r. ml PAGE FOUtt . - r . : Til E'DA'I L 7" T A It DEED ?AG : i Tfc 5ress .:omj u I I i Immigration Officials Mar Trans-Atlantic Courtship ; Ellis Island, Oct. 22 (UP A happy ending to a trans Atlantic courtship was marred by immigration officials here ttiday as Barney Hagen of Billings, Montana, came to claim his bride by proxy. 1 j.Barney got married to Ei leen Frances Green, an Eng lish girl, after the two had been exchanging "pen-pal" letters for some time. The marriage occurred almost a year ago. When Barney arrived at Ellis Island today to fjreet his wife, the immigration offi cials threw a monkrrr-wrench into the works. The bi ques tion they popped at the un happy bridegroom concerned a previous marriage of his. "I got a divorce," protested B?rney. But the immigration officials demanded that he prove the separation from his 7; 7 1 duck Si ervice DURHAM OPTICAL COMPANY 215 W. M?in St. Phone F-2141 Durham ART MATERIALS at ABERNETHY'S See Miriam Rouzie for Signs Showcards et cetera first wife final before his foreign-born spouse could enter the country. , Barney claimed tonight that he could prove it easily, vers and courtrooms. In the to dash around and visit lr.w but it would take a little time meantime, he was not de prived of seeing the wife he had never met. lie emerged from the private, conference smeared with lipstick. Tar Heels (Continued from page three) ous ' injuries being 'sustain2d in the win over William and Mary last week. Carolina has been set up as a favorite to, cop the game from the Gators, but many North Carolina fans, after seeing Florida upset a strong State college eleven in Ra leigh last week, are not so confident vof their club's chances. - Carolina looked good against William and Mary, but the Tar Heels will be facing a club that tasted vic tory for the first time in 14 starts last week, and the Ga tors will not be easy to stop since they have found their spark. Coach Wolf has developed several excellent backs at Florida, with Doug Belden shaping up as the most dan gerous back in the Gator ball carrying array. Belden is the Quarterback in the Florida T-formation. v; . .... v. - -i f ! .! 1 ' ". 1 M T Religion in Life Delegates - to Meet Council for Religion in Life delegates from all campus or j ganizations will meet at 4 o' clock in Gerrard hall today for an important meeting regarding CRIL's speaker program for the school year. Chairman Russell G. Baldwin saia yesieraay mat it is im perative for each organization '$ head to instruct his group's rep- resentative to attend this "most z S s s "iivi iaui assraiujj Ui Lilt: LILIIj LI'L ABNB .TIIUHSDAY. OC'lOUElf 1'3 2 AL t.l I Cards have been mailed, said I Baldwin, to all organizations re minding them to appoint a del egate immediately if one has not yet been elected. M1STAH PCMERS-AS A LXPE.K." CM FEMALE riOOMANlTY who does yo' corn sider th' most lushuss blonde: IN ALL TARNATION ? 4 f'i r 3. 1 . 1!: if' - 4. 4 1 ,7 f " i, 0 '1 8 r 1 " t4 -it If r If' ALL MY BLONDES ARE TKE. rlOST LUOCiCXJS BLONDES IN ALL TARNATION. MATURALLY RilT THEPE'S one. who - OUST CAME. IW-CHF.'S -i mi ,:,m. w Si.:.- ATLANTA. . t ","2--.-. 'iflt?t2Zf hi 6 x. f s PMMMMMBW III . urtii M'T MOm' AM MAIS'" 1 THAT PHCT"0 " "H ) 'jONMA SK.W TO ANY MAN ir , THIS TO AK' HIS RIGHT MlN ' MA4 IN Hl' BECAUSE. THATi WGHT r.iNii what IT'LL LRWL , uiM r-M IT ClVT II LL LRlvL . i f,' IT OFr' "",r(,H - University Fl or is t 'For the Best in Flowers' Pick Theatre Bldg. Chapel Hill, N. C. Telephone 6816 THE STAID CAMPUS of New York's Columbia Univer sity suddenly becomes a no-man's-land as freshmen and sophomores battle to reacS the top of the greased pole and capture the newly inaugura ted annual "Rush Trophy." The free-for-all appears