J !5 apat'- FItlDAY, NOVEMliKll 7. V.iiJ THE DAILY TAR KEEL. - PAGE FOUR fj ! ji 11 ' i ii si l: ii if ; S li i sir fl. ii i r IE I fr ,5f Campus Calendar What's Going on at Carolina 3:00 p.m. Try-outs for "An Enemy of the People," -Play- makers theater. -Art talent to meet in Tarnation office, Graham Memorial - - -Modern dance group to meet in Women's Gym. All who plan to participate in Christmas pro gram must be present. -Dialectic Senate meeting, Di hall, 3rd floor, New West. 7:00 p.m. Pep Rally, "Y" Court. 7:30 p.m. Repeat performance of Experimental. 7:30 p.m. Jewish services, Roland Parker lounge. 8:30 p.m. Recital for solo cello, three Bach suites, William Klentz, Hill hall. 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.- j 7:00 p.m. Chapel Hill Bird Club Shows Wildlife Movies Here Tonight Coed Association Hears Cook Speak The Carolina Independent Coed Association heard Miss Katherine Cook, Associate Director of the Bureau of Vo cational Guidance, speak on vocational trends arid oppor tunities for women graduates of the University at the regu lar meeting' Wednesday eve ning. The talk was informal with group participation and questions asked from the floor. Following the regular meeting Jane Mears was elected publicity chairman and plans wrere outlined for a semi-formal dance to be held December 6 at Carolina Inn.-Final arrangements were made for Sadie Hawkins day which the club is sponsoring togther with the Town Girls' Association. Students Should See Wadsworth J. E. Wadsworth, Univer sity housing director, has re leased a list of 15 men for whom he may have dormi tory space available at pres ent. These students should immediately contact Wads worth's office in room 22 of the barracks annex to New West, his new location. The following names now head the waiting lists for dormitory rooms and should see Wadsworth: Holcombe C. Adams; Bynum R. Brown; Earl E. Crumpler; Robert G. Evans: Edward E. Grace; Alice F: Hall, Jr.; William G. Hooks; Rufus.A. Hunter, Jr.; Andrew F. McCall; James D. Mills; Allen D. Morgan, Jr.; Robert P. CConnell; "John H. Oliver; Harrv C. Snow; and Marion H. Ward. A full-length color movie of American wildlife will be given at 8 o'clock this eve ing at the Pick theatre by Bert Harwell of Berkeley, California, prominent wild life photographer. It will be the first in a series of five "nature screen tours" to be given here this season by the Chapel Hill Bird Club and the National, Audubon So ciety. . The charge for admission is 50 cents; or by season tick et; which can be obtained at Ledbetter - Pickard's at $2 each. A bulletin from the Audu bon Society says, "Bert Har well can translate for his au dience a dry and sweltering s desert into an area ot beauty and drama. The remote and lofty Sierras become as fa miliar as one's own garden. He not only speaks with au thority and charm, but skill fully illustrates his talks, vo cally by bird-song imitations and visually by magnificent all-color motion pictures." An alumnus of Columbia ! Leland Stanford, and Cali fornia, with an M.A. degree from the latter, Harwell was park naturalist at Yosemite from 1929 to 1940. In 1940 he joined the staff of the Audubon Society. LTL AENEPw By AJ, c.. -Art Majors- (Continued" from page one) AH rS D-DCNfT -COME NO ) REPORTS ) CLOSER. COUSlKl FO' 4 'STUPEf YIN" OM DOOTY, T ACCOUNT OP YORE. AVAILABLE ALU RED-BLOOUt.U A 1 4' without -, s y rt - v , r S: r jr. : ..jr m THAT'S A GOOD GAL OE5T STAY THAR VHtlX AH EXPLAINS.''.'' " DOGRATCH GALS. IS SlCK CY fttWNIN' THAR HEARTS OUT AFTER BACHELORS, COME SADIE HAWKINS ' ' rf m cij THEY'D LIKET'PICK EM OFF, EASY-LIKE TWtSYAR-SOTHEY A-Eri me TteiT EM SOMETHIN' PCRFU- KIUFF T5TO"ntn BACHELORS, DAlD IN -AN' SO, -YO ME... , WAItERLY.r.r-NOT BiN A PESiDENT, YO MAIN X FAZE 'ALL YO GOTTA DO ;)S SASHAY ROUN' nu IN' TH' RACE AN' LET THEM BACHELORS JWHirM.X VIL.L j TUP... 'EM INTO ) A 1 P.' jMCii r,' 5TATCltO,.r 1 Hear Stan Kenton's "Gambler's Blues" at All's (lukkervice DURHAM - OPTICAL COMPANY 215 W. M?in St. Phone F-2141 Durhan hown on WSSF posters. Dick Fullen's display in Ab's book store shows photographs of stu dents in Poland, emphasizing the necessity of aiding young j neonle so that thev mav studv. a i , . -r-. i tti. i: 1 tic : .. lilt; qherill have used old French !3udes oPmion- bnerm nave usea oia j; renca ( phogbound versus newspapers in a display on;, , n r u France in Herman's department I Fortescue on Fetzer field at store window. !3 clof' W,he the M.on- Each student or group of stu- gra? club . d'Ylds "P a CIVli War. UiiI15iV l....fu a -Sadie