THE DAILY TAR HEEL WEDNESDAY," DECEMBER 8, l)r; PAGE SIX YWCA Will Give Christmas Party For Coeds Tonite The YWCA will give its first campus-wide Christmas party fcr coeds tonight at 8:30 with the whole Y building as scene for the festivities. Games will be underway in all five rooms of the building and coeds will progress from' room number one to room number two and so on until they have visited each room and participated ii( all the games. Refreshments will ; be served during the evening and j the party will end with a group Christmas sing led by Lanier; Davis. Emily Ogburn, chairman of the party, has akect that everyone bring an unwrapped present for a child from 3-13 years. Any one j wishing to give a gift who is un- able to attend the party may brine i the present by the YWCA office j before Friday. All presents placed under th big Y Christmas tree are to go to the IbJ students of the White Cross school some 10 miles out side of Chapel Hi 11. Pupils of the school arc furnishing greenery for patlv decorations. Jane Pointer is chairman of the music coinmitlee and working j with her are. Weddy Th. rpe. Lid- j dy Bet Myatt. Frances Sowers. Jane Lwis, uucKy v imams, ana j Virginia Hamilton. j CAMPUS CALENDAR 4:00 UNIVERSITY PARTY. Roland Parker No. 2, CM. 3:00 PAN HELLENIC COUNCIL. Grail room. GM. 5:00 BETA GAMMA SIGMA. Roland Parker No. I. GM. 7:00 SIGMA KAPPA EPSILON. Grail room, GM. 7:30 LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. Speaker J. C. B. Ehnn Topic: "Common Sense in the Courtroom." Hill hail. :00 CAROLINA DAMES. Main Lounge. GM. 6:00 WALLACE CLUB. Horace Williams Lounge. GM. 8:00 W.C.U.N.C. Alumni. Roland C:30 HUMANITIES LECTURE. Speaker: Dr. Howard Huse. Topic: '"Dante's Divine Comedy." Gerrard hall. S:30 YWCA. Christmas party for coeds. Y building. CLASSIFIEDS SPECIAL NOTICES 4 TYPING EFFICIENTLY DONE Thesis terms papers, plays, qu.c.-i ; service. Call F-G69I. ich Ixl FOR SALE 63 LUCKY WISHING CHARM WITH name of your favorite person or movie star inside 1.00 or three for 2.00. A. E. Powell. P. O. Box 15. San Fernar. do. California. (2-8126-1 GIVE EOOK5. RECORDS. RADIOS, or phonos for Christmas. We gift wrap free of charge. We will mail for you. Abemethy s Bookshop, tch 1x1 1 REGISTERED ENGLISH SETTER puppies, six weeks old. Call 3381 or see at 412 E. Rosemary St. ( 1-3124-1 ALL THE "HARD-TO-GET" RECORDS at Abernetiiy's including the new 13 minute long-playing records. We gilt wrap and pack for shipping free of charge. ich lxl i HOUSE TRAILER. 21 FEET LONG, fullv equipped, ideal location. Entire trailer under shelter. See it before you buy. 86 Trailer Court, Pittsboro j Rd. (5-3121-1) j EROWSE FOR YOL'R CHRISTMAS list among the Bonks and Records at Abernethy's. We gift wrap for you free of charge. , (eh lxl FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE 6BB 1916 FORD TUDOR. BLACK. GOOD looking. Just reconditioned completely. I A sacrifice at SIH'5. Sec Jim Spence. j 103 Grimes. (2-8127-1 ' HET.p WANTED 8 AGGRESSIVE LAW STUDENT WANT ed as our representative. Earn SV) to 500 the fwst part of next semester. For details, write Terrace Law Pub lishers. Inc.. 823 Margaret St.. Flm'. Mich. . (ch lxtl L03T 12 ONE BLACK ZIPPEKED WEEK-END bag. Finder call Raleigh roller. Reward. (2-c812.l-I, HIGH SCHOOL CLASS RING. INf- $' ' laughir.geil, ' ovinges' Wary-go-round f A m,r - Y ':': ever I 1 ujtnt alumni presents FDMOND n'RRIRN-HON TAYLOR ' JT -11' Wlf I i Touring Hamlet' Show To Be Here January 17 i fTf -t ' - ' i .V-"'' i . t . : . ,. ! f :' . 1 , ! I X X," I : c' fcfciiiUnnimnwJ Irft-r - - i mmr iMMtw iiiriiiiiiiiiiiii MARGARET WEBSTER Stores to Close Bolh nolidays Stores of Chapel Hill and C:irr boro will b closed Christmas and New Year's days, it was ' decided at a meeting of the Board of Davt.o-s of the Chapel Hill- !Carrbm Merchants Association Saturday im-rning. According to Vic president cf the associ Huggins. on" bCn:C : -merchants have decided to remain closed uecemoer -. xnis aate, however, is optional. :naus Parker No. 1 and No. 2. GM. t-ais ohm on inside of ring, if "found please return to otis MeCoiium. 