6 :5 3b :i -, aW f 1' '!?'' J I ! IP;' (tit -;--i7Bla:-campus- has seen;n steady growth in -Fspnsifeile itt6jKmos student wmjaaent almost since -the -ciay -el the louiMiing ol the University. It lias a national reputation for Jrtudnt-ifeedom fcf responsibility. Concurrent and vital to the growth in government has Been a constant maturation of? political -parties This has heen partkraJartfy true since the ratitication- of the constitution in 1D4SV Tfte Daily Tar HfeeH is therefore distressed to see hoth political parties on this eampus at an al?-time,lov of respon sisibie activity. - : The old; firmly established and &rel conservative Uni versity Party is- using eeiy method5 pessibfet totefeat :a bilk vmch: was originally? non-partisan- jjv. intent; ancc wiaen. vas Reviews During the coming days tHeie are a number of mevies of note coining to Cliapel - Hill; For the benefit of any interested Tor ileels there f HiDws a brief run own on tiiree of the best. "Boom for One xiore," one of -'-I','woldi-l&ei4o-ibJdg to yeur attentien-a feTrrem"'wi44tSn and "published by-yeu in-tb$ , tien- f January 23r u .wer evidently defending-: yw ctls ; kiate jfeviewer, J B:rSpo T?ou said 'jfi review; is a etiT? ;, r is a revievjer's mt& . . fr dMsagreemenf 3a- SeiS25 "nad" pointless,- unless -,T?e K . rfrtte these iniens ''ifflfvcCSf; t e''jMsyc3rf tpveAp: ca o tk??tf52&' '. "yoWaway - mi tea sldr-4i3- "' an-effer to . James C, -BewyM3 citwo-io J;TJVJ.C54 "tr"L. Carolina Theatte en Sunday. Jt Grantf and student tevemmenf. The UP is deliberate strainings every rrliamentry and pohticaf fiber to Iteep 1 ,200 students-r29 prcentol the student body-rwithout; any representation. Meanwhile the younger recently successful4 anoT largely lifeeral Student-JParty has all' but abandoned responsible jsolitieals aetion- and? dfegenerateoT into a part of 'potential candidates." Ms marteup is currently easily recognizable as consisting ahnost entirely: of off ice-seelters dealing with one -another for support in the eoming nominations for Spring elections, - W& dd not believe that the University Party has an un dying an unqualified hatred for the 1,2(10 students Irving in the outers darkness of town residences. Keither db we believe that the active members of the Student Party are :incapabl6 of : thinlung beyond" their own iiamediate political: futures; Of course, these indictments do ' hdtppjy. tt all; members- oi 'either' Pr.' ' " But- we do believe that both parties are showing a degree of 4politieal infantilism- "which- has not fceen exhibited on this eampusin a long- time. . ' m - the better family comedies of e year-, sfarts a regular rim the do some. xevievtsJ " .Step loe at eH5 jpsr -of this statement; ' XRSSSa '-9ii - strs Gary Grant and Oietsy Brake as husband and wife "who, although they already have two children, of their 'ewn,' canT re sist adopting every orphan and stray dog they see. The movie has much more feeling to it and is hetter acted than most movies of its type. - On Tuesday the Varsity will show "The Hocking Horse "Win ner," a British-made - comedy drama,' telling the story of a lit tle boy who has the uncanny . talent picking all the. winners at the local race. , track. The pic ture, stars John Howard Ba vies, "Valerie. Hebsen, and- John. Mills'.