FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1951 TAGE SIX THE DAILY TAR HEEL 1 I I si h ii. I! ... 'a it n mm ii:aanni tJt Vis-J r i If 1 If ti .. n x 1 r Foy n -Final Special to The Daily Tar Heel) CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Oct. 25 Carolina's Co-Captain Ed die Foy, scored a goal in the last thirty seconds of play here today to give the Tar Heel betters their second straight win of the Season and a victory over the Virginia Cavaliers. ' Foy scored the tie breaking point and - assured the Tar Heels of victory with a penalty . -- ', , ' , ' - kick the first of the season for the Carolina soccer team. Cajyalier Pete Arend. touched the ball in the penalty circle dur ing a scramble for the ball fol lowing an attempt of. the Tar Heels to score. :" . Foy was responsible f or , the other Carolina. score in the open- ing minutes of the second half when he took a pass in front of the , goal and sent a hard-low boot past thej Virginia goalie. Carolina oddly enough account ed for all the scorirtg including the opposition's one point. Early in the first quarter Burnie Burs tan, Carolina right fullback, be came confused and kicked the ball at the goal instead of the out of bounds line to put Virgin ia on top. Paul O'Brien, last Cavalier to touch the ball before Burstan got off his fabulous kick, received credit for the gpal that made it necessary for the Tar Heels to come from behind for their second win. ' Playing well for Carolina today w e r e Bud Sawyer, halfback, "Red" Montgomery, left outside, and Garry Russell, center for ward. All three contributed to the victory with fine performances. In general the Tar Heel play was spotty and it wasn't the same fine performance that they turned in " against N. C. State in the open ing g&me of the season. The loss was the third in four games for Virginia. The Tar Heels will carry an undefeated record into the Duke game on October 30. Carolina Coach Allen Moore said concerning the soccer team, "We vill have to improve some to beat Duke, they have a fine teaVn this yeai, and will be tough to beat. We are capable of doing ' just that if we turn in the per formance' we are capable of dol ing." Despite the fact that the Tar Heels were not as good as in their first game, credit should not be .taken away from Virginia who played a better game against the Tar Heels than they'have in their previous games this year. URALS The Mural wrestling tourna ment will commence Nov. 5. It will be a single elimination affair in each of the following weight classes: 123, 130, 137, 147, 157,; 167, 177, and unlimited. All contestants' must weigh-in on Wednesday or Thursday, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. Wrestlers will also be required to . make their respective weights in semi-final matches, and no extra allowances .will be allowed. CAROLINA - DUKE Drive IN Chapel Hill Blvd. between Durham & Chapel Hill TODAY Errol Flynn "DON JUAN" Technicbldr: Plus Color Cartoon WinnsrigGoal' Minute Of Play Ctitavan By Jake Wade Harry" Grayson, Blair Cherry and the college presidents can. write all they wish about the pressure in big college football (many of .their observations admittedly making sense), but at many places the game is still fun. We think ours is one of them. This year we have been playing little games off the practice field as a part of the recreation. One is trainer Fitz Lutz's con test to pick the Tar Heel Tall Tale' Teller" of the week. The players vote their selection at the Monday squad meetings. Un fortunately, there 'apparently has been little competition for the honor. Blocking back 'Pete Carr, the articulate 180-pound senior from Rocky Mount, who spins more yarns than are turned out in all of Gaston county's mills, has been a shoo-in every week. Number two man at every balloting has been tailback Ernie" Liberati, who still smiles at his work des pite the fact he. has never quite measured up to his heralded and potential varsity stature. The boys haven't told him, but inevitably they vote Head Coach Carl Snavely the number three spot. Hope this revelation doesn't mean extra laps for them around vast Navy field. - mo GENUINE SH ELL CORDOVAN WING-TIP OXFOUDS NOW ONLY Regular $22.50 Value BILLS MAILED HOME Cin,w ?H - GM Football These are the games for the Oct. 26 Graham Memorial Eoot ball contest. Pick the winners: Alabama x vs Mississippi State, Auburn vs Tulane, Maryland vs LSU, Duke vs Virginia, Georgia vs Boston College, Kentucky vs Florida, and Tennessee vs Tenn. Also Indiana vs Illinois, Iowa vs Ohio State, Kansas vs Kansas Tech..- ; y State, Northwestern vs Wiscon sin, Notre Dame vs Purdue, Army vs Columbia, Colgate vs Yale, Baylor vs Texas A.&M., Rice vs Texas, Colorado vs Oklahoma, California vs Oregon State, Southern California vs TCU, and VMI vs Catawba. ' ' Pick the score: North Carolina vs Wake Forest. . Students can pick up official entry blanks in the lobby of Graham Memorial and place them in boxes in the lobby. The blanks must be turned in by noon Saturday. Hyd en Clark Most Loyal The "award" for the most loyal Carolina fan must go to Hyden Clark, a Woollen Gymnasium janitor. This avid follower seldom misses a game at home or a way no matter what the hardship. Last season he rode to the Tennessee and Notre Dame games by bus, taking devious routes which stretched his jour ney into week-long affairs. This season he made the Maryland game in the same' fashion, arriv ing minutes before -the contest and leaving immediately follow ing. Not only is he loyal to football but he goes to great lengths to make a basketball game too. . Is it worth it? : Tve never regretted a trip, win or lose. I like to support my team," he says. , 7-; ')!nJ(0 0 ) ) uMiiigwr- i - - , I if 4 u i THIS IS A SAMPLE of the action that fans can sample Tuesday nighi. This shot is from a sabre match in a recent Carolina-Stale match. Competition is also held in ihe foil and epee. m m ' P A V V CIS Si iUi W fm m Join The UNC All you prospective Enrol Flynn's and Doug t Fairbanks's wholack only a knowledge of how to fence might take advantage of an offer by fencing instructors, Dave Evans, and Pebley Barrow who will be glad to give lessons to all interested parties. Right now the group is pre paring for next Tuesday's Blue White event, an individual elimi nation competition in foil, epee, and sabre. The fencing squad which : is presently composed of over forty-five members. . Already at the beginning of this year's practice there is indication of a strong and powerful, squad. Several members of last year's team are returning this year to cross blades. Returning veterans in sabre are : . Ed Williams, (coach) Ken Youngblood, and Grey Mat tox. In duelling sword, Jerry Jernigan, Conrad Cannon, and Be Smart ... .Wear SPORTS70 WEAR Ofvn-rf - Gt U most out f life in th eas, comfort and good appearance you get from Rugby Sweaters as well as Rugby Jackets and Leisure Shirts. You just can't gt raore for your money Rgby Sportswear RUeBY KN1TTW MILLS, lx. r r V BE SMART .Shop j - - .--.B..E r a. ' y ' V - : f Wm I m i a v Fencing Club "Ham" Horton are the nucleus of "this year's team. Foil veterans include John McKey, Rex Hor rell, and "Cam" Stubbs. With a remarkable record of progress during the short period of a little over two years, recog nition by the Athletic Depart ment as a minor varsity sport appears imminent, possibly next year. Emphasis and activity in the sport fostered and encouraged by the Intramural and Athletic "Departments has done much to place Carolina in a leading posi tion in southern collegiate fenc ing. In previous meets and com petitions Carolina has fenced N.C State, Univ., of Virginia, Univ. of Kentucky, A.M. A., and others. Prospects for the '52 season meets include these plus Waka Forest, Camp Lejeune, and Isartal (Tenn.). i 1 A ii r i r a V ore J 'A . ))' . II -RMAK'S E, Franklin St .tt t 1 i i i m