If" 1 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1950 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEC Look That Hussv . .. ; .. .r Gleams On Para de Of Yesterday Of Fa II Styles NEW YORK, Sept. 29 (JP) The shadow of "war has brought feack hussy fashions, ii?fc$l New York custom designer showings of the last few weeks have stressed heavily the theme of feminine allure, with maximum exposure and kleig light glitter. Lilly Dache, exponent of glam or with a capital G, announces the inspiration of her collection as the age of chivalry, when strong men went marching off to war, subsisting on memories, of the languishing - women they left behind women attired, Xmind you, not in tailored suits and sensible shoes, but in filmy float ing draperies revealing more than they concealed. . Such is.the.thenie"6. the upper crust designers, : and '--such, con sequently, will be - the - theme of mass-production 'boy S &nflt girls as soon as : copies can' get ' into the Works." ' Zi :-:: ; TSr Mme. Dache, who now . does head-to-toe costumes: in, addition to hats, shows cocktail, and even ing outfits loaded ,vifith glitter, up to and. including-sequin" em broidered stockings. . HeFi. mst- drja,feal is strictly vampirish "model with a "Portcullis" veil, designed to sha dow the eyes int wicked mystery. Esther Dorothy, designer of ex otic furs, tops' the: season with a fur evening gown.: . This is a strapless affair : imacle of sleek SPORTSMAN'S STOCKCAR " - - . ..' . ' - : - Camp Butncr Speedway- SUNDAY, OCT: J at 2:00 P.M. 12 miles out on Oxford highway AMPLE PARKING SPACE 3 II Records Players Radios One of the South's largest and most complete stocks CLASSICAL POPULAR " JAZZ DIXIELAND FOLK JUMP Complete Line of 33 Vz 4578 r.p.m. Records Lamps Typewriters Used Furniture ABERNETHY'S OPPOSITE GRAHAM MEMORIAL black broadtail with a ruffle of black lace edging the low de colletage. It is worn with a thick rope -of white ermine, which the model wears slung about her shoulders, hips . or waist as the fancy ' strikes .her. ; - Miss Dorothy also likes one- sleeved stoles of such luxury furs as mink or ermine, worn over one shoulder, exposing the other, which preferably is bare. The designer advises women to wear their' furs "any - way except the way they are made." Jackets, she says, should be worn with only one sleeve on, the other draped casually off the shoulder. Stoles should never be worn merely around the neck, b ut should be draped, wrapped or even dragged. A sensation of her showing is a bright red overcoat of clipped fox, worn by a model with green hair.' That's right, green hair. Miss Dorothy thinks hair should be dyed to match or contrast with the costume. She wears her own in a deep, navy blue tone. For evening wear, designers are advocating very little above the cloth and crinoline below. Some of the skirts' shown on " evening gowns would have difficulty get ting through an average doorway, and employ hoops, stiffening and padding to achieve the desired girth. , Hattie Carnegie, Sophie and Dior are among the designers fa voring these civil war skirts after dark. Even shoes follow the trend. Shoes for afternoon and evening wear this winter will have jewel ed heels, braid embroidery and every kind of frippery in the book, to make women's feet look fragile and expensive. The jeweled stocking are in line with the rest of the parade. They are shown with sequin clocks or embroidered all over in spangles of various hues, polka dot fashion. , It looks like a glitter season. 3 - . i,' 9 S V " J i K,.t;-;;:vf :v .: ;v': -:: ""tm'ilf u - LONG- HAIRDO This hair do, designed by stylist Guil laume, was launched by Paris couturier Christian Dior as part of the French attempt to bring back long hair fashion. ft Season Starts At Dance Club; Lehman'sTeach On this big Carolina campus it's hard to meet all the folks you'd like to, but there's no fun like that of trying. One way is through the Dance Club where you can meet dozens of people and dance to your heart's content. (Here's a chance to meet that tall, dark and handsome, gals.) tiVery Monday night at 7 o'clock John and Charlotte Lehman throw open the doors of Woolen Gym , and