Tho Doily Tor Heel Hie ofietsl shident newspaper of the Publications of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where it is published daily at the Colonial Press. Inc., except Monday, examination and Glarm Harden . Bruc Melton Dvid Buckner Editor-in-chief Managing Editor ,. News Editor Sports Editor Society "Editor Feature Editor I3iJ Peacock Mrr Nell Bod tils Jody T.wy . , , , ecu "5" k:mmi B BO iJ At about this time of year political candidates crop up at a ratio of about one out of three students (increases to nine GUtr&f en asyouapproach the Y court.) V All of them will not run, most of them will not win, but they are all thinking about it hard enough to come up with "platform" ideas as to what is wrong with Student Govern ment, Perrenial among those ideas is that the editorship of this newspaper should be "taken out of politics." Last year's editor closed out his reign with an editorial called "Don't Elect Edi tor," and he explained why. The reasons given are that the job is a technical one re quiring politics, specialized skills, and that the best journalist is seldom the best politician, and therefore not the most like ly to succeed in a campus election. The fallacy of the argument is obvious to all democrats (small "d"). The paper is a big-time busines. Even in this worst year since the war, the paper will handle around $40, 000 worth of business. But it is a cooperative business, not owned by private interest.- Furthermore, the paper represents . more than a journalistic endeavor. It serves as the voice of the students of the University to the university administra tion, and the people of the state. For these reasons", it is essential that those who publish the newspaper, the owners, (the entire student body, not the Pub lications Board) be allowed to choose their management, just as in any business enterprise. And it is essential that the cooperative block fee system contain a representative form of government, that those who are taxed may choose the taxers, and that those who are spok en for may choose their speaker. - Such is the theory of democracy. y Their Deeds The moral irresponsibility of the UP leaders is illustrated once again in the Friday column by their Chairman, ' Mr. Biff Roberts.. The original re-districting bill introduced in the current Leg- islature was a bill proposed by the Town Men's Association and supported by the Student Party. It provided representation for the Town Men in proportion to their population 1 . . something lhey have never had under UP gerrymanders heretofore pre vailing. Block voting by the UP machine prevented passage. Encouraged by the UP floor leader's assurance of coopera- ; tion, SP legislator Henry Lo wett introduced a resolution creating a Bipartisan Committee o make recommendations. An amendment was adopted autho rising the Committe to consider also the dormitory districts, and the bill was passed. The Bipartisan Committee met an decided (1) it would be im possible to work out an overall bill satisfactory to all sides in time for the spring elections, hense the Committee should pro pose a stop-gap measure and continue its study of the over all problem, (2) there was no immediate heed for redisrict ing the dormitories and that problem should be deferred for study as a part of the perma nent plan, and (3) a compromise bill on the town districts should be proposed immediately be cause both side agreed lhes ex isting UP created gerrymander vraa indefensible. On a nine member committee, only one voice was raised against any of - these decisions. Two compromise plans for re Clrtricting the town were pro Ztz'zS, one by President Bowers CZ'J est by tha UP Hoorlcader. vacation periods and during the offi cial summer terms. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office of Chapel Hill, N. C, under the act of March 3. 1879.. Subscription . rates: mailed $4.00 per year, $1.50 per quarter; delivered $3.00 per year and $2.25 per quarter. Beverly Baylor Sue Burr ess Ed Starnes Associate Editor Associate Editor Assoc. Sports Editor Nancy Burgess Assoc Society Editor Ruffin Woody . ',, .. Photographer O. T. Watkins Business Manage; by Dave ICerley The latter was approved 7-1 as a later session of the committee, but only after a revealing inci dent. When the final vote was called for, UP Legislator Ham ilton C. Horton, Junior, asked for 'a five minute recess to per mit him "to confer with three other students." The recess was granted and Mr. Gromyko stalked out to hold his party caucas. Upon returning he for mally proposed " to reconsider the decision on dormitory dis tricting, - but the - proposal re ceived only three votes. At the next session of the Legislature the compromise passed almost unanimously, but only after the UP had again . tried to confuse the issue by in troducing an irrelevant amend ment. Their petty piddling was, as usual, nauseous. A UP Legislator ,then intro duced a bill -to redistrict the dormitories. In general, this bill would have ''reestablished the same districts which were thrown out a year ago because they had proved unworkable. At a Bipartisan Committee meeting pari of this UP bill was deleted after a UP Legislator characterized it as "the stupidest thing I ever read." Further im provements were made, but the final draft was still reported out unfavorably. In the Legislature the UP ma chine succeeded in . getting several silly amendments adop ted, one of which abolished the Co-ed Dormitory District en tirely, (on reconsideration they decided to let the gals vote after all). By the time they got the bill adopted, even the UP machine didn't know what it said. : -: '" " Now did somebody want to know why 'a; presidential Ye to. Tas 'necessary? ; ; Riff;., by Raff I often try to flatter myself by believing I am neither van alarmist nor a pacifist. In order to be neither of these I have to survey a whole issue and draw my conclusions from all the facts presented. " I have no inside dope on the affairs of academic freedom's state and -am about as well in formed as any of the rest of you the reading public. A well worn phase is apropos here "Do you believe everything you read in the papers?" Well, what else are we to believe? We have no other source of information unless we become our own de tectives. From a general view of the picture recorded in The Daily Tar Heel throughout the last week or so, I do not find my self getting alarmed or par ticularly outspoken. I am quite hot under the collar over the actions of some of our respected trustees and am glad to note that some of their trust lias taken on a new form of respect. This, however, is indicative of something greater than reveal ing corruption in our public officials. These dirty spots in society are hot uncommon; we see them everyday. The ones who clean up these soiled areas are the ones who are too few. We here at Carolina have been