TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1952 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEL r J i ! it Anne Jacobs Named SIS' F-rom Field of Seventeen Miss Anne Jacobs was chosen "Miss Chapel Hill" from a field COME IN TODAY for a delicious meal served n a friendly atmosphere MICHAEL'S GRILL "We serve excellent food" WE SPECIALIZE IN MEN'S and WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS Expert Ladies Dressmaking Any type of Men's and r- Ladies Alterations EXPERTLY DONE at William the Tailor at JACK LIPMAN'S EVENING and WEDDING GOWNS And All Types of Formats Beautifully Cleaned CHEEK. DRY CLEANERS 720 9th. St. Durham 8-1 227 PREVIEWOF.SPRING Moygashel Irish Linen Suits in either Brooks cut or 2 button lounge, Tailored by College Hall Fashions 49.95 Moygashel Irish Linen Slacks 13.95 Woosted Wool Gabardine Slacks 12.95 Wool Flannel Slacks 9.99 South American Imported buckskin shoes specially made for us by Custom Originals only 12.95 Complete range of genuine shell cordovan shoes by Custom Original only .. .. 16.50 Solid Sterling Silver Old Well Cuff Links .............. 5.95 Just received shipment of our famous Repp Ties Shop at MILTON'S and get tha most for your money. M I! TON' Clothing tkkt' , I cliff tries! b reauHa vaitMtT I ;r , 4 ' v ' , w 'Miss -Chapel of 17 entrants last Friday night in the annual Jaycee Beauty and Personality pageant. The 17-year-old high school senior is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Li. Jacobs of Chapel Hill. She will represent Chapel Hill in the Miss North Carolina con test in Winston-Salem this sum mer Runnerup in the pageant was Miss Iris Merritt, another high school senior. Three other finalists were Misses Jackie Merritt, Caro Una graduate, Beth Lloyd, coed, and Ruth Benson. Miss Benson was chosen as "Miss Congenia lity" by the other contestants. Miss Jacobs won a $250 college scholarship, all expense paid trip to the State contest, and a trophy plus a wardrobe from her sponsor, Robbins. She is five feet, four inches and weighs 116 pounds. Cupboard v ' ' l C .Sc "K ' ' " - w ' 5!', v arikkm vie to tcNAi . ALSO ' i : COLOR CARTOON SPORTLIGHT NOV PLAYING An f4 J Monogram Club Monogram Club will meet to night at 7 o'clock in the club room. Phi Assembly The Phi Assembly will meet in executive session tonight at 8:30 for the election of officers for the spring quarter. Person Hall Closed The art gallery in Person hall is closed while it is being repaired. On-March 13 it will reopen with an exhibit entitled "Calligraphy and Geometry," from the Museum of Modern Art. Physical Ed Majors The first in a series of meet ings for education and physical education majors will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock in Gerrard Hall. Women's Residence Council The Women's Residence Coun cil will meet today at 4:30. New house presidents are invited to sit in on the session. Women's Glee Club . A rehearsal will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Hill hall auditorium in preparation for the program tonight. This is the last meeting of the quarter. Pi Delta Phi The weekly supper meeting will be held tonight , at 6 o'clock In Lenoir. All those wishing to prac tice their French whether they are members pr not are invited. Senior Invitations Senior invitations will be on sale in the Y lobby every day this week from 9 til 1 and from 2 til 3 o'clock. Blood Committee Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in the Grail room. New members are Canterbury Club Installs Officers New officers of the Canterbury Club , were installed at Sunday night's meeting. They are as follows: President Chase Ambler, Vice President Virginia Hall, Secretary Gay Hogan, Treasurer Dottie Evans, and Regional . Re presentative H. B. Glover; ' At the recent meeting of the Regional Canterbury Commission of North Carolina, Ronald Wood ruff of UNC was elected pres ident. ASSIF ANNOUNCEMENTS DEPENDABLE WRECKER SERVICE 24 HOURS a day, Poe Motor Company, day phone 6581. night phone 2-3441. (Chg.lxl) FOR SALE 6B UNDERWOOD PORTABLE TYPEWRI ter like new $40.00, 252-A Jackson Circle, Victory Village after six. (1-D338-1) FOUND 6C ONE 4-MONTH MALE BLACK Cocker Spaniel. Strayed to 21-B Glen Lennox, Friday. CaU 2-6621. (Staff) LOST 6B GREY GABARDINE TOPCOAT. Finder please notify Bob Watts, 103 Winston. (1-9341-3) ONE ZETA PSI FRATERNITY PIN; Saturday, between Spencer and Busi ness District. Please return to Betty Lou Selig, Spencer Dorm. Reward. I am frantic. (1-9342-4) - - "iriMmi1iTi,iniiiifniiiiiiiiirfiiiiiriiii-ii,iiftitiir'"-r" tiinrr iWiiMiiMiwmliirniiiimnW mniMiMn f n. i DAY f RADIO '.LJ SERVICE r I-.- Toby Hays worth and AI Bryant. Philological Club Annual joint meeting with the Erasmus Club of Duke is sche duled for 7:30 tonight in the fac ulty lounge of the Morehead building. - WA-NTiD'TO JUY ' Suits Typewriters Cameras Musical Instruments Binoculars High Licensed and Bonded See Us For Larger Loans on Anything of Value MAIN LOAN OFFICE 400 W. Main St. at Five Points The Best Race Track Story Of Decade COUIMdIA Willi TODAY and WEDNESDAY A Check Many of these are in short supply Pick yours now before the March winds blow them away. NOVELS The Little World of Don Cam illo by Giovanni Guareschi $1.00 In Sicily by, EUo Vittorini $1.00 Tomorrow We Heap by James Street $1.00 "Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh ... $1.43 BIOGRAPHY The Incredible Casanova by J. S. Montgomery . $1.25 Lady Gregory's Journals ed. by Lennox Robinson $1.00 W. C. Fields by Robert L. Taylor ...... $1.25 Global Mission by Hap Arnold .............. $1.49 HISTORY The English Speaking Peoples by Mclnnis and Reid $1.49 American Scriptures by Carmer and Van Doren $1.25 Mr. Lincoln's Secretary by Helen Nicolay .............. $1.49 The Conquest of Culture by M. D. a Crawford .... $1.25 The English Middle Class by Lewis and Maude. $1.43 Rent Buy Brouse at the BULL'S HEAD H. A. Philbrick: -I LIVED THREE LIVES -1 4 List Of k4 HUMOR Hotel Bemelmans by Ludwig Bemelmans .. $1.25 How's the Back View Coming Along, cartoons by Williams $1.00 The WUd Wild Women by Virgil Partch $1.09 DRAMA Twilight Bar by Arthur Koestler ........ $1.00 September Tide by Daphne Du Maurier $1.00 Lost Plays of Eugene O'Neill by Eugene O'Neill $1.25 NATURE A Naturalist in Cuba by Thomas Barbour $1.(50 How to Attract the Wombat by Will Cuppy $1.00 PHILOSOPHY A Philosopher's Quest ' by Irwin Edman ............ $1.43 John Dewey ed. by Sidney Hook .......1 $1.43 EDUCATION Pursuit of Understanding 7 oy Esther Cloudman Dunn am M O L D E SS! s 0 $1.00 1 "Our Work Gufiranlsod" .rOGBURN- FURNltURE CO. Across from Bus Station 4 m. THE INTIMATE :o3 FnAi?ia.m st. BOOECSE-20P OPEII EVENINGS i . i I: ! ; :