SATURDAY, APBIL 12, 1052 THE" DAILY TTAK HEEt x-TLTJTT TWCT wtfe Bails Sat Hwl Rameses The official student newspaper of the Publications of the University of North Caroliria at Chapel Hill where it is published daily at the Colonial Press, Inc., except Monday, examination and vacation periods and during the offi cial summer terms. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office of Chapel Hill, N. C. under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription fates: mailed $4.00 per year, $1.60 per quarter; delivered 6.00 per year and $2.25 per quarter. . j Glenn Harden . David Buckner Rolfe Neill . Editor-in-chief ..Managing Editor News Editor Bill Peacock , .. . Mary Nell Boddie Jody Levey Sports Editor Society Editor Feature Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Assoc. Soorta Editor Nancy Burgess Assoc. . Society Editor Ruff in Woody Photographer O. T. Watkins Business Manager Beverly Baylor Sue Burress . Ed S tames News Staff Grady Elmore, Wood Smethurst, Punchy Grimes. Bob Colbert, Angelos Russos, Wanda Lou Philpott Bill Scraborough, Octavia Beard. Betty Jean Schoeppe. Jerry Reese, Betty Ann Kirby, Barty Dunlop, Tom McDonald. Jim Oglesby. . " ' , mposql -for UNC , Due to certain sneaking suspicions which have accumu lated in the minds of the people during the past months, the University finds itself with a new task confronting its time honored walls. 4 The great minds in South Building have pondered over the problem, as have the serious students on second floor Graham Memorial.' They have deliberated privately and in committees. A joint committee has finally been formed. Action is finally to be taken. .The problem Is one of obvious delinquencies on the part of the National government. That government has for un counted years past been harboring communists, columnists, homosexuals, crooks, and criminals. This has been effictively proved (Hal McCarthy, second-year accounting student, visited in the capital city last year, and has reported these facts secretly to the committee in closed session.) Few Is Lulton, III, nationally recognized Hearst columnist, has reported the facts time after time, but no action has yet Jbeen taken. His suggestion that UNC investigating committee travel to Washington in order to get first hand knowledge is finally to be acted upon. .The committee leaves next week. A problem of funds held them up for a time, as obviously no member of the committee would be willing to .finance such a trip out of .his own pocket, when the; matter so vitally and basically affects the univer sity. But that problem has finally been solved by the happy suggestion of an education student that the newly established library (books) endowment be relieved of $2,000,000. The fund currently stands at $47,000, but is expected to acrue,the nec cessary interest inside 193 years. Two professors, one. in accounting, and one in economics are to be congratulated for their vital part in making financial arrangements. All difficulties cleared, the committee leaves next week, with the neccessary subpoena and contempt powers which they have authorized for themselves. They will also take along a battery of television cameras necessary in the public interest to ruin the lives of certain malefactors who cannot be otherwise punished under the weighty and time-ridden jurisdictional' rigamarole of the United States. - , - . , r : The committee is expected to clean house in Washington, ; sweeping out known offenders, discovering some unknowns who have previously been hidden from the limelight of truth, , and' a few miscellaneous characters who belonged to the' "Milk for Albanian Babies Club" in 1913. - The committee is expected to complete its job after a survey of the books in the-Library of Congress, to deter mine which of them are subversive. . . The committee is expected to complete its investigatorial responsibilities within two years, but let us not forget that the job is a continuing one. Somehow, those who tout the ! various "freedoms" manage to sneak back into government periodically. , . ; : . - The fight must be continued for years. ; j 5 Carolina Co-eds, by their own admission," spend most of their leisure time talking about sex, boys, marriage, boys, diamond rings and boys. Anytime a young lady tries to butt in and talk about something less frivolous she is immediately frowned up v on. - ' -- , It -is the general opinion of the male students , here that the gals come to make social con tacts and meet husbandly pro spects. What they say it true. Nine out of every ten co-eds are lousey conversationalists; they know little and care less about the national situation. They think Kef auVer is cute. They believe that the truce tent at Panmunjon should be bright ened up with flowers. With that addition peace would be a sim ple matter. " - But the co-ed here is not alone. In fact, the rest of the babes about the country feel the same way. What with mo vies, story books and atheletic idols, we can't blame them too much. . .