I I' 1: fi f If I: I ii i t ;C P v ii t : i' i t i I I i . r, i f I : a i ' i ft ! I t : 'i 'I 3 1 i 5 t - raGlT THE DAILY TAR HEEL, WEDNESDAY, APBIL 23, 1952 The Official stilrtpTlt nilKliatirkn .4Va thihlitntiAn. n -J i TTJ., sity erf North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where it is published daily, except Mon day, examination and vacation periods, -and during -the of ficial summer terms. Entered as second class matter at the post office in Chpel Hill. N. C. under the act of March 3. 1379 Subscription rates: mailed $4 per year, 1.50 per juarter; delivered. $6 aruj $2.25 per, quarter. Editor Managing Editor Executive Editor .. Dusiness- Manager Sports Editor News Editor Society Editor ..BARRY FARBER ROLFE NEILL DAVID BUCKNER JIM SCHENCK .. BIFF ROBERTS ..JODY LEVEY .MARY NELL BODDIE A Challenge To The New Legislature Will you, the duly elected representatives of the Thirteenth Session of the Student Legislature, serve your constituents and your University tor the best of your ability? I sincerely hopeso, because, if you continue along the lines set down by the recent sessions of Legislature there no longer will be a need for your services -the Student Legislature will not de . serve t? exist. Take a look at some of the facts and figures taken from the records of the last session. ATTENDANCE deplorable. An average of ten legislators out of fifty were absent pach meeting (there are only six regular meetings during a quarter.) At one meeting as many as eighteen were conspicuous by their absence. The grand total of absences for the nine meetings of Legislature this session ninety-nine. VACANCIES many and often.-Five appointments were made to fill vacancies due to resignation however, six seats remained unfilled, some since the second meeting of the ses sion. Who was responsible?The party leaders in addition to the individual legislators concerned. It is the responsibility of a party leader to recommend immediately to the President, a person to fill such vacancies. The parties failed to carry out this obligation. Eleven legislators, consequently, after accept ing the responsibility entrusted to them by the electorate, failed to carry through with their duties. Actual WORK accomplished little to speak of. Thirty eight bills and resolutions were introduced twenty-three were passed. Many of the remaining failed because of blind party line voting. The bill oi one party was invariably op posed by the opposition purely on the basis of traditional riv alry. Twenty-three passed, only seven, in my estimation, have produced any concrete results, and only three of the seven were more than technical necessities. The three I speak of are: the judicial revision concerning the Student Council and the official setting up of the Medical and Dental School Courts; tb re-districting of the town districts (temporary, however, due to violent party differences); and filially, the passing of the 1952-53 Budget amounting to almost $70,000. (The Budget, however, was simply approved by the Legisla ture, with a few changes and additions, after being .worked out by a special Budget Committee appointed by the Presi dent of the Student Body. There you have t. Is this a record that you of the Thir teenth Session" wish to live up to? You can profit by the mis takes of those before you. On your shoulders rests a grave responsibility." Remember, e?h Legislator personally repre sents approximately 100 fellow students see tbem, talk with them, and above ay, vote for them. The fate of the 'Student Legislature at the University of North Carolina is now in your hands. Make it or break it. v, .: - . - Jane E. Jenkins Clerk, Twelfth Session, Student Legislature by A! Perry MONOLOGUE In 1951, the SPE's had him. And - last year lie was a Beta Theta Pi. This year it's a toss-up for the title of The Ugliest Man On Campus. Theta Chi, sponsor of the annual contest run in con junction with the University Club, has gathered a goodly num ber of photographs of guys you'd hate to run into in a dark alley. They've picked the best 10 of these entries and posted them in the Y lobby for voting this week. The winner as in years past, will be presented at Friday night's carnival on Navy Field, and will be offered a date with Miss Mo dern Venus of 1952, Chi Omega Ann Sory, who will present him with an engraved cup and other prizes. i . Incidentally, -votes cost lc and proceeds will be donated by Theta Chi to the Campus Chqst. by Barry Farber- Personally r-xDress Yourself " The blazing color portrait of Yugoslavia's Marshal Tito frowning from this week's cov er of Life magazine testifies to America's buddings interest in our new communist "ally." - Since 1949 the back alleys and beer cellars of Yugoslavia have been buzzing with a spicy bit of gossip concerning Mar shal Tito which sends American news correspondents scrambling for . their typewriters only to have their "scoops" barbequed by the Yugoslav censors. The man in the borsht centers around the. true Identity of the swashbuckling comrade who ' runs Yugoslavia like a private Coney Island concession. Ru mor has it that the real Tito -who blanketed the Slavic land- scape with dead Nazis was killed during the final days of the war near Zagreb and the man who rules in Belgrade to day is a Czechoslovakian im poster rushed in by the Yugo slav communist party after the liberation to stabilize the re gime and prevent a Chetnik counter-revolution. Students -in Zagreb, workers in Serbia, and headwaiters in Ljubljiana whisper the same story, each with his own galaxy of conclusive "proof." Soldiers close to Tito during the war claim he , was missing a finger from his left hand. The Boss from Belgrade has all ten digits beautifully intact. Slo venian peasants say that the Editor: ' My letter is in reply to Mr. Robert Pace's letter printed in today's Tar Heel (Sunday), and to the other members of the Stu dent Party who are determined by one means or another to separate the student body as a whole into fraternity and non paternity. The. student body as a whole has been given to be lieve that the U.P. is made up entirely of fraternity men. I myself am not a member of any fraternity-yet I am a member of the University Party. The UP. is working continuously, against heavy odds that were in duced by a Student Party con- present Tito recently visited his aged mother in onrthern Slo venia. When the official gold braided retinue left for Belgrade the crying woman was reported to have said, "That was not my . son." The official Yugoslav reply . to . this speculation is a scoff and a dirty look. We may nev er know whether today's Tito is the same gallant leader of the same gallant leader of the Yugopartisans or merely an imported fourflusher. But who cares? The fact remains that the man who calls signals for v Yugoslavia, whoever he may be, now stands as a glittering example to those satellite pup pets still squirming around on the Kremlin's flypaper. trolled Tar Heel, towards the destruction of this idea of a line between fraternity and non-fraternity. We are all members of U.N.C. and proud of it, yet the Student Party would try to say there is a dif ference between us. The S.P. is using the old. Nazi method oi giving a group something to hate and they will fight you. The S.P. in the coming year will probably spend their en tire time in "constructive crit-' icism" in other words they will do everything in their power to try to "fool" the stu dent body into believing that the UP. makes nothing but mis takes. It would be typical of their line of cheap propaganda to try it. I have only one thing to say to thatGo. ahead! Your propaganda - instead - of - truth line cost you the last election not a so called "fraternity bloc vote." The students as a whole have caught on to you. Try the same thing in the coming year and the Student Party will go the way of the "Campus Party. While I am criticizing I would like to give a complaint to the Student Party also. You have given to the Legislature one of the best Representatives it has I am speaking of Bill Brown. He keeps posted in our district the entire workings of the Leg islature. I'm for getting mora men of his calibre in there. James W. Parker DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. -Extend over 5. Island near Java 9. Circle of light 10. Verbal 11. Peeled 12. Cup-like spoon 14. High emus.) 15. Georgia abbr.) 16. Finish 17. Glide 20. Man's nickname 21. Line of Junction 22. Bones (anat.) 24. Booth 26. Flagrant 27. Gasp 28. Fruit 29. Close to 30. Antennae 33. Possessive . pronoun 35. Pronoun 36. Rude dwelling 3?. Approaches 39. Foe 41. Revelry 42. Quantity of paper 43. Weaver's reed 44. Whirlpool , DOWN 1, Am to (aux iliary verb) 2. Adherent of a party . 3. Malt beverage 4. Eend the head in greeting 5. Clayey C. Constel- lation 7. Dip out. as liquid 8. Sickness 11. Dance step 13. Old Norse works 15. Jewel J 8. Canvas shelter 19. Owned 22. Verbal 23. Disgruntled person 24. Country in Europe ' 25. Rags 26. Exclamation (slang) 28. Footlik( organ 30. Old fashioned 31. A card.game 32. Pig pen 34. Extent : of canvas fAjC QjW H Q L S & AN NfA7 jO AtEMSljpg 6l AjpT'R A N(SiOjM JL k 4 I N KiMfi p lunw? aMls ''mMuMI osjfs fptelBlS: 'HjE Rg. 4-23 Yesterday' Answer 38. Spawn of fish 39. Before 40. Man's nickname i: I M IQ 19. Z22? . 24 25" V 2fe !LIlifL 37 38 ?7? 39 40 wA 1 fezzni JUST OUT The Private Papers of SENATOR VANDENBURG Tbe story, from 1939 to his death, of tlM man who put isolationism behind him after Pearl . Harbor, and formulated the bipartisan foreign policy, presented through his diaries and letters . ... $5,00 Belongs on the shelf with: The Brereton Diaries ....... 4.00 The Forrestal Diaries .... ... 5.0 Seven Decisions that Shaped History 3.00 THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP OPEN EVENINGS 205 E. Franklin St. HEADLINES SAIGON, j INDO CHINA A 'French -news agency reports that over 2 00 elephants used in con struction work have mysteri ously disappeared. Gee, fellows. Did you JooJc everywhere? The Spokane Chronicle an nounces: Police Grill Suspect Over Big Blaze. ' v The Eastland, Texas Telegram announces: Eastland's Popula tion Willi Be ; 12,000 by '. 1952 If "We All Do Something. ; A ACCESS -BUT AH OUGHTrT MAD T SLICE A FEW T VJASTE -SHACKT-UUICV CHUr4KS !j IT HER&'S OFF THT R4T1EMT; T Oil 1 M k5Uli.ET cxrr.: , r - ! 3 . - - i .- - - - , JJ ' t '.' B- p.j. . .j fir - ' . : : S itel