be secured from the state legislature. University Service Station Odis Pendergraft Prop. AUGUST 22-23 v ane Auten, AB 1946, of Albemarle was selected as "Miss Stanly County" at a beauty contest sponsored by the Albemarle Chamber of Commerce. CLASSIFIED Advertisement must be paid for la adrano and turned in at the Daily Tab Hul buainem office, Graham Memorial, by 8 o'clock the day preceding publication. Dial 8641. Fifty cent each inch and fraction. The Daily Tab Hibl will be responsible only for the first incorrect Insertion and then only to the extent of a make-good insertion to be ran only in ease of an error which lessens the value of the ad-rerttoement. FOR SALE One nice building lot 150x100 feet with two-room house that needs some repairs and paint. Call F-2272 after 6 p. m. (R-2308) LOST Blue Parker fountain pen on Friday, August 2. Reward. Finder return to "Y" or Don Robinson, Music Dept. (R-2307) REWARD Offered to anyone having information of brown officer's coat with green lining taken from Lenoir Dining Hall. Please contact Jim Fowler, 115 Graham Dorm. (R-2306) ! - - v r 5 : hw :- - i :jr :' - - x biiawi - -o 'vx P.; Nv v j COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP Our motor tune-up service means longer life for your car. Complete checkup of the vital parts of your motor now will save you money and head aches later. Hazzard Motor Co. 501 W. Franklin St. DIAL 4771 VIVIEN LEIGH at Cleopatra ...tlx unforjcttaU 'ScuUtt' el "Cone With The Wind" In tier first $rct role tincc n 15 f -Jmm C. C F. ntstNTS VIVIEN LEIGH CLAUDE RAINS v CAESAR AND CLEOPATRA 7 PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY (fa&Uel 'Pascal STEWART GRANGER Flora Robson Francis L Sullivan By Arrangement wifh DAVID O.SELZNICK It's a Temptation in TECHNICOLOR Released thro United Artists BE COMF RIDE ORT ABLE IN A CAROLINA CAB DIAL 4 0 i i DIAL "Easy to Wed" is the title of Esther Williams' new M-G-M hit, coming to the Carolina screen Sunday, but whatever the picture Esther's in, it could just as aptly be titled "Easy to Look at." This latest Technicolor musical offers the famed swimming champ another chance to show her stuff in the water and also has singing and dancing with Van Johnson, Lucille Ball and Keenan Wynn. YOV ARE ALWAYS WELCOME at WALGREEN'S DURHAM, N. C. SPECIAL FOR THE WEEKEND! Fresh Peach Ice Cream Also Orange-Pineapple Nut Caramel Chocolate Cherry. Vanilla FARMERS DAIRY MILK BAR 431 W. Franklin St.