213 stcy. (2-3125-1 , TAKEN BY MISTAKE 20 GRAY GABAK DINE TOPCOAT FROM Lemor Hall Friday noon. Small tear i'- bac!c of coat. Please return to Man ager. LcniOi.- Ha II and get your own coat. (1-8122-1 1 WANTED TO KENT 24B ONE OH TWO E ED ROOM HOUSE OR aoartmeru. furnished or unfurnished. Rert to 373. Have car. Write Box 323 Chapel Hill, N". C. 5-3120-1 1 WHERE TO EAT 23 FOUND A GOOD PLACE TO EAT V. haa Powell's Colonial House System, opposite City Hail on West Rosemary. Delicious short orders. Open Mon. Thurs. 11 a.m. to mid. lit?. Fri. and Sat. 11 a.m. til 2 a.m. (ehlxli - PROMPT SERVICE on a PhotO'Greeting CARD ORDERS ,gk This year send a personol Christmas card with one cf your own snapshots printed on it. Step in today ond select your design. j ! Foisier's Camera Store1 Villi 111 Tift t . . . -it I I d fm M The Margaret Webster Shakes peare company will present "Hamlet" here in Memorial Hall on Jan. 17, under the sponsorship of the Carolina Piaymakers. The ' company, whis is on a seven ! months' tour, opened in Buffalo, Sept. 26. where during a week's stay, it presented its premieres of "Hamlet" and "Macbeth." . i Tickets for the production are priced at $3.30, $2.20, and $U9. and are available at the Play maker business office in Swain hall. All seats are to be reserved. The appearance cf the Mar garet Webster Shakespeare com pany is a milestone in theatrical 'road'' histnrv because it is the i irrsi iiroaawav-standara re-Der- tory to barnstorm the nation's colleges, universities and public auditoriums. Miss Webster's New York productions of the Bard have set a mark which. Drama Critic John Mason Brown .de clared, "not one has surpassed or in any way approached." Abetting Miss" Webster is a company of 22 young actors, vet- crans of her many presentations, i Intramural basketball games dur headed by Carol Go"dncr, Joseph ; jtlg the winter quarter are re Ilolland and Alfred Ryder. Mi?s. Quested to come bv the Intra- Goodner is well remembered for ,hgr more reccnt role, in "The ! Man Who Came To Dinner," "'Blithe Spirit" and '"Deep Are The Roots." Mri Holland last ap peared on Broadway with Kath arine Cornell in "Antony and Cleopatra." Last season, Mr. Ry der sandwiched Ibsen's "Ghosts" with Eva LeGalliene between movies for Paramount.. The Webster productions of '"Hamlet and "Macbeth" were de- J signed by Wougang Kotn, ana jthe music arranged by Lehman j lEngel. ! i Redballing over the country- j ;ide in constructed bus ; and truck, complete wtih scenery. costumes, props and electrical equipment. "Shakespeare O n Wheels" will cover over 40,000 miles by the end of its tour, f which was arranged by S. Hur- ck and the Concert ana Artists CorDoration How To Be A Got our heart set on making the team? Or, on playing some extra sets ivith vour favorite partner? TLen vv hat's holding you Lack? Your marks? Lack of lime? Here's the easy way to make up on both! Do your school work on an Undcrwo! Champion Portable Typewriter. You'll make a better impression with neatly typed lessons and notes. You'll even surprise yourself with the 6peel you'll develop on Underwood's lij:htniii2-fast keyboard . ; ; every key can be adjusted to Underwood Corporation Typewriters ... AJling Mafinrs . .. A.-rjatinfj Mjf'hmrs . . . Jarb& Paj.frf . -. Ribbons mml uthrr uppiip.-i Dept. S- U Oir Park. Wnur. . . Y. t uJt:rv.fti LiraitrJ. 