accused of being rather passive when it comes to gov ernment. Have you ever noticed who those accusers are? The ones who holler the loudest are the Carolina students them selves. . After all, there- are riot too many people in the world who are willing to stick their necks out for the good of other people. Dick Murphy. Henry Bowers and folks like Rose mary Boney of the Woman's College "Carolinian" are rare and always have been hard to find. Muck-makers have to be powerful people and many of us don't meet the requirements. . We can't all be leaders in clean up campaigns, but we can be participants. The recent ex poses are valuable in the sense that they created an interest in just what has been going on behind the scenes. There are still those who feel' it is neces sary. that the public be well in formed and be presented with checked and correct facts. When people like these disappear and volunteer public servants are no longer in the forefront, then it is time that we should start worrying. Of course, I do not mean to infer that because we do have such informants as Dick Mur phy and the rest that we should become lackadaisical about our student governiftent. I mean only to draw attention to those about .whom we should be proud. Duty well done, fellows! On Campus At the University a few years ago, a psychology student fin ished his exam in five minutes. ' The exam called for definition or summary; of the particular course in Psychology. The stu dent wrote, "Psychology is the science of pulling habits out of ' rabits. . . . j j ' .' Then the student went out and had a few beers. Ilia 'grade ' cn . the exam? "A.'. ; V" - - Letters To Madam Editor: After reading Mr. Dudley W. Crawford's letter in the Febru ary 24th issue of this publica tion, I find it necessary to pen an answer. - Mr. Crawford, you have paint ed a very vivid word picture of what, seems to be a large part of the student body, of the Uni versity of North Carolina. However I must take issue with your intimation that our universities are entirely respon sible for the thousands of hood lums turned loose into the jworld each year. Who are the parents of these hoodlums, who have prepared these hoodlums for attendance at our universities? Pick at random a hundred students. How many do you think can name the books of the Bible? How many do you think can name the books of the Bible? How many do you think can name even ten books of the Bi ble? How much do you think they know of the United States Constitution? How many know the preamble, can name or de scribe half of .the amendments? How many do you think know their U. S. senators, U. S. rep resentatives, the congressional district in which they live? How many of the urban dwel lers do you think, Mr. Craw ford, can name their city, coun cilmen? How many of the rural residents do you think can name their township trustees and county commissioners? How many of the one hun dred do you think can name even our chief delegate to the United Nations? How many have taken the time to read just once the UN charter? How many do you think find it easy to write a simple essay, to solve everyday mathematical problems, to spell simple words, to speak before more than three or four strangers (or even friends)? . - Who is responsible for these present-day hoodlums? You Mr. Crawford and your generation are partially responsible The parents of today, the' school sys- On Campus From the Minnesota Daily comes proof that Shakespeare writings can apply to just about anything. Concerning Exams: Studying in a library: "More light, you knaves; and turn the tables up, and quench the fire, the room is grown too hot." ... Romeo and Juliet. ' Cramming a 3 a.m.:" "How weary, stale, flat and unprofit able seem to me all the uses of this world." . . . Hamlet. Cramming at 7 a. m.: "It is not for your health thus to com mit your weak condition to the raw cold morning." Julius Cea-; sar. Teacher hands out tests: '0 most pernicious woman! O villain, villain, smiling, damned : villain!" Hamlet. Composition exam: "Why, I will fight with him upon this theme until my eyelids will no longer wag." Hamlet. Fountain pen leaks: "Out, damned spot! Out, I say! Usa bcth. .. ..' The Editor terns of our great country, our churches, and our universities also share in the responsibility. Our young people do not become - hoodlums upon matriculation. Perhaps, Mr. Crawford, you should visit some of our pri mary and secondary schools, some of our Sunday schools. Then look at the parents of these - children. And don't forget to examine the grandparents, Mr. Crawford . How can this unfortunate sit uation be remedied? Where do we start? What shall be done? May I suggest that we start by practicing the, golden rule. I would further suggest that we all take a more active part in our local governments, in our primary, secondary, and Sunday schools. We should be interest ed in who are our school board members, who are our govern mental representatives. We should all become more interest ed in our community as a whole attend city council meetings, write to our representatives when we don't agree with them, talk with our city councilmen, attend P. T. A. meetings and other civic group meetings, be come familiar with our govern mental and unofficial agencies. Perhaps you, Mr. Crawford, do all or many of the above. But I am sure you know of many people people of your own gen eration and their progeny, who are very similar to these hood lums you have written about. The one big difference is that the majority of them do not boo, hiss, whistle, yell ,and generally make a fool of themselves in public. Perhaps I should have omitted "and generally made a fool of themselves." It is not my intention to com pletely excuse the hoodlums be cause of their upbringing. The young people of today must realize that they will be the parents of tomorrow's children and will soon be responsible. for . the world about them. Perhaps in another two' or three generations we can look down (or up) and be justly proud of our progeny. Name Withheld by Request - For those with short memories, alumnus Crawford's letter dealt with the "hoodlums" who haunt the Ideal theaters. The editors. On Will the Iron Curtain Crack A Smile? ... Editors of the Wampus, humor magazine at the University of Southern California, have added a little warmth to the cold war. They cabled the following mes sage to the Moscow office of Krokodil, only Soviet humor magazine. ( ... , " "Our stock anti-Truman jokes are running low. Here you have inexhaustible supply. Our sup ply anti-Stalin jokes limitless. Suggest exchange and publica tion. Will run all your anti Truman jokes verbatim for all our anti-Stalin stories you use verbatim.". So far Moscow has made no reply. Perhaps they are afraid they will be put behind Iron bars, or maybe they know it vould be Curtains for them if they agreed, to the bargain.