U.H.C. Library Sorials Dopt. am H Vote Today Vote Today VOLUME LX CHAPEL HILL, N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1952 NUMBER 105 McCarthys Foe l o Appear Here Tonight For Address by Wanda Philpoit Senator Joe McCarthy" is still fretting oyer his "Hart" trouble. And it was a bitter pill to 'swallow when the stormy Sena tor's threats of legal action failed to prevent Duke's Prof. Horriell N. Hart from publishing, his book "An Impartial Factual Analy sis" (of McCarthyism) . Dr. Hart will "tell all" tonight at 8 o'clock in Ger,rard hall when he speaks on "McCarthyism vs Democracy.' The booki now available to the public for 50 cents, is an expose of "Jittery Joe's" running feud with the State - Department and provides carefully balanced," in formative material on McCar thy's methods of attack and his variations of response to factual rebuttal. McCarthy's threats .against Hart began after, he was sent a copy of the preliminary draft of the present report last fall with a request for criticism and counter-evidence. His- response was in the form of a letter to President Hollis j Edens of Duke University which was dated October 19. 1951. In this letter the Senator stat-,a ed that the reoort contained ; much of the "vicious, false and liblous attacks which have been Tropicana' Dance Group Will Appear Here Tonight Doors of Memorial hall will open at 7 o'clock, tonight for ; 'Tropicana' under the auspices of the Student Entertainment Committee. The curtain rises at 3 o'clock for the two-hour pro gram of interpretative dancing. Students will be admitted free upon presentation of ID cards, as the SEC programs are made possible by appropriations from the block fee. At 7:40 one dollar tickets will go on sale to student wives, faculty and townspeople for any seats remaining unfilled. ''Tropicana" is a company of ten dancers and drummers. The group is now on its third national tour, and depicts the influence of African cultures on the Americas. The program includes calypsa, Afro-Cuban and religious dances. It is credited with having "tre mendous emotional impact." , Talley Beatty, founder and lead ing member of "Tropicana," has studied all forms of dancing and had an extensive apprenticeship under Katherine Dunham. New Orleans born, Beatty made it -his ambition to have a dance company . of. his own, which was finally realized in 'Tropicana. One portion of the program s entitled "Southern Landscape", and portrays the effect of the Civil -War and Reconstruction on the Negro. "Mourners Bench" from this section ha3 been called by dance critics ' "the cameo of perfection." ; ' ' i ! I ; During the group's European tour, critics declared, "We have hardly seen anything like the eeatacy developed on the stage and passed on to the audience. We sat captivated, enthralled by ite rhythmic vitality. Tha dancers leveled at me, by the Daily Worker and other Communistic media." 'This is to notify you person ally of Mr. Hart's project,, in case you are not aware of it at this time . . . I shall hold the uni versity legally accountable, for the publication of this docu ment," McCarthy threatened: -The written threat did not have the desired effect on Dr. Hart, but it did result in the omission from the book of the Senator's direct intimidation ef forts against Duke. "Systematic endeavors have been made to obtain Senator McCarthy's side of the story in all cases," said the Duke profess or in his final revision. Both sides of 50 McCarthy charges against the State Department were presented. In order to obtain an accurate account of "McCarthy's private war, Dr. Hart sent preliminary drafts of his study to a number of informed persons representing both, sides of the issue and asked for their comments and correc- tions. The Hart analysis was released month ago, but as yet the "worried Wisconsinian" has not followed up his threats of legal action. j were as if possessed and intro duced us to experiences in a strange world, a world in which man expresses himself freely and almost recklessly. The program was a strong and mighty artistic revelation." , This is the third SEC presenta tion of the year. The next feature of the series will be Dr. Polgar, hypnotist; on April 15. Answers John Clark, Consolidated Uni-j versity trustee and a member of the executive committee, has charged the Associated Press with spreading "propaganda against segregation all over the country," but the press agency replied yesterday it was per forming its duty in reporting the activities of those for and against segregation. The charge came in Clark's comments on a story circulated by the wire service association to State newspapers reporting strong student reaction here, to a letter written by the Greensboro industrialist asking for the names and addresses of students who supported an anti-segregation resolution passed by the Dialectic Senate. . : ' Clark labeled the story a "complete fabrication," and add ed that it was a deliberate at tempt to "muddy the waters and confuse the people of the state." Paul Hanseli, bureau chief for the' state Associated Press, com mented in Charlotte, "The Asso ciated Press has no views for or against segregation It -does Powder Bowl Pi Phis Down Deltas, 19-0 by Ed Slaxnes r There were shades of Charlie Justice in Kenan Stadium yes terday as Liz (Choo Choo) Cur- rie scored three touchdowns to lead her Pi Beta Phi sorority to a 19-0 win over Tri-Delt in the spill-a-minute, laugh-a-second, first annual Powder Bowl game. Currie countered on .runs of 19, 28, and 90 yards during the first half for all the scoring. The most beautiful play of the after noon came in the second period when Choo Choo took off around her own left end and went 90- yards for the score. The girls proved "that the weaker sex can play football, and after watching Currie run, you might see some new faces (and figures) in Blue and White next year. Number one offensive weapon for the Tri-Delts was All-American candidate Ann Van Kirk. She turned the second half into a circus with, her brilliant passes Favorite targets for Van Kirk's passes were Ann (Little Mo) McClamrock and Sally (Low Bridge) Trowbridge. The biggest laugh of the after noon came midway in the second period when the Tri-Delt's Mari lyn (Crazy Legs) McKinnon was embarrassed by the near-loss of her pants on an end run. Coach Joe (Sly Wolf) Dudeck came to his star halfback's aid and all was cleared up, except for a very red face on Marilyn. 