f ' I. Underworld Fear Blamed For Missouri Murders . JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., April JJ W) Gjv. Forrest Smith tpoculatcd today two gang kill ings, in . Kaniai City last week stemmed from underworld fear of what a federal grand jury ijijght . learn about criminal op watioqs. ' Charles Bimaggio, north side olitiral loader and one of the Democratic governor's support ers, and Bimaggio's strong arm man, Charles Gargotta, were mowed down last Wednesday night in a Democratic club on Truman Road. The Governor said that if the Case is ever solved, it was his belief the slayi,ng would be found to have only an indirect connec- Guaxantecd Used Ford V I Motors $65 00 xch. AA Auto Wreckers Nw Raleigh Rd. Durham Phone 5-3501 tion with gambling. He noted that newspaper re ports indicated Kansas City un derworld members were getting "nervous and jittery" about the grand jury's lengthy inquiry. Both Bimaggio and Gargotta had testified before the jury and were to be questioned again. "Sombody was afraid they were going to talk," Smith said. Earlier today the Governor got a letter from Mayor William E. Kemp of Kansas City demanding a "fine toothed investigation" of the Kansas City police depart ment. Kemp said the citizens were entitled to know whether there was any truth to reports that department morale was crumbling. Smith said he talked with Kemp by telephone after re ceiving the letter and asked him to the capitol tomorrow for a conference. As mayor, Kemp automatically is a member of the police board. ' The Governor appoints the other four members. In recent months the mayor has sat with the board land voted as a member a number of times. ' J fj ' rrc-r : "T I : I l , . . ii'." - --'LJ"7'' 4 , - f'' ; . i .W-i inn i i ii THE ACADEMY AWARD PICTURE CAROLINA STORY OF A BIG SHOL.Tfr-r.- CdUMBIA PICTURES presents ROBERT ROSSEN'S PRODUCTION of All the orfieu i(n ine runuer nie novel wi ine ring s wen W Robert Penn Warren with Broderick CRAWFORD Jumne DRU John IRELAND . John DEREK Mercedes McCAMBRIOGE JtTTf .A Jr. ' 1 Say It With Flowers REHDER'S FLOWER SHOP Phone 4851 Opposite ihe Post Office "A New Cycle, in Film Making!" GRAND PRIX du CINEMA GEORGE ROUQUIER'S Masterpiece farrebique (ENGLISH TITLES)) QUADRANGLE PICTURES Page Auditorium - Duke University TOMORROW at 7 & 9 P.M. WARNER CERTAINLY CARRIES A LOT OF WEIGHT since he started using Vitalis, VEIGHTJ- Y'1I b ttrong with the gals, too if you use your head nd "l ivt-Attion" Vitalis care. Just be sure to use that famous "60-Second Workout" topside. 50 seconds' scalp massage (feel the diffcrcnccO 10 second to comb (and will the pals sec the difference.'). You'll look neat and natural. Bye-bye loose, flaky dandruff and diyncss. too. So be smart and look, smart get Vitalis soon at drug store or barber shop. vmms i t t f - t : IS ZfX' V .,jj.'.-:--"--.: .:!;::" ninfrVrtT- v,,T;1-lHllW " VttdMar.Wf'W CALIFORNIA ALWAYS boasts about its purpetual sunshine, but occasionally it does admit to a bit .of unauthorized bad weather. During one of these never-to-be-mentioned storms, in Los Angeles, a flash of lightening shattered ihe wall and window directly behind Margo Pollock, 2, who shows her dis-, pleasure, or maybe it's just surprise. Graharn Revival Halted; Preacher Is Exhausted' BRIDGEPORT, Conn., April 1 1 (iT) Overcome by .what his physician said was "extreme phy sical exhaustion," revivalist Billy Graham of Charlotte, was unable to appear at a scheduled meet ing here last night. He was or- -Bennett- (Continued from page 1) former student, was an air force veteran described by his mother as a "war casualty" who had shown "mental abnormalities." A statewide manhunt began for Smithey, but the case ended abruptly Saturday morning when he was found dead in a wooded section of Chapel Hill. Smithey had been shot through the head and a pistol lay in his lap. Coroner H. J. Walker termed the case as "murder-suicide." SBI -Director Anderson said ballistics tests showed the pistol found on Smithey "was the one that killed Bennett." dered to bed where the doctor advised him to remain for at least 24 hours of, complete rest. Graham who conducted a re vival in Springfield, Mass., last night," complained of not feeling well as he prepared for the meet ing at his hotel snortly after 6 o'clock. When his condition failed to improve, a local physi