135 V h turia r r-"t Sates and Sentce Everywhere - ?t :, o h v 1 Pfl S Iff jr 1 Downright Cruel NEW YORK. Dec. 7. (UP) Emily Post. the first lady of etiquette, thinks il is question able taste to ask a woman's age. And when she's 75. it's downright "cruel." A United Press correspon dent assigned to write a bi ography of Mrs. Post called her today and asked the date of her birth, which is omitted even in "Who's Who." "It's cruel to draj it in." Mrs. Post protested. "It's Oc tober 27. 1873. Eui I never mention it 'f I can help il. It seems to be an anchor around my neck that I can't get away from. Seems the older I get the more interested people get in mv age. New if 1 were ap proaching 100 .. . Where is thU ccirT to be printed? "It's for our files." the cor respondent answered. "Oh. an obituary." Mrs. Post exclaimed. "Well. if they're not going to print it until I'm dead I don't care." OFFICIALS WANTED All students who are qualified and are interested in refereeing Imnral athlotir office nx-vm 311 Woollen Cvm todav or tomorrow! Thf-rp u-i'.l hp s short mpptinff nf all basketball officials Thursday night a7:15 in room 311 between the freshman and varsity games. -Gridders- (Continued from page five) The Carolina while, has not been idle. All- America sparkplug Charlie Justice and All-Southern Hosea Rodgers have been working hard on the passing and running attack all week. Billy Hayes has also been working out with the passers, and Bob Kennedv has been work- ,ng with Justice on the perfection of the double-safety crossover i play that has caused Carolina opponents so much trouble all j year. Art. Weiner. Max Cooke, j and Kenny Powell have been on ! the receiving end of most of the Carolina passing in early drill; your individual touch. Ami you'll take etra pride in your letters and classroom papers . ; i all legibly tyied on an Under wood Champion, th a Champion at rour nT-fips, ou"ll not only do Iwttor work., but you'll have more time for iK.irts and other activities. Ask. your dad to order your Champion from our nearest Authorized Underwood PortaMe T vpeuriter dealer now! I f rile for illustrated, , r it '4- w-..'.ii- ... . W? descriptive folder, o Fraternity House Discussion Group To Hold Meeting Tomorrow at YMCA Gene Turner, representative , groups into a uriified diicuion from Phi Delta Theta fraternity, j group. '"We hope that we can announced yesterday that there j contribute to the growing cehesi will be an organizational meeting veness between dormitory men of all fraternity presidents and : and fraternity men by such a their representatives in the new ; plan," said Turner. House Discussion group tomorrow j at 2 o'clock in the Y. ! At Present the rouP has in- The House Discussion group ! Vlted members of sororities to starts an pvnprimpnt nn th J their meetings, and has extended part of four fraternities to en courage better relationshiD be- j tween themselves, between the faculty and the fraternities, and ! to promote better knowledge of jthe issues confronting the nation and the world today. "So far the Delta Kappa Epsi- Ion, Delta Psi, Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Theta fraternities have achieved excellent results in ourjsenting the successful experiment experiment," said Turner. j to the other Itaternity groups. The participating members of ! the House Discussion group select their own speakers and topic and ; with Jthe cooperation of the Y j planning board they initiate the programs. The future plan of! this organization is to correlate the sororities and the dormitory -Elections- (Co?tttmted from page vu:) jThis year he scored six touch (UP). 62 and Carnes (CP), 105 'downs, caught 31 passes for 453 for 12-months. yards, and carried the ball on Dist. 2 - Horton (SP). 83: Kirby end-around plays on seven oeca (UP), 57; Nearman (CP), 50; sions for a gain of 47 yards and :Twine (UP)' 54 for Uvo "-month terms. Allston (UP), 71; Kim- Dist. 3 erling (SP), 96; Smith (CP), 87; ;Charlie Justice as the onIy A11. Anderson got one (write in) forAmerican gridders in the history two six-month terms. i of the University. He is the third Dist. 4 - Gwvnn (UPi. an,-i t- xj t j , Southerland (SP). 