C";"TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 26959 PAGE THRfifi"' " - THE DSILT, TAR. HEEE T"""" veiy In em yens WO VtaiS ITT. 12)3 For Moffe 13 -.1 . Injured Men join Squad For Drills A quietly determined bunch of Tar Heel gridders put their 13-7 victory over State College behind them yesterday afternoon and got down to work in prepar ation for Saturday's big game aeainst the mightv Irish of Notre Dame at South Bend. The practice was a typical Monday afternoon affair, with Coach Carl Rnavelv and his as sistant? stressing both offensive and defensive work. Pass de fense, esneciaPv assint All- America Bob Williams tvne of lonff. loonine pria"!;. -received great deal of attention. Players and conches alike were encouraged bv the murk return to action of four of Saturav's pix iniured nlavs. Captain Hnck Holdash, T)vn Wilov. Andv Mi Reta. and Back Bob (Goo Goo) Gantt, all of whom were treated tor .lime burns following Satur day s" game, were ' pronounced fit for action. Grerrorv Out However. sonhomores Miles 'Oreeorv, who tVIpvpc! an cmt -standing Panr 'nt defensive guard against the "Wolfnak, vs still out with a snrained ankle that -H" mipht keen him out of the clash 'lii ?with the Irish on Sturdv. Let terman R. L. McDonald, who also saw a lot of action at guard ,isaerainst State, reinjured an old 'ztv ankle wound, but is expected -fi 'back in the lineup soon. WTu1f thp Tar TTp-plq wptp Tinv their Tianrls full with the WolfDark Saturdnv.,-' w'th Notre Damp Coach Frrmk Lahy scnut iri? them from the Kenn Sta- jbme : . ' ' n jj,. . Irish varsity was going through S'f tune-un with the freshmen -f-I'Z out' in South Bend. i Manaqers Wanted Chick Pfeferkorn, h?d freshman ' football manager. is reouest'na applicants io work freshman managers Freshmen who ar interested j. , should renort lo Pfefferkom , , as 2:30 any aftrnoon iMs '.' .. . week in room 14 the fresh ; "man dressing room in Wool , len Gym. Suit Against Peahead Walker Continued In Raleigh Court Raleigh, Sept. -25 (JP) Trial tof; a $40,000 suit gainst D. C. (Peahead) Walker, head foot- ball coach at Wake Forest Col lege, and a Raleigh physician today was continued until an other ' term of Wake superior n court. - ?i Henry C. Jackson, deputy i. Clerk, of superior com i, the case was postponed because Lfjllness of . one' of the parties in the suit. Malcolmb B. Grandy of Lau- finburg, a wingback on waiK plverV 1945 and 1946 teams, filed the suit last may against Walk- . . TT 7 rrtTol er and ur. ueorge w. rmuiai, Raleigh physician. - Grandy claimed in the com plaint that the two men failed V- F. Vi ft WS? --" A2 y K4 -J? & lis ' v - it , - Jit luai ""Richard wiomark ucLg"-i4?2g.fJg (Mctotf jf ttin ruw" MUSICAL CARTOON TODAY ' CAROLINA Leahy W&rried Likes Depih, By Zane Robfcins i This is THE week for - Tar Heelia in general and the UNC football team in particular. ... The football schedule says we gotta play Notre Dame ' this weekend in ; South Bend of all places. The team, the students, and most, everybody else in . the State remembers last year's mo mentous battle against Notre Dame's four top teams in Yan kee Stadium and they all re member the lousy decisions by the officials, the final score, and the halftime score. . ' Frank Leahy, the Irish miracle man, knows full well that the Tar Heels will be gunning for Notre Dame with everything they can muster this weekends He said last week that, in his opinion, Carolina has a great teani." He expressed the opinion that the Tar Heels will present a stronger. better balanced team this year than they did. in 1949, despite the loss of three All-Americas'. . ' - 1 "I like the depth that Snavely has, Leahy said. "He has several Dorms, F rats I n Five Miiral The 1950 fall calendar for Mu- ral athletics was released yes terday by the Intramural Depart ment. Five sports, will be offered to fraternitv and dormitory teams. Tag Football Entries will open today with the fraternity entrv deadline Oct. 3 and the dormitory deadline Oct. 6. The fraternities will start'plav Oct. 5 and the dorms will follow Oct. 9. " - - Golf All golf ers should - turn in an 18-hole qualifying score , to Ed Kennv at Finley golf shop by Oct. 10. Play will start Thursday, Oct. 12 with flights for all qual ifiers. J :, .. ..' - , ... Tennis' V",' ' ..Entries for the tennis tourna ment will close Oct. 4. Entry sheets will be posted at the tennis courts. There will be singles and doubles in both novice and open divisions. . - : ' ... Volleyball ! i Volleyball entries open today to provide proper medical care when he suff ered, a. broken knee cap in a game between Wake . Forest, and' the University of Chattanooga in 1946. . : ; -;. , It was alleged in the suit , that Grandy ."knows he will be a ' partial cripple for the balance of his life.": -. V" ' :; : In answers to the suit, .Walk- , er and Dr. Paschal .both y de nied the charges. . . .. ' . ' Golfers rSeii- Coach Chuck Ejrickson." head ; golf coach, has called meet- . ing of all prospective golfers, both freshmen and ratslif, for 5 p.m. iodar Woollen Gym. The meeting will be held in room 304. ... AlSO r About Irish Balance Of Carolina Team - I 7 4 FRANK LEAHY likes UNC team experienced men at every posi tion'.' and that line is very strong.' , Asked T about his own ' team, Leahy ' said,- "I'll have to depend on sophomores an awful lot. ' We To Com p et e Sports and will close Oct. 10. The tour nejr jvill be' a single elimination affair with play starting Oct. 11. Entries may1 be made at the In tramural office in Woollen Gym. .Horseshoes Oct. ,4 is the deadline for. horse shoe .entries. A single elimination tourney will start Oct. 9 in both singles, and doubles with matphes starting at 7 o'clock each, night. Entry sheets have been 'posted in Woollen Gym. GOODMAN PLAYS WELL Stan Goodman, flashy Univer sity .of North" "Carolina second baseman arid leading hitter in 1948, C returned to the campus this week to resume his studies after his first year in profession al baseball.' Goodman hit .287 for San Jose in the Class B Calif orn ia League, and was rewarded by a recall to Louisville of the Amer ican Association. He is owned by the Boston Red Sox.- WAKE FOREST TICKETS ; Many good tickets remain for the Carolina-Wake Forest foot ball game here Oct. 14. PHARMACY is our Pharmacy has more "k Our Prescription Department is staffed by three licensed pharmacists, each with years of experience in lhe practice of the pro fession. EUBAM1CS DRUG CO. Reserves, probably won't be able to field full two platoon system, paused, then continued, "It loofa; like we'll have at leas.t fiveoyjs playing on both offense and'.de-. fense." . . Leahy, who has long been2 rec ognized as a past master with" the crying towel, put on a Very on- vincing show, but it is doubtful if the Irish will be as bad off as their, distinguished coach thinks. Asked how he thought Huck Holdash and his own Gerry Groom compare as centers, Leahy said, "It's a tough comparison to make. Both boys are great, arid either would be an excellent All America choice." Leahy hurried off to make plane connections for his trip back to Notre Dame shortly after the end of Saturday's game, but didn't leave without reiterating his fear of the Tar Heels. "I think thy were holding off," he commented. "They'll really be tough. to bea( It would be nice to see the lu?k of the Irish run out this Satur- 1 day, wouldn't it? Chapel Hill Plays Graham Here Friday . Chapel Hill High School's elev en, defeated 6-0 by Methodist Orphanage last Friday night, wil try to get on the victory trai when they play host to a veteran Graham High squad Friday at the new Carrboro stadium. An intercepted pass proved to be the winning margin for the Orphanage team as they handed Coach Bill Grice's charges their second loss in as many tries. It was the third defeat in ; three years for the local team. Graham, with practically the same team that went down , be fore Chapel Hill, 7-0, last year, will seek to tag the Wildcats with. their third straight loss. Mean while, Coach Grice is pessimistiq about his club's chances, noting that his line 'will be heavily put weighed by the veteran Graham forward wall. Oil .17 W&M HOMECOMING Carolina's Homecoming foOtb'al contest will be played against William and Mary College .here Oct. 28. business been our business than 58 years. Janitor Plans Trip By end . By Julian Scheer Tar Heel football fans will un dergo undue hardships to see the team - play, but Hyden Clark, a Woollen Gym janitor, will take the medal for loyalty beyond the call of duty for the Notre Dame game. Clark, who has been on the gymnasium staff for three years, leaves . here Wednesday by bus for South Bend, He'll arrive just before game time and also will have a stop-over for a few mo ments in of all ; places New York City. "I've got a good seat between the 40 and 50 yard lines," he said, 'and I'm anxious to get started. ! won't 'get back until Tuesday, eaving right after the game. I hope to get a little better con nection." Clark took in the Yankee Sta dium affair last year the same way, but that's duck soup to this journey. He nas also treKea to Knoxville, Tenn., to see the Tar Heels play. Agreat ' f an . of Art Weiner's, Clark says it's worth it to see the Tar Heels win. Faith is where you find it! Officials Meeting A clinic for Intramural lag football officials will be held Tuesday. Sept. 26 at 4 p.m. in room 301. Woollen Gym. Any student who has not registered to officiate may qual ify by attending this clinic. IT'S A SMALL WORLD When Coach Carl " Snavely greeted football candidates this fall, he was surprised to see on his ; roster a . lad named Maurice Young, a 168-pound wingback. Young, Snavely learned, is from Belief on teV Pa. The Tar Heel coach first gained nationwide recognition there in 1924-25-26. Welcome RAMSHEAD RATHSKELLER Ballantine Beer and Ale on Tap COCKTAIL 