cian was called. He urged that the revivalist be put to bed. Jack Wyrtzen, a radio com mentator, who had been visiting Graham, was substituted for the revivalist. Wyrtzen gave an un prepared talk to about 3,000 peo ple who crowded the Lyric thea tre and overflowed into two near by halls where his voice was carried over a public address sys tem. Graham's public relations di rector said the revivalist was scheduled to conduct a meeting in Fall River, Mass., tomorrow night but it was indefinite whether he would be able to ap pear. V Air Reserves Honor Two, Hear Reports Major Joseph A. Porter, Pro fessor . or Military Science at North Carolina State College and reserve Air Inspector for the 14th Air Force, and Lt. Jack A. Crook, Laison officer of the 14th Air Force in charge of laison rela tionships between Heardquarters and volunteer reserve squadrons, were guests of the Chapel Hill flight of the 9942nd Volunteer Air Force Training Unit at this week's meeting in the University AROTC building. In the absence of acting flight commander David B. Stevens, who was away on air force busi ness, Jack Fowler, the deputy commander was in charge. Paul. Boger of the University Film Library spoke on the history and organization of the Air Force; Alex McMahon of the Institute of Government and the Flight Per sonnel Officer presented a lecture on the structure, function, opera tion and importance of reconnai ssance "in Air force activity. In aduuion, tne jocai reservists saw a fnm on the newest pianes and equipment used by tne Air Force touay. Major Porter and Lt. Crook closed the meeting by bringing tne chapei rinutin volunteer air reservist;, up to uate on current developments in me reserve training program. XVieeuiis oi the Chapel Hill infant os. tne yjnu Viviiu ne -Gaston- (ConuiCucd jrom page 3) Duna up some sort 01 an early icon, &iaVi,Ki anu pi)QdDiy i.n.3- intr win go uuo uic livjici. Joe iooksmre wnl probably take over JUdnuge's leau-oif du ties. Backing up Gaston in the bull pen will be sophomore lefthander nenry Schacnt. Southpaw Bill McGinn is next in line and if things get tough, Cassell might pitch a few innings. The Tar Heel coaching staff will shoot the works today striving for Carolina's win over the Deacs in more than a year. Except for the two probable changes, the Tar Heels will use iheir regular lineup with Captain Will Hobbs on first, Brookshire at short, Sleepy Senter at third, Charlie Gurganus catching, Ed Lamb in right, and Jim Ballou in center. The two clubs clash again Sat urday afternoon in Emerson Sta dium in the second of five games. nyac raiiv I loo w,www w .-,.. w.- Every Year; Park Service Ss Host HYDE PARK, N. Y., April 11 The Roosevelt mansion, which always welcomed visitors during the late president's life time, still does 500,000 a year. The boyhood home of the man who was elected four times pres ident of the United States was dedicated April 12, 1946, the first anniversary of his death, as the Franklin D. Roosevelt national historic site. George A. Palmer, superinten dent, says visitors have averaged a half a million each year. The Park Service plays host to more than 3,000 a day at Hyde Park during the peak tourist season. "Most of the people coming here remember him still," Pal-1 "Mr. Roosevelt liked to get in mer said. "We are beginning to j his car and drive ail over th.: get children, sixth graders and ! place, Plog. recalls. "He hkej kw, ,ho hav to he told who trees, the big poplars were his LSV, V- r f -t-w , Roosevelt was." The turn off the Albany Post Road, two miles north of Pough kecpsie, is well marked by Park Service signs. A motion picture theater named "Roosevelt" has sprung up just across the road. Nearby are a souvenir shop and a" lunch stand. The oldest inhabitant at Hyde Park is William Plog, 80, who has I been at Hyde Park 53 years. He says, despite all the visitors now, "there was a lot more work to do when we had the farm." favorites. Red favorite flowers. roses were Visitors are always surprised at the furnishings of the old slono houoe, Palmer says. A remark you often hear,,;ic. cording to Palmer, is "my grand mother threw away furniture like this ases ago." Downstairs visitors see the din ing rooms, with the president's chair pushed back from the tabk-. The library is roped off, left the way Roosevelt always kept it. 