1 . Tri-Delt lineman, Sue (Wrong Way) Bergman brought the crowd to its feet in the final quarter when she picked up a blocked Pi Phi punt on the Pi Phi's 20-yard line,, only to run toward her own goal. She was tagged down on, the 27-yard line before she could do too much damage. . Clar IcsCharge Of Bias have a duty to report to the pub- lie the activities of both those who favor and those who oppose segregation ..." The Associated Press article was based upon an editorial by Dick Murphy in last Thursday's Daily Tar Heel. Murphy charged Clark with using the "best methods of the Gestapo to intimidate students." He commented, "In the last year this man has written letters about students to the mayors of their home towns and to other prominent officials throughout the state in an effort to intimi date them." . ; '' Murphy referred to letters written by Clark concerning John Sanders of Four Oaks, then president of the student body, and Ed McLeod of Maxton, then president of the student YMCA. They both opposed segregated audiences for speeches by ' the noted Japanese Christian leader, Kagewa, who was .scheduled to speak here last Februray. Clark said he wrote the letters 'solely for information, "I wanted oraon mm i asics rp 1 E" I - fstuitv-TrGGuoiiis on nuoiress m Faculty "We are not talking about poli tical affiliation when we talk about the Communist party, Pres ident Gordon Gray asserted in his address at the 25th anniversary banquet of Zeta Beta Tau Sat urday night. "I consider membership in the political party (Communist), membership in an international conspiracy .which if it had the power, would set about to destroy this great free university tomor row." Asked by a -faculty group re cently what his comment was on the Communist party question in the University (Chapel Hill per sonnel sheet for employment, Gray, asserted, "I took issue with the question in the first instance because I am deeply convinced in my own mind that to refer to membership in the Communist party as simply membership in another political party, today, is nonsense.! . The question asks whether the prospective faculty member is or had been a member of the party or affiliates. , Gray reiterated comments made by Chancellor Robert B. House concerning the question. "It is not an oath and it is not asked of people already employed by the university." "I think I can , assure you that the members of the administra tion without exception would vigorously oppose an . effort to impose such an oath. This matter was before the Board of Trustees before my arrival and under the leadership of Controller Car michael and Chancellor House and the other chancellors, a vigorous presentation on their part, the Trustees voted unanimously not to require a loyalty oath . of members of the faculty," the pres ident stated V .to find out if those boys had been influenced by anyone on the Uni versity faculty." "There are 226 teachers from northern states at Chapel Hill, Clark added. "Many of them are rendering excellent service, but -m m our citizens are interested in knowing more about subversive elements at work sending out propaganda." - Election Today A special campus referendum will be held today io consider constitutional amendments re ducing the size, of the Student Legislature to 35 member and revising the judicial system io eliminate the appeal io the Stu dent Council, except in cases of constitutionality. Balloting will be in Graham Memorial, the, .YMCA lobby, and Alexander, Aycock, Man gum and Alderman dorms. Approval of iwo-ihirds of the number voting is necessary io pass the amenclfnsnls. ' - tudent, - B A "I think that the position of the administration would continue to be one of complete opposition to loyalty oaths imposed upon mem bers of the faculty," he added. ", The question appears only on Chapel Hill application blanks and not on applications used at State College or Woman's Col lege. Commenting on this, Gray said, "This suggests one of about three things: either the elimina-. tion of the questionnaire, here, the extension of it to the other two campuses, or some other method of dealing with the problem." "Because of recent events and press reports, the matter of irusiee-siudenl-administra-tion relationships will be dis cussed. President Gordon . Gray," announced yesterday. The full Board of Trustees meets Friday, February 23, in Raleigh. . Other possible items on the agenda include a hearing from State College students on the question of student canteen store profits. STUDENTS Daily Tar Heel questions on student opinion control" were the basis of parts of a talk given by President Gordon Gray at the 25th anniversary banquet of Alpha Pi of Zeta Beta Tau held Saturday night at the Carolina Inn. Outlining the administration's policy concerning student's rights to criticize, the Consolidated Uni versity chief explained that the University was constantly on guard to "protect and defend and reassert" the historic right of students to think for themselves, to express their honest opinions ... r to ob j ect and to complain." But accompanying this right is the responsibility attached, he added. . "If a student speaks out, through a student publication or otherwise, in criticism of the ad ministration or trustees, one lim iting factor should be that the criticism be based on a know ledge and a correct understand ing of the facts and not based on gossip or nearsay. And the other limitation as a part of student responsibility is that what he says be always circumscribed by good taste and good manners. Students have the right to speak out as evidenced by The Daily Tar Heel, and they have the right to be mistaken, a3 do citizens in the state, he pointed out. In answer to the question, "Should the administration at tempt to protect an individual student against activities of those outside the University which might be libelous to the student," Gray pointed out, "society, in general has means of protecting the individual from damage and harm, whether it be libel or other kind of difficulties. "Some of those things done by outsiders are entirely beyond the control and purview of the ad ministration. Whereas we can't always protect the student from outside activities, we neverthe less cannot always protect the student from the consequences of (See STUDENT, Page 4) I I