-, Up until the advent' of mo vies (when a national cross section was more easily viewed) the southern belle dreamed of waiting on the dock for her dashing river-boat Gaylord Beauregard. He came complete with a Derringer up his lace covered sleeve. Up Nawth, the gals thought relied more upon the Prince Charming legend. Tfcey dreamed of being rescued from the local village suitors by a man astride a blazing white charger. In moderntimes, the dream is still there" but changed due to- technilogical research. Now its Tony (Oh, desired by women) Curtis, Tie-rone Power and even big ears Gable holds the hearts of a few. gals with father com plexes. ' Mind you - now, that is not all the co-eds, only nine out of' ten. The other ten per cent like males because men can keep their minds on one sub- c 3 RELIGIOUS BOO Us' Man and God ... . ...... $3.75 Greatest Book Ever Wxilten ...... . 3.95 The Book By My Side .... 4.00 Donne's Sermons ........ .... 2.50 Rediscovering the Bible M 3.50 Peace of Mind 1.00 Penguin Introduction to the Bible .... .35 Whatever Your Interest We're Interested in it, Too. , . , . - r . - - - Intimate Bookshop 205 J E. Franklin St. ..." 4 OPEN EVENINGS C by Rolld :fi aylor jeer long enough to make de cent conversation.' They, think athletes should be ..judged by their communicative ability rather than their point making capacity. One male recently stated that he was disappointed in general, He read somewhere that col lege is the mostly likely place to find a mate on his educational level. At last report he has been dating a waitress in Ral eigh. DAILY CROSSWORD .ACSIOSS 1. Solitary 6. More in frequent Jl. Ventured 12. Summon forth 13. Celerity 14. Scoffed 15. Distributed, as charity 17. Female pig 20. An age 21. Genus of swine 24. Edible crus taceans 26. A tithe , 28. Military assistant - 29. Value 30. Bamboo-like grasses ; Oriental . drink (var.). Old times 7 (archaic)1 Definite 4. Require . Roots of , the taro 6. One of a governing board 7. Greedy 8. Steal . Piece out 10. Warm color 16. Behold! 17. Frighten 18. Bay window 19. Walked through water 21. Reptile 22. 3 peak : 23. Gloss 25. Bottom o a river 27. Epoch 31. Booths 32. Transmit 35. Chinese Mongol 37. Weary. 38. Tenor 39. Talk 40. Milkfish 41. Disfigure 43. Indehiscent fruit . if Hi til eJtJTo j ' i wStofti w ilJl t i 1a ..i u o Am? i A" it ..,.u-4-4.1;;-.4 if.'-- r t r o oo irlTT J1a iMlM 'A. eCy6eo o YetrdAy'8 Amy99 44. Constella" tion 45. Twilled fabric ' 33. 34. 30. 37. 39. 42. 46. 47. 48. 49. 1. 2. 3. article. Sea eagle Deride Street ' urchin German deity Prize y Harden (var.) Discloses Tap again DOWN Public notices Fold over Coin 7" T" IF" T" yjy ' 7 17 19 21 22 23 . - W 39 AO 41 3 44 -4T "1 1 1 1 W9 ZZZLI Want to enjoy an interesting television show? Tune in iiiTi L 3 nil yyu nn John Reed King, M.C and Quiz-mmter ;$4 ft Contuti TV gettion of your total nwapuper for time nd ttattoiu A Show that College Students will find relaxing 1 a vI v ( The makers' of that delicious, chocolaty TOOTSIE Rdll MB, VUG JIA llilT 11 HfMI KlllllVa V Its IrfMH WJ m " v mma niuv VIU s W tcacviscu . . lasi-moving, lull of fun, eAtert&iiiment end cai 4?7V5,.8 are awed very performance. TOOTSIE Sii ir ? ? ff a f ipcMS and -ui Iow rolled Into on; jyvw w juyu3ogciCly,cl:evy TUOTSIE ROLLS, too Correction The article on the Cosmopo litan Clubfby Elimar Moser car ried an error in j the sentence, 'When ; the Senators j went to , vote,! the fciill was passed." The Di defeated the bill, which con cerned a geographical division , of Germany. . ;,!; Cardboard - Cardboard sweaters may be ; picked up in the equipment room of Woollen gym." A CANPIPATE SAJP TO ANOTU&Z poniiii s. v ftmfrr Wir Jisr 1A rZJ'Jf T IP1 ' T' 1 sl ITWIS GNTlEMAH?A&iZ A ELECTION 1 f ONE CAPATS eArPTO' TOTHEK WITTICISM WHICH YOLK J7y i Y I HCW CAM NOJ SO LOW?" at 1 1 MISMT US Jl gaiGl&P "AND TUG S2 I TOTHSk SAIP wIN riffS WSIUBZZI T-I -7W eetlLDv I ifcCONP CHAP REPUEP : jSSTSSJ L HM fl TO PRPCNO AlMl iMMtt A I. aHM tal 1 "i THS OFF i I . II COW. wm -r si aft 1 ,