50 and Tran- ! sou (UP), 41 for six-months. Dist. 5 - Bowers (SP), 56 and I Manning (UP), 50 for 12-months. . Best (SP). 53 and Smith (CP). 52 ! for six-months. Women's dorm dist. 2 - Gower (UP), 22 and Seweil (SP), 23 for 12-months. The actual district-by-district vote breakdown' was: Men - Dis- trict 1,-167 votes: 2. 147 votes: 3. 153 votes: 4, 92 votes: 5, 109 votes, Women - dist. 2-50 votes. TUXEDO RENTALS It's easy and nice to rent a perfect-fitting TUXEDO or FULL DRESS from Lewis'. Our stocks are large and fresh, and our expert tailors alter each garment to your individual requirements. Rental fees ex tremely low service fast. RALEIGH HiLLsbono Stolet VO' IS ME-BUT AH IS CARRVIN A , SHMOO AN YO IS CARPfVIN' S'SSf WV. VF-i kpON'T OM 5CY-I OL'S abJ CHEETAH, BUT META TEACH LKH$5 FASCV WOCU7 ry you vkb -i peosasly you cl-eeocthen tonic ttmce TO DAN)C MBBE CCN'T KNOW YOU TEACH CHEETAH l5H 5AW ME fOVl ! f L eEPKEEO J ANY OP YCX'G. 7 PUM I t , ' bers of the student body when ever the fraternities hold such a round-table meeting. The new group has received "enthusiastic support" from the members of the faculty and ad mnistration. The mass meeting scheduled for Thursday at 2 o j clock is for the purpose of pre -Ail-American- (Continued from pege five) Weiner broke into college ball J with a bang, scoring a touchdown ; against VPI on his first play in 1 1946. In 1947 Weiner caught 19 1 I passes for 335 yards and raa tev an average of 6.3 yards per rush. ! Weiner joins George Barclay. !Andv Rprshak Paul Rpwrin anr! Bershak and Severin were the other flankers given All-America n laurels. Outgoing Students Must Tell Laundry j Students leavina the University after this quarter are asked to j leave name and home address at the University laundry office, ! 106 West Franklin street, so that j laundry refunds may be mailed to them. Dim. 01)04 SJ I 1 I 1 i 111 Cheese Blintzes Today at HARRY'S PKS Names Homan Pledge President Officers in the Lambda chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma, and its pledge class were elected at a meeting last week. Charles S. Homan was elected president, John Otterburg, vice president; Morris Knudson, secre tary; Charles Lowrimore, treas urer; Peter Webb, master of ceremonies and P. A. Transou, corresponding secretary. Thomas A. ALspaugh was chosen house manager and rank English and Jack Rogers will act as sergeants-at-arms. Fall class pledge officers in clude Durward Jones, president; John Uzzeil, vice-p resident: Thomas ' Reich, secretary-treasurer; John Bond and Bob Schultz, jsergeants-at-arms; and Dick Tay lor, intramural manager. And SKILLFUL SERVICE "Precision Work" Durham's Watch and g Jewelry Repair Service Jj Village Theater Bidg. Open Evenings This Week Foister'5 Camera Store t 2, FAST ; BRAZEN PILLARS BANQUET Carolina Inn Wednesday Evening ! ! Dr. O. K. Cornwall For reservations see A. C. Gaskiii at 312 Bingham or Bill Treyler at 302 Mangum ALL MASONS CORDIALLY INVITED cry Miscellaneous Gifts For HER ... For HIM . . . .Compacts Desk Sets Bracelets pen & Pencil Sets Lockets Billfolds Billfolds Kern Cards Stationery Traveling Kits LEDBETTEFt - PICKARD ' "VM iV.EE$ FANCY? I CNiOCK 2. HEAP CP-TOE yUCS$! j 5CETA rcrTT 1 KlCk.C j Subscribers Asked i To Notify Quarterly j All Carolina Quarterly -uv iscribers who have changed t r. - . j addresses are requested to n;t.:; ;the Quarterly ofLcs so that c. !cuiation files may be brought ito date. Timeless as the master piece that inspired it! i -ft TODAY VILLAGE nam speaker v f 0 i vvyv!vvirs.rN SELECT YOUR pprr oET rtT tEECXT j E--'T EEr W T . ' ''4j':at ' f. I 1 I . V 4 , y m CAROLINA TYPEWRITER LEADER NOW PLAYING OF THE WORLD 1 1 If A Si 07 rfrfJ wwwwyssuwiis vis