Hawkins- ( Continued from page one) Humphries. Sound and Fury will award a prize during the fternoon to the group enter- the best float, m the dents worked out and executed its own idea. Liason with the YWC'A, co-sponsor of the WSSF drive, was handled by Margaret Gaston. ART TALENT NEEDED All students who can han dle rommereial art work are requested to be in the Tarna tion office, Graham Memorial, this afternoon at 3 p.m. The earliest marine insurance contracts were receded in Eng land in 1583. -Socccr- (Continued from page ibree) last period and rne p.ay was fairly even until Allen reinsert ed the first team. A few seconds before the half's end Dave Iioak headed in a corner kick from the toe of Jesse Greenbaum. Johnson tallied his final goal from in front of the net early in the third quarter after taking a pass from Dave Eoak. Book's sensational ball handling spark ed the Tar Heels throughout the contest. Boak and Johnson teamed o notch the next Carolina tally late in the final period when Boak took Johnson's pass on the run and booted the ball home. Dave Ferebee scored the final Blue and White goal just before the game's end on an assist from Bill Moore. Wiranrrnrn-T-iinrfnTianril. ANYONE may become an efficient stenographer in a very ihort time with the aid : cf the MERCURY SYSTEM : forms. As an introductory offer we wf.l mail you ABSOLUTELY FREE the first unit of this amazingly simple and inexpensive (Pitmanic) system of short" hand. No obligation on your part. Just mail post card tvith your name and address to: v Merenry System - ' 12 Time Bid.. N.Y. IS nmm. Your Snapshots -Beautifully Enlarged Surprise the folks back home with a beautiful custom enlarged photograph of YOU on YOUR campus. FINART custom enlarge ments are not to be confused with ordinary enlargements. Fine enlargements cannot be made inexpensively. Our pric es. are reflected in the quality of enlargements we produce. A good negative can be come a fine enlargement only if it receives professional at tention and skilled workman ship. Enlargements are made according to your specifica tions of composition, paper, developer and tone. If you prefer to have FIN ART'S skilled technicians de cide which processes are best for your negatives, merely mail your negatives with pheck or money order. Orders will be on the way back to you within one week after being received by our laboratories. Avoid the Christ mas mail rush. . . Order today! 5x 7 $1.50 11x14 $3.25 8x10 2.50 14x17 3.75 16x20 $4.75 Finart Laboratories Box 88 Johnson City, N. Y HEADQUARTERS For Good Used Furniture of Every Description at Rock Bottom Prices. Southern Used Furniture Company 407-409 N. Banbum Street Durham, N. C. Opp. Big A&P Store FOR . Fuel Oil 8 Kerosene the Old Reliable Standard Oil Products and Burner Service Phone 4221 Emergency F-2376 Authorized Lennox Dealer W- B, Glenn Carrboro feetsball Fleegle game. Evil-Eye Big Stanislouse, and the curvaceous Stupid will make their local premiere ap pearance during the feetsball battle. Captaining the Fortes cue charges will be wrestling star T. A. Hearn, while bask etball's Bob Paxton will lead the Phogbound (P.U.) team. Climax of the afternoon comes witJi the Human (some call it inhoomin') Race at 3:30. Several hundred cou ples have already signed up for the wide-open husband catching handicap which will be run off on the field above the Fetzer stadium stands. Ken Willis, overseer of the race announced that anyone, attached or otherwise, may enter the race this afternoon, whether previously signed up or not. Dogpatch costume is the only prerequisite. Following the consump tion of mass marriage cere monies on the spot, the happy honeymooners will engage in a series of comic games and races, arranged by the Wom en's Athletic association.' KLENZ RECITAL Three suites bv Bach will be presented by Mr. William Klenz, violoncellist, tonight, at tf:39 in Hill hall, in the last of a series of recitals of violoncello music. STUDENT WIVES Vets Minus Checks Should Notify VA Any veteran who registered during the regular registration period and has not jyet received his subsistence check is request ed to report to 111 Peabody Building or 316 South Building with his letter of award. The letter of award is Form 7-506 which authorized payment of subsistence from the date of en trance to June 22, 1948. Names of all veterans who re port they have not received their checks will be telephoned to the Winston-Salem office daily up to November 14 and an investi gation will be made of each case immediately as to the cause of J delay. RENDERS