By Al Cap? LI'L ABNER White's Jewelers Diamonds Watches Gifts SO THINGS JS BAD IN LOWER YAS, GUUff)-Ai EJf TWiGS IS OATT1N ONLAYS HAnntX uuwno 30QOOO,000.00 iE STARFF TO DATH ff NICE. FUTURE, HEY? - SO - HO KAY r-r SO IF HAM; M ERICA THINKS MORE. OF A LOUSY PAZZUNTS OGbLY if -RECMZ. WHEW THINGS IS GOOD HAT-THEY SLOBBOV1A- njADirc reiAUTiriii r GATT1NG BEGAN HUH. LI'L ABNER ? VJLL BECOMM EXSTIN-'- , TODAY 3f i ' mi 5 J Justice Makes NEA Second All-America Charlie "Choo-Chop" Justice was named on the second string All American backfield, along with Tucker of Army, Wedemeyer of St. Mary's and Scott of Arkansas, ac cording to an announcement yester day from the NEA service in New York. The selections were 'made in a nation-wide - poll of coaches and writers taken by NEA. FORMER EDITORS HOMECOMING The DTH staff is happy to welcome 4f I It if . .1 C J; ! ill H f I 5 ! r S ' I 4 4L Willi i It's M-G-M'f MO- steal Topptr to -Easy ! Wed 'l AN il-G-M riCTue wlfk KEENAN WYNN XAVIER Cl'SAT ud Us taitstn ' GUY L0M3ARG0 EDWARD ARNOLD MARIE WILSON LEON AIUi. Also Latest News LOST WILL THE PERSON -WHO BY MIS . take took black velvet wrap with long sleeves instead of black cape, white-line'd,, please contact Jo Pugh at 205 Carr Dorm. (2-0000) back to Chapel Hill, N for this week- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST PAIR GERMAN NAVAL GLASSES 12 power, black, with rubber eye piece covers. Left on counter in Scuttlebutt immediately after Duke game.. Finder please return to Mrs. Burton, Central Records Office, South Building. ' (1-7305) PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED o GLASSES REPAIRED o Durham Optical Co. 215 W. Main St. Phone F-2141 Durham Complete Stock of Classical & Popular Music VM AS at AB?S BOOKSHOP end, several former publications ed itors, including, DTH Managing Edi tor, 1942, Bob Hoke; Associate DTH Editor and Carolina Magazine Edi tor, 1942. Sylvan Meyer; DTH Man aging Editor, 1943, Ernie Frankel; and last year's DTH Managing Editor, Westy Fenhagen: University Service Station Odis Pendergraft Prop. teAco CELEBRITIES BROWN FUR JACKET WITH ' Brandes-Atlanta label inside, Wool r len gym cloak room Friday night. If found please call Nancy Hoff man 7061. (1-7304) WANTED TO RENT $50 REWARD FOR INFORMATION leading to rental of apartment ac ceptable to student veteran and wife. Occupancy now or Jan. 1. No children or pets. Write Box 10,000, c-o Daily Tar Heel. (1-7300) MARVINS RESTAURANT FOR A BITE OR BANQUET The Finest steaks at all times Open 7 days a week Reservations for private and fraternity parties 1002 W. Main St. Durham Dial R-5951 (Continued from page 1) Gardner recalled. "I've waited 50 years for this," United States comptroller general Lindsay Warren said as he clapped Gardner on the back in the after game celebration. Warren, whom Gardner described jokingly as "the only man sure to be in office for" the jr v 0 ears." merged with the mob leaving the stadium as "Tom Pearsall, ! j j j. - i. j. i j? expecieu to ue iieitu speaker ui uie North, Carolina general assembly, called a welcome to the Gardners. Other Celebrities Governor and Mrs. Gregg Cherry could be seen working their way through the after game crowd. For mer governor Clyde Hoey described it as "a great game." Former Governor J. Melville Brou ghton, supreme court justice W. A. Devan; state treasurer Charles N. Johnson; Judge Crawford Biggs, for mer United States solicitor general; Congressman Herbert Bonner; ex- j governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus; super intendent of public instruction Clyde j Erwin, and Commissioner of Revenue Edwin Gill, were among the promin-1 ent North Carolinians who joined the throng of 45,000 leaving Kenan stad ium after Carolina's biggest victory in a season of big victories. j ASTOR 303 E. Main DURHAM Sunday JNov. 24 1 Day! Chas Irene BOYER DUNNE "Together Again" PLUS nTSNFY CARTOONS LATE NEWS BE COMFORTABLE R I D E I N A CAROLINA CAB DIAL 4811 DIAL YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT WALGREEN'S WALGREEN DRUG STORE ' Main and Mangum Sts. DURHAM. N. C. Tis the month before Christmas... i over town ) .a n I I. m V ml1 V I are itimnq for quis of- rennown. if m v m m and aii JPeopie IJou J Letter get LuAy, amd luy for Aunl oCizzie Md Shter and ftolLr, WnJe ddie and (Brother And Qrandma and Qrandad...Say, don t forget Pop A I Jhe lest thing to do..- and the easiest, too to come to Ohe Store of Specialized Shops, it Yes, Baldwin's is ready to help make your Christmas a memorable one, indeed. We've assembled a sparkling array of gifts for everyone in your family. Hand some gifts . . . lasting gifts . . . unusual gifts. Baldwin's has long been noted as the store where , Gifts of Quality come from. So, again this year, it's "Baldwin's for Gifts of Quality" for the most cherished names on your gift list. 30 specialized shops V brimming with gifts to make your Christmas shopping easier. In Durham on Main Street