11 t SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1952 PAGE SEVEN THE DAILY TAR HEEL EjigfcS?; Beauties Entered In Annual Pageant . W-. :: : : -:-'- i " I. 3 :-:y i-. mm i ...'...v.-.'.v.v.-. .'.'.: u ; . - I ' " v ' . :-: : x-:';-.-;-;-:-.':s-.v-.--v 1 1 . - '"V Margate Vimscil J- unit 10. I '1 i! u i ' i a . : t t ! L t If- Palsy Ellinger Louise Curlee Evelyn Maiihews Mary Haley . fjniRt i nil y-N - W H ! fBIIf l r "TWiT 1 V 'V X I 1 M I i III LW' mm W ; H EH HI IB I. m in KMf "L X ?V 1 .1 VI 9 BE B V. Jm9 W" f X sill a .. A WML- e i o li For sheer spring magie, choose a SchlaparelH In imported ohn Barr tTeeds. Soft ceasoa al shades and unic ctyBn Soft casual lines of finest tail oring and quality materials characterize th specialized styling of Gilbert originals. Imported buttons and hand sewn details highlight the suit creations Nathelie Nicola which you'll find at Robbihs. r71 f f . I . r l . i . V , , . Mill ' saw mmmmmm9mmmwm til- yx 1 "'A V J J