CHAPEL HILL FLOWER SHOP Opposite Post Office Con;'! L OUAL1TV FURNISH LTC: at E. A. Brown Furniture Co. 1 Next to City Il dl Phone CSSG i i solve their pastry problems in our shop Here they find buns for in-betweens, jelly rolls for light snacks, and pies and cakes for hubby's dessert. "I Mi HILL BAKERY P.S. Why not carry buns to the games? Wildlife Movie Tonight A full-length color film of American wildlife will be given at 8 o'clock tonight at the Pick Theatre by Bert Harwell, prominent nature photographer and lecturer, under the auspices of the Chapel Hill Bird Club. Admission: 50 cents. University TEXACO ' with WANDA HENDR1X C r'fe' T'fX ANDREA KING. THOMAS GOMEZ. Service AP -fredciark - Station w J Directed by ROBERT MONTGOMERY" j Produced by JOAN HARRISON fb il jSr . A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE fff NOW PLAYING ! Pendergraft :Jf ' Prop. fJJr CAROLINA tssaagra1, ' I! i M-t"rfi tidt'i ifSi'tTr 'K-p&g&93u'wm'mm 1 ' """"i 1 DAISY JIAL SjI) S- &mwk c'MON GALS- " i I Inlllilllf j 1 I I VTLLAGF. now playing - - . ' . . . . . ' I 116 E. Parrish Street Dnrh.nn, N. C. Chinese-American Restaurant CLASSIFIED ANNOUNCEMENT 1 TIiEM()OnE COUWTY CLUB beer party planned for Friday night has boon cancelled. (1-1270-1) EMPLOYMENT WANTED 5 WHITE PRACTICAL NURSE desires work. 10 hour duty day or night. See Mrs. Nonie Wom ble, 207 Church Street. (1-1233-1) FOR, KENT 6 A PRIVATE ENTRANCE, PRI vate bath, steam heat. Three miles from Chapel II ill on bus line. Telephone 5421 between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. (1-1272-1) PLEASANT ROOM FOR COU ple. One and half miles from school. Immediate occupancy. Rent $3I". Phone F-235G. (1-1275-1) SINGLE BED, SIMMONS metal, recently renovated mat tress, $20.00. Phone F-2312. (1-C127-1-1) "NE KENMORE COAL CIRCU ator, heats 4 rooms, excellent condition; 2 Hollywood beds, good as new; 1 gas water heater and tank. Call 5177. (ch lxl) N'E W BRICK HOME G ROOMS 2 baths. Full-size basement. Livingroom fireplace. Finest construction throughout. Corner lot excellent neighborhood. Convenient terms. Call 9416 (er roneously listed as 9461) af ter 5 p.m. (1-1251-1) Maui. 4 Tun w ii nmmi irrarmrrrrr'rrinsmrsr.Tu In the world of mvo men's ami children's apparel distribution is by The Long and Short Gala Evenings Z)lie Jjittle Shop FOR SALE G!5 ANESCO SPEEDEX CAMERA: f 4.5; sietds to 1-250. Practically new. Excellent condition, guar anteed. Range finder thrown in. Dick Messenger, tel. 7311. (1-1282-1) FOR SALE: AUTOMOTIVE Gbb DESOTO CLUB COUPE, CUS tom built car, half leather up holstery, low mileage, all acces sories. Perfect motor and finish. Call Harvey Averbach 9011, 107 Fraternity Court. (1-1278-1) INTERNATIONAL THREE quarter ton pickup truck. Sound condition. $785. Robert Stuart, Purefoy Road (first right turn off Mason Farm Road beyond Victory Village). (pre paid) LOST 12 COMER. PHI il U Ii' II Ii h n ii. ii Hi iiTnn ' in ! m 111 ONE CORONA PORTABLE typewriter. Excellent condition. Recently completely renovated. Carrying case. $20 more or less. Fred Burgess, 115 Aycock. (1-1279-1) CHAMPION STOCK 8-WEEK-old registered Cocker Spaniel puppies. Must- go. Reasonable price. See Dub Johnson, 169 Daniel Road, Victory Village after 5:00 p.m. (1-1263-1) PUPPIES, BLACK COCKER Spaniel, 3 months old. Red cocker spaniel, 8 months old. Can be seen at Nathan Veter inary IIoLpital. W. E. Padgett, (ch lxl) SMALL SILVER RING. IN OR near gym. Personal value only. Bob Emanuel, phone F-3526. (1-1277-1) A RED LFATHER BILLFOLD and a pair of glasses in a red case. Finder please contact Bet sy Barrett, 201 or turn m to Alderman Hall Y." (1-1281-1) GOLD, HAMILTON WRIST watch with name Luther Hamil ton, Jr., engraved on back. Con tact Luther Hamilton, Jr., 203 Man 'u rn Dorm. Equivalent hock value guaranteed. (1-1267-1) RIDES WANTED IS DAILY RIDE TO DUKE HOS pital. Must be there by 8:30, off at 5:00. Will share expenses. Call Eloise Covington, F-3281. (1-1280-1) Through the thousands of store buyers who are the patrons of the apparel production centers of the na tion comes the voice of the clothes-consuming public. The choices of the retailers, transmitted to the manu facturing markets through millions of miles of thsir own and of salesmen's journeys, are originally the tastes of the wearers. Designing room and production piaw uc u.i iva-ti'-e m rhe r?":- - ublic. Introducing The Women's and Children's Wear Industry CO THE AMERICAN COLLEGIATE FCBLIC A series sponsored by "Women's Wear Daily," a Fairchild Publication, 8 East 13th St., New York 3, N.Y. i i 4 1 W I in