10c BEER SERVED We Deliver V-TH' NEXT NAME. ON TH' a I3 THASS A PEE-KOOLVAR CAST NAME ALTHOUGH TW' FIRST NAME. IS NICE. Q C i V. Yanks Take Two From Nats; Bosox Dump Athletics Twice ; NEW YORK, Sept. 25 (AP)--The Yankees', did everything but -announce their openins: World Series -pitcher today as they battered the fifth-place .' the Stadium, -8-3 and 7-4, in two That just. about did it. In run- ning their home stretch victory streak to five, the world champ ions lengthened their lead over the idle Detroit Tigers to three and one-half ganes, and that ap pears too many at this late stage. The so-called "magic" num ber was reduced to four. That is, the Yanks with . six games re maining on their calendar, can clinch the flag by winning four. Or any combination of Yankee victories and Detroit defeats adding up to four will serve the same purpose. Three Yank wins will erase Boston. Double Whitewash . PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25 (JP) The Boston Red Sox may not win the 1950 American League pennant, but they'll long remember a cold, raw day in September, when two of their pitchers turned in performances almost unheard of from their hurlers a double-header shut out. Lefty Mel -Parnell and new comer Harry Taylor today turn ed back the last place Philadel phia Athletics, 8-0 and 3-0. Only 1,772 braver than wise fans huddled in Shibe Park to see Manager Steve O'Neill's Bos- tonians keep alive their slim mathematical chance of copping the Junior Circuit flag. Phils Split Twin Bill BOSTON, Sept. 25 (JP) Jim Konstanty missed fire on a record-tying 70th relief " job today and his Philadelphia Phillies settled for a split with the Boston Braves. Pitcher Max Surkont's eighth inning single off bespectacled Jim in the second game ruined the pennant-minded Phils' hopes of a double-header sweep. The Braves eked out a 5-3 edge in Class of '54 HOUR 3-5 The BEST FOOD in AN ' TH' ADDRESS IS PEE PINCUS NUMBER 7. AH HOPES IT HAIN'T FAR, ON ACCOUNT AH IS MIGHTY TIRE.D. 1 Washington Senators twice at typical uomoer penormance. Mural Crown To Sigma Chi Sigma Chi, winners of the golf, swimming, track, water polo, and rifle marksmanship champion ships sponsored by the Intramural department, walked off with the fraternity mural crown last year. The five first places, along with points accumulated from playoff teams, brought the Sigma Chis the trophy as organization point win ner. Team manager Bob Brannon, who had up to six teams out for each event, was also awarded a trophy as the best Intramural manager. AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston 8-3, Philadelphia 0-0 New York 8-7, Washington 3-4 NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 12-3, Boston 4-5 Brooklyn 3, New York 2 the finale. The Phils took the opener, 12-4 behind Kenny Heintzelman. Books The American Nation (Kicks) ' Better Reading College Algebra " El Hombre de Negro Esthetics (Gilbert and Kuhn) Fundamental French (Micks and Longi) General Psychology (Dashiell) Introducing Spanish ' Masters of English Literature. Vol. I Mirror for Man (Kluckholm) s Neuf Contes Chosis de Daudet Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (Palmer and Leigh) Por Los Siglos Reading for Writing The Ring and the Book (Everyman ed.) e BRING IN YOUR COPIES You Can Use the Money, We Can Use the Books, o BUYING OR SELLING, YOU ALWAYS GET A BETTER DEAL ON USED BOOKS AT THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP ' 205 E. FRANKLIN OPEN TILL 9:00 c Town Is at HARRY'S TvEToOKETnpXJCH YthAR ) I40W DOESVO' TtU-U MC -! ALL OUR FOUTE BOOKS . MUST" SEMD FELARLESS YOU DIDNT NOWHERE ON EARTH BE.' AH'LL FOSD!C(k BOOKS f ASK ME. - IS THERE SUCH A MATTH' ( TO GAMMA GAMMA THAT.'?'- PLACE AS PINCUS J'FEARLESS ) PLAKIET PINCUS7TE.IJL MC I'M NUMFOSDlCKjj f -7? HEARff'3 . 1 Cagers Start Fall Practice: Under Scott Basketball got an early start here yesterday when Coach Tom Scott sent his cagers through their initial practice. t Carolina lost only three letter men from last year's squad. Nemo Nearman and John Tsantes wete' lost from the starting five. Red Bennett, reserve center, also graduated. However, Coach Scott said, "The prospects are very good f or . the coming year, and with the fresh mpn of last vear filling in. On the starting five, we should have . U. 4 r-r- (aom than lnct Vprir's" Hugo Kappler and Charlie Thorne have been selected as co- captains. Sophs Should Help .; Howard Deasy, 6 ft. 7 inch junior, will probably fill the va cancy left by Nearman. Jack Wal lace and Vince Grimaldi, sopho mores, will likely nil the otner first team berths. Approximately 25 boys are out for the varsity with eight seniors listed. Hal Ferrara, Red Wells, and Dick Patterson will fill in as senior forwards.' Bill White, Semo Terrell, and Irving Turk will substitute at the guards. Other than Dcasy, "Frank Redding (Sec SCOTT, Page 4f i an re1 - 9-t5

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