students flock in to extend the week-end just one night more. As a result of its popularity last year an even full er program of dances has been planned with everything from foxtrot to Latin American and shag. If you want to learn any of these steps, Charlotte and John are on hand to help you. As an cxhiDition team last year they toured North Carolina and then returned to dance in the Playmaker's "Spring For ,Sure UNC Coed Plays Cigarette Girl; Converts Smokers On Campus If suddenly you are assailed by a coed with a smile and an ulterior motive, prepare yourself. She will thrust into your hand a package of Chesterfields, instruct you to tear them open, ana to Dreaxne cteepiy. Then she will ask you if ever, in all your life, out of all the cigarettes you have smoked, you've smelled anything so mild. Martha Byrd, (Byrdie) from Morganton, is the new Chester field representative at Carolina and is already gathering new Chesterfield fans behind her smoke ring. 1 Incidently, every gallant guf nca pig receives (with the smile) a free package of the "mild scented" cigarettes. Items of interest, including cur rent newspapers, will be buried for 100 years in a stainless- steel cylinder at Alexandria, Va. Scientists are making synthetic minerals at high pressure in stainless steel "bombs." ' YOUR CLEANER IS YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD GROOMING - - - UNIVERSITY CLEANERS EXE Important Point! Your suit lapels. Careful attention ensures the retaining of, their casual, loose drape appearance Important Pointl Your trouser creases. We whisk away ugly dusty lines . . . clean creases with care. You r '' So n i tone7' CieaYiers PiKA Officers Named; Vets Get Orchestra Tau Chapter of Pi Kappa Al pha held its first meeting of the year Monday night when a slate of officers was picked by. mem bers. Chosen were President Woody Williams of Columbia, S. C; .Vice president Bernard Winfield of Chocowinity: Treasurer Louis Godwin of Olecn; Secretary How ard Broughton of Herford; House lotte; and Dining Room Manger Manager Nick Miller of Char Fred Whiscnhunt of Florence, S. C. On Saturday night, the Veter ans Club, located in back of Len oir Hallj will have as featured entertainment an orchestra for dancing. As an added attraction, a door prize will be given. Maurice Bowden, manager, has announced that the club is open not only to veterans but also to members of the ROTC groups. The club is open each night, ex cept Wednesdays, from 8 o'clock until coed dorm closing hours. Girls in the news have that extra something and that extra something happens to be a fra ternity pin. - i Adding their names to the list are Bunny Davis; Phi Delt of Mi ami, Fla, who is pinned to 'Jean Frances Caraher, of Clearwater, Fla, Chi Omega and who is a June graduate of the University. Pi Kappa Phi Jack Prince of King's Mountain recently turned over his pin to Pat Jewell, Tri Delt of Gainesville, Ga. Among the Zetes who lost a pin was Copie HOT of . Kinston to Susie Upchurch of . Danville, Va. In the tribe of Tau Epsilon Phi, Irwin Sawitz recently pin ned Jo Ann Weiss of Miami Beach, Fla. Barry Fnie and Sonia Levine of Portsmouth, Va., are also among the pinned couples. Jofm Alexander, Phi Delt of Dur ham, has pinned Jo Wagner of Rollins College at Winter Park, Fla. PiKA Bill McKinney of Roan oke, Va. has given his badge to Joan Snell of Roanoke, a stu dent at Randolph-Macon College. Joe Gray of Wilmington, a PiKA has pinned Pack Hackney of . High Point and Woody Williams, an other of the brothers, has pinned Ingrid Winler of Ontario, Canada. Bob Debardelaben, Phi Delt, of Greensboro is planning a Dec-t ember wedding to Jean Tucker of Richmond Pgly technic Insti tute and Greensboro. Married are PiKA Howard Quinn, of Jacksonville," president of the fraternity last year, to Helen Humphries, of Jackson ville, Charley Adams PiKA if Ra leigh has , Patsy McNutt of Greensboro as his bride. Harry Mauney, PiKA, of Murphey was recently married to Betty Puckett of Washington, D C. Don Maynard, Theta Chi, has changed his pfh fof a sweetheart pin for Wuff Newell of Raleigh. Sam McGill, of the St. Anthony Group, has -recently -, married Mar tha Pugh of