al most over as Al DeBartolo, Rye, New York, reaches for the pole's top and the coveted campus "Oscar." (International) Soccer (Continued from page 3) week when Duke's powerful M Blue Devils meet the locals on retzer f ield. The Duke sters, sparked by several dead-eyed South American kickers battled Virginia to a 3-3 tie last week. The revised Carolina line- :' f up for tomorrow's same: i ,na in -.7;n: w imams Wight Fullback Left Fullback Center Fullback Right Half Center Half Left Half Outside Right Inside Right Inside Left Outside Left Get the Latest Popular Records at AB'S Bookshop Campus Calendar What's Goincj on at Carolina- VanZandt Nelson Fere bee Singer Johnston Levy Jackson Bach Greenbaum Boak CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT WANTED 5 TUTORING IN FRENCH AND Spanish; grammar, composition, oral, and literature. Graduate study at Sorbonne. Call Elaine Johnson, 501 North Strert, phone 5206. (1-0613-1) FOR SALE 6R ROY COLE and his ORCHESTRA Telephone Sutton's Drug Store P.O. Box 902, or Room No. 7, Vance SUTTON'S - BUY AT J I . SKA as. .Js.-ar iy, Sfes .1 V ..w : FOR NEW, FOUR ROOM HOUSE, with bath. Complete with hot water. Available in two weeks. $4,200.00 on Justice St. Airport Development, Lot HO'xlSO'. See L. S. Fulcher after two Justice St. (1-0617-1) GEOGRAPHERS MEET Several members of the Uni versity department of Geolov and Geography attended a meeting of the Southeastern group of the Association of Pro fessional Geographers at the University of Georgia at Athens last Saturday and Sunday. Members attending were Dr. S. T. Emory, Dr. J. Sullivan Gibson, Mr. Thomas P. Field, Mr. W. N. Turner, and Miss Lillian Worley. Drs. Emory and Gibson will present papers to the association. 2:00 p.m. Graham Memorial office, Carolina chapter of Col legiate Council for United Nations meets. 2.00 p.m. WSSF room of Y building, chairman of soliciting committees, men and women, of WSSF meet. 3:00 p.m. Graham Memorial, Elections committee of the legis latures meet. 3:30 p.m. Roland Parker No. 1, Student audit board meets. 4:00 p.m. Gerrard hall, Council for Religion in Life meets. 4:30 p.m. Roland Parker lounge No. 2, Campus party meets. 4:45 p.m. Hill hall, Women's Glee Club meets for Yack pictures. All members wear formals. 5:00 p.m. Roland Par.'r lounge No. 2, World Federalists meet ing. 7:00 p.m. YWCA library, You and Your Religion committee meets. 7:30 p.m. Second floor YMCA, Carolina Independent Coed As sociation meets. 7:30 p.m. Memorial Hall, movies of William and Mary football game to be .shown. f 7:30 p.m. Roland Parker lounge, WNC club will meet. 9:00 p.m. New West, Dialectic S.enate discusses National Food Commission. Radio Round-Table j Features Faculty . j Radio audiences through out the slate will hear four members of the University's faculty discuss the question, "Need we iiidit Russia?" this evening at 8:30 when The C o m in u n i c a t i o li C e li ter broadcast3 "The North Carolina Viewpoint," the first in a scries of round-table forums. The program wiil be car ried by stations WDUK and WRAL along with the entire Tobacco network. Dr. J. C. Lyons of the Ro mance language departing. i will moderate the debate among the panel members -Dr. James L. Godfrey of t he history department. Dr. N. J. Demerath of the department of sociology and Dr. Frank W. Ilanft, professor of law. More than half of the nation's supply of mushrooms comes !rom two Pennsylvania counties, Delaware and Chester, near Philadelphia. p.m., HOUSE TRAILER, IDEAL FOR couple. Remodeled inside. Trice $500. Contact John A. Berry, 235 Jackson Circle. (1-0612-1) s4 MEN Who Reflect Good Tas 6 WEEKS OLD BLACK AND blond cocker spaniels. Register ed with A.K.C. Excellent pedi gree from