THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1952 THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE FIV2 I v 4 iO 1 : Here if is . . and it's . terrific THE SPORT SHOP'S ANNUAL j u) 7 1 -"MBM 1 -WM - LJk J J o THE SPORT SHOP does it again . . .brings you one of the most exciting and important clothing events of the year. Some of the most famous brands in the world are represented in our January Clearance Sale! This is not a sale of odd lots, but a genuine clearance. Here you'll find the -greatest values ever offered. Take advantage of these amazing values! SPECIAL GROUP MEN'S . D D VARSITY-TOWN, DON RICHARDS AND OTHER FAMOUS MAKES-Formcrly $50 to $65 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS 19.95 to 29.50 Formerly 29.50 to 40.00 Double-Breasted TUXEDOS and Full Dress 20 OFF SP CIAL GROUP NATIONALLY ADVERTISED MAKES n n r Li , U o ti""J',"Z3 s SPOUT SHIRTS 5.95 Values-now 3.95 7.95 Valucs-now 4.95 Large Selection of Famous Makes WINDBREAKER JACKETS'. 1-3 OFF Fine Imported Chinese CashMere:' sveaters Value to 22.50 14.95 ';. VALUES TO $5.00 WHITEAND COLORS OXFORD WEAVES and BROADCLOTH FAMOUS MAKE CORDUROY WOOL SPORT- SHIRTS Values To 1 0.00 6.95 ALL MEN'S TOPCOATS REDUCED f ( I i - N (A SPECIAL GROUP SLAG ICS Values To 16.95 - 9.95 CHARGES AS USUAL BILLS MAILED HOME