'W? h w& & mssm tflEnrss wssmt q i "In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns lo thoughts of... Renault! Because Renault makes with the miles and mooches with the moola! Renault's 'master-minder' carburetor hoards gas more avidly than your rich uncle hoards pennies. Renault travels 40-50 miles to the gallon. Four can go from Washington, D. C, to New York for 29 cents each . . . Tootle that tune on your licorice stick! (Proof on request.) brings the lurid details how you, too, cart join the growing ranks of Renault campus suh-dcalers and f-ell Renaults to your classmates, professors and local merchants ... at the lowest price of any four-door, four-passenger sedan in America. Invest a penny in your future and mail an inquiry card today! ?m0" its.!5rJgi!3Sf i0tSB RENAULT SELLING BRANCH, INC. 1920 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. CLASSIFIEDS ANNOUNCEMENT WH.ERE TO EAT! FOUND A FINE plarr to eil.. Colonial House System, ruip Foods. Open Mon.-Thurs. 11 a. m. midnite. fri. & Sat. 11 a. m. to 2 a. m. i : TRAILER WITH ELECTRIC REFRIG- I eralor. hot water heater. Nearly new. Will sell or tent. If interested write this paper. Already set up in Chapel Hill near campus. .Rex. A. Paramere. (2-cchgx7, HOW ABOUT BEACH RESERVA l IONS For Easter or anytime. Write Liidy Esther Rentals or call 130 Jl. Myrtle Beach. S. C. - (chg lxl) WATCH REPAIRING. PROMPT SER vice. Godwin .Jewelry. Company. Be neath Sutton's Drxig Store. (lxl) THE LANDIS AT WRIGHTSFUL Beach. N. C, is now open for house parties 5nd weekend guests. Write or call 82601. (chg lxl) FOR RENT 6A RADIO AND RECORDPLAYER c6m binaiion that plays 12 records and is in perfect condition. Also 65 well assorted records. $75.00 Contact Ran dy Shives, 213 Mangum Dorm. P.S. Limited Supply "only. (lxn.c.) TWO ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT. Bath shared with another couple. Easy walking distance of campus. 304 Hil!sioro St. Contact Dick Fountain. 310 Manley. (1-2772-2) FOR SALE: AUTOMOTIVE 6BB NICE SINGLE ROOM TO MALE STU dent or business man. Nice double room to couples or two male students Convenient to bath Close in. (I-C2770-1) FOUR ROOM HOUSE 47 DAVIE Circle $75 month. Call 8406. (1-C2770-1) BUICK CLUB COUPE. WONDERFUL condition low mileage two new tires, carborator, fuel pump. 1950 li censes, etc ' Good price. See it at 102 Johnson Victory Village. (Chg lxl) 1942 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL CON VERTIBLE like new. Radio, heater and new W. W. tires. Call Lvnchburg 7-270G. (l-cCh-6) E" - ' 1 '1'" 111 "lummm JBJm A suits though U the house s ( .ntches J 1 t:,. .',1 " 2. -"T. r37JllICC3fe WELL. AAV MASTER. WHY PIP VOuYDl) SAID I WA$ lM 5THEK IT WAS NOT ENTlRLYYPJSHAPS-ALTH0U3ui S-i3r I AM5PAKIN5 IM Jl TKY TO RUN J BAP FAVOK. WITH THE T BECAUSE YOU DEEADEP TO J YOU HAVE 0EOWN THE Ife TH15 15 A35URP HOW -VENGUSH, AS YOU -3 AWAYy LYNX 1J SECRET PDUCE... IS V SEE YOUR HUS&AMP'S TBEARP SINCE THEN... J g r CO0UP MADAME LYNX WAVEORPRED.'..I AAA . -, THERE ANY SETTER FACE AGAIN ? YA 7rwaj4 utTTi 11-BEEN AAAKKIEP TO OLP J ALSO USTEN1N& IM CjV ( REASON FOR. TRYING i?- rV illatl AvA'V S 5AARNSK ANP NOT CNOW ENGLISH FOR. YOUR. WTO PISAPPEAR?.. T" S5rl-iPi? 'WrWwimi fcd ! I H I'M AN IMPOSTOR. ? WORPS OF WISPOAA.' ' V t i 4 (llli. WiiEK3?fitwS Cheese Blintzes today at HARRY'S a a u n c finId-T" JUSSSA WM SCXJTHWEST- i, I LLTvi v-if:09U I ; ' m L mMrST 'mr 3wal4 3A3naa Oi. x- thar's yfcr Wfirr ?i JCf-TrV- r ,HX ssvd Y 3 N,ZV9VW SI Hi TI SOME MGMTY sMfcilni H P ' tirV (w-hooo i3Hi Iav3-3a3n'os Nx peekoolvar I nUl-P - S' Y' f-"'S3IWOJLS i -Tina J.3D QL STUFF IN THIS tUM-1 i "-rT Jk ATHOiMVJNn,. J JdV 3bV SONIKl lZ ' ( ( MAGAZINE CRITTERS WIF" TWO HAIDS, t-UM SOME CJMEARTMlV PLANfcr.':'' nwrr mjat a ridikeplous imagination Have You Played KIKIT? New Game of Skill Rendezvous Roo m V CAROL REED cn C 3 O o A o ax (HA WOULDOLI I LIKE -OR SUPPEPS ? S ( POQK . J' I CHOPS J 1 1' OKTAV POPK CHOPS. O AND WHAT TTv ..Vii MASHED KTTATOES - I 'jm ANU PEAS THATLLBE NICE-O v NOW, WHAT X s. P DESSERT WOULD ) fZrvZ -t you like ? Zy c"$f9V:IE Jvjl ECLAIRS 1 1 VOU'k'E LUCKy DtVvP- 1 MOT r.VrP 'Al PC v r' LETS HEQ J rW' Q A&i HUSBAND AV?) THE I4EALG icnttin hy GRAHAM GREENE an S.R.O. release TODAY ONLY VILLAGE and the .2 c 60-Second Workout" " ' ' I I 1 in 1 ltll. - ii nj

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