line of champions. $50.00 apiece. Contact W. D. Vreeland, Gen. Delivery. (1-0696-1) People entering the court house in Whsaton, 111., must remove their shoes and leave them oirside. reports The American Magazine. Western NC Club To Meet Tonipht The Western North Caro lina club will meet tonight at 7:30 in Roland Parker' lounge, it has been- announc- i ed by Bud Reagan, tempo- J rary president. Reagan has stressed that it is very important for every student who considers him self from Western North Ca rolina to be present at the meeting. The club is sponsor ing "Sadie Hawkins" day and complete arrangements must be made. Also there will be an election of officers. Those who plan to become members will sign up for the club pic ture in the 'Yack" tonight, and various club committees will be assigned. In Chapel Hill for WATCH REPAIRING it's GODWIN'S! under Sutton's Phone 6906 I Universitv TF$6rr I II --------- n a i7itaSi Service J tff I Station II dis 10 I Pendereraft U m . i . . XM-G-M's 71 M Jr r.d-h.od.d in a howling t hit about Hollywood BING BETTY CROSBY HUTTON tJi so"" TUFTS in Paramount's TODAY St J tTTT T It SmT"' I V MLAU r. aiiter'inniM- m ii B j ' VIRGINIA O'BRIEN Also Cartoon News TODAY CAROLINA: FOR SALE: AUTOMOTIVE 6bb FORD,. 1947, NEW,' SUPER ""de iluxe 2-door sedan. Mileage 350. Privately owned. Contact Rozelle Kennedy, 20 P. Jackson Circle, Victory Viilc. ie. (1-0611-1) 1947 GREY DODG'-I, 4 DOOR sc-dan with .at ((.,:: ,r, iin . . . . ... n ater, io ii ,ht, h.-ek i Lx jjturn iiyht.. Call Juc; j 9..11. i! utilj-J) The Three Suns reading down. Morty Dunn Artie Dunn Al Nevins and College men who set the pace . . 8, iio- i ' ;i :'! '' 'i F.njoy the lash lather of " V, i J - lV. Ull llVOll .AIlllUI UL1V11 "eaforth Lotion. Try them soon! .'IWii i. "viV-fS- . 1 iiklp u.a:vt;: : :, v H xi.sj.: :.. E .11 cm you ea: i, . j . .iplic-tions ate o. c ved for position t 'i I- el carrier. Sair -y O:. tielivvrios -,.( Cidation Dept., DTiJ fl or Graham i1eniori;d b; t . eei It a in. and 1 p -;. (l-f.j.jo 2) IT FOR RENT 6A Q J1ET ROOM FOR RENT, n ar campus, now till Christ mas. $2.) a month; for mr.i.'ar ried man,, upperclan.rn or giaduat? student; one occiipaat only. Apply ly nail,' RED. Epx 27i, Cl.apel Hill, N. C. (l-cJM-2) LOST 12 BULOVA WATCH, old, two diamonds. value. Reward. C ntact Rita Adams, University News Bureau, 7201. (1-OGlR-l) LADY'S V.iHow . , Wrwi-w ujul.i. fe A 'WRJIW latest disk by The Three Suns for RCA Victor BACK in '25 everybody was humming 'bout that "Sleepy Time Gal." Now "Gal" is back in a new and wonderful record. And here's another favorite with a great record: cool, mild, flavorful Camel cigarettes. More men and more women are smoking Camels than ever before. Why? The answer is in your "T-Zone" (T for Taste and T for Throat). Try Camels. Discover for yourself why, with smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice of experience"! B. J. Remolds Tobacco Co.. Winston-Salem. N. C. 1 s These and other Seaforth essentials .. . Vach packaged in handsome stoneware, only $1. Gift sets, $2 to $7. Seaforth, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. RIDES WANTED 1? WANT RIDE FOR TWO STU dents to Henderscnvill or vi cinity on Friday, Oct. 2I-. Can leave anytime afti-r 1 p.m., will chare expenses. Con' act O. B. Crowell at Nasa Hal". (1-0618-2) Mo re people m SfiwkCMQStlm eer befml WANTED 24 SURPRISE VISIT BY GIRL friend makes it urgent that I have two tickets for Tennessee game. Contact "Doc" Clark, 303 Lewis or P.O. Box 716. (1-0619-1) ' , MORE PEOPLE ARE VISITING 2 v 'K -As 1 EARNED B 11 t ) EXPER,ENCE THAT "7 CAMELS A 7'- ' -l 5U,T ME best )Vsrf -w;-r , " 1 j; . Z Skit " , .1.xa.w ....jt. . -,,w...;. .. - J M -1.1 f THAN EVER BEFORE