Morgantown, W. Va. Other newly-married couples who have returned . to Chapel Hill this fall are Dan Nyimicz of Rahway, N: J. , and Helen Kelly of Durham; and Helen Bell: and Charles "Cheeta" George, both ofj Raleigh. ' - ; Glacier National Park, Mon tana, has more; than 1,000, miles h group of trails. ' " "v ' 1 - -Atrocities- they would, be unable to hold the town "against United Nations forces driving from the north east and South Korean Marines approaching from Namhae Island five miles east of Yosu. . Tlje 400 persons found dead in ditchesn.a beanfield near Taejon prison evidently had been shot one by one with their hands tied behind . them. . Some had been shot through the head.- Others had been shot in the back, near the kidneys, and die da lingering, agonizing death. There were old men in the One yery aged woman was" found. ' ' ''' . ....The story of Lily James, the girl from Kansas who really lived A CLASSIFIEDS ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW YORK TIMES and NEW YORK Herald Tribune Sunday delivery Cam pus. Chapel Hill, Victory Village, Glen Lcnnox. Write. University Sunday Carrier Service, Box 665, Chapel Hill. (chg. lxl) WE WILL OPEN AT GAME TIME Saturday. DroD in with your friends and have Valentine's ale and Beer on tap with us. Chg. lxl) FOR RENT 6A FOR RENT: FURNISHED APT. TWO moms and bath. (Electric stove & Electric Refrigerator). One block from campus. Call F-5279 RENTING? YOU COULD BE BUYING! Comfortable trailer with large room attached. Conveniently located on cam- mis behind Swain Hall. For details Robert Hoke. Phone 6441 (1-1409-1) LOST STRAYED OVER WEEK-END BROWN male Cocker. Broken left front lee Answers to 'Skipper" . Wilmington r y Her r v 0wn! "SW 'iuuiwiimjuiiiiiiii M-G-M presents IAI1A . RAY TURNER MIUAI1D 171 TOM EWELL LOUIS CALHERN ANN DVORAK BARRY SULLIVAN i MARGARET PHILLIPS JEAN HAGEN LATE SHOW TONIGHT SUNDAY MONDAY CAROLINA NO PRICE IN THIS AD - - - But our prices are lower and our haircuts are better Graham Memorial Barber Shop Southeast Corner of Basement Destroyer Hits Mine WASHINGTON, Sept. 2:)-,,?, The Navy reported tod;iy tU U. S. Destroyer Brush hit ;i !!.,,. ing mine in . the Sea of J;,;,,,, Wednesday. Nine men v.f,,., killed and 10 injured by ttm rx. plosion. Five others arc im. Mnr- A large under water hole torn in the lef t side of the 2 J'i i. ton destroyer but the ship i i the port of Sasebo, Japan, i n i- i her own power after cmci -hcy repairs at the scene. FIRST GO TO HUGGINS HARDWARE "You Want To Find It Now" We've got it . . . and priced right! ... or we will help you find it. K 1 j Campus Interviews on Cigare tte Tes ts umber l.TOG PypPDM BGQED ga ' yln . Jx ' i 'rj i r PC What's all the huffiri and puffin9 about? I've: been a Puffin all my life!" V , X ou may think this "bird" is funny but he's no odder than many of the cigarette tests you're asked to make these days. One puff of this brand one sniff of that. A quick inhale a fast exhale and you're supposed to know what cigarette to smoke from then on. The sensible test doesn't have to rely on tricks and short cuts. It's a day-after-day, pack-after-pack tryout for 30 days. That's the test Camel asks you to make! Smoke Camels regularly for 30 days. Your "T-Zone" (T for Throat, T for Taste) is the best possible proving ground for any cigarette. After you've made the Camel 30-Day Mildness Test, we believe you'll know why . . . rJlqre People GmoHie Scuei ihan any of her iigarctio! Watch Norre Dame-UNC on TV Today at HARRY'S f THINK IT'S V I H-HOPE SO. YcXDNTT KMCW WHUT YO'GOT SAFE TO TAKE ONE SPECK OF ) AGIN SH LEM EELO A AH OFF THE GAS NSHLEMEELIUM ALLUS MIXES SHLLMEELIUM j . MASKS -NOW.7 WOULD KILL US ) BLOSSOMS WIF TURKEY . ALL. If .-INNAROS IN MAH TOBACCY. " y --Ssi r - MAKES IT EASIER ON TH' AH GOTTA TAKE f SHKKS.Y A U'LTRIP ON A If AH LOVES POCKET. SO AH NSHLEMEELIUM' TOOK TH'SHLLMLEL- ) AM'UL TAKE IUM TEST-BUT AH TH'TRIP FO' GULPl'-FAiLED.'" r YO' V 7'A btbiDtJb,YO lb DAISY KAC NEEDED BAD CAIN'T MAP?7 IN DOG PATCH. ) SURPPJSiN' S'lirM" UNLESS YO' SHZ. LOVES r.lTQTUAD P.V -iN. Mr" MAWNINV DAISY MAE WILL MARRV SURPRISIN', SMITH." ' w ) identication tag. Call Jake Wade s of fice F-35B6. (chg. lxl)