-' It is well worth seeing. view is' a review amV it eon-tain-'' Vome of the ivlT5sif opinions, J have- never reacl' a- more stupid- and neintlfcss; statl ment in- my life. Ajufe I Hav read seme in my time. V fewsen heen- reading this- paper Q &73 my - hreath- when I write that " word) fw -years for nothing. t- f- rraa22-eCTediied) r-tes &- splsndM - professioBw Errs 'e'0ptjnctry-vdeigre hr&-tZ3Qe SLsars ior - students e3Stsfe--vwsiy ;or-more Ossteits'.in'SpeeilSed, rlsraf-irta'ccurses. . f. Ssnt3-are grantedpsoJea- gi2iP5eeonitBn-:by.:-the "U; iGT' Efasapt5aent- of Defens r anCfilsctiv Service. -.E3!8n4r clinicalv" facilities, ntSe and?ereatifeal ae :t&93lteto Dormitories on the ncsilv- GfciW Slree Chicago lllllnois 7 e v-i ews Afield Previews The Carolina Play malters aef etV three new one .aetf plays on Fr'iday , evenig: The plays were a bonus in-ar least two respeets ; thtey were not originally sehed-w4ed- for production and the atfdnee evidently found' them ; most'entdrtainiug; . It is ; unfortunate that ima gi-, mthre plays are not" more en eowaged? , nancy Henderson's Speed? Bonnie Boat proved that - remote settings, such as that she . eKescr a -Scottish island, are '. ideal . ibv- atmospheric drama. - This semi-romantic, remote set-; . tin. -1 contrasts favorably with : thot " of pieces a bout : the rather -dreary v backwoods activities of at?oiigines of any region. The teas were acted well enough to eonvey the desired atmosphere. .,;.W7n Johnny Co-mes March ing Heme by Alfred Klein was the most "ambitious of the three plays. Tecliirically it demanded careful ''direction, and accvirately controlled; -acting A serious . problem,- - a conflict between . honesty, and integrity and erno- tional" family attachment, is treated almost ironically, by two people who have failed as po rents. Their failure is perhaps . alfttle confused with the prob Jem that : illustrates it. Louisa The Carolina Theatre will pre PloySSlotsCS DOHUS sent a re-issue of George Ber . nard" Shaw's "Caesar ' and! deo- patraj" en Wednesday. Viven. JLeigh and CHaude Rains portray-1 the title roles and Stewart-Granger is featured; This is a fine representation of the Shaw clas sic, and you should see it, if you didn't catch it the firtsf time around; " . . ' al ICO & CValiars-CJ. - v Phone 101 For PvompS Delivery Cartledge and John Miller aetecT difficult roles with intensity and flexibility. - WSUaasn M. Feierson- 0k 0.1 Fi DAILY CROSSWORD 3- actioco 3. Cicatrix . C Luzon - nattveo . IMsplayed S0. Crush to pulp - : -11. lie wrote 32. Sign of the aodiac' 14. Giri's name i 13. Booth 16. Thrice (mus.) 17. God of undervorld 10. Music note 20. Perched : 21. Expression 23. Snaclta 26. Nails 27. Enough (poet.) .' 28. Border " 20. Like 30. Prefix to Scotch names 31. A wit . 34. Taut 37. Marsupial AUS.) 39. Scotch author 40. Author of "Adam Bede" '41. Real 42. To originate 43. Grit (slang) 44. Habitual . drunkards DOWN 3. Native of- Sweden v 2-. Fawn 3. Coating of a seed ' 4: Herbs 3ft JJeuter pronoun 20. Stitch 21. Fortify 22. Exclama tion 2& Thrashes R Accumulate 24. Bugs Sharp to. , - 23. Toward the taste 26. Wranglea ?. Largest 23. Radium continent tsym.) Bi Bombarded 30. Apportioned 31.-Monetary. 31'. A garment unit- 32. Fragrant f Latvia) - wood . 33. Bangs (E.Ind.) y8ivday't Antvtti 33. Gun frslang) 35. GWs name . 36. Stupefy . 38; Medley '14 11 14 2i la-k las 2 20 I 53 so 3t VSi 10 2. IS 2.C 4i 21 Us I-. Ax RklSey tbaa gabardine, Plateau- is the perfect fclcatlierj all-eta. von ebiU Il'e.a cu!ar weight Vool ti9ftl, ytt you ecoreely fceVilHon your bacK! TH iprelang gives P.ii&ttv4to weigh tlea feel ; Bakuicetl Tailoring by TTissely. Clothca ia!ie& it Joc!r teller, fongen , . ; i . G irJlMEt INTIMATE ".BOOEIHlbP.;:'.: i : ' 205 K FYanldin St. . ', 1. tIIMlS 7 0' 4 Ft 4 fur yi I'ni-, i WW , 1 91