PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY TAR HEEL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1952 , 4 1 .:.t, c oserx.nape Asked B Closer cooperation between Chapel Hill and Carrboro can eliminate much of the duplication oi costs and services for the ad joining towns, Carrboro Mayor French Honor Society Formed Here A dinner and organizational meeting of the new local chapter of the national French honor society, Pi Delta Phi, was held Thurs day night in the upstairs dining room of Lenoir hall. Officers elect ed for the coming year are President, John Gilsdorf; Vice-President, Jackson Sparks; Recording Secretary, Mary Wade Newton; Cor responding Secretary, Betty Neylans; and Treasurer, Lloyd Ennis. Plans are being made for a banquet and initiation ceremony at the end of February. Pi Delta Phi, organized to stimulate and maintain an interest in France, its language and literature, has the complete recognition of, and is sponsored by, the American Association of Teachers of French. Those eligible for membership were notified earlier" this week. Anyone who was not notified who would like to become a member, should see John Gilsdorf at the romance language department about qualifications for membership. ) i 7 1 1 "Vf UN" i t:: HMf I f DADO CLAIM on jiocsrasoci pottoq gqavoo Mm sutf&ss cs&s Ksoti net mien 1 II ioSfvW Product QifosVrfW TODAY LATE SHOW TONIGHT SUNDAY MONDAY pnsetttt i;. COtQRY si. A 4r rt ii i i attbord- y M'ay or -Professor , :G ibson J. Sullivan Gibson, dean of the geology and geography depart ment here, told the local Rotary Club at its meeting this week. Mayor Gibson who was elected Swim (Continued from page 3) SEC breaststroke champion and made the All-America Intercol legiate tank team last year as a sophomore; Bob Hemminger, another outstanding; breast stroker; and Steve Matakias, one of the best divers in collegiate circles. Coaches Dick Jamerson, Ralph Casey and Bob Ousley have di rected the Tar. Heels to nine victories in as many starts this year. Their lone close meet came last Monday night when they beat Princeton, 43&-40Vfe, without the services of ace f reestyler Donnie Evans. -Jid Thompson. CLASSIFIE ANNOUNCEMENTS DEPENDABLE WRECKER SERVICE 24 HOURS a day. Poe Motor Company, day phone 6581. night phone 2-3441. (Chg. lxl) UNIVERSITY TRUCKING COMPANY Local and long distance household moving. Contact .Hauling Cargo Insur ance. 100 East Franklin St. Phone 4041. Or see Ross or James Norwood. (Chg lxl) FOR SALE 5 ROOM HOUSE ON 65' X 175' PLOT. Rogerson Drive, Photte 2-5363. (chg lxl) LOST 12 EXCELLENT SET MARRIAGE NOES. Please don't read them, just return them. Marie Costello. DAILY TAR HEEL Business Office, Phone 2-3361 or 2-3371. DS f AHAT COOP 15 A 1 THIS HUMAN H2AM J WATCH IT y& 1.-9 it n' ,'ilmmm mrtnm I cmo iss is Xims m. J tieup last May, said he plans to de vote much of his time to main taining and improving the re lationship between the two communities. He felt, "that such a program can best be carried out through three avenues: the governing bodies, the business organization and the community affairs groups, such as civic clubs. The police departments of the two towns have been cooperat ing effectively, he said. "When Carrboro is short of a man, we call on Chapel Hill and vice versa. We have no jail in Carr boro and therefore avail our selves of the Chapel Hill jail. The two fire departments cooperate splendidly." Draft Test Deadline Will Be March 10 Students planning to take the Selective Service College Qual ification Tests must apply not later than midnight, March 10, to be eligible to take the ex aminations on April 24. Application forms are avail able at any local draft board. Those eligible for applying are Selective Service registrants who intend to request occupa tional deferment as a student, those who are satisfactorily pur suing a full-time college course leading to a degree, and those who have not previously taken the test. Chicago College of OPTOMETRY (Nationally Accredited) An outstanding college serv ing a splendid profession. Doctor of Optometry degree in three years for students entering with sixty or more semester credits in specified Liberal Arts courses. REGISTRATION FEB. 25 Students are granted profes sional recognition by the U. S. Department of Defense and Selective Service. Excellent clinical facilities. Athletic and recreational ac tivities. Dormitories on the campus. CHICAGO COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 2307 North Clark Street Chicago 14, Illinois 7 WITH HI& PliAZSG PXZ flU4G6?2PO C wrTM FlUirOSM. fir m rueuv foorap fzoo wpzo A H. AUGHT C7F VZbUO AN? A Vm '-.FIRKIN FINS OF FAT WA0 PimmCAWP ON THIS FlNSa 1 OF FINGHLiy5'N'0 HAT. L Of I Vannd Fly? Interviewer Program To Major Ralph J. Ferree, USAF, of North Carolina Military District, Raleigh, will be here February 13 14 to interview applicants for pilot training and for the aircraft ob server couse tf the new program for training young men to become commissioned officers skilled in navigation, bombardment, radar operation, and aircraft perform ance engineering. Basic training lasts 27 weeks and is taken by all students. The advanced phase of training varies in length depending on the spe cific course pursued, but all suc cessful candidates are commis sioned at the same time after ap proximately 52 of training. Grad uates of this program may be as signed as crew members of bom bardment, transport, reconnais sance, or interceptor type air craft. As to qualifications, applicants must be 20 to 26 Vz years of age, and must have completed 2 years of college in an acredited insti tution. They must be single, and agree to remain so during , the training period. Their physical standards are the same as for Aviation Cadet pilot training, ex cept for less stringent visual re quirements. Major Ferre's primary mission will be to interview and give in- WHY PAY MORE? LONG PLAYING RECORDS (33 Vz R.P,M.) 30 O Factory New! Every Record Guaranteed! For FREE Complete Catalogue and. Price List, write to: Record Haven Stores (Dept. C) 520 W. 48th St., New York 19. N. Y. , . (Enclose 10c to cover postage and handling) If in NYC visit our , MIDTOWN STORES 1125 6th Ave; 1145 6th Ave; - 1211 6th Ave. F&SPf V I MACHINE 19 Mike OTHSS KINP OPAStTI I CAN APP J AHUAUN &BAH A A CfWCt. I I V . XI ki( 'fill PihSst, Ik. ,T'? W For ew 'ir Visit ampus formation to all students who may be interested in. this course. He will be available for inter views in the YMCA Library Room on Wednesday and Thurs day, February 13 and 14. For additional information, con tact . the Placement Service, 20$ South building. Valentines Day Is On the Vay Darn fool little birds are sing ing melodies in the trees Organ grinders are geiiing out their rolls of Hearts and flowers And the Biddies, bless, ihexr little hearts Are getting ready lo play "ho loves me, he loves me not" With the swag. And paL if you want lo he m the former category There's nothing so impressive As a beautiful copy of an ap propriate book Say, This is My Beloved, or For You, My Love, Or maybe. The Prophet, Done up all sweet and pretty The way we senlamentaiists in the Intimate Bookshop can do it Pal, it really gets results! P.S. For misogynists, we still have some of those outrageous Hate Cards, but we hope you won't buy them before Feb 14. THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP--' 205 E. Franklin St. C ZD WHiN yaii GOTO pM&? AN' 1 r 3"T