TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1952 THE DAILY TAR HEEL. if AGE TWO i . . . " : . awsrv s W NfSHSSI ' Is by Bill C. Brown Tar On My Heels ' "And .who did you say your grandmother was?' on-partisan Politics . - The General Assembly of the state of North Carolina is 30 years late on the - constitutionally required re-districting of congressional districts. This is a cause of much complaint on the part of Republicans, certain disgruntled "out" demo crats, anH young idealists. . The student legislature of the University of North Caro lina is six years (the life of the constitutional student govern ment) late on the obviously necessary and desirable re districting of campus legislative districts. We haven't heard anyone complaining except" members of the newly "in" Stu dent Party. So it should not be too much to expect that the present legislature (whose margin of independents, and double en dorsees gives the Student Party a workable majority) will hustle to act on the measure introduced Thursday, night by David Kerley. The bill is thus far being met with enthusiasm by members of both parties. The long-time University Party members see the. validity of the moves proposed last week in the re districting bill, as do the idealists of the Student Party. Should debate on the bill descend to the level of petty party politics, the campus will suffer from the anulling amending tactics which will inevitably result. Behind the scenes complaints of older leaders of the Stu dent Party that the bill will destroy the SP's most helpful king-maker the fraternity split as a result of the districts as un-gerrymandered by Mr. Kerley are therefore beside the point. The move has obvious advantages and disadvantages for both parties. It is most-obvious that the advantages to the campus are important and long-overdue. Furthermore, the winning party in any campaign is ob ligated to its campaign promises, and the Student Party prom ised. - - - Letters To The Editor f Madam Editor: In reference to- Hollo Taylor's articlto on Lenoir Hall in the Daily Tar Heel of January 20; If Mr. Taylor or anyone else has any good ideas on how to im prove the service, variety of food, etc., at Lenoir Hall, I am quite sure that the management will give the ideas careful con sideration. Instead of using the above method of helping, to improve the "poor" service, Mr. Taylor uses exaggerated illustrations , (taking three minutes to move from the tray to the silverware counter) to prove his contention of poor service. We like to be informed when we read the editorial, page. If we want j okes, we can read "Lil Abner" twhichv often contains me thought than the editor ials). In short, if Mr. Taylor or any other writer has anything con crete to say, let it be said. If not, skip it. An eight page paper isn't that important. Bruce Marger Sorry, we have to run eight pages occasionally to take care of the concrete suggestions of our correspondents. -Editors. . , . . . . , The official newspaper of the Public cations Board of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where it is published daily at the Colonial Press. Inc.. except Monday's, examina tion nd vacation periods and during the official summer terms. Entered as second class matter at ths Post Office t Chapel .Hill ,N. C, under the act ol March 3. t 1370. -Subscription rates mailed $4.00 per year, $1.50 per quarter, delivered $6.00 per year and $2.23 per 2.M-rter. Glenn Harden - Bruce Melton David Buckner L, Bill Peacock Mary Nell Boddie Al Perry Joe Raff . Beverly Baylor , Sue Burress Ed Starnes Nancy Burgess Ituffin Woody by Dili Hood Conci .... Editor-in-chief Managing Editor , . News Editor' Sports .Editor i Society Editor .. Feature Editor .. Literary Editor Associate Editor- ... Associate Editor Assoc. Sports Editor Assoc. Society Editor ...... Photographer "That curve the love of some instructors. ! Why is it that some instructors are determined that a certain percentage of the class has to make "A", a certain percentage has-to make "B", C' TT, and worse, that a percentage has to make "F". That is the life of a student graded on the curve. What one actually knows about the course has little to do with "the grade be makes. Usually, to make matters 100 worse, the instructors tells his class, "You aren't expected , to get - all the questions correct. I I took the test myself, I don't know whether I could answer all correctly or not." With this problem facing you, plus the added -confusion of am bitious statements- and the law of averages, you limply take up your pencil, and half-heartedly start on the quiz. You read statement after statement. Is this test covering the material you studied? Sometimes I wonder. I have seen tests where they might as well have given the test on geography when the course is botany. So after trying to decipher fifty-cent words, figure out what ambiguous statements were in tended to mean, and weeding out the trick questions, you, just before screaming to the top of your voice sign the pledge, and hand the paper -in with your last struggling breath. The next day you trudge to class, having no conception of whether you passed or flunked it all depends on that law of averages and the curve. You enter the room and your heart drops. lie has graded the quiz and is passing them out. The smile - spreads across his ' face as he hands out the papers. Gleating. Enjoyment, supreme. Happy day. " V You look around you and see such numbers as 115, 99 42, 61, and 8$. Then you see your own grade. Perplexed. Wondering. Hoping. Seventy-six. You- look down the grading of your paper. Then ones you thought you might possibly have "gotten correct are wrong. Vice versa. Just plain vice. The ones you got right, you wonder why they are right. The ones you got wrong, you wonder why they are wrong. Hit and miss. Guess work. Law of averages, y- Seventy-six With a smile that resembles death " he explains the f Curve,;? "There i were the . . grades; $ over ; 1004 They get A" Heart failure; Skin 'creep. Sweat. Seventy-six, What this country needs is more . philosophers. Or, at the sry gaast, more people who thkik about the meaning of life, .afid alL Now take the old days (when ever they were.) Everybody went around thinking about truth, andbeauty, and why we are the way we are. Hardly a child prodigy was then alive who hadn't written a pamphlet or two about what he thought about things. Nowadays the bright young minds in search of intellectual' exercise, dash, off treaties concerning the possibili ties of exploring, via spaceship, the more distant parts of our expanding universe. Or, they work out formulas for new and more efficient ways of utilizing the power of the atom.-I can't think of a single student philosopher on this -campus worthy of the name, my self excepted, of course. Every once in a while I toy with the idea of accepting the philosophy of some particularly bitter thinker of the past Schopenhauer, for example. Schopenhauer hated women, and pose, other sensitive parts. My mother never Once threw . me downstairs, which is just one f the reasons I am so fond of the old girl. ' The campus js not entirely devoid of young philosophers, come to think ol it. There is one bouncing around by the name of Brooks, or Snooks or something or other Anyhow, I hear he is not averse to making his opinions known to all and sun dry, and some of them, I under stand, are not too dull, though retaining a strong strain of pre cocious adolescence. Speaking of adolescent phil osophers reminds me of a rather select little circle I belonged to while in first year Junior High. Now there was an advanced group. We called ourselves The Society of Freethinkers, and be lieve me that was an under statement if there ever was one. We met on Tuesday evenings and discussed such, things as: The Basic Reasons Underlying the Degeneration of the Greek Culture, 300-100 B. C. Or, some thing such as: The Similarities, If Any Between The Ethic of wouldn't have anything to do Rousseau and those of Spinoza, with the best looking girl in Munich, or wherever he lived, if you paid him. Every once in a while, usually after I have attempted, in vain, to line up a date for Saturday night, I am inclined to think there is some truth in what the man said. It never lasts very long, though.. Something will turn up (last time her name was Ginger), we'll go out and gaze at each other for a while, over a puddle of beer; first thing you know the hormones are jumping around like crazy and Schopenhauer is olut the window! Of course there is a good reason why Schopenhauer hated women. At the age - of twelve years, or thereabouts, his mother threw him- down a flight of stairs, thus doing permanent damage to his ego and, I sun- Particularly In Regard To Their Concepts Of the Relationship Of Religion To Art, and vice-versa. x Stuff like that. Our Society had devoted con siderable thought to modern philosophers as well as ancient and one of us, Jimmy Edmunds by name, even lead a little group that went overboard for Exis tentialism. He was thirteen years old at the time! Funny part about it is, the last time I saw Jimmy he was traveling for Heinz canned goods and making , quite a name for himself, having exceeded his sales quotas for several months running and that sort of thing and was being re ferred to as "a man with a great future in Beans.' Which proves that as the twig is bent, you just never know how the tree will 'incline anyway. DAILY CROSS WORD ACROSS 1. Labor 5. Press down firmly 9. Conceal 10. Jewish month 11. Moved, as by a pole 12. Fellow worker 13. Gold (Her.) 14. Past 16. Sailor; (slang) 18. Half ems 20. Heroic 23. Toward 24. Man's nickname 26. Fissila rocks 28. Interweave 31. Color 32. Cleaning rov ;for guns , .34. Erbium $5. Ahead ,36. Female . ': sheep 1 1 - )i 38iEpoeh - ;v 41. Kettle : . p , . : . ivv. rr'-: "-- A-nere were eighteen grades - fruit W i : -betweer 90-99 They geti C45. Neuter j; There were twenty five grades "'7,. Pronou.n L ' r ' 00 . 46. Prevaricator uciwccn oo-yu, so iney get aj. There were sixteen grades be tween 75-80 'D." A long pause. MOWN 1. A sharp spine 2. Lubricate 3. Notion 4. Shelf 19. Line of junction 21. Stitch-bird 22. Natural cavern 25. Terrible 5. Evening sun 27. Learning god 28.. Support 6. A wing -29. Wool fat 7. Mongrel dog 30. Pull behind 8. Folding 35. Lair device 37. To soil 11. American 39. Stream of poet water 15. Goddess of 40. Corroded harvests (It.) 42. Yugoslavian 17. Blooming leader CjHlAIPr'DjAN-.S?' inner iisio- g 1 g g y sTe r si E.L a TtK v eT "g meTs IP id E SjU Mt 5 IT (O At f PVj QtO ORet" S l lotElQ S e gt . d ii 1 s " j t 1S I TrAy L . BUMTTT E Yeterdys Answer 44. Afternoon receptions 47. Coin (Rom.) 48. Beam 50. One-spot c ar d O Y. Valliina ' Bisiess ilanage D.uaies Office Manager f-- Advertising Manage!., r rational Adv. Manager " ' scriptton Manager -Ircalation Manager . A long grin. A long sigh. "There "werevelpwen fir a 49. Depart 51. Virginia willow 52. Filmy fabrict j 'There werev eleven jifades bfei-4 PR- Lr 'tow 77 That is all heays. ff